Package flex.messaging

Source Code of flex.messaging.Destination

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package flex.messaging;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import flex.messaging.log.LogCategories;
import flex.messaging.log.Log;
import flex.messaging.util.ClassUtil;
import flex.messaging.cluster.ClusterManager;
import flex.messaging.config.ClusterSettings;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigurationConstants;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigurationException;
import flex.messaging.config.NetworkSettings;
import flex.messaging.config.SecurityConstraint;

* The <code>Destination</code> class is a source and sink for messages sent through
* a service destination and uses an adapter to process messages.
public class Destination extends ManageableComponent implements
    static final long serialVersionUID = -977001797620881435L;

    /** Default log category for <code>Destination</code>. */
    public static final String LOG_CATEGORY = LogCategories.SERVICE_GENERAL;

    // Errors
    private static final int NO_SERVICE = 11117;

    // Destination's properties
    protected ServiceAdapter adapter;
    protected List channelIds;
    protected NetworkSettings networkSettings;
    protected SecurityConstraint securityConstraint;
    protected String securityConstraintRef;
    protected HashMap extraProperties;

    // Constructor

     * Constructs an unmanaged <code>Destination</code> instance.
    public Destination()

     * Constructs a <code>Destination</code> with the indicated management.
     * @param enableManagement <code>true</code> if the <code>Destination</code>
     * is manageable; otherwise <code>false</code>.
    public Destination(boolean enableManagement)

        networkSettings = new NetworkSettings();

    // Initialize, validate, start, and stop methods.

     * Initializes the <code>Destination</code> with the properties.
     * If subclasses override, they must call <code>super.initialize()</code>.
     * @param id The id of the destination.
     * @param properties Properties for the destination.
    public void initialize(String id, ConfigMap properties)
        super.initialize(id, properties);

        if (properties == null || properties.size() == 0)

        ConfigMap network = properties.getPropertyAsMap(NetworkSettings.NETWORK_ELEMENT, null);

        if (network != null)
            ConfigMap clusterInfo = network.getPropertyAsMap(ClusterSettings.CLUSTER_ELEMENT, null);
            if (clusterInfo != null)
                // Mark these as used so we do not get warnings about them.

                String clusterId = clusterInfo.getPropertyAsString(ClusterSettings.REF_ATTR, null);
                String coordinatorPolicy = clusterInfo.getPropertyAsString(ClusterSettings.SHARED_BACKEND_ATTR, null);
                if (coordinatorPolicy != null)


     * Verifies that the <code>Destination</code> is in valid state before
     * it is started. If subclasses override, they must call <code>super.validate()</code>.
    protected void validate()
        if (isValid())


        if (getAdapter() == null)
            String defaultAdapterId = getService().getDefaultAdapter();
            if (defaultAdapterId != null)
                // Destination '{id}' must specify at least one adapter.
                ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
                ex.setMessage(ConfigurationConstants.DEST_NEEDS_ADAPTER, new Object[]{getId()});
                throw ex;

        if (channelIds != null)
            List brokerChannelIds = getService().getMessageBroker().getChannelIds();
            for (Iterator iter = channelIds.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
                String id = (String);
                if (brokerChannelIds == null || !brokerChannelIds.contains(id))
                    if (Log.isWarn())
                        Log.getLogger(getLogCategory()).warn("No channel with id '{0}' is known by the MessageBroker." +
                                " Removing the channel.",
                                new Object[]{id});

        // Set the default channels if needed
        if (channelIds == null)
            List defaultChannelIds = getService().getDefaultChannels();
            if (defaultChannelIds != null && defaultChannelIds.size() > 0)
                // Destination '{id}' must specify at least one channel.
                ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
                ex.setMessage(ConfigurationConstants.DEST_NEEDS_CHANNEL, new Object[]{getId()});
                throw ex;

        MessageBroker broker = getService().getMessageBroker();

        // Validate the security constraint
        if (securityConstraint == null && securityConstraintRef != null)
            securityConstraint = broker.getSecurityConstraint(securityConstraintRef);
            // No need to throw an error as MessageBroker automatically throws
            // an error if no such constraint exists

        ClusterManager cm = broker.getClusterManager();

        // Set clustering if needed
        if (getNetworkSettings().getClusterId() != null || cm.getDefaultClusterId() != null)

     * Starts the destination if its associated <code>Service</code> is started
     * and if the destination is not already running. The default implementation
     * of this method starts the adapter of the destination. If subclasses
     * override, they must call <code>super.start()</code>.
    public void start()
        if (isStarted())
            // Needed for adapters added after startup.

        // Check if the Service is started
        Service service = getService();
        if (!service.isStarted())
            if (Log.isWarn())
                Log.getLogger(getLogCategory()).warn("Destination with id '{0}' cannot be started" +
                        " when its Service with id '{1}' is not started.",
                        new Object[]{getId(), service.getId()});

        // Set up management
        if (isManaged() && service.isManaged())
            ServiceControl controller = (ServiceControl)service.getControl();
            if (getControl() != null)



     * The default implementation of this method stops all of the adapters
     * of the destination.
     * If subclasses override, they must call <code>super.stop()</code>.
    public void stop()
        if (!isStarted())



        // Remove management
        if (isManaged() && getService().isManaged())
            if (getControl() != null)


    // Public Getters and Setters for Destination properties

     * Returns the <code>ServiceAdapter</code> for the <code>Destination</code>.
     * @return The <code>ServiceAdapter</code> for the <code>Destination</code>.
    public ServiceAdapter getAdapter()
        return adapter;

     * Creates a <code>ServiceAdapter</code> instance, sets its id, sets it manageable
     * if the <code>Destination</code> that created it is manageable,
     * and set its <code>Destination</code> to the <code>Destination</code> that
     * created it.
     * In order to use this method, <code>Destination</code> should have an assigned
     * <code>Service</code> and the id provided for the adapter should already
     * be registered with the <code>Service</code>.
     * @param id The id of the <code>ServiceAdapter</code>.
     * @return The <code>ServiceAdapter</code> instanced created.
    public ServiceAdapter createAdapter(String id)
        if (getService() == null)
            // Destination cannot create adapter '{0}' without its Service set.
            ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
            ex.setMessage(NO_SERVICE, new Object[]{id});
            throw ex;
        Map adapterClasses = getService().getRegisteredAdapters();
        if (!adapterClasses.containsKey(id))
            // No adapter with id '{0}' is registered with the service '{1}'.
            ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
            ex.setMessage(ConfigurationConstants.UNREGISTERED_ADAPTER, new Object[]{id, getService().getId()});
            throw ex;

        String adapterClassName = (String)adapterClasses.get(id);
        Class adapterClass = ClassUtil.createClass(adapterClassName,
                FlexContext.getMessageBroker() == null ?
                      null : FlexContext.getMessageBroker().getClassLoader());

        ServiceAdapter adapter = (ServiceAdapter)ClassUtil.createDefaultInstance(adapterClass, ServiceAdapter.class);

        return adapter;

     * Sets the <code>ServiceAdapter</code> of the <code>Destination</code>.
     * <code>ServiceAdapter</code> needs to be started if the <code>Destination</code>
     * is already running.
     * @param adapter The adapter for the destination.
    public void setAdapter(ServiceAdapter adapter)
        // No need to set adapter if adapter is already set
        if (getAdapter() == adapter)
        if (adapter == null)

     * Used by setAdapter and it removes the old adapter of the destination
     * and adds the new adapter.
     * @param adapter The adapter for the destination.
    private void addAdapter(ServiceAdapter adapter)

        this.adapter = adapter;

        if (adapter.getDestination() == null || adapter.getDestination() != this)

     * Used by setAdapter and addAdapter. It removes the current adapter
     * of the destination
    private void removeAdapter()
        ServiceAdapter adapter = getAdapter();
        if (adapter != null)
        this.adapter = null;

     * The destination may be not clustered at all, may be clustered for channel failover and
     * destination sharing, or it may be clustered for channel failover and also have a
     * common backend, such as a common database or backend clustered JMS topic.
     * If the destination is clustered and has a common backend to coordinate the cluster,
     * this method returns true; otherwise it return false. Note that this method returns
     * <code>false</code> if the <code>Destination</code> is not runnning.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the clustered <code>Destination</code> shares a common backend;
     * otherwise <code>false</code>.
    public boolean isBackendShared()
        if (!isStarted())
            return false;

        ClusterManager clm = getService().getMessageBroker().getClusterManager();
        boolean backendShared = clm.isBackendShared(getService().getClass().getName(), getId());
        return backendShared;

     * Returns the list of channel ids of the <code>Destination</code>.
     * @return The list of channel ids of the <code>Destination</code>.
    public List getChannels()
        return channelIds;

     * Adds a channel to the list of channels known by the <code>Destination</code>.
     * <code>MessageBroker</code> has to know the channel. Otherwise, the channel
     * is not added to the list.
     * @param id The id of the channel.
    public void addChannel(String id)
        if (channelIds == null)
            channelIds = new ArrayList();
        else if (channelIds.contains(id))

        if (isStarted())
            List brokerChannelIds = getService().getMessageBroker().getChannelIds();
            if (brokerChannelIds == null || !brokerChannelIds.contains(id))
                if (Log.isWarn())
                    Log.getLogger(getLogCategory()).warn("No channel with id '{0}' is known by the MessageBroker." +
                            " Not adding the channel.",
                            new Object[]{id});
        // Either message broker knows about the channel, or destination is not
        // running and channel will be checked before startup during validate

     * Removes the channel from the list of channels for the <code>Destination</code>.
     * @param id The id of the channel.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the list contained the channel id.
    public boolean removeChannel(String id)
        if (channelIds == null)
            return false;
        return channelIds.remove(id);

     * Sets the channel list of the <code>Destination</code>.
     * <code>MessageBroker</code> has to know the channels, otherwise they
     * are not added to the list.
     * @param ids List of channel ids.
    public void setChannels(List ids)
        if (ids != null && isStarted())
            List brokerChannelIds = getService().getMessageBroker().getChannelIds();
            for (Iterator iter = ids.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
                String id = (String);
                if (brokerChannelIds == null || !brokerChannelIds.contains(id))
                    if (Log.isWarn())
                        Log.getLogger(getLogCategory()).warn("No channel with id '{0}' is known by the MessageBroker." +
                                " Not adding the channel.",
                                new Object[]{id});
        // Otherwise, channels will be checked before startup during validate
        channelIds = ids;

     * The destination may be not clustered at all, may be clustered for channel failover
     * only, or it may be clustered for channel failover and also have shared back ends.
     * If the destination is clustered, regardless of whether or not it relies on a shared
     * back end for cluster configuration, this method returns true. Note that this method
     * returns <code>false</code> if the <code>Destination</code> is not runnning.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the <code>Destination</code> is clustered; otherwise <code>false</code>.
    public boolean isClustered()
        if (!isStarted())
            return false;

        ClusterManager clm = getService().getMessageBroker().getClusterManager();
        boolean clusterReplicated = clm.isDestinationClustered(getService().getClass().getName(), getId());
        return clusterReplicated;

     * Sets the id of the <code>Destination</code>. If the <code>Destination</code>
     * has a <code>Service</code> assigned, it also updates the id in the
     * <code>Service</code>.
     * @param id The id of the <code>Destination</code>.
    public void setId(String id)
        String oldId = getId();


        // Update the destination id in the service and MessageBroker
        Service service = getService();
        if (service != null)
            service.getMessageBroker().registerDestination(id, service.getId());
            service.getDestinations().put(id, this);

     * Get the <code>NetworkSettings</code> of the <code>Destination</code>.
     * @return The <code>NetworkSettings</code> of the <code>Destination</code>.
    public NetworkSettings getNetworkSettings()
        return networkSettings;

     * Set the <code>NetworkSettings</code> of the <code>Destination</code>.
     * @param networkSettings The <code>NetworkSettings</code> of the <code>Destination</code>.
    public void setNetworkSettings(NetworkSettings networkSettings)
        this.networkSettings = networkSettings;

     * Returns the <code>Service</code> managing this <code>Destination</code>.
     * @return The <code>Service</code> managing this <code>Destination</code>.
    public Service getService()
        return (Service)getParent();

     * Sets the <code>Service</code> managing this <code>Destination</code>.
     * Removes the <code>Destination</code> from the old service
     * (if there was one) and adds to the list of destination in the new service.
     * @param service The <code>Service</code> managing this <code>Destination</code>.
    public void setService(Service service)
        Service oldService = getService();


        if (oldService != null)

        // Add the destination to the service if needed
        if (service.getDestination(getId()) != this)

     * Returns the Java class name for the <code>Service</code> managing this
     * <code>Destination</code>. Returns null if there is no <code>Service</code>
     * assigned to the <code>Destination</code> yet.
     * @return The Java class name for the <code>Service</code> manageing this <code>Destination</code>.
    public String getServiceType()
        Service service = getService();
        if (service == null)
            return null;
            return service.getClass().getName();

     * Returns the <code>SecurityConstraint</code> of the <code>Destination</code>.
     * <code>SecurityConstraint</code> is constructed as the <code>Destination</code>
     * starts up. Therefore, this could return null even if the <code>SecurityConstraint</code>
     * reference is set but <code>Destination</code> is not started yet.
     * @return The <code>SecurityConstraint</code> of the <code>Destination</code>.
    public SecurityConstraint getSecurityConstraint()
        return securityConstraint;

     * Sets the <code>SecurityConstraint</code> of the <code>Destination</code>.
     * @param securityConstraint The <code>SecurityConstraint</code> of the <code>Destination</code>.
    public void setSecurityConstraint(SecurityConstraint securityConstraint)
        this.securityConstraint = securityConstraint;

     * Sets the <code>SecurityConstraint</code> reference of the <code>Destination</code>.
     * <code>MessageBroker</code> has to know the <code>SecurityConstraint</code>
     * reference. Note that <code>getSecurityConstraint</code> can return null
     * if the reference is set but the <code>Destination</code> is not started yet.
     * @param ref <code>SecurityConstraint</code> reference.
    public void setSecurityConstraint(String ref)
        if (isStarted())
            MessageBroker msgBroker = getService().getMessageBroker();
            securityConstraint = msgBroker.getSecurityConstraint(ref);
            // No need to throw an error as MessageBroker automatically throws
            // an error if no such constraint exists
        securityConstraintRef = ref;

    // Other public APIs

     * Returns a <code>ConfigMap</code> of destination properties that the client
     * needs. By default, it returns a <code>ConfigMap</code> of destination id
     * under "id" key and channel ids that the destination uses under "channels"
     * key. Subclasses should add additional properties to
     * <code>super.describeDestination</code>, or return null if they don't want
     * their properties to be sent to the client.
     * @return A <code>ConfigMap</code> of destination properties that the client needs.
    public ConfigMap describeDestination()
        ConfigMap destinationConfig = new ConfigMap();
        destinationConfig.addProperty("id", getId());

        ConfigMap channelsConfig = new ConfigMap();
        for (Iterator iter = channelIds.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
            String id = (String);
            ConfigMap channelConfig = new ConfigMap();
            channelConfig.addProperty("ref", id);
            channelsConfig.addProperty("channel", channelConfig);

        if (channelsConfig.size() > 0)

        return destinationConfig;

     * Method for setting an extra property for the destination at runtime.
     * @param name The name of the property.
     * @param value The value of the property.
    public void addExtraProperty(String name, Object value)
        if (extraProperties == null)
            extraProperties = new HashMap();

        extraProperties.put(name, value);

     * Method for getting an extra property at runtime.
     * @param name The name of the property.
     * @return The value of the property or null if the property does not exist.
    public Object getExtraProperty(String name)
        if (extraProperties != null)
            return extraProperties.get(name);
            return null;

    // Protected/private APIs

     * Returns the log category of the <code>Destination</code>. Subclasses
     * can override to provide a more specific log category.
     * @return The log category.
    protected String getLogCategory()
        return LOG_CATEGORY;

     * Invoked automatically to allow the <code>Destination</code> to setup its corresponding
     * MBean control. Subclasses should override to setup and register their MBean control.
     * @param service The <code>Service</code> that manages this <code>Destination</code>.
    protected void setupDestinationControl(Service service)
        // Manageable subclasses should override this template method.

Related Classes of flex.messaging.Destination

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