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import java.util.Date;

import flex.messaging.FlexComponent;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigurationException;
import flex.messaging.log.Log;

* An abstract base class that implements the <code>Manageable</code> and <code>FlexComponent</code> interfaces.
* This is an excellent starting point for a server component that may be instantiated, initialized, started and
* stopped, as well as exposing an optional management interface via a peer MBean.
* <p>Support for changing component properties while the component is
* started should be determined on a per-property basis, and the started property is volatile to ensure consistent
* reads of the start state of the component across threads. This class performs no synchronization and is not safe for modification by multiple concurrent threads
* in the absence of external synchronization.
* </p>
public abstract class ManageableComponent implements Manageable, FlexComponent
    // Protected Static Constants

     * Error code for attempting to change a property after starting.
    protected static final int PROPERTY_CHANGE_AFTER_STARTUP = 11115;

     * Error code to alert the user that a required component property is null.
    protected static final int NULL_COMPONENT_PROPERTY = 11116;

    // Constructor

     * Constructs a <code>ManageableComponent</code> instance, specifying
     * whether to enable management.
     * Enabling management will trigger the creation of a peer MBean that exposes the
     * management interface for this component.
     * @param enableManagement <code>true</code> to enable management, <code>false</code> to disable
     * management.
    public ManageableComponent(boolean enableManagement)

    // Public Properties

    //  control

     * The peer MBean of the <code>ManageableComponent</code> that exposes a management interface.
    protected BaseControl control;

     * @see Manageable#getControl()
    public BaseControl getControl()
        return control;

     * @see Manageable#setControl(BaseControl)
    public void setControl(BaseControl control)
        this.control = control;

    //  id

     * The internal id value of the <code>ManageableComponent</code>.
    protected String id;

     * Returns the id of the <code>ManageableComponent</code>.
     * @return The id of the <code>ManageableComponent</code>.
    public String getId()
        return id;

     * Sets the id of the <code>ManageableComponent</code>. The id cannot be
     * null and it cannot be changed after startup.
     * @param id The id of the <code>ManageableComponent</code>.
    public void setId(String id)
        if (isStarted())
        if (id == null)
            // Id of a component cannot be null.
        } = id;

    //  managed

     * The internal managed flag of the <code>ManageableComponent</code>.
    protected boolean managed;

     * @see Manageable#isManaged()
    public boolean isManaged()
        return managed;

     * Enables or disables management for the component. Management cannot be
     * changed once the component is started and management cannot be
     * <code>true</code> if the parent of the component is not managed.
     * @param enableManagement <code>true</code> to enable management, <code>false</code> to disable management.
    public void setManaged(boolean enableManagement)
        if (isStarted() && control != null)
        if (parent != null)
            if (enableManagement && !parent.isManaged())
                if (Log.isWarn())
                    Log.getLogger(getLogCategory()).warn("Component: '" + id + "' cannot be managed" +
                            " since its parent is unmanaged.");
        managed = enableManagement;

    //  parent

     * The internal reference to the parent component (if any) of the <code>ManageableComponent</code>.
    protected Manageable parent;

     * Returns the parent of the component.
     * @return The parent of the component.
    public Manageable getParent()
        return parent;

     * Sets the parent of the component. The parent cannot be changed
     * after component startup and it cannot be null.
     * @param parent The parent of the component.
    public void setParent(Manageable parent)
        if (isStarted())
        if (parent == null)
            // Parent of a component cannot be null.
        if (!parent.isManaged() && isManaged())
            if (Log.isWarn())
                Log.getLogger(getLogCategory()).warn("Component: '" + id + "' cannot be managed" +
                        " since its parent is unmanaged.");
        this.parent = parent;

    //  started

     * The internal started flag of the <code>ManageableComponent</code>.
    protected volatile boolean started;

     * Returns if the component is started or not.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the component is started.
    public boolean isStarted()
        return started;

     * Sets if the component is started.
     * @param started
    protected void setStarted(boolean started)
        if (this.started != started)
            this.started = started;
            if (started && control != null)
                control.setStartTimestamp(new Date());

    //  valid

     * The internal valid flag of the <code>ManageableComponent</code>.
    protected boolean valid;

     * Returns if the component is valid.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the component is valid.
    public boolean isValid()
        return valid;

     * Sets if the component is valid.
     * @param valid
    protected void setValid(boolean valid)
        this.valid = valid;

    //  logCategory

     * Returns the log category of the component. Subclasses must provide an
     * implementation that returns their desired log category.
     * @return The log category of the component.
    protected abstract String getLogCategory();

    // Public Methods

     * Invoked to initialize the <code>ManageableComponent</code>.
     * This base implementation calls <code>setId()</code> passing the provided
     * id and ignores the properties map argument.
     * Subclasses should call <code>super.initialize()</code>.
     * @param id Id of the <code>ManageableComponent</code>.
     * @param properties Properties for the <code>ManageableComponent</code>.
    public void initialize(String id, ConfigMap properties)

     * Validates and starts the component.
     * Subclasses should call <code>super.start()</code>.
    public void start()

     * Invalidates and stops the component.
     * Subclasses should call <code>super.stop()</code>.
    public void stop()

    // Protocted Methods

     * Convenience method that may be used to generate and throw an Exception for an attempt to set the specified property if the
     * component is started.
     * @param propertyName The name of the property being incorrectly assigned; included in the Exception message.
    protected void blockAssignmentWhileStarted(String propertyName)
        ConfigurationException ce = new ConfigurationException();
        ce.setMessage(PROPERTY_CHANGE_AFTER_STARTUP, new Object[]{propertyName});
        throw ce;

     * Convenience method that may be used to generate and throw an Exception for an attempt to assign a null value to a property that
     * requires non-null values.
     * @param propertyName The name of the property being incorrectly assigned.
    protected void blockNullAssignment(String propertyName)
        ConfigurationException ce = new ConfigurationException();
        ce.setMessage(NULL_COMPONENT_PROPERTY, new Object[]{propertyName});
        throw ce;

     * Invoked from within the <code>stop()</code> method to invalidate the component as part of shutdown.
     * This base implementation sets the valid property to false.
     * Subclasses should call <code>super.invalidate()</code>.
    protected void invalidate()

     * Hook method invoked from within the <code>start()</code> method to validate that the component is in a
     * startable state.
     * This base implementation validates the component by ensuring it has an id and a parent and then sets
     * the valid property to true.
     * If the component is not in a valid, startable state an Exception is thrown.
     * Subclasses should call <code>super.validate()</code>.
    protected void validate()
        if (getId() == null)
            // Id of a component cannot be null.
        if (getParent() == null)
            // Parent of a component cannot be null.


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