Package cc.redberry.core.tensor

Source Code of cc.redberry.core.tensor.ProductContentImpl

* Redberry: symbolic tensor computations.
* Copyright (c) 2010-2012:
*   Stanislav Poslavsky   <>
*   Bolotin Dmitriy       <>
* This file is part of Redberry.
* Redberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Redberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Redberry. If not, see <>.
package cc.redberry.core.tensor;

import java.util.Arrays;

import cc.redberry.core.indices.Indices;
import cc.redberry.core.indices.IndicesBuilderSorted;
import cc.redberry.core.indices.IndicesUtils;
import cc.redberry.core.math.GraphUtils;
import cc.redberry.core.number.ComplexElement;
import cc.redberry.core.combinatorics.EmptyPermutationsProvider;
import cc.redberry.core.combinatorics.PermutationsProvider;
import cc.redberry.core.utils.ArraysUtils;

* This class represents set of multipliers and contraction structure between
* them.<br/><br/> <h3>Contraction structure</h3> .... <br/><br/> <h3>Used terms
* explanation</h3>
* <pre>
*Tensor:       a_i^j  a_j^k  a_m^i  b_k^q  b_n^m  v     c_p^t          []_t^np
*Hashes:       233    233    233    462    462    75    98             -
*TensorIndex:  0      1      2      3      4      5     6              -1
*StratchIndex: 0      0      0      1      1      2     3              -1
* [] - is a dummy tensor
* </pre>
* @author Dmitry Bolotin
* @author Stanislav Poslavsky
public final class ProductContentImpl extends TensorSortedContentImpl implements ProductContent {
    private final int differentIndicesCount;
    private final Indices freeIndices;
    private short[] stretchIndex = null;
    private int[] stretchHashReflection = null;
    private ContractionStructure contractionStructure = null;
    private ProductContent nonScalarContent = null;
    private ProductContent[] scalarContents = null;
    private final ComplexElement factor;

    public ProductContentImpl(final boolean isDerivativeContent, final Indices indices, ComplexElement factor, final Tensor... data) {
        super(isDerivativeContent, data);
        this.freeIndices = indices.getFreeIndices();
        this.differentIndicesCount = (indices.size() + freeIndices.size()) / 2;
        this.factor = factor;
        if (freeIndices.size() == 0)
            nonScalarContent = EMPTY_CONTENT;

    private ProductContentImpl(final boolean isDerivativeContent, final Tensor[] data) {
        this(isDerivativeContent, new IndicesBuilderSorted().append(data).getIndices(), ComplexElement.ONE, data);

    public static ProductContentImpl create(final boolean isDerivativeContent, final Indices indices, final Tensor... data) {
        if (isDerivativeContent)
            return new ProductContentImpl(isDerivativeContent, indices, ComplexElement.ONE, data);

        ComplexElement factor = ComplexElement.ONE;

        int i, shift = 0, last = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i)
            if (data[i] instanceof TensorNumber) {
                factor = factor.multiply(((TensorNumber) data[i]).getValue());
                System.arraycopy(data, last, data, last - shift, i - last);
                last = i + 1;
        System.arraycopy(data, last, data, last - shift, i - last);

        return new ProductContentImpl(isDerivativeContent, indices, factor, Arrays.copyOf(data, data.length - shift));

    private static ProductContent createNonScalar(final boolean isDerivativeContent, final Tensor[] data) {
        if (data.length == 0)
            return EMPTY_CONTENT;
        ProductContentImpl nonScalar = new ProductContentImpl(isDerivativeContent, data);
        nonScalar.scalarContents = new ProductContent[0];
        nonScalar.nonScalarContent = nonScalar;
        return nonScalar;

    private static ProductContent createScalar(final boolean isDerivativeContent, final Tensor[] data) {
        assert data.length != 0;
        ProductContentImpl scalar = new ProductContentImpl(isDerivativeContent, data);
        scalar.scalarContents = new ProductContent[]{scalar};
        scalar.nonScalarContent = EMPTY_CONTENT;
        return scalar;

    //Here is main algorithm of ProductContent creation from tensors array
    private void ensureInitialized() {
        //Lazy initialization
        if (contractionStructure != null)
        //Names (names with type, see IndicesUtils.getNameWithType() ) of all indices in this multiplication
        //It will be used as index name -> index index [0,1,2,3...] mapping
        final int[] upperIndices = new int[differentIndicesCount], lowerIndices = new int[differentIndicesCount];
        //This is sorage for intermediate information about indices, used in the algorithm (see below)
        final long[] upperInfo = new long[differentIndicesCount], lowerInfo = new long[differentIndicesCount];

        //This is for generalization of algorithm
        //indices[0] == lowerIndices
        //indices[1] == lowerIndices
        final int[][] indices = new int[][]{lowerIndices, upperIndices};

        //This is for generalization of algorithm too
        //info[0] == lowerInfo
        //info[1] == lowerInfo
        final long[][] info = new long[][]{lowerInfo, upperInfo};

        //Pointers for lower and upper indices, used in algorithm
        //pointer[0] - pointer to lower
        //pointer[1] - pointer to upper
        final int[] pointer = new int[2];
        final short[] stretchIndices = getStretchIndex(); //for preformance

        //Allocating array for results, one contraction for each tensor
        final TensorContraction[] contractions = new TensorContraction[data.length];
        //There is one dummy tensor with index -1, it represents fake
        //tensor contracting with whole Product to leave no contracting indices.
        //So, all "conractions" with this dummy "contraction" looks like a scalar
        //product. (sorry for English)
        final TensorContraction freeContraction = new TensorContraction((short) -1, new long[freeIndices.size()]);

        int state, index, i;

        //Processing free indices = creating contractions for dummy tensor
        for (i = 0; i < freeIndices.size(); ++i) {
            index = freeIndices.get(i);
            //Inverse state (because it is state of index at (??) dummy tensor,
            //contracted with this free index)
            state = 1 - IndicesUtils.getStateInt(index);
            info[state][pointer[state]] = dummyTensorInfo;
            indices[state][pointer[state]++] = IndicesUtils.getNameWithType(index);

        int tensorIndex;
        for (tensorIndex = 0; tensorIndex < data.length; ++tensorIndex) {
            //Main algorithm
            Indices tInds = data[tensorIndex].getIndices();
            short[] diffIds = tInds.getDiffIds();
            for (i = 0; i < tInds.size(); ++i) {
                index = tInds.get(i);
                state = IndicesUtils.getStateInt(index);
                info[state][pointer[state]] = packToLong(tensorIndex, stretchIndices[tensorIndex], diffIds[i]);
                indices[state][pointer[state]++] = IndicesUtils.getNameWithType(index);

            //Result allocation
            contractions[tensorIndex] = new TensorContraction(stretchIndices[tensorIndex], new long[tInds.size()]);

        //Here we can use unstable sorting algorithm (all indices are different)
        ArraysUtils.quickSort(indices[0], info[0]);
        ArraysUtils.quickSort(indices[1], info[1]);

        //<-- Here we have mature info arrays

        //Processing scalar and non scalar parts
        if (nonScalarContent == null || scalarContents == null) {

            //Creating input graph components
            int[] components = GraphUtils.calculateConnectedComponents(
                    infoToTensorIndices(upperInfo), infoToTensorIndices(lowerInfo), data.length + 1);

            //the number of components
            final int componentCount = components[components.length - 1];
            int[] componentSizes = new int[componentCount];

            //finding each component size
            for (i = 1; i < components.length - 1; ++i)

            //allocating resulting datas 0 - is non scalar data
            Tensor[][] datas = new Tensor[componentCount][];
            for (i = 0; i < componentCount; ++i)
                datas[i] = new Tensor[componentSizes[i]];

            //from here we shall use components sizes as pointers
            Arrays.fill(componentSizes, 0);

            //writing data
            for (i = 1; i < data.length + 1; ++i)
                datas[components[i]][componentSizes[components[i]]++] = data[i - 1];

            final int zeroElementComponent = components[1];
            nonScalarContent = createNonScalar(isDerivativeContent && zeroElementComponent == 0, datas[0]);
            scalarContents = new ProductContent[componentCount - 1];
            for (i = 1; i < componentCount; ++i)
                scalarContents[i - 1] = createScalar(isDerivativeContent && zeroElementComponent == i, datas[i]);
            Arrays.sort(scalarContents, ArraysUtils.HASH_COMPARATOR); //TODO change to quick sort

        //assert Arrays.equals(indices[0], indices[1]);
        assert Arrays.equals(indices[0], indices[1]);

        final int[] pointers = new int[data.length];
        int freePointer = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < differentIndicesCount; ++i) {
            //Contractions from lower to upper
            tensorIndex = (int) (info[0][i] >> 32);
            long contraction = (0x0000FFFF00000000L & (info[0][i] << 32))
                    | (0xFFFFFFFFL & (info[1][i]));
            if (tensorIndex == -1)
                freeContraction.indexContractions[freePointer++] = contraction;
                contractions[tensorIndex].indexContractions[pointers[tensorIndex]++] = contraction;

            //Contractions from upper to lower
            tensorIndex = (int) (info[1][i] >> 32);
            contraction = (0x0000FFFF00000000L & (info[1][i] << 32))
                    | (0xFFFFFFFFL & (info[0][i]));
            if (tensorIndex == -1)
                freeContraction.indexContractions[freePointer++] = contraction;
                contractions[tensorIndex].indexContractions[pointers[tensorIndex]++] = contraction;

        //Sorting per-index contractions in each TensorContraction
        for (TensorContraction contraction : contractions)

        //Here we can use unstable sort algorithm
        ArraysUtils.quickSort(contractions, data);
        contractionStructure = new ContractionStructure(freeContraction, contractions);

    public ProductContent getNonScalarContent() {
        if (nonScalarContent == null)
        return nonScalarContent;

    public ProductContent[] getScalarContents() {
        if (scalarContents == null)
        return scalarContents;

    public ContractionStructure getContractionStructure() {
        return contractionStructure;

    public FullContractionsStructure getFullContractionStructure() {
        return new FullContractionsStructure(data, differentIndicesCount, freeIndices);

    public ComplexElement getFactor() {
        return factor;

    public final short[] getStretchIndex() {
        if (stretchIndex == null) {
            stretchIndex = new short[size()];
            //stretchIndex[0] = 0;
            if (data.length <= 1)
                return stretchIndex;
            short index = 0;
            int i = 1;
            if (isDerivativeContent)
                stretchIndex[i++] = ++index;
            int oldHash = data[i - 1].hashCode();
            for (; i < size(); ++i)
                if (oldHash == data[i].hashCode())
                    stretchIndex[i] = index;
                else {
                    stretchIndex[i] = ++index;
                    oldHash = data[i].hashCode();
        return stretchIndex;

    public short getStretchIndexByHash(final int hashCode) {
        if (stretchHashReflection == null) {
            final short[] si = getStretchIndex();
            stretchHashReflection = new int[si[si.length - 1] + 1];
            //TODO performance (!!!)
            for (int i = 0; i < si.length; ++i)
                stretchHashReflection[si[i]] = data[i].hashCode();
        int index = Arrays.binarySearch(stretchHashReflection, hashCode);
        if (index < 0)
            return -1;
        return (short) index;

    public Tensor get(final int position) {
        return super.get(position);

    public Tensor[] getDataCopy() {
        return super.getDataCopy();

    public Tensor[] getRange(int from, int to) {
        return super.getRange(from, to);

     * Function to pack data to intermediate 64-bit record.
     * @param tensorIndex index of tensor in the data array (before second
     * sorting)
     * @param stretchIndex stretch index of this tensor (sequence number of
     * tensors hash in array)
     * @param id id of index in tensor indices list (could be !=0 only for
     * simple tensors)
     * @return packed record (long)
    private static long packToLong(final int tensorIndex, final short stretchIndex, final short id) {
        return (((long) tensorIndex) << 32) | (0xFFFF0000L & (stretchIndex << 16)) | (0xFFFFL & id);

    private static int[] infoToTensorIndices(final long[] info) {
        final int[] result = new int[info.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < info.length; ++i)
            result[i] = ((int) (info[i] >> 32)) + 1;
        return result;

     * Returns tensor index from packed data via packToLong() method
     * @param info
     * @return
    private static int tensorIndex(long info) {
        return (int) (info >>> 32);
    //-65536 == packToLong(-1, (short) -1, (short) 0);
    private static final long dummyTensorInfo = -65536;
    //emty content
    private static final ProductContent EMPTY_CONTENT = new ProductContent() {
        private final TensorContraction EMPTY_CONTRACTION = new TensorContraction((short) -1, new long[0]);
        private final ContractionStructure EMPTY_CONTRACTIONS = new ContractionStructure(EMPTY_CONTRACTION);

        public ContractionStructure getContractionStructure() {
            return EMPTY_CONTRACTIONS;

        public short[] getStretchIndex() {
            return new short[0];

        public Tensor[] getDataCopy() {
            return new Tensor[0];

        public short getStretchIndexByHash(int hashCode) {
            return -1;

        public ProductContent[] getScalarContents() {
            return new ProductContent[0];

        public ProductContent getNonScalarContent() {
            return this;

        public PermutationsProvider permutationsProvider() {
            return EmptyPermutationsProvider.INSTANCE;

        public boolean isDerivativeContent() {
            return false;

        public Tensor get(int position) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

        public FullContractionsStructure getFullContractionStructure() {
            return FullContractionsStructure.EMPTY_FULL_CONTRACTIONS_STRUCTURE;

        public Tensor[] getRange(int from, int to) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

        public int size() {
            return 0;

        public ComplexElement getFactor() {
            return ComplexElement.ONE;

    public String toString() {
        return isDerivativeContent ? new Derivative(data).toString() : new Product(data).toString();

    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 7;
        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i)
            hash ^= data[i].hashCode() * contractionStructure.get(i).hashCode();
        return hash;

Related Classes of cc.redberry.core.tensor.ProductContentImpl

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