Package org.apache.cactus.extension.jsp

Source Code of org.apache.cactus.extension.jsp.JspTagLifecycle$NestedTagInterceptor

* ========================================================================
* Copyright 2001-2003 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ========================================================================
package org.apache.cactus.extension.jsp;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import junit.framework.Assert;

import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TryCatchFinally;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

* Convenience class that supports the testing of JSP tag by managing the tag's
* lifecycle as required by the JSP specification.
* <p>
*   This class is basically a stub implementation of the tag management
*   facilities that an actual JSP container would provide. The implementation
*   attempts to follow the specification as closely as possible, but the tag
*   handling functionality of real JSP implementations may vary in some
*   details.
* </p>
* <p>
*   Although this class works quite well when used in the test methods of a
*   {@link org.apache.cactus.JspTestCase JspTestCase}, it can also safely be
*   used outside of the Cactus testing framework, for example when following
*   a mock objects approach.
* </p>
* <h4>Testing Simple Tags</h4>
* <p>
*   This is how you would use this class when testing the
*   <code>&lt;c:set&gt;</code>-tag of the JSTL reference implementation:
*   <blockquote><pre>
  SetTag tag = new SetTag();
  JspTagLifecycle lifecycle = new JspTagLifecycle(pageContext, tag);
  assertEquals("value", pageContext.findAttribute("name"));</pre>
*   </blockquote>
*   The order is important:
*   <ol>
*     <li>
*       Instantiation of the tag under test
*     </li>
*     <li>
*       Instantiation of the lifecycle helper, passing in the page context and
*       the tag instance
*     </li>
*     <li>
*       Set the tag's attributes
*     </li>
*     <li>
*       Start the tag's lifecycle by calling
*       {@link #invoke() JspTagLifecycle.invoke()}
*     </li>
*     <li>
*       Make assertions
*     </li>
*   </ol>
* </p>
* <h4>Adding Expectations to the Lifecycle</h4>
* <p>
*   <code>JspTagLifecycle</code> features a couple of methods that let you
*   easily add expectations about the tag's lifecycle to the test. For example,
*   the method {@link #expectBodySkipped expectBodySkipped()} can be used to
*   verify that tag's body is not evaluated under the conditions set up by the
*   test:
*   <pre>
* IfTag tag = new IfTag();
* JspTagLifecycle lifecycle = new JspTagLifecycle(pageContext, tag);
* tag.setTest("false");
* lifecycle.expectBodySkipped();
* lifecycle.invoke();</pre>
* </p>
* <p>
*   An example of a more sophisticated expectationion is the
*   {@link #expectScopedVariableExposed(String, Object[])}
*   method, which can verify that a specific scoped variable gets exposed in
*   the body of the tag, and that the exposed variable has a specific value in
*   each iteration step:
*   <pre>
* ForEachTag tag = new ForEachTag();
* JspTagLifecycle lifecycle = new JspTagLifecycle(pageContext, tag);
* tag.setVar("item");
* tag.setItems("One,Two,Three");
* lifecycle.expectBodyEvaluated(3);
* lifecycle.expectScopedVariableExposed(
*     "item", new Object[] {"One", "Two", "Three"});
* lifecycle.invoke();</pre>
* </p>
* <h4>Custom Expectations</h4>
* <p>
*   In some cases, using the expectations offered by
*   <code>JspTagLifecycle</code> does not suffice. In such cases, you need to
*   use custom expectations. You can add custom expectations by creating a
*   concrete subclass of the {@link JspTagLifecycle.Interceptor Interceptor}
*   class, and adding it to the list of the tag lifecycles interceptors through
*   {@link JspTagLifecycle#addInterceptor addInterceptor()}:
*   <pre>
* ForEachTag tag = new ForEachTag();
* JspTagLifecycle lifecycle = new JspTagLifecycle(pageContext, tag);
* tag.setVarStatus("status");
* tag.setBegin("0");
* tag.setEnd("2");
* lifecycle.addInterceptor(new JspTagLifecycle.Interceptor() {
*     public void evalBody(int theIteration, BodyContent theBody) {
*         LoopTagStatus status = (LoopTagStatus)
*             pageContext.findAttribute("status");
*         assertNotNull(status);
*         if (theIteration == 0) {
*             assertTrue(status.isFirst());
*             assertFalse(status.isLast());
*         }
*         else if (theIteration == 1) {
*             assertFalse(status.isFirst());
*             assertFalse(status.isLast());
*         }
*         else if (theIteration == 2) {
*             assertFalse(status.isFirst());
*             assertTrue(status.isLast());
*         }
*     }
* });
* lifecycle.invoke();</pre>
* </p>
* <h4>Specifying Nested Content</h4>
* <p>
*   <code>JspTagLifecycle</code> let's you add nested tempate text as well as
*   nested tags to the tag under test. The most important use of this feature
*   is testing of collaboration between tags, but it also allows you to easily
*   check whether a tag correctly handles its body content.
* </p>
* <p>
*   The following example demonstrates how to add nested template text to the
*   tag, and how to assert that the body was written to the HTTP response on
*   the client side:
*   <pre>
* public void testOutTagDefaultBody() throws JspException, IOException {
*     OutTag tag = new OutTag();
*     JspTagLifecycle lifecycle = new JspTagLifecycle(pageContext, tag);
*     tag.setValue(null);
*     lifecycle.addNestedText("Default");
*     lifecycle.expectBodyEvaluated();
*     lifecycle.invoke();
* }
* public void endOutTagDefaultBody(WebResponse theResponse) {
*     String output = theResponse.getText();
*     assertEquals("Default", output);
* }</pre>
* </p>
* <p>
*   In sophisticated tag libraries, there will be many cases where tags need
*   to collaborate with each other in some way. This is usually done by nesting
*   such tags within eachother. <code>JspTagLifecycle</code> supports such
*   scenarios by allowing you to add nested tags to an existing tag lifecycle.
*   The nested tags can than be decorated with expectations themselves, as you
*   can see in the following example:
*   <pre>
* ChooseTag chooseTag = new ChooseTag();
* JspTagLifecycle chooseLifecycle =
*     new JspTagLifecycle(pageContext, chooseTag);
* WhenTag whenTag = new WhenTag();
* JspTagLifecycle whenLifecycle =
*     chooseLifecycle.addNestedTag(whenTag);
* whenTag.setTest("false");
* whenLifecycle.expectBodySkipped();
* OtherwiseTag otherwiseTag = new OtherwiseTag();
* JspTagLifecycle otherwiseLifecycle =
*     chooseLifecycle.addNestedTag(otherwiseTag);
* otherwiseLifecycle.expectBodyEvaluated();
* chooseLifecycle.invoke();</pre>
*   The code above creates a constellation of tags equivalent to the following
*   JSP fragment:
*   <pre>
* &lt;c:choose&gt;
*  &lt;c:when test='false'&gt;
*   &lt;%-- body content not significant for the test --%&gt;
*  &lt;/c:when&gt;
*  &lt;c:otherwise&gt;
*   &lt;%-- body content not significant for the test --%&gt;
*  &lt;/c:otherwise&gt;
* &lt;/c:choose&gt;</pre>
* </p>
* @since Cactus 1.5
* @version $Id:,v 1.1 2004/05/22 11:34:48 vmassol Exp $
* @see org.apache.cactus.JspTestCase
public final class JspTagLifecycle
    // Inner Classes -----------------------------------------------------------
     * Abstract class for intercepting the tag lifecycle. You can override any
     * of the methods to insert expectations about the tag's behaviour while it
     * is being executed.
     * @since Cactus 1.5
    public abstract static class Interceptor
         * Method called when the body of the tag would be evaluated. Can be
         * used in specific test cases to perform assertions.
         * Please note that if you're testing a <code>BodyTag</code>, you
         * should not write content to the
         * {@link org.apache.cactus.JspTestCase#out} instance variable while
         * the body is being evaluated. This is because the actual implicit
         * object <code>out</code> in JSP pages gets replaced by the current
         * nested <code>BodyContent</code>, whereas in <code>JspTestCase</code>
         * the <code>out</code> variable always refers to the top level
         * <code>JspWriter</code>. Instead, simply use the
         * <code>BodyContent</code> parameter passed into the
         * {@link JspTagLifecycle.Interceptor#evalBody evalBody()} method or
         * the <code>JspWriter</code> retrieved by a call to
         * {javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext#getOut pageContext.getOut()}.
         * @param theIteration The number of times the body has been evaluated
         * @param theBody The body content, or <tt>null</tt> if the tag isn't a
         *        <tt>BodyTag</tt>
         * @throws JspException If thrown by a nested tag
         * @throws IOException If an error occurs when reading or writing the
         *         body content
        public void evalBody(int theIteration, BodyContent theBody)
            throws JspException, IOException
            // default implementation does nothing
         * Method called when the body of the tag would be skipped. Can be used
         * in specific test cases to perform assertions.
        public void skipBody()
            // default implementation does nothing
     * A specialized interceptor that verifies that the tag's body is evaluated
     * at least once.
     * @since Cactus 1.5
    private static class ExpectBodyEvaluatedInterceptor
        extends Interceptor
         * The actual number of times the tag's body has been evaluated.
        private int actualNumIterations;
         * The number of times the tag's body is expected to be evaluated.
        private int expectedNumIterations;
         * Constructor.
         * @param theNumIterations The number of iterations expected
        public ExpectBodyEvaluatedInterceptor(int theNumIterations)
            this.expectedNumIterations = theNumIterations;
         * Overridden to assert that the body doesn't get evaluated more often
         * than expected.
         * @see JspTagLifecycle.Interceptor#evalBody(int,BodyContent)
        public void evalBody(int theIteration, BodyContent theBody)
            if (actualNumIterations > expectedNumIterations)
      "Expected " + expectedNumIterations
                    + " iterations, but was " + actualNumIterations);
         * Overridden to assert that the body got evaluated as often as
         * expected.
        public void skipBody()
            if (actualNumIterations < expectedNumIterations)
      "Expected " + expectedNumIterations
                    + " iterations, but was " + actualNumIterations);
     * A specialized interceptor that asserts that the tag's body is skipped.
     * @since Cactus 1.5
    private static class ExpectBodySkippedInterceptor
        extends Interceptor
         * Overridden to assert that the body doesn't get evaluated.
         * @see JspTagLifecycle.Interceptor#evalBody(int,BodyContent)
        public void evalBody(int theIteration, BodyContent theBody)
  "Tag body should have been skipped");
     * A specialized interceptor that checks whether a specific scoped variable
     * is exposed in the body of the tag with a specific value.
     * @since Cactus 1.5
    private class ExpectScopedVariableExposedInterceptor
        extends Interceptor
         * The name of the scoped variable.
        private String name;
         * The list of expected values of the variable.
        private Object[] expectedValues;
         * The scope in which the variable is stored.
        private int scope;
         * Constructor.
         * @param theName The name of the scoped variable to check for
         * @param theExpectedValues An array containing the expected values,
         *        one item for every iteration step
         * @param theScope The scope to search for the scoped variable
        public ExpectScopedVariableExposedInterceptor(String theName,
            Object[] theExpectedValues, int theScope)
   = theName;
            this.expectedValues = theExpectedValues;
            this.scope = theScope;
         * Overridden to assert that the scoped variable is exposed as expected.
         * @see JspTagLifecycle.Interceptor#evalBody(int,BodyContent)
        public void evalBody(int theIteration, BodyContent theBody)
                pageContext.getAttribute(name, scope));
     * A specialized interceptor that invokes the lifecycle of a nested tag.
     * @since Cactus 1.5
    private class NestedTagInterceptor
        extends Interceptor
         * The lifecycle object of the nested tag.
        private JspTagLifecycle lifecycle;
         * Constructor.
         * @param theLifecycle The lifecycle instance associated with the nested
         *        tag
        public NestedTagInterceptor(JspTagLifecycle theLifecycle)
            this.lifecycle = theLifecycle;
         * Overridden to invoke the lifecycle of the nested tag.
         * @see JspTagLifecycle.Interceptor#evalBody(int,BodyContent)
        public void evalBody(int theIteration, BodyContent theBody)
            throws JspException, IOException
     * A specialized interceptor that prints nested template text when the tag's
     * body is evaluated.
     * @since Cactus 1.5
    private class NestedTextInterceptor
        extends Interceptor
         * The nested text.
        private String text;
         * Constructor.
         * @param theText The nested text
        public NestedTextInterceptor(String theText)
            this.text = theText;
         * Overridden to write the nested text to the current writer.
         * @see JspTagLifecycle.Interceptor#evalBody(int,BodyContent)
        public void evalBody(int theIteration, BodyContent theBody)
            throws IOException
            if (theBody != null)
    // Class Variables ---------------------------------------------------------
     * The log target.
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JspTagLifecycle.class);
    // Instance Variables ------------------------------------------------------
     * The JSP page context.
    protected PageContext pageContext;
     * The JSP tag handler.
    private Tag tag;
     * The interceptor chain.
    private List interceptors;
    // Constructors ------------------------------------------------------------
     * Constructor.
     * @param thePageContext The JSP page context
     * @param theTag The JSP tag
    public JspTagLifecycle(PageContext thePageContext, Tag theTag)
        if ((thePageContext == null) || (theTag == null))
            throw new NullPointerException();
        this.tag = theTag;
        this.pageContext = thePageContext;
    // Public Methods ----------------------------------------------------------
     * Adds an interceptor to the interceptor chain.
     * @param theInterceptor The interceptor to add
    public void addInterceptor(Interceptor theInterceptor)
        if (theInterceptor == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (this.interceptors == null)
            this.interceptors = new ArrayList();
     * Adds a nested tag. The tag will be invoked when the body content of the
     * enclosing tag is evaluated.
     * @return The lifecycle wrapper for the nested tag, can be used to add
     *         expectations for the nested tag
     * @param theNestedTag The tag to be nested
    public JspTagLifecycle addNestedTag(Tag theNestedTag)
        if (theNestedTag == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        JspTagLifecycle lifecycle =
            new JspTagLifecycle(this.pageContext, theNestedTag);
        addInterceptor(new NestedTagInterceptor(lifecycle));
        return lifecycle;
     * Adds template text to nest inside the tag. The text will be printed to
     * the body content when it is evaluated.
     * @param theNestedText The string containing the template text
    public void addNestedText(String theNestedText)
        if (theNestedText == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        addInterceptor(new NestedTextInterceptor(theNestedText));
     * Adds the expectation that the tag body must be evaluated once in the
     * course of the tags lifecycle.
    public void expectBodyEvaluated()
        addInterceptor(new ExpectBodyEvaluatedInterceptor(1));
     * Adds the expectation that the tag body must be evaluated a specific
     * number of times in the course of the tags lifecycle.
     * @param theNumIterations The number of times the body is expected to get
     *        evaluated
    public void expectBodyEvaluated(int theNumIterations)
        addInterceptor(new ExpectBodyEvaluatedInterceptor(theNumIterations));
     * Adds the expectation that the tag body must be skipped. Essentially, this
     * expectation verifies that the tag returns <code>SKIP_BODY</code> from
     * <code>doStartTag()</code>.
    public void expectBodySkipped()
        addInterceptor(new ExpectBodySkippedInterceptor());
     * Adds a special expectation that verifies that a specific scoped variable
     * is exposed in the body of the tag.
     * @param theName The name of the variable
     * @param theExpectedValues An ordered list containing the expected values
     *        values of the scoped variable, one for each expected iteration
     *        step
    public void expectScopedVariableExposed(String theName,
        Object[] theExpectedValues)
        expectScopedVariableExposed(theName, theExpectedValues,
     * Adds a special expectation that verifies that a specific scoped variable
     * is exposed in the body of the tag.
     * @param theName The name of the variable
     * @param theExpectedValues An ordered list containing the expected values
     *        values of the scoped variable, one for each expected iteration
     *        step
     * @param theScope The scope under which the variable is stored
    public void expectScopedVariableExposed(String theName,
        Object[] theExpectedValues, int theScope)
        if ((theName == null) || (theExpectedValues == null))
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (theExpectedValues.length == 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        if ((theScope != PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE)
         && (theScope != PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE)
         && (theScope != PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE)
         && (theScope != PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            new ExpectScopedVariableExposedInterceptor(theName,
                theExpectedValues, theScope));
     * Invokes the tag with the provided interceptor. The tag should have been
     * populated with its properties before calling this method. The tag is not
     * released after the tag's lifecycle is over.
     * @throws JspException If the tag throws an exception
     * @throws IOException If an error occurs when reading or writing the body
     *         content
    public void invoke() throws JspException, IOException
        if (this.tag instanceof TryCatchFinally)
            TryCatchFinally tryCatchFinally = (TryCatchFinally) this.tag;
            catch (Throwable t1)
                catch (Throwable t2)
                    throw new JspException(t2.getMessage());
    // Private Methods ---------------------------------------------------------
     * Notify all interceptors about a body evaluation.
     * @param theIteration The iteration
     * @param theBody The body content
     * @throws JspException If thrown by a nested tag
     * @throws IOException If an error occurs when reading or writing the body
     *         content
    private void fireEvalBody(int theIteration, BodyContent theBody)
        throws JspException, IOException
        if (this.interceptors != null)
            for (Iterator i = this.interceptors.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                ((Interceptor), theBody);
     * Notify all interceptors that the body has been skipped.
    private void fireSkipBody()
        if (this.interceptors != null)
            for (Iterator i = this.interceptors.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
     * Internal method to invoke a tag without doing exception handling.
     * @throws JspException If the tag throws an exception
     * @throws IOException If an error occurs when reading or writing the body
     *         content
    private void invokeInternal()
        throws JspException, IOException
        int status = this.tag.doStartTag();
        if (this.tag instanceof IterationTag)
            if (status != Tag.SKIP_BODY)
                BodyContent body = null;
                    IterationTag iterationTag = (IterationTag) this.tag;
                    if ((status == BodyTag.EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED)
                        && (this.tag instanceof BodyTag))
                        BodyTag bodyTag = (BodyTag) this.tag;
                        body = pageContext.pushBody();
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("Pushed body content ["
                                + body.getString() + "]");
                    int iteration = 0;
                        fireEvalBody(iteration, body);
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("Body evaluated for the ["
                                + iteration + "] time");
                        status = iterationTag.doAfterBody();
                    } while (status == IterationTag.EVAL_BODY_AGAIN);
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("Body skipped");
                    if (body != null)
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("Popping body content ["
                                + body.getString() + "]");
                        body = null;
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Body skipped");
        status = tag.doEndTag();

Related Classes of org.apache.cactus.extension.jsp.JspTagLifecycle$NestedTagInterceptor

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