Package com.admc.jcreole.marker

Source Code of com.admc.jcreole.marker.MarkerMap

* Copyright 2011 Axis Data Management Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package com.admc.jcreole.marker;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import com.admc.jcreole.CreoleParseException;
import com.admc.jcreole.TagType;
import com.admc.jcreole.SectionHeading;
import com.admc.jcreole.Sections;
import com.admc.jcreole.EntryType;

public class MarkerMap extends HashMap<Integer, BufferMarker> {
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MarkerMap.class);
    private Sections sections;
    private Map<String, String> idToTextHMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    private String enumerationFormats;
    private StringBuilder buffer;
    private MasterDefListMarker masterDefListMarker;
    private FootNotesMarker footNotesMarker;
    private IndexMarker indexMarker;

     * @param enumerationFormats is the starting numerationFormats used for
     *        header elements in the main body (the current body
     *        enumerationFormats can change as HeadingMarkers are encountered).
     *        This setting is independent of TOC levelInclusions, which is
     *        encapsulated nicely in TocMarker instances and not changed here
     *        (or elsewhere).
    public StringBuilder apply(StringBuilder sb, String enumerationFormats) {
        if (enumerationFormats == null)
            throw new NullPointerException(
                    "enumerationFormats may not be null");
        buffer = sb;
        for (BufferMarker m : values())
            if (m instanceof MasterDefListMarker) {
                masterDefListMarker = (MasterDefListMarker) m;
            } else if (m instanceof FootNotesMarker) {
                footNotesMarker = (FootNotesMarker) m;
            } else if (m instanceof IndexMarker) {
                indexMarker = (IndexMarker) m;

        this.enumerationFormats = enumerationFormats;
        List<BufferMarker> sortedMarkers = new ArrayList(values());
        // Can not run insert() until after the markers have been sorted.
        if (size() < 1) return buffer;
        int id;
        int offset3 = -1;
        int offset2 = -1;
        int offsetNl;
        EntryType eType;
        String idString;
        String name;
        while ((offset2 = buffer.indexOf("\u0002", offset3 + 1)) > -1) {
            // Load Entries (without data)
            offsetNl = buffer.indexOf("\n", offset2 + 2);
            if (offsetNl < 0)
                throw new CreoleParseException("No name termination for Entry");
            // Unfortunately StringBuilder has no indexOf(char).
            // We could do StringBuilder.toString().indexOf(char), but
            // that's a pretty expensive copy operation.
            offset3 = buffer.indexOf("\u0003", offsetNl + 1);
            if (offset3 < 0)
                throw new CreoleParseException("No termination for Entry");
            name = buffer.substring(offset2 + 2, offsetNl);
            if (name.length() < 1)
                throw new CreoleParseException("Empty embedded name for Entry");
            switch (buffer.charAt(offset2 + 1)) {
              case 'D':
                eType = EntryType.MASTERDEF;
              case 'F':
                eType = EntryType.FOOTNOTE;
                throw new CreoleParseException(
                        "Unexpected EntryType indicator: "
                        + buffer.charAt(offset2 + 1));
            if (footNotesMarker != null && eType == EntryType.FOOTNOTE) {
            } else if (masterDefListMarker != null
                    && eType == EntryType.MASTERDEF) {

        if (footNotesMarker != null) {
        if (masterDefListMarker != null) {
        if (indexMarker != null) {

                + " Section headings: " + sections);
        // The list of markers MUST BE REVERSE SORTED before applying.
        // Applying in forward order would change buffer offsets.
        for (BufferMarker m : sortedMarkers)
            // N.b. this is where the real APPLY occurs to the buffer:
            if (!(m instanceof BodyUpdaterMarker)) m.updateBuffer();

        // Can not move Entries until all of the normal \u001a markers have
        // been taken care of, because Styler directives depend on original
        // Creole sequence.

        // Extract all Entries
        offset2 = 0;
        while ((offset2 = buffer.indexOf("\u0002", offset2)) > -1) {
            // Load data for Entries
            offsetNl = buffer.indexOf("\n", offset2 + 2);
            if (offsetNl < 0)
                throw new CreoleParseException("No name termination for Entry");
            // Unfortunately StringBuilder has no indexOf(char).
            // We could do StringBuilder.toString().indexOf(char), but
            // that's a pretty expensive copy operation.
            offset3 = buffer.indexOf("\u0003", offsetNl + 1);
            if (offset3 < 0)
                throw new CreoleParseException("No termination for Entry");
            name = buffer.substring(offset2 + 2, offsetNl);
            if (name.length() < 1)
                throw new CreoleParseException("Empty embedded name for Entry");
            switch (buffer.charAt(offset2 + 1)) {
              case 'D':
                eType = EntryType.MASTERDEF;
              case 'F':
                eType = EntryType.FOOTNOTE;
                throw new CreoleParseException(
                        "Unexpected EntryType indicator: "
                        + buffer.charAt(offset2 + 1));
            if (footNotesMarker != null
                    && eType == EntryType.FOOTNOTE)
                        name, buffer.substring(offsetNl + 1, offset3));
            else if (masterDefListMarker != null
                    && eType == EntryType.MASTERDEF)
                        name, buffer.substring(offsetNl + 1, offset3));
            buffer.delete(offset2, offset3 +1);

        // TODO: Consider whether to check for \u001a's inside of Entry p's,
        // which must be circular MasterDef or FootNotes markers.
        for (BufferMarker m : sortedMarkers)
            if (m == indexMarker)
            else if (m == footNotesMarker)
            else if (m == masterDefListMarker)
        return buffer;

    private Map<String, String> nameToDefHtml = new HashMap<String, String>();

     * Sets context (buffer and offset) for markers.
     * This must be called before sorting Markers or before calling
     * updateBuffer() on a Marker.
     * @param bodyUpdaterMarkers If true then only update BodyUpdaterMakers,
     *        otherwise then only update non-BodyUpdaterMarkers.
     * @return Number of markers found
    private void setContexts() {
        BufferMarker marker;
        String idString;
        int id;
        int offset = 0;
        while ((offset = buffer.indexOf("\u001a", offset)) > -1) try {
            // Unfortunately StringBuilder has no indexOf(char).
            // We could do StringBuilder.toString().indexOf(char), but
            // that's a pretty expensive copy operation.
            if (buffer.length() < offset + 4)
                throw new CreoleParseException(
                        "Marking too close to end of output");
            idString = buffer.substring(offset + 1, offset + 5);
            id = Integer.parseInt(idString, 16);
            marker = get(Integer.valueOf(id));
            if (marker == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Lost marker with id " + id);
            marker.setContext(buffer, offset);
        } finally {
            offset += 5// Move past the marker that we just found

     * Marker prep which must occur completely before forwardPass2
    private void forwardPass1(List<BufferMarker> sortedMarkers) {
        HeadingMarker hm;
        SectionHeading sectionHeading;
        Map<String, Integer> nameToRefNum = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (BufferMarker m : sortedMarkers)
            if (m instanceof HeadingMarker) {
                hm = (HeadingMarker) m;
                sectionHeading = hm.getSectionHeading();
            } else if (m instanceof TocMarker) {
                ((TocMarker) m).setDefaultLevelInclusions(enumerationFormats);
            } else if (m instanceof FootNoteRefMarker) {
                if (footNotesMarker != null)
                    footNotesMarker.add((FootNoteRefMarker) m);
            } else if (m instanceof IndexedMarker) {
                if (indexMarker != null)
                    indexMarker.add((IndexedMarker) m);
            } else if (m instanceof DeferredUrlMarker) {
                if (masterDefListMarker != null)
                    masterDefListMarker.add((DeferredUrlMarker) m);

     * Does lots of stuff during a strictly forward-direction iteration of
     * all Markers .
     * Most of it has to do with resolving styler references.
     * <p>
     * In particular, any automatic behavior dependent upon position within the
     * document must be implemented here.
     * </p>
    private void forwardPass2(List<BufferMarker> sortedMarkers) {
        sections = new Sections();
        final List<TagMarker> stack = new ArrayList<TagMarker>();
        List<? extends TagMarker> typedStack = null;
        final List<String> queuedJcxSpanClassNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        final List<String> queuedJcxBlockClassNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        final List<String> queuedBlockClassNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        final List<String> queuedInlineClassNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> typedQueue = null;
        String linkText;
        CloseMarker closeM;
        LinkMarker linkM;
        DeferredUrlMarker duM;
        HeadingMarker headingM;
        TagMarker lastTag, tagM;
        final List<JcxSpanMarker> jcxSpanStack = new ArrayList<JcxSpanMarker>();
        final List<JcxBlockMarker> jcxBlockStack =
                new ArrayList<JcxBlockMarker>();
        final List<BlockMarker> blockStack = new ArrayList<BlockMarker>();
        final List<InlineMarker> inlineStack = new ArrayList<InlineMarker>();
        JcxSpanMarker prevJcxSpan = null;
        JcxBlockMarker prevJcxBlock = null;
        BlockMarker prevBlock = null;
        InlineMarker prevInline = null;
        int headingLevel = 0;
        int[] curSequences = new int[] {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};

        for (BufferMarker m : sortedMarkers) {
            if (m instanceof TagMarker) {
                tagM = (TagMarker) m;
                // Get this validation over with so rest of this block can
                // assume tagM is an instance of one of these types.
                if (!(tagM instanceof JcxSpanMarker)
                        && !(tagM instanceof JcxBlockMarker)
                        && !(tagM instanceof BlockMarker)
                        && !(tagM instanceof InlineMarker))
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            "Unexpected class for TagMarker " + tagM
                            + ": " + tagM.getClass().getName());
                // UPDATE prev/cur
                if (tagM.isAtomic()) {
                    // For atomics we do not deal with stacks, since we would
                    // just push and pop immediately resulting in no change.
                    // Similarly, whatever was cur* before will again be cur*
                    // when we exit this code block.
                    if (tagM instanceof JcxSpanMarker) {
                        prevJcxSpan = (JcxSpanMarker) tagM;
                    } else if (tagM instanceof JcxBlockMarker) {
                        prevJcxBlock = (JcxBlockMarker) tagM;
                    } else if (tagM instanceof BlockMarker) {
                        prevBlock = (BlockMarker) tagM;
                    } else if (tagM instanceof InlineMarker) {
                        prevInline = (InlineMarker) tagM;
                } else {
                    // Tag has just OPENed.
                    // Opening a tag should not effect prev* tags, since nothing
                    // has closed to become previous.
                    if (tagM instanceof JcxSpanMarker) {
                        jcxSpanStack.add(0, (JcxSpanMarker) tagM);
                    } else if (tagM instanceof JcxBlockMarker) {
                        jcxBlockStack.add(0, (JcxBlockMarker) tagM);
                    } else if (tagM instanceof BlockMarker) {
                        blockStack.add(0, (BlockMarker) tagM);
                    } else if (tagM instanceof InlineMarker) {
                        inlineStack.add(0, (InlineMarker) tagM);
                    stack.add(0, tagM)// 'lastTag' until another added
                typedQueue = null;
                if (tagM instanceof JcxSpanMarker) {
                    if (queuedJcxSpanClassNames.size() > 0)
                        typedQueue = queuedJcxSpanClassNames;
                } else if (tagM instanceof JcxBlockMarker) {
                    if (queuedJcxBlockClassNames.size() > 0)
                        typedQueue = queuedBlockClassNames;
                } else if (tagM instanceof BlockMarker) {
                    if (queuedBlockClassNames.size() > 0)
                        typedQueue = queuedBlockClassNames;
                } else if (tagM instanceof InlineMarker) {
                    if (queuedInlineClassNames.size() > 0)
                        typedQueue = queuedInlineClassNames;
                if (typedQueue != null) {
                    tagM.addCssClasses(typedQueue.toArray(new String[0]));
            } else if (m instanceof CloseMarker) {
                closeM = (CloseMarker) m;
                lastTag = (stack.size() > 0) ? stack.get(0) : null;
                // Validate tag type
                TagType targetType= closeM.getTargetType();
                try { switch (targetType) {
                  case JCXBLOCK:
                    if (!(lastTag instanceof JcxBlockMarker))
                        throw new Exception();
                  case JCXSPAN:
                    if (!(lastTag instanceof JcxSpanMarker))
                        throw new Exception();
                  case BLOCK:
                    if (!(lastTag instanceof BlockMarker))
                        throw new Exception();
                  case INLINE:
                    if (!(lastTag instanceof InlineMarker))
                        throw new Exception();
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "Unexpected target tag type: " + targetType);
                } } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new CreoleParseException(
                            "Tangled tag nesting.  No matching open "
                            + targetType + " tag for close of "
                            + closeM + ".  Last open tag is "
                            + lastTag + '.', e);
                if (lastTag.isAtomic())
                    throw new CreoleParseException(
                            "Close tag " + closeM
                            + " attempted to close atomic tag "
                            + lastTag + '.');
                // Get this validation over with so rest of this block can
                // assume lastTag is an instance of one of these types.
                if (!(lastTag instanceof JcxSpanMarker)
                        && !(lastTag instanceof JcxBlockMarker)
                        && !(lastTag instanceof BlockMarker)
                        && !(lastTag instanceof InlineMarker))
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            "Unexpected class for TagMarker " + lastTag
                            + ": " + lastTag.getClass().getName());
                // At this point we have validated match with an opening tag.
                if (lastTag instanceof JcxSpanMarker) {
                    prevJcxSpan = (JcxSpanMarker) lastTag;
                    typedStack = jcxSpanStack;
                } else if (lastTag instanceof JcxBlockMarker) {
                    prevJcxBlock = (JcxBlockMarker) lastTag;
                    typedStack = jcxBlockStack;
                } else if (lastTag instanceof BlockMarker) {
                    prevBlock = (BlockMarker) lastTag;
                    typedStack = blockStack;
                } else if (lastTag instanceof InlineMarker) {
                    prevInline = (InlineMarker) lastTag;
                    typedStack = inlineStack;
                if (typedStack.size() < 1 || typedStack.get(0) != lastTag)
                    throw new CreoleParseException(
                            "Closing tag " + lastTag
                            + ", but it is not on the tail of the "
                            + "type-specific tag stack: " + typedStack);
            } else if (m instanceof Styler) {
                Styler styler = (Styler) m;
                TagType targetType = styler.getTargetType();
                String[] classNames = styler.getClassNames();
                // Get this validation over with so rest of this block can
                // assume targetType is an instance of one of these types.
                switch (targetType) {
                  case INLINE:
                  case BLOCK:
                  case JCXSPAN:
                  case JCXBLOCK:
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            "Unexpected tag type value: " + targetType);
                TagMarker targetTag = null;
                switch (styler.getTargetDirection()) {
                  case PREVIOUS:
                    switch (targetType) {
                      case INLINE:
                        targetTag = prevInline;
                      case BLOCK:
                        targetTag = prevBlock;
                      case JCXSPAN:
                        targetTag = prevJcxSpan;
                      case JCXBLOCK:
                        targetTag = prevJcxBlock;
                    if (targetTag == null)
                        throw new CreoleParseException(
                                "No previous " + targetType
                                + " tag for Styler " + styler);
                  case CONTAINER:
                    switch (targetType) {
                      case INLINE:
                        typedStack = inlineStack;
                      case BLOCK:
                        typedStack = blockStack;
                      case JCXSPAN:
                        typedStack = jcxSpanStack;
                      case JCXBLOCK:
                        typedStack = jcxBlockStack;
                    if (typedStack.size() < 1)
                        throw new CreoleParseException(
                                "No parent " + targetType
                                + " container for Styler " + styler);
                    targetTag = typedStack.get(0);
                  case NEXT:
                    switch (targetType) {
                      case INLINE:
                        typedQueue = queuedInlineClassNames;
                      case BLOCK:
                        typedQueue = queuedBlockClassNames;
                      case JCXSPAN:
                        typedQueue = queuedJcxSpanClassNames;
                      case JCXBLOCK:
                        typedQueue = queuedJcxBlockClassNames;
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected direction value: "
                            + styler.getTargetDirection());
                if (targetTag != null) targetTag.addCssClasses(classNames);
            } else if (m instanceof LinkMarker) {
                linkM = (LinkMarker) m;
                linkText = linkM.getLinkText();
                String lookedUpLabel =
                if (linkM.getLabel() == null)
                    linkM.setLabel((lookedUpLabel == null)
                            ? linkM.getLinkText()
                            : lookedUpLabel);
                if (lookedUpLabel == null)
                            "<span class=\"jcreole_orphanLink\">", "</span>");
            } else if (m instanceof TocMarker) {
                ((TocMarker) m).setSectionHeadings(sections);
            } else if (m instanceof BodyUpdaterMarker) {
            } else if (m instanceof FootNoteRefMarker) {
            } else if (m instanceof IndexedMarker) {
            } else if (m instanceof DeferredUrlMarker) {
            } else {
                throw new CreoleParseException(
                        "Unexpected close marker class: "
                        + m.getClass().getName());
            if (m instanceof HeadingMarker) {
                headingM = (HeadingMarker) m;
                SectionHeading sh = headingM.getSectionHeading();
                enumerationFormats =
                int newLevel = sh.getLevel();
                if (newLevel > headingLevel) {
                    headingLevel = newLevel;
                } else if (newLevel < headingLevel) {
                    for (int i = headingLevel; i > newLevel; i--)
                        curSequences[i-1] = -1;
                    headingLevel = newLevel;
                } else {
                    // No level change
                    // Intentionally empty
                if (headingM.getFormatReset() != null)
                    curSequences[headingLevel-1] = -1;
                curSequences[headingLevel-1] += 1;
        if (stack.size() != 0)
            throw new CreoleParseException(
                    "Unmatched tag(s) generated: " + stack);
        if (jcxSpanStack.size() != 0)
            throw new CreoleParseException(
                    "Unmatched JCX Span tag(s): " + jcxSpanStack);
        if (blockStack.size() != 0)
            throw new CreoleParseException(
                    "Unmatched Block tag(s): " + blockStack);
        if (jcxBlockStack.size() != 0)
            throw new CreoleParseException(
                    "Unmatched JCX Block tag(s): " + jcxBlockStack);
        if (inlineStack.size() != 0)
            throw new CreoleParseException(
                    "Unmatched Inline tag(s): " + inlineStack);
        if (queuedJcxSpanClassNames.size() > 0)
            throw new CreoleParseException(
                    "Unapplied Styler JCX class names: "
                    + queuedJcxSpanClassNames);
        if (queuedJcxBlockClassNames.size() > 0)
            throw new CreoleParseException(
                    "Unapplied Styler JCX Block class names: "
                    + queuedBlockClassNames);
        if (queuedBlockClassNames.size() > 0)
            throw new CreoleParseException(
                    "Unapplied Styler Block class names: "
                    + queuedBlockClassNames);
        if (queuedInlineClassNames.size() > 0)
            throw new CreoleParseException(
                    "Unapplied Styler Inline class names: "
                    + queuedInlineClassNames);

    public Sections getSectionHeadings() {
        return sections;

Related Classes of com.admc.jcreole.marker.MarkerMap

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