
Source Code of

* 18th February 2003
* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Andrew Sorensen, Andrew Brown, Adam Kirby
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.


import jm.JMC;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;

* A utility class that handles the modification of the basic jMusic types.
* @author Andrew Sorensen
* @author Andrew Brown
* @author Adam Kirby
* @version $Revision: 1.6 $, $Date: 2013/02/05 13:12:18 $
public class Mod implements JMC {

     * The Mod class provides static methods and is not meant to be
     * instansiated.
    private Mod() {

    //----------------------- NOTE MODIFICATIONS -----------------------------//

     * Appends the duration and rhythm value of the second note onto the first.
     * <p/>
     * <P> The second note remains unchanged.  If either <CODE>note1</CODE> or
     * <CODE>note2</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param note1 Note that absorbs the rhythm features
     * @param note2 Note that passes on its rhythm features
    public static void append(Note note1, final Note note2) {
        try {
            if (note1 == null || note2 == null)
                new NullPointerException();
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

                + note2.getRhythmValue());
        note1.setDuration(note1.getDuration() + note2.getDuration());

     * Transpose the note up or down in semitones.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>note</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.  If the
     * transposition shifts a pitch above {@link Note#MAX_PITCH MAX_PITCH} or
     * below {@link Note#MIN_PITCH MIN_PITCH}, the pitch will probably cap at
     * those values.  See the description of {@link Note#setPitch} method for
     * exact details of what occurs when trying to set the pitch beyond the
     * allowed range.
     * @param note          The Note to be transposed
     * @param transposition the amount to transpose in semitones
    public static void transpose(Note note, final int transposition) {
        try {
            if (note == null) new NullPointerException();
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

        if (note.getPitchType() == Note.MIDI_PITCH && note.getPitch() != REST)
            note.setPitch(note.getPitch() + transposition);
        if (note.getPitchType() == Note.FREQUENCY)
            System.err.println("jMusic Mod transpose: No action taken - notes with frequency values cannot yet be transposed.");

     * Transpose the phrase up or down in scale degrees.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>note</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.  If the
     * transposition shifts a pitch above {@link Note#MAX_PITCH MAX_PITCH} or
     * below {@link Note#MIN_PITCH MIN_PITCH}, the pitch will probably cap at
     * those values.  See the description of {@link Note#setPitch} method for
     * exact details of what occurs when trying to set the pitch beyond the
     * allowed range.
     * <p/>
     * Transposition is in diatonic steps. For example in C major the note C
     * transposed 1 will become D, transposed 4 will become G, and transposed
     * by 7 will beome C an octave above. This can be somewhat unintuitive
     * so be careful.
     * @param note          Note to be transposed
     * @param transposition the amount to transpose in semitones
     * @param mode          the scale to use for the transposition
     *                      (the JMC has some scale constants)
     * @param key           the chromatic note to be used as the root
     *                      of the mode. i.e., 0 = C, 1 = C# etc.
    public static void transpose(Note note, final int transposition, final int[] mode, int key) {
        try {
            if (note == null) new NullPointerException();
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

        int pitch = note.getPitch();
        if (pitch != Note.REST) {
            // work out the original scale octave, degree and accidental
            int octave = pitch / 12;
            int accidental = 0;
            Note n = note.copy();
            while (!n.isScale(mode)) {
                n.setPitch(n.getPitch() - 1);
            int degree = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < mode.length; i++) {
                if (pitch % 12 - accidental == mode[i]) {
                    degree = i;
                    i = mode.length; // break out of loop next time
            // calculate the new pitch
            int newDegree = degree + transposition;
            while (newDegree >= mode.length) {
                newDegree -= mode.length;
            while (newDegree < 0) {
                newDegree += mode.length;
            note.setPitch(mode[newDegree] + octave * 12 + accidental);

     * Shift the pitch down until it corresponds to a pitch in the specified mode.
     * @param note Note to be qantized
     * @param mode the scale to use for the process
     *             (the JMC has some scale constants)
     * @param key  the chromatic note to be used as the root
     *             of the mode. i.e., 0 = C, 1 = C# etc.
    public static void quantizePitch(Note note, final int[] mode, int key) {
        while (!note.isScale(mode)) {
            note.setPitch(note.getPitch() - 1);

    //---------------------- PHRASE MODIFICATIONS ----------------------------//

    public static final void crescendo(final Phrase phrase,
                                       final double startTime,
                                       final double endTime,
                                       final int startDynamic,
                                       final int endDynamic) {
        double dynDiff = endDynamic - startDynamic;
        double timeDiff = endTime - startTime;
        if (timeDiff == 0.0) {
            // This prevents a divide-by-zero error.
            // Since the change requested applies to no region at all in
            // the phrase, it is ideal to do nothing and return.
        double time = 0.0;
        Vector v = phrase.getNoteList();
        for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
            Note n = (Note) v.elementAt(i);
            if (time >= startTime) {
                n.setDynamic((int) ((time - startTime) / timeDiff
                        * dynDiff + startDynamic));
            time += n.getRhythmValue();
            if (time > endTime) {

    public static final void diminuendo(final Phrase phrase,
                                        final double startTime,
                                        final double endTime,
                                        final int startDynamic,
                                        final int endDynamic) {
        crescendo(phrase, startTime, endTime, startDynamic, endDynamic);

    public static final void decrescendo(final Phrase phrase,
                                         final double startTime,
                                         final double endTime,
                                         final int startDynamic,
                                         final int endDynamic) {
        crescendo(phrase, startTime, endTime, startDynamic, endDynamic);

     * Transpose the phrase up or down in semitones.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.  If the
     * transposition shifts a pitch above {@link Note#MAX_PITCH MAX_PITCH} or
     * below {@link Note#MIN_PITCH MIN_PITCH}, the pitch will probably cap at
     * those values.  See the description of {@link Note#setPitch} method for
     * exact details of what occurs when trying to set the pitch beyond the
     * allowed range.
     * @param phrase        Phrase to be transposed
     * @param transposition the amount to transpose in semitones
    public static void transpose(Phrase phrase, final int transposition) {
        try {
            if (phrase == null) new NullPointerException();
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

        Vector noteList = phrase.getNoteList();
        Enumeration enum1 = noteList.elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note note = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            if (note.getPitch() != Note.REST) {
                note.setPitch(note.getPitch() + transposition);

     * Transpose the phrase up or down in scale degrees.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.  If the
     * transposition shifts a pitch above {@link Note#MAX_PITCH MAX_PITCH} or
     * below {@link Note#MIN_PITCH MIN_PITCH}, the pitch will probably cap at
     * those values.  See the description of {@link Note#setPitch} method for
     * exact details of what occurs when trying to set the pitch beyond the
     * allowed range.
     * <p/>
     * Transposition is in diatonic steps. For example in C major the note C
     * transposed 1 will become D, transposed 4 will become G, and transposed
     * by 7 will beome C an octave above. This can be somewhat unintuitive
     * so be careful.
     * @param phrase        Phrase to be transposed
     * @param transposition the amount to transpose in semitones
     * @param mode          the scale to use for the transposition
     * @param key           the chromatic note to be used as the
     *                      rooth of the mode. i.e., 0 = C, 1 = C# etc.
    public static void transpose(Phrase phrase, final int transposition, final int[] mode, int key) {
        try {
            if (phrase == null) new NullPointerException();
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

        // make sure the root is in the first octave
        int rootNote = key % 12;
        Vector noteList = phrase.getNoteList();
        Enumeration enum1 = noteList.elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note note = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            Mod.transpose(note, transposition, mode, key);

     * Appends a copy of the <CODE>phrase</CODE> to the end of itself.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase Phrase to be repeated
    public static void repeat(Phrase phrase) {
        repeat(phrase, 2);

     * Makes the <CODE>phrase</CODE> <CODE>n</CODE> times as long by repeating.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>n</CODE> is less than on
     * then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase Phrase to be repeated
     * @param n      integer representing the number of repeats, 1 will leave
     *               the phrase unchanged, 2 a single added repetitions, and
     *               so forth
    public static void repeat(Phrase phrase, final int n) {
        try {
            if (phrase == null) new NullPointerException();
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

        int initialLength = phrase.size();
        for (int t = 0; t < (n - 1); t++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < initialLength; i++) {

     * Places a duplicate of a section of a phrase immediately after the end
     * of the section.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null; or <CODE>startLoc</CODE> is greater
     * than or equal to <CODE>endLoc</CODE> then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase   Phrase with section to be repeated
     * @param startLoc double describing the time of the beginning of the
     *                 repeated section, in crotchets.
     * @param endLoc   double describing the time of the end of the repeated
     *                 section, in crotchets.
    public static void repeat(Phrase phrase, final double startLoc,
                              final double endLoc) {
        repeat(phrase, 2, startLoc, endLoc);

     * Loops a section of <CODE>phrase</CODE> <CODE>n</CODE> times.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null; <CODE>startLoc</CODE> is greater than
     * or equal to <CODE>endLoc</CODE>; or <CODE>n</CODE> is less than one then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase   Phrase with section to be repeated
     * @param times    integer representing the number of repeats
     * @param startLoc double describing the time of the beginning of the
     *                 repeated section, in crotchets.
     * @param endLoc   double describing the time of the end of the repeated
     *                 section, in crotchets.
    public static void repeat(Phrase phrase, int times, double startLoc,
                              double endLoc) {
        // are the arguments valid?
        if (phrase == null) {
            System.err.println("phrase is null");
        } else if (startLoc >= endLoc) {
            System.err.println("startlocation is bigger or equal to end " +
        } else if (times < 2) {
            System.err.println("times is smaller than 2");
        } else if (startLoc < 0) {
            System.err.println("startLoc is smaller than 0");

        // copy the section to repeat
        Phrase repeatedBit = phrase.copy(startLoc, endLoc);
        // setup
        Phrase tempPhr = new Phrase();
        boolean overlappingFirst = false;
        int overlappingNoteAt = 0;
        boolean overlappingLast = false;
        double beatCounter = (phrase.getStartTime() < 0.0) ? 0.0 : phrase.getStartTime();
        // Add notes for the first time through
        int beforeCount;
        for (beforeCount = 0; beforeCount < phrase.size() && beatCounter +
                phrase.getNote(beforeCount).getRhythmValue() <= endLoc; beforeCount++) {
            //yes add the whole note
            // overlapping first note?
            if (beatCounter < startLoc && beatCounter + phrase.getNote(beforeCount).getRhythmValue() > startLoc) {
                overlappingFirst = true;
                overlappingNoteAt = beforeCount;
            beatCounter += phrase.getNote(beforeCount).getRhythmValue();

        // is the next note overlapping the end?
        if (beforeCount + 1 < phrase.size()) { // make sure we haven't gone through all notes
            if (beatCounter < endLoc && beatCounter + phrase.getNote(beforeCount + 1).getRhythmValue() > endLoc) {
                overlappingLast = true;
                // add partial note
                Note partialNote = phrase.getNote(beforeCount).copy();
                partialNote.setDuration(partialNote.getDuration() * endLoc - beatCounter / partialNote.getRhythmValue());
                partialNote.setRhythmValue(endLoc - beatCounter);

        // do the repeats
        boolean endLoopFlag = false;
        for (int r = 0; r < (times - 1); r++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < repeatedBit.size(); j++) {
                if (!endLoopFlag) tempPhr.addNote(repeatedBit.getNote(j));

        // add the remaining notes
        if (overlappingLast) {
            // delete lst partial note

        for (int i = beforeCount; i < phrase.size(); i++) {

        // update this phrase
        //if(startLoc >= 0.0 && phrase.getStartTime() > startLoc) phrase.setStartTime(startLoc);

     * increases the dynamic by a certain amount - <br>
     * obviously a negative number will decrease it
     * @param Phrase the phase that is to be affected
     * @param int    the amount that it is to be affected by
    public static void increaseDynamic(Phrase phr, int amount) {
        try {
            if (phr == null) new NullPointerException();
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

        Enumeration enum1 = phr.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note n = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            n.setDynamic(n.getDynamic() + amount);

     * Linearly fades in the <CODE>phrase</CODE>.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null; or if <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase     Phrase to be faded
     * @param fadelength double describing the number of beats (crotchets) to fade
     *                   over
    public static void fadeIn(Phrase phrase, final double fadeLength) {
        if (phrase == null || fadeLength <= 0.0) {
        double rhythmValueCounter = 0.0;
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            if (rhythmValueCounter > fadeLength) {
            Note nextNote = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            double fadeFactor = rhythmValueCounter / fadeLength;
            int dynamic = (int) ((double) nextNote.getDynamic() * fadeFactor);
            if (dynamic == 0) {
                //start fade in at dynamic of 1 as 0 is MIDI note off
                dynamic = 1;
            rhythmValueCounter += nextNote.getRhythmValue();

     * Linearly fades in the <CODE>phrase</CODE>, with the fade beginning before
     * the <CODE>phrase</CODE>.
     * <p/>
     * <P> This is mainly used by when fading multiple Phrases of a Part.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null; <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less than
     * or equal to zero; <CODE>phraseStart</CODE> is less than zero; or <CODE>
     * fadeLength</CODE> is less than or equal to <CODE>phraseStart</CODE> then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase          Phrase to be faded
     * @param fadeLength      double describing the duration of the fade, in
     *                        crotchets
     * @param phraseStartTime double describing how far into the fade the
     *                        phrase starts
    public static void fadeIn(Phrase phrase, final double fadeLength,
                              final double phraseStartTime) {
        if (phrase == null || fadeLength <= 0.0 || phraseStartTime < 0.0) {
        double rhythmValueCounter = phraseStartTime;
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            if (rhythmValueCounter >= fadeLength) {
            Note nextNote = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            double fadeFactor = rhythmValueCounter / fadeLength;
            int dynamic = (int) ((double) nextNote.getDynamic() * fadeFactor);
            if (dynamic == 0) {
                //start fade in at dynamic of 1 as 0 is MIDI note off
                dynamic = 1;
            rhythmValueCounter += nextNote.getRhythmValue();

     * Linearly fades out the <CODE>phrase</CODE>.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null; or if <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase     Phrase to be faded
     * @param fadeLength double describing the duration of the fade out in
     *                   crotchets
    public static void fadeOut(Phrase phrase, final double fadeLength) {
        if (phrase == null || fadeLength <= 0.0) {
        double rhythmValueCounter = 0.0;
        int phraseLength = phrase.size() - 1;//-1 due to Vector elements starting at 0
        for (int i = 0; i <= phraseLength; i++) {
            Note nextNote = (Note) phrase.getNoteList().elementAt(phraseLength - i);
            if (rhythmValueCounter > fadeLength) {

            double fadeFactor = rhythmValueCounter / fadeLength;
            int dynamic = (int) ((double) nextNote.getDynamic() * fadeFactor);
            if (dynamic == 0) {             //only fade out to dynamic of 1 as 0 is note off
                dynamic = 1;
            rhythmValueCounter += nextNote.getRhythmValue();

     * Linearly fades out the <CODE>phrase</CODE>, with the fade ending after
     * the phrase ends.
     * <p/>
     * <P> This method is mainly used by a Part when fading multiple Phrases.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null; <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less than
     * or equal to zero; <CODE>phraseEndTime</CODE> is less than zero; or <CODE>
     * fadeLength</CODE> is less than <CODE>phraseEndTime</CODE> then this
     * method does nothing.
     * @param phrase        Phrase to be faded
     * @param fadeLength    double describing the duration of the fade out in
     *                      crotchets
     * @param phraseEndTime double describing the length of time, in crotchets,
     *                      between the end of the phrase and the end of the
     *                      fade.
    public static void fadeOut(Phrase phrase, final double fadeLength,
                               final double phraseEndTime) {
        if (phrase == null || fadeLength <= 0.0 || phraseEndTime < 0.0) {
        double rhythmValueCounter = phraseEndTime;
        int phraseLength = phrase.size() - 1; //-1 due to Vector elements starting at 0
        for (int i = 0; i <= phraseLength; i++) {
            Note nextNote = (Note) phrase.getNoteList().elementAt(phraseLength - i);
            if (rhythmValueCounter >= fadeLength) {
            double fadeFactor = rhythmValueCounter / fadeLength;
            int dynamic = (int) ((double) nextNote.getDynamic() * fadeFactor);
            if (dynamic == 0) {

                // only fade out to dynamic of 1 as 0 is note off
                dynamic = 1;
            rhythmValueCounter += nextNote.getRhythmValue();

     * A compressor/expander routine.  Compression ratio numbers between 0 and 1
     * compress, values larger than 1 expand.  Negative values invert the
     * dynamic about the mean.
     * <p/>
     * <P> This compression applies only to the volume, technically the dynamic,
     * of the notes.  It will multiply the difference between each of the notes'
     * dynmaics and the average dynamic, by the compression factor.  Thus, a
     * <CODE>ratio</CODE> of zero will change every note's volume to the average
     * volume; one will leave every note unchanged; and two will make every
     * note's volume twice as far from the mean;
     * <p/>
     * <P> Negative values will have a similar affect but leave the dynamic of
     * each note on the other side of the mean.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Note also that if the dynamic is expanded to a value greater than
     * {@link Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC} or less than {@link Note#MIN_DYNAMIC
     * MIN_DYNAMIC} then the dynamic will be set to a value as described in the
     * {@link Note#setDynamic} method.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Finally, if <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then this method will do
     * nothing.
     * @param phrase Phrase to be expanded/compressed
     * @param ratio  double describing the compression factor.
    public static void compress(Phrase phrase, final double ratio) {
        if (phrase == null) {

        // compress the velocities
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();

        // find the max, min, and mean velocities
        int max = Note.MIN_DYNAMIC;
        int min = Note.MAX_DYNAMIC;
        int curr;
        int mean;

        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note note = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            if (note.getPitch() != REST) { // reject rests
                curr = note.getDynamic();
                if (curr > max) {
                    max = curr;
                if (curr < min) {
                    min = curr;
        mean = (min + max) / 2;

        // compress the sucker
        enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note note = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            curr = (int) (mean + ((note.getDynamic() - mean) * ratio));

     * Adds phrase2 to the end of phrase1.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If either <CODE>phrase1</CODE> or <CODE>phrase2</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase1 the base Phrase
     * @param phrase2 the Phrase to be appended
    public static void append(Phrase phrase1, Phrase phrase2) {
        if (phrase1 == null || phrase2 == null) {
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase2.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            phrase1.addNote(((Note) enum1.nextElement()).copy());

     * Quantizes the <CODE>phrase</CODE>.  See {@link #quantise(Phrase, double)}
     * for more details.
     * @param phrase Phrase to be quantized
     * @param qValue the rhythm value to quantize to, in crotchets
    public static void quantize(Phrase phrase, double qValue) {
        quantise(phrase, qValue);

     * Quantises the rhythm values of notes in the <CODE>phrase</CODE>.  See {@link #quantise(Phrase, double)}
     * for more details.
     * @param phrase Phrase to be quantized
     * @param qValue the rhythm value to quantize to, in crotchets
    public static void quantise(Phrase phrase, double qValue) {
        quantize(phrase, qValue, CHROMATIC_SCALE, 0);

     * Aligns all rhythmValues of notes in a phrase to the closest beat subdivision
     * and all note pitches to be members of the specified mode.
     * <p/>
     * <P> This is a basic quantisation that doesn't take into account a note's
     * offset, duration or position within a phrase.  Each note is quantised by
     * changing it's rhythm value to a integer multiple of <CODE>qValue</CODE>.
     * <p/>
     * <P> As an example of how this might cause unwanted side-effects consider
     * quantising the three notes in a quaver triple, to the <CODE>qValue</CODE>
     * of 0.25.  Each note's rhythm value is slightly less than a quaver, so is
     * quantised to exactly a quaver.  Together the three notes now extend over
     * a dotted crotchet, whereas previously they occupied only a crotchet.  If
     * this triple was in a larger phrase all notes beyond the triplet would
     * begin a quaver later.  In common time this would have the effect of
     * syncopating the rhythm.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>qValue</CODE> is less than
     * or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase Phrase to be quantised.
     * @param qValue the beat subdivision value to quantise to, in crotchets
     * @param mode   the scale to use for the transposition
     *               (the JMC has some scale constants)
     * @param key    the chromatic note to be used as the root
     *               of the mode. i.e., 0 = C, 1 = C# etc.
    public static void quantize(Phrase phrase, final double qValue, final int[] mode, int key) {
        if (phrase == null || qValue <= 0.0 || mode == null || key < 0) {
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note note = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            double rv = note.getRhythmValue();
            note.setRhythmValue((int) Math.round(rv / qValue) * qValue);
            // pitch
            quantizePitch(note, mode, key);

     * Extends the <CODE>phrase</CODE> by repeating it until it contains the
     * number of notes as specified by <CODE>numNotes</CODE>.
     * <p/>
     * <P> The repetitions work in the same manner as {@link #repeat}, except
     * that the final repetition will not be a complete copy of the original
     * phrase if the note count is reached before the repetition is
     * completed.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or if <CODE>numNotes</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to the number of notes in the phrase then this method does
     * nothing.
     * @param phrase    Phrase to be cycled
     * @param numbNotes the number of notes in the final phrase
    public static void cycle(Phrase phrase, final int numNotes) {
        if (phrase == null) {

        // check to see if the argument is legal
        int size = phrase.size();
        if (numNotes <= size) {

        Phrase newPhr = new Phrase();

        // add extra cycled notes
        for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; i++) {
            newPhr.addNote(phrase.getNote(i % size).copy());

        // update the phrase
        Enumeration enum1 = newPhr.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {

     * Extends the <CODE>phrase</CODE> by repeating it until it is as long as
     * the specified length.
     * <p/>
     * <P> The repetitions work in the same manner as {@link #repeat}, except
     * that the final repetition will not be a complete copy of the original
     * phrase if the rhythm value count is reached before the repetition is
     * completed.
     * <p/>
     * <P> This method does not truncate the last note to make the final phrase
     * exactly equal to <CODE>numBeats</CODE>.  It guarantee that the final
     * phrase is at least <CODE>numBeats</CODE> but may be greater depending on
     * the rhythm value of the last note added.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or if <CODE>numNotes</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to the number of notes in the phrase then this method does
     * nothing.
     * @param phrase   Phrase to be cycled
     * @param numBeats double describing the minimum length of the final
     *                 phrase, in crotchets
    public static void cycle(Phrase phrase, final double numBeats) {

        // check to see if the argument is legal
        if (phrase == null || numBeats <= phrase.getEndTime()) {

        int size = phrase.size();
        Phrase newPhr = new Phrase();

        // add extra cycled notes
        for (int i = 0; newPhr.getEndTime() < numBeats; i++) {
            newPhr.addNote(phrase.getNote(i % size).copy());

        // update the phrase
        Enumeration enum1 = newPhr.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {

     * Randomise the order of notes in the phrase without repeating any note.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase Phrase to be shuffled
    public static void shuffle(Phrase phrase) {
        if (phrase == null) {
        // set up a new phrase
        Phrase newPhr = new Phrase();
        // put one note in to start off the new phrase
        newPhr.addNote(phrase.getNote((int) (Math.random() * phrase.size())));
        // create the rest of the new note order
        for (int i = 0; i < phrase.size() - 1; ) {
            //select a new note from this phrase
            Note n = phrase.getNote((int) (Math.random() * phrase.size()));
            //check if  it is a note already used
            boolean notUsed = true;
            for (int j = 0; j < newPhr.size(); j++) {
                if (n == newPhr.getNote(j)) {
                    notUsed = false;
            // if the note is not already present then add it to the phrase
            // and move to the next note in the phrase
            if (notUsed) {

        // update the phrase
        Enumeration enum1 = newPhr.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {

     * Extend the phrase by adding all notes backwards, repeating the last note
     * of the phrase.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase Phrase to be extended with its mirror
    public static void palindrome(Phrase phrase) {
        palindrome(phrase, true);

     * Extend the phrase by adding all notes backwards.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase         Phras to be extended with its mirror
     * @param repeatLastNote boolean specifying whether the last note is to
     *                       be repeated
    public static void palindrome(Phrase phrase, final boolean repeatLastNote) {
        if (phrase == null) {

        int numbNotes = (repeatLastNote) ? phrase.size() : phrase.size() - 1;

        // add the existing note backwards
        for (int i = numbNotes - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

     * Move the notes around the phrase, first becoming second, second becoming
     * third, and so forth with last becoming first.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase Phrase whose notes are to be rotated
    public static void rotate(Phrase phrase) {
        rotate(phrase, 1);

     * Move the notes around a number of steps as specified by <CODE>numSteps
     * </CODE> which each step involving the first note becoming the second,
     * second the third, and so forth with the last becoming first.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase Phrase whose notes are to be rotated
     * @param int    number of steps
    public static void rotate(Phrase phrase, int numSteps) {
        if (phrase == null) {
        Vector v = phrase.getNoteList();
        for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++) {

            v.insertElementAt(v.lastElement(), 0);
            v.removeElementAt(v.size() - 1);

     * Reverse the order of notes in the phrase.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase Phrase to be mirrored
    public static void retrograde(Phrase phrase) {
        if (phrase == null) {
        Phrase backwards = new Phrase();
        for (int i = phrase.size(); i > 0; i--) {
            backwards.addNote(phrase.getNote(i - 1));

        // update the phrase
        Enumeration enum1 = backwards.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {

     * Mirror the pitch of notes in the phrase around the first note's pitch.
     * The order of the notes is not affected it is only the pitches that are
     * mirrored.  That is, notes which are n semitones above the first pitch
     * will be changed to be n semitones below.
     * <p/>
     * <P> For exact details of what happens when pitches are shifted below
     * {@link Note#MIN_PITCH MIN_PITCH} or above {@link Note#MAX_PITCH
     * MAX_PITCH} see the description for {@link Note#setPitch}
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase Phrase to be inverted
    public static void inversion(Phrase phrase) {
        if (phrase == null) {

        int i = 0;
        int firstNote = (int) Note.REST;

        // get the first pitch
        while (i < phrase.size() && firstNote == Note.REST) {
            firstNote = phrase.getNote(i++).getPitch();

        for (; i < phrase.size(); i++) {

            // change the pitch to invert each around the first note
            phrase.getNote(i).setPitch(firstNote - (phrase.getNote(i).getPitch()
                    - firstNote));

     * Mirror the pitch of notes in the phrase around the first note's pitch.
     * The order of the notes is not affected it is only the pitches that are
     * mirrored.  That is, notes which are n semitones above the first pitch
     * will be changed to be n semitones below.
     * <P> For exact details of what happens when pitches are shifted below
     * {@link Note#MIN_PITCH MIN_PITCH} or above {@link Note#MAX_PITCH
     * MAX_PITCH} see the description for {@link Note#setPitch}
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase    Phrase to be inverted
    public static void invert(Phrase phrase) {
        if (phrase == null) {

        int i = 0;
        int firstNote = (int) Note.REST;

        // get the first pitch
        while (i < phrase.size() && firstNote == Note.REST) {
            firstNote = phrase.getNote(i++).getPitch();

        for (; i < phrase.size(); i++) {
            // change the pitch to invert each around the first note
            phrase.getNote(i).setPitch(firstNote - (phrase.getNote(i).getPitch()
                    - firstNote));

     * Mirror the pitch of notes in the phrase around the first note's pitch
     * taking into account a given scale. The order of the notes is not affected
    * it is only the pitches that are mirrored. That is, notes which are n diatonic steps
    *  above the first pitch will be changed to be n steps below.
    *   At present this method will quantise the pitch of non-scale notes to their closest scale degree.
     * <P> For exact details of what happens when pitches are shifted below
     * {@link Note#MIN_PITCH MIN_PITCH} or above {@link Note#MAX_PITCH
     * MAX_PITCH} see the description for {@link Note#setPitch}
     * <P> If any of the arguments are invalid or null then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase    Phrase to be inverted
    * @param scale    The scale (array of interger values between 0 and 11 assuming a root of 0 i.e., C) to use.
    * @param root    The pitch to use as a root note (key) of the scale (0 - 11)
    public static void diatonicInvert(Phrase phrase, int[] scale, int root) {
        if (phrase == null || root < 0 || root > 11 || scale == null) {
        // base inversion on step within scale and octave
        int i = 0;
        int firstNotePitch = (int) Note.REST;
        int firstNoteOctave = 0;
        int firstNoteStep = 0;
        int firstNoteStepOffset = 0;
        int octave = 0;
        int step = 0;
        int iSteps = 0;
        int nextStep = 0;
        int nextOctave = 0;

        // get the first pitch
        while (i < phrase.size() && firstNotePitch == Note.REST) {
            firstNotePitch = phrase.getNote(i++).getPitch();
            // calculate first note params
            if (root == 0) firstNoteOctave = firstNotePitch / 12;
            else firstNoteOctave = (firstNotePitch - 12 + root) / 12;
            firstNoteStep = stepIs(firstNotePitch, root, scale);
        // process the remainder
        for (; i < phrase.size(); i++) {
            int pitch = phrase.getNote(i).getPitch();
            while (pitch == Note.REST) { // process rests
                pitch = phrase.getNote(i).getPitch();
            // cal caccidental offset
            int accidental = 0;
            Note n = new Note(pitch, 1);
            while (!n.isScale(scale)) {
                n.setPitch(n.getPitch() - 1);
            // calc octave
            if (root == 0) octave = pitch / 12;
            else octave = (pitch - 12 + root) / 12;
            step = stepIs(pitch, root, scale);
            // calulate inversion for this note
            iSteps = (step - firstNoteStep) + scale.length * (octave - firstNoteOctave);
            if (iSteps < 0) {
                nextStep = (firstNoteStep + (iSteps * -1)) % scale.length;
                nextOctave = firstNoteOctave + ((firstNoteStep + iSteps * -1) / scale.length);
            } else {
                nextStep = (firstNoteStep - iSteps) % scale.length;
                if (nextStep < 0) nextStep = scale.length + nextStep;

                int octCalc = (firstNoteStep - iSteps); // / scale.length + 1;
                if (octCalc >= 0) {
                    nextOctave = firstNoteOctave;
                } else nextOctave = firstNoteOctave + (octCalc + 1) / scale.length - 1;
            // change the pitch to invert each around the first note
            phrase.getNote(i).setPitch(nextOctave * 12 + scale[nextStep] - accidental);

    // at present this will quantise non scale notes to their closest scale degree
    private static int stepIs(int pitch, int root, int[] scale) {
        int step = -1;
        int closestStep = -1;
        int offset = 1000;
        for (int i = 0; i < scale.length; i++) {
            if (pitch % 12 == (scale[i] + root) % 12) {
                step = i;
                offset = 0;
            } else {
                int diff = (pitch % 12) - ((scale[i] + root) % 12);
                if (Math.abs(offset) > Math.abs(diff)) {
                    offset = diff;
                    closestStep = i;
        if (step > -1) {
            return step;
        } else return closestStep;

     * Alters the phrase so that it's notes are stretched or compressed until
     * the phrase is the length specified.  This method works in the same manner
     * as elongate, except it takes an absolute length parameter not a ratio.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>newLength</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase    Phrase to be lengthened
     * @param newLength double describing the number of beats to change the
     *                  phrase to.
    public static void changeLength(Phrase phrase, double newLength) {
        if (phrase == null || newLength <= 0.0) {
        final double oldLength = phrase.getEndTime() - phrase.getStartTime();
        elongate(phrase, newLength / oldLength);

     * Stretch the time of each note in the phrase by <CODE>scaleFactor</CODE>
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>scaleFactor</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase      Phrase to be lengthened
     * @param scaleFactor double describing the scale factor
    public static void elongate(Phrase phrase, double scaleFactor) {
        if (phrase == null || scaleFactor <= 0.0) {

        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note note = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            note.setRhythmValue(note.getRhythmValue() * scaleFactor);
            note.setDuration(note.getDuration() * scaleFactor);

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter by emphasising the
     * first beat of each bar/measure.
     * <p/>
     * <P> The dynamic of each note starting on the beat will be increased by
     * 20.  If this raises the dynamic above {@link Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC
     * } then the dynamic will be set to a value as described in {@link
     * Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase Phrase whose beats are to accented
     * @param meter  double describing the number of croctets per
     *               bar/measure
    public static void accents(Phrase phrase, double meter) {
        double[] beats = {0.0};
        accents(phrase, meter, beats);

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter by emphasising the
     * first beat of each bar/measure.
     * <p/>
     * <P> The dynamic of each note starting on the beat will be increased by
     * 20.  If this raises the dynamic above {@link Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC
     * } then the dynamic will be set to a value as described in {@link
     * Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase Phrase whose beats are to accented
     * @param meter  double describing the number of croctets per
     *               bar/measure
    public static void accent(Phrase phrase, double meter) {
        double[] beats = {0.0};
        accents(phrase, meter, beats);

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter by accenting specified beats
     * within each bar/measure.
     * <p/>
     * <P> <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> is an array of values describing where
     * the accents begin relative to the start of each bar, in crochets.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each accented note's dynamic will be increased by 20.
     * If this raises the dynamic above {@link Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC}
     * then the dynamic will be set to a value as described in {@link
     * Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each of the double values in <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> must be
     * greater than or equal to zero and less than <CODE>meter</CODE> or this
     * method does nothing.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase        Phrase to be accented
     * @param meter         double describing the number of croctets per
     *                      bar/measure
     * @param accentedBeats double array describing the time of the accents in
     *                      the bar.
    public static void accents(Phrase phrase, double meter,
                               double[] accentedBeats) {
        accents(phrase, meter, accentedBeats, 20);

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter by accenting specified beats
     * within each bar/measure.
     * <p/>
     * <P> <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> is an array of values describing where
     * the accents begin relative to the start of each bar, in crochets.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each accented note's dynamic will be increased by 20.
     * If this raises the dynamic above {@link Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC}
     * then the dynamic will be set to a value as described in {@link
     * Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each of the double values in <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> must be
     * greater than or equal to zero and less than <CODE>meter</CODE> or this
     * method does nothing.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase        Phrase to be accented
     * @param meter         double describing the number of croctets per
     *                      bar/measure
     * @param accentedBeats double array describing the time of the accents in
     *                      the bar.
    public static void accent(Phrase phrase, double meter,
                              double[] accentedBeats) {
        accents(phrase, meter, accentedBeats, 20);

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter. The meter is the total
     * beat length of the bar/measure, while the array of accented beats is
     * the times within the bar at which an accent should be made.
     * For example, 6/8 time would be implied by a meter of 3 and a
     * accent array of {0.0, 1.5}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> is an array of values describing where
     * the accents begin relative to the start of each bar, in crochets.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Accented beats will have their dynamic increased by <CODE>
     * accentAmount</CODE>.  If this causes the dynamic to be above {@link
     * Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC} or below {@link Note#MIN_DYNAMIC
     * MIN_DYNAMIC} (when <CODE>accentAmount</CODE>) then the dynamic will be
     * set to a value as described by {@link Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each of the double values in <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> must be
     * greater than or equal to zero and less than <CODE>meter</CODE> or this
     * method does nothing.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase        Phrase to be accented
     * @param meter         double describing the number of croctets per
     *                      bar/measure
     * @param accentedBeats double array describing the time of the accents in
     *                      the bar.
     * @param accentAmount  integer describing the value that the dynamic of
     *                      accented beats are increased by.
    public static void accents(Phrase phrase, final double meter,
                               final double[] accentedBeats,
                               final int accentAmount) {
        if (phrase == null || meter <= 0.0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < accentedBeats.length; i++) {
            if (accentedBeats[i] < 0.0 || accentedBeats[i] >= meter) {

        double beatCounter = (phrase.getStartTime() < 0.0)
                ? 0.0
                : phrase.getStartTime();
        Vector v = phrase.getNoteList();
        for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
            Note n = (Note) v.elementAt(i);

            // check to see if that note occurs on an accented beat
            // and if so increase its dynamic level
            for (int j = 0; j < accentedBeats.length; j++) {
                if (beatCounter % meter == accentedBeats[j]) {
                    int tempDyn = n.getDynamic();
                    tempDyn += accentAmount;
            beatCounter += n.getRhythmValue();

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter. The meter is the total
     * beat length of the bar/measure, while the array of accented beats is
     * the times within the bar at which an accent should be made.
     * For example, 6/8 time would be implied by a meter of 3 and a
     * accent array of {0.0, 1.5}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> is an array of values describing where
     * the accents begin relative to the start of each bar, in crochets.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Accented beats will have their dynamic increased by <CODE>
     * accentAmount</CODE>.  If this causes the dynamic to be above {@link
     * Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC} or below {@link Note#MIN_DYNAMIC
     * MIN_DYNAMIC} (when <CODE>accentAmount</CODE>) then the dynamic will be
     * set to a value as described by {@link Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each of the double values in <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> must be
     * greater than or equal to zero and less than <CODE>meter</CODE> or this
     * method does nothing.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase        Phrase to be accented
     * @param meter         double describing the number of croctets per
     *                      bar/measure
     * @param accentedBeats double array describing the time of the accents in
     *                      the bar.
     * @param accentAmount  integer describing the value that the dynamic of
     *                      accented beats are increased by.
    public static void accent(Phrase phrase, final double meter,
                              final double[] accentedBeats,
                              final int accentAmount) {
        if (phrase == null || meter <= 0.0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < accentedBeats.length; i++) {
            if (accentedBeats[i] < 0.0 || accentedBeats[i] >= meter) {

        double beatCounter = (phrase.getStartTime() < 0.0) ? 0.0 : phrase.getStartTime();
        Vector v = phrase.getNoteList();
        for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
            Note n = (Note) v.elementAt(i);

            // check to see if that note occurs on an accented beat
            // and if so increase its dynamic level
            for (int j = 0; j < accentedBeats.length; j++) {
                if (beatCounter % meter == accentedBeats[j]) {
                    int tempDyn = n.getDynamic();
                    tempDyn += accentAmount;
            beatCounter += n.getRhythmValue();

     * Increases dynamic values so that the loudest is at maxiumim level.
     * <p/>
     * This process only effects the dynamic value of the notes in the phrase.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase the Phrase to be effected
    public static void normalise(Phrase phrase) {
        if (phrase == null) {
        // get the curent max
        int max = 0;
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note n = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            if (n.getDynamic() > max) max = n.getDynamic();
        // increase the normalisation
        if (max == Note.MAX_DYNAMIC) {
        int diff = Note.MAX_DYNAMIC - max;
        Enumeration enum2 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note n = (Note) enum2.nextElement();
            n.setDynamic(n.getDynamic() + diff);

     * Randomly adjusts Note dynamic values to create uneven loudness.
     * This process only effects the dynamic value of the notes in the phrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase the Phrase to be effected
    public static void shake(Phrase phrase) {
        Mod.shake(phrase, 20);

     * Randomly adjusts all Notes' dynamic value to create uneven loudness.
     * <p/>
     * This process only effects the dynamic value of the notes in the phrase.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase The Phrase to be effected
     * @param int    The amount of effect - e.g., 5 will be +-5 from the current amount
    public static void shake(Phrase phrase, int amount) {
        if (phrase == null) {
        int currentValue, newValue;
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note n = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            currentValue = n.getDynamic();
            // create new dynamic
            do {
                newValue = currentValue + (int) (Math.random() * 2 * amount - amount);
            } while (newValue < 0 || newValue > 127);

     * Mutates the <CODE>phrase</CODE> by changing one pitch and one rhythm
     * value.
     * @param Phrase Phrase to be mutated
    public static void mutate(Phrase phrase) {
        mutate(phrase, 1, 1, CHROMATIC_SCALE, phrase.getLowestPitch(),
                phrase.getHighestPitch(), new double[]{0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0});

     * Mutates the <CODE>phrase</CODE> by changing pitches and rhythm
     * values.
     * The number of pitches and rhythm values to change can be set, and
     * the pitches and rhythmValues to select from can be specified. The notes
     * within the phrase to change are selected at random. The scale values
     * need to be within 0-11 and will typically use the JMC scale constants.
     * @param Phrase   Phrase to be mutated
     * @param int      pitchCount The number of notes to have pitch altered
     * @param double   rhythmCount The number of notes to have thier rhythm altered
     * @param int[]    pitches The scale values from which to select for relacements
     * @param int      lowestPitch The smallest value a relacement pitch can be
     * @param int      highestPitch The largest value a replacement pitch can be
     * @param double[] rhythms The rhyythm values from which to select replacements
    public static void mutate(Phrase phrase, int pitchCount, int[] scale) {
        mutate(phrase, 1, 0, scale, phrase.getLowestPitch(),
                phrase.getHighestPitch(), new double[]{});

     * Mutates the <CODE>phrase</CODE> by changing pitches and rhythm
     * values.
     * The number of pitches and rhythm values to change can be set, and
     * the pitches and rhythmValues to select from can be specified. The notes
     * within the phrase to change are selected at random. The scale values
     * need to be within 0-11 and will typically use the JMC scale constants.
     * @param Phrase   Phrase to be mutated
     * @param int      pitchCount The number of notes to have pitch altered
     * @param double   rhythmCount The number of notes to have thier rhythm altered
     * @param int[]    pitches The scale values from which to select for relacements
     * @param int      lowestPitch The smallest value a relacement pitch can be
     * @param int      highestPitch The largest value a replacement pitch can be
     * @param double[] rhythms The rhyythm values from which to select replacements
    public static void mutate(Phrase phrase, int pitchCount, int rhythmCount,
                              int[] pitches, int lowestPitch, int highestPitch, double[] rhythms) {
        //pitch mutation
        for (int i = 0; i < pitchCount; i++) {
            int newPitch = (int) (Math.random() * (highestPitch - lowestPitch) + lowestPitch);
            int pitchToChange = (int) (Math.random() * phrase.size());
            Note noteToChange = phrase.getNote(pitchToChange);
            while (!noteToChange.isScale(pitches)) {
                newPitch = (int) (Math.random() * (highestPitch - lowestPitch) + lowestPitch);
                pitchToChange = (int) (Math.random() * phrase.size());
                noteToChange = phrase.getNote(pitchToChange);
        // rhythm mutatation
        for (int i = 0; i < rhythmCount; i++) {
            double newRV = rhythms[(int) (Math.random() * rhythms.length)];
            Note noteToChange = phrase.getNote((int) (Math.random() * phrase.size()));
            noteToChange.setDuration(newRV * 0.9);

     * Joins consecutive notes in the <CODE>phrase</CODE> that
     * have the same pitch, creating one longer note.
     * This is simmilar to the musical function of a tie.
     * All note in the phrase meeting the conditions
     * are effected.
     * This modification may reduce the overall note count.
     * @param Phrase Phrase to be processed
    public static void tiePitches(Phrase phrase) {
        for (int i = 0; i < phrase.size() - 1; ) {
            Note currNote = phrase.getNote(i);
            Note nextNote = phrase.getNote(i + 1);
            if (currNote.getPitch() == nextNote.getPitch()) {
                currNote.setRhythmValue(currNote.getRhythmValue() + nextNote.getRhythmValue());
                currNote.setDuration(currNote.getDuration() + nextNote.getDuration());
                phrase.removeNote(i + 1);
            } else i++;

     * Joins consecutive rests in the <CODE>phrase</CODE>
     * creating one longer note.
     * This is simmilar to the musical function of a tie.
     * This modification may reduce the overall rest count.
     * @param Phrase Phrase to be processed
    public static void tieRests(Phrase phrase) {
        for (int i = 0; i < phrase.size() - 1; ) {
            Note currNote = phrase.getNote(i);
            Note nextNote = phrase.getNote(i + 1);
            if (currNote.getPitch() == REST && nextNote.getPitch() == REST) {
                currNote.setRhythmValue(currNote.getRhythmValue() + nextNote.getRhythmValue());
                currNote.setDuration(currNote.getDuration() + nextNote.getDuration());
                phrase.removeNote(i + 1);
            } else i++;

     * Lengthens notes followed by a rest in the <CODE>phrase</CODE>
     * by creating one longer note and deleting the rest.
     * This modification may reduce the overall note count in the phrase,
     * be careful that use of this method does not to cause
     * array out of bounds exceptions.
     * @param Phrase Phrase to be processed
    public static void fillRests(Phrase phrase) {
        for (int i = 0; i < phrase.size() - 1; ) {
            Note currNote = phrase.getNote(i);
            Note nextNote = phrase.getNote(i + 1);
            if (currNote.getPitch() != REST && nextNote.getPitch() == REST) {
                currNote.setRhythmValue(currNote.getRhythmValue() + nextNote.getRhythmValue());
                currNote.setDuration(currNote.getDuration() + nextNote.getDuration());
                phrase.removeNote(i + 1);
            } else i++;

     * Randomly adjusts all Notes' pan value to create an even spread acroos the stereo spectrum.
     * This process only effects the pan value of the notes in the phrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase the Phrase to be effected
    public static void spread(Phrase phrase) {
        if (phrase == null) {
        int currentValue, newValue;
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note n = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            // create new pan value

     * Adjusts all Note pan values to alternate between extreme left and right from note to note.
     * This process only effects the pan value of the notes in the phrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase The Phrase to be effected
    public static void bounce(Phrase phrase) {
        if (phrase == null) {
        boolean left = true;
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note n = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            // create new pan value
            if (left) n.setPan(0.0);
            else n.setPan(1.0);
            left = !left;

     * Adjusts all Note duration values to vary randomly between specified values from note to note.
     * This process only effects the duration attribute of the notes in the phrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase    The Phrase to be effected
     * @param minlength The shortest possible duration
     * @param maxlength The longest possible duration
    public static void varyLength(Phrase phrase, double minLength, double maxLength) {
        if (phrase == null || maxLength < minLength) {
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note n = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            double dur = Math.random() * (maxLength - minLength) + minLength;

     * Adjusts Note values to any value plus or minus a specified amount.
     * This process can effect pitch, rhythm & duration, dynamic, and
     * pan values of the notes in the phrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase         The Phrase to be effected
     * @param pitchVariation The degree of pitch change to apply.
    public static void randomize(Phrase phrase, int pitchVariation) {
        randomize(phrase, pitchVariation, 0.0);

     * Adjusts Note values to any value plus or minus a specified amount.
     * This process can effect pitch, rhythm & duration, dynamic, and
     * pan values of the notes in the phrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase          The Phrase to be effected
     * @param pitchVariation  The degree of pitch change to apply.
     * @param rhythmVariation The degree of rhythm value change to apply.
    public static void randomize(Phrase phrase, int pitchVariation, double rhythmVariation) {
        randomize(phrase, pitchVariation, rhythmVariation, 0);

     * Adjusts Note values to any value plus or minus a specified amount.
     * This process can effect pitch, rhythm & duration, dynamic, and
     * pan values of the notes in the phrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param phrase           The Phrase to be effected
     * @param pitchVariation   The degree of pitch change to apply.
     * @param rhythmVariation  The degree of rhythm value change to apply.
     * @param dynamicVariation The degree of dynamic change to apply.
    public static void randomize(Phrase phrase, int pitchVariation, double rhythmVariation, int dynamicVariation) {
        if (phrase == null) {
        boolean left = true;
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note n = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            // create new pitch value
            if (pitchVariation > 0) {
                n.setPitch(n.getPitch() +
                        (int) (Math.random() * (pitchVariation * 2) - pitchVariation));
            // create new rhythm and duration values
            if (rhythmVariation > 0.0) {
                double var = (Math.random() * (rhythmVariation * 2) - rhythmVariation);
                n.setRhythmValue(n.getRhythmValue() + var);
                n.setDuration(n.getDuration() + var);
            // create new dynamic value
            if (dynamicVariation > 0) {
                n.setDynamic(n.getDynamic() +
                        (int) (Math.random() * (dynamicVariation * 2) - dynamicVariation));

     * All ascending sequences of notes are slured by
     * having thier duration extended to 100% of the rhythm value.
     * This algorithm assumes notes are arranged in the standard monophonic
     * series used by jMusic. Notes with durations longer than rhythm values
     * will produce unintended results.
     * @param Phrase The phrase to be modified.
    public static void slurUp(Phrase phrase) {
        slurUp(phrase, 2);

     * All descending sequences of notes are slured by
     * having thier duration extended to 100% of the rhythm value.
     * This algorithm assumes notes are arranged in the standard monophonic
     * series used by jMusic. Notes with durations longer than rhythm values
     * will produce unintended results.
     * @param Phrase The phrase to be modified.
    public static void slurDown(Phrase phrase) {
        slurDown(phrase, 2);

     * All ascending sequences of the number of notes or more are slured by
     * having thier duration extended to 100% of the rhythm value.
     * This algorithm assumes notes are arranged in the standard monophonic
     * series used by jMusic. Notes with durations longer than rhythm values
     * will produce unintended results.
     * @param Phrase The phrase to be modified.
     * @param int    The number of notes in a row to consitute a sequence
    public static void slurUp(Phrase phrase, int numberOfNotes) {
        if (phrase == null || phrase.size() < numberOfNotes || numberOfNotes < 2) {
            System.err.println("jMusic Mod.slurUp error: Arguments not valid.");
        boolean change = false;
        int max = phrase.size() - numberOfNotes;
        for (int i = 0; i < max; ) {
            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfNotes - 1; j++) {
                if ((phrase.getNote(i + j).getPitch() >= 0) &&
                        (phrase.getNote(i + j).getPitch() < phrase.getNote(i + j + 1).getPitch())) {
                    change = true;
                } else {
                    change = false;
            if (change) {
                for (int k = 0; k < numberOfNotes - 1; k++) {
                    phrase.getNote(i + k).setDuration(phrase.getNote(i + k).getRhythmValue());
                i += numberOfNotes - 1;
            } else i++;
            change = false;

     * All descending sequences of the number of notes or more are slured by
     * having the duration of all but the last note extended to
     * 100% of the rhythm value.
     * This algorithm assumes notes are arranged in the standard monophonic
     * series used by jMusic. Notes with durations longer than rhythm values
     * will produce unintended results.
     * @param Phrase The phrase to be modified.
     * @param int    The number of notes in a row to consitute a sequence
    public static void slurDown(Phrase phrase, int numberOfNotes) {
        if (phrase == null || phrase.size() < numberOfNotes || numberOfNotes < 2) {
            System.err.println("jMusic Mod.slurDown error: Arguments not valid.");
        boolean change = false;
        int max = phrase.size() - numberOfNotes;
        for (int i = 0; i < max; ) {
            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfNotes - 1; j++) {
                if ((phrase.getNote(i + j).getPitch() >= 0) &&
                        (phrase.getNote(i + j).getPitch() > phrase.getNote(i + j + 1).getPitch())) {
                    change = true;
                } else {
                    change = false;
            if (change) {
                for (int k = 0; k < numberOfNotes - 1; k++) {
                    phrase.getNote(i + k).setDuration(phrase.getNote(i + k).getRhythmValue());
                i += numberOfNotes - 1;
            } else i++;
            change = false;

     * Vary the duration of each note in the phrase by the multiplyer.
     * @param Phrase The phrase to be modified.
     * @param double The amount to multiply the duration by.
    public static void increaseDuration(Phrase phrase, double multiplyer) {
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note n = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            n.setDuration(n.getDuration() * multiplyer);

     * Vary the duration of each note in the phrase by the specified amount.
     * @param Phrase The phrase to be modified.
     * @param double The amount to add  to the duration.
    public static void addToDuration(Phrase phrase, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note n = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            n.setDuration(n.getDuration() + amount);

     * Vary the rhythm value of each note in the phrase by the specified amount.
     * @param Phrase The phrase to be modified.
     * @param double The amount to add.
    public static void addToRhythmValue(Phrase phrase, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note n = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            n.setRhythmValue(n.getRhythmValue() + amount);

     * Vary both the rhythm value and duration of each note in the phrase by the specified amount.
     * @param phrase The phrase to be modified.
     * @param double The amount to add.
    public static void addToLength(Phrase phrase, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
        double articulation = 0.0;
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Note n = (Note) enum1.nextElement();
            articulation = n.getRhythmValue() / n.getDuration();
            n.setRhythmValue(n.getRhythmValue() + amount);
            n.setDuration(n.getRhythmValue() * articulation);

     * Vary the interval between notes scaling by the specified amount to each interval.
     * @param phrase - The phrase to be modified.
     * @param amount - The scaling multiplyer for the intervals, i.e., 2.0 doubles width.
    public static void expandIntervals(Phrase phrase, double amount) {
        int phraseSize = phrase.size();
        if (phraseSize < 2) return;
        Note firstNote = phrase.getNote(0);
        for (int i = 1; i < phraseSize; i++) {
            Note currNote = phrase.getNote(i);
            int newInterval = (int) ((currNote.getPitch() - firstNote.getPitch()) * amount);
            currNote.setPitch(currNote.getPitch() + newInterval);

    //---------------------- CPHRASE MODIFICATIONS ---------------------------//

     * Transposes the <CODE>cphrase</CODE>.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.  If
     * the pitch is transposed to a value greater than {@link Note#MAX_PITCH
     * MAX_PITCH} or less than {@link Note#MIN_PITCH MIN_DYNAMIC} then the pitch
     * will be set to a value as described in the {@link Note#setPitch} method.
     * @param cphrase   CPhrase to be transposed
     * @param transpose integer describing the amount to transpose in semitones
    public static void transpose(CPhrase cphrase, final int trans) {
        if (cphrase == null) {

        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            transpose((Phrase) enum1.nextElement(), trans);

     * Transpose the CPhrase up or down in scale degrees.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.  If the
     * transposition shifts a pitch above {@link Note#MAX_PITCH MAX_PITCH} or
     * below {@link Note#MIN_PITCH MIN_PITCH}, the pitch will probably cap at
     * those values.  See the description of {@link Note#setPitch} method for
     * exact details of what occurs when trying to set the pitch beyond the
     * allowed range.
     * <p/>
     * Transposition is in diatonic steps. For example in C major the note C
     * transposed 1 will become D, transposed 4 will become G, and transposed
     * by 7 will beome C an octave above. This can be somewhat unintuitive
     * so be careful.
     * @param cphrase       CPhrase to be transposed
     * @param transposition the amount to transpose in semitones
     * @param mode          the scale to use for the transposition
     * @param key           the chromatic note to be used as the
     *                      rooth of the mode. i.e., 0 = C, 1 = C# etc.
    public static void transpose(CPhrase cphrase, final int transposition, final int[] mode, int key) {
        if (cphrase == null) {

        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            transpose((Phrase) enum1.nextElement(), transposition, mode, key);

     * Makes the CPhrase twice as long by repeating it once.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase CPhrase to be repeated
    public static void repeat(CPhrase cphrase) {
        repeat(cphrase, 2);

     * Makes the CPhrase n times as long by repeating.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>times</CODE> is less than
     * one this mthod does nothing.
     * @param cphrase CPhrase to be repeated
     * @param times   number of repeats (default is 1)
    public static void repeat(CPhrase cphrase, final int times) {
        if (cphrase == null) {

        int initialLength = cphrase.getPhraseList().size();
        for (int t = 0; t < (times - 1); t++) {
            double initialEndTime = cphrase.getEndTime();
            for (int i = 0; i < initialLength; i++) {
                Phrase phr = (Phrase) cphrase.getPhraseList().elementAt(i);
                Phrase phrCopy = phr.copy();
                phrCopy.setStartTime(initialEndTime + phr.getStartTime());

     * Loops a section of a the CPhrase once
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null; or <CODE>startLoc</CODE> is greater
     * than or equal to <CODE>endLoc</CODE> then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase  CPhrase to be repeated
     * @param startLoc location of the loop start in beats
     * @param endLoc   location of the loop end in beats
    public static void repeat(CPhrase cphrase, final double startLoc,
                              final double endLoc) {
        repeat(cphrase, 2, startLoc, endLoc);

     * Loops a section of the CPhrase n times.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null; <CODE>startLoc</CODE> is greater
     * than or equal to <CODE>endLoc</CODE>; or <CODE>n</CODE> is less than one
     * then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase CPhrase to be repeated
     * @param times   int number of repeats (default is 1)
     * @param double  location of the loop start in beats
     * @param double  location of the loop end in beats
    public static void repeat(CPhrase cphrase, final int times,
                              final double startLoc, final double endLoc) {
        if (cphrase == null || startLoc >= endLoc || times < 2) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase nextPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            repeat(nextPhrase, times, startLoc - cphrase.getStartTime(),
                    endLoc - cphrase.getStartTime());

     * Linearly fades in the CPhrase
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null; or if <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is
     * less than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase    CPhrase to be faded
     * @param fadeLength double describing the time of the fade, in crotchets.
    public static void fadeIn(CPhrase cphrase, final double fadeLength) {
        if (cphrase == null || fadeLength <= 0.0) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase nextPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            //make the correction for phrases that don't start at the same time as the CPhrase does
            fadeIn(nextPhrase, fadeLength, nextPhrase.getStartTime());

     * Linearly fades in the CPhrase.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null; <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less than
     * or equal to zero; <CODE>cphraseStartTime</CODE> is less than zero; or
     * <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less than or equal to <CODE>cphraseStartTime
     * </CODE> then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase          CPhrase to be faded
     * @param fadeLength       double describing the time of the fade, in
     *                         crotchets
     * @param cpharseStartTime double describing how far into the fade the
     *                         phrase starts.
    public static void fadeIn(CPhrase cphrase, final double fadeLength,
                              final double cphraseStartTime) {
        if (cphrase == null || fadeLength < 0.0 || cphraseStartTime < 0.0
                || fadeLength <= cphraseStartTime) {

        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase nextPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            // make the correction for phrases that don't start at the same time
            // as the Part does (0.0)
            fadeIn(nextPhrase, fadeLength, (cphraseStartTime
                    + nextPhrase.getStartTime()));

     * Linearly fades out the CPhrase.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null; or if <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is
     * less than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase    CPhrase to be faded
     * @param fadeLength double describing the time of the fade out in
     *                   crotchets
    public static void fadeOut(CPhrase cphrase, final double fadeLength) {
        if (cphrase == null || fadeLength <= 0) {

        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase nextPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();

            // make the correction for phrases that don't end at the same time
            // as the CPhrase does
            fadeOut(nextPhrase, fadeLength, (cphrase.getEndTime()
                    - nextPhrase.getEndTime()));

     * Linearly fades out the CPhrase.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null; <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less than
     * or equal to zero; <CODE>cphraseEndTime</CODE> is less than zero; or
     * <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less than <CODE>cphraseEndTime</CODE> then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase       CPhrase to be faded
     * @param fadeLength    double describing the time of the fade out in
     *                      crotchets
     * @param phraseEndTime double describing the length of time, in crothcets,
     *                      between the end of the phrase and the end of the
     *                      fade.
    public static void fadeOut(CPhrase cphrase, final double fadeLength,
                               final double cphraseEndTime) {

        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase nextPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();

            // make the correction for phrases that don't end at the same time
            // as the Part does
            fadeOut(nextPhrase, fadeLength, (cphraseEndTime
                    + cphrase.getEndTime()
                    - nextPhrase.getEndTime()));

     * A compressor/expander routine.  Compression ratio numbers between 0 and 1
     * compress, values larger than 1 expand.
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #compress(Phrase, double)} for further details.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase CPhrase to be compressed
     * @param retio   double describing the compression factor.
    public static void compress(CPhrase cphrase, final double ratio) {
        if (cphrase == null) {
        // find the average dynamic of the part
        int curr;
        double accum = 0;
        int ave;
        int counter = 0;

        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase tempPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            if (tempPhrase == null) {
            Enumeration enum2 = tempPhrase.getNoteList().elements();
            while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
                Note note = (Note) enum2.nextElement();
                if (note.getPitch() != REST) { // reject rests
                    curr = note.getDynamic();
                    accum += curr;
        ave = (int) (accum / counter);

        // compress the sucker
        enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase tempPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            if (tempPhrase == null) {
            Enumeration enum2 = tempPhrase.getNoteList().elements();
            while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
                Note note = (Note) enum2.nextElement();
                System.out.println("note was =" + note.getDynamic());
                curr = (int) (ave + ((note.getDynamic() - ave) * ratio));

     * Adds a second CPhrase to the end of the first.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase1</CODE> or <CODE>cphrase2</CODE> is null then this
     * method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase1 the base CPhrase
     * @param cphrase2 CPhrase to be appended
    public static void append(CPhrase cphrase1, final CPhrase cphrase2) {
        if (cphrase1 == null || cphrase2 == null) {

        //go through the phrases in the new part
        // and add then one by one
        double et = cphrase1.getEndTime();
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase2.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase tempPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            tempPhrase.setStartTime(et + tempPhrase.getStartTime());

     * Combines the phrases from a second CPhrase into the first.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase1</CODE> or <CODE>cphrase2</CODE> is null then this
     * method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase1 the base CPhrase
     * @param cphrase2 the CPhrase to be merged with the first
    public static void merge(CPhrase cphrase1, final CPhrase cphrase2) {
        if (cphrase1 == null || cphrase2 == null) {

        // go through the phrases in the provided CPhrase
        // and add then one by one
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase2.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            cphrase1.addPhrase((Phrase) enum1.nextElement());

     * Quantize the cphrase.
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #quantise(CPhrase, double)}.
     * @param cphrase CPhrase to be quantized
     * @param qValue  the amount to quantize to
    public static void quantize(CPhrase cphrase, final double qValue) {
        quantise(cphrase, qValue);

     * Quantise the cphrase.
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #quantise(CPhrase, double)}.
     * @param cphrase CPhrase to be quantized
     * @param qValue  the amount to quantize to
    public static void quantise(CPhrase cphrase, final double qValue) {
        quantize(cphrase, qValue, CHROMATIC_SCALE, 0);

     * Quantise all the phrases in this CPhrase.
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #quantise(Phrase, double)} for further details.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>qValue</CODE> is less than
     * or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase CPhrase to be quantised
     * @param qValue  the amount to quantise to
    public static void quantize(CPhrase cphrase, final double qValue, final int[] mode, int key) {
        if (cphrase == null || qValue <= 0.0) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            quantize((Phrase) enum1.nextElement(), qValue, mode, key);

     * Randomly order notes within each phrase.
     * @param cphrase -The CPhrase that contains phrases to be shuffled
    public static void shuffle(CPhrase cphrase) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            shuffle((Phrase) enum1.nextElement());

     * A version of Cycle that works for parts
     * @param Part   the part to cycle
     * @param double position of where it should cycle to
    public static void cycle(Part part, double to) {
        // make sure parameters are valid
        if (part == null || to <= 0.0 || to == part.getEndTime()) {
        double endTime = part.getEndTime();

        //if to is shorter then the actual part, make a truncated copy
        if (to < endTime) {
            Part copy = part.copy(0.0, to);
        } // other wise add cycles of itself to itself

        // go through each whole cycle that needs to be gone through.
        int startPoint = 1;
        double cycleAt = to;
        for (cycleAt = to; (int) (cycleAt / endTime) > 1; cycleAt -= endTime) {
            Phrase[] phrases = part.getPhraseArray(); //go through phrases
            for (int i = 0; i < phrases.length; i++) {
                //setStartTime to make it in phase with that cycle
                phrases[i].setStartTime(phrases[i].getStartTime() +
                        startPoint * endTime);

        //  copy in the remainding stuff in
        double remainder = (to - (startPoint * endTime));

        if (remainder > 0.0) {
            Part copy = part.copy(0.0, remainder, true, true, false);
            Phrase[] phrases = copy.getPhraseArray(); //go through phrases
            for (int i = 0; i < phrases.length; i++) {
                //setStartTime to make it in phase with that cycle
                phrases[i].setStartTime(phrases[i].getStartTime() +
                        startPoint * endTime);

     * Lengthen each note in the CPhrase.
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #elongate(Phrase, double)} for further details.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>scaleFactor</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase     CPhrase to be lengthened
     * @param scaleFactor double describing the scale factor
    public static void elongate(CPhrase cphrase, final double scaleFactor) {
        if (cphrase == null || scaleFactor <= 0.0) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = ((Phrase) enum1.nextElement());
            elongate(phr, scaleFactor);
            phr.setStartTime(phr.getStartTime() * scaleFactor);

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter by emphasising the
     * first beat of each bar/measure.
     * <p/>
     * <P> The dynamic of each note starting on the beat will be increased by
     * 20.  If this raises the dynamic above {@link Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC
     * } then the dynamic will be set to a value as described in {@link
     * Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase CPhrase to be accented
     * @param meter   double describing the number of croctets per
     *                bar/measure
    public static void accents(CPhrase cphrase, final double meter) {
        double[] beats = {0.0};
        accents(cphrase, meter, beats);

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter by accenting specified beats
     * within each bar/measure.
     * <p/>
     * <P> <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> is an array of values describing where
     * the accents begin relative to the start of each bar, in crochets.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each accented note's dynamic will be increased by 20.
     * If this raises the dynamic above {@link Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC}
     * then the dynamic will be set to a value as described in {@link
     * Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each of the double values in <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> must be
     * greater than or equal to zero and less than <CODE>meter</CODE> or this
     * method does nothing.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase       CPhrase to be accented
     * @param meter         double describing the number of croctets per
     *                      bar/measure
     * @param accentedBeats double array describing the time of the accents in
     *                      the bar.
    public static void accents(CPhrase cphrase, final double meter,
                               final double[] accentedBeats) {
        accents(cphrase, meter, accentedBeats, 20);

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter. The meter is the total
     * beat length of the bar/measure, while the array of accented beats is
     * the times within the bar at which an accent should be made.
     * For example, 6/8 time would be implied by a meter of 3 and a
     * accent array of {0.0, 1.5}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> is an array of values describing where
     * the accents begin relative to the start of each bar, in crochets.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Accented beats will have their dynamic increased by <CODE>
     * accentAmount</CODE>.  If this causes the dynamic to be above {@link
     * Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC} or below {@link Note#MIN_DYNAMIC
     * MIN_DYNAMIC} (when <CODE>accentAmount</CODE>) then the dynamic will be
     * set to a value as described by {@link Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each of the double values in <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> must be
     * greater than or equal to zero and less than <CODE>meter</CODE> or this
     * method does nothing.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase       CPhrase to be accented
     * @param meter         double describing the number of croctets per
     *                      bar/measure
     * @param accentedBeats double array describing the time of the accents in
     *                      the bar.
     * @param accentAmount  integer describing the value that the dynamic of
     *                      accented beats are increased by.
    public static void accents(CPhrase cphrase, final double meter,
                               final double[] accentedBeats,
                               final int accentAmount) {
        if (cphrase == null || meter <= 0.0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < accentedBeats.length; i++) {
            if (accentedBeats[i] < 0.0 || accentedBeats[i] >= meter) {

        //go through the phrases one by one and accent them
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            accents(phrase, meter, accentedBeats, accentAmount);

     * Increases dynamic values so that the loudest is at maxiumim level.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase the CPhrase to be effected
    public static void normalise(CPhrase cphrase) {
        if (cphrase == null) {
        // get the curent max
        int max = 0;
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            Enumeration enum2 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
            while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
                Note n = (Note) enum2.nextElement();
                if (n.getDynamic() > max) max = n.getDynamic();
        // increase the normalisation
        if (max == Note.MAX_DYNAMIC) {
        int diff = Note.MAX_DYNAMIC - max;
        Enumeration enum3 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum3.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum3.nextElement();
            Enumeration enum4 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
            while (enum4.hasMoreElements()) {
                Note n = (Note) enum4.nextElement();
                n.setDynamic(n.getDynamic() + diff);

     * Randomly adjusts all Notes' pan value to create an even spread acroos the stereo spectrum.
     * This process only effects the pan value of the notes in the cphrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase the CPhrase to be effected
    public static void spread(CPhrase cphrase) {
        if (cphrase == null) {
        int currentValue, newValue;
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            // create new pan value

     * Adjusts all Notes' pan value to alternate between extreme left and right from note to note.
     * This process only effects the pan value of the notes in the cphrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase The CPhrase to be effected
    public static void bounce(CPhrase cphrase) {
        if (cphrase == null) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();

     * Joins consecutive notes in each <CODE>CPhrase</CODE> that
     * have the same pitch, creating one longer note.
     * This is simmilar to the musical function of a tie.
     * All note in the phrase meeting the conditions
     * are effected.
     * This modification may reduce the overall note count.
     * @param CPhrase CPhrase to be processed
    public static void tiePitches(CPhrase cphrase) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();

     * Joins consecutive rests in each <CODE>CPhrase</CODE>
     * creating one longer note.
     * This is simmilar to the musical function of a tie.
     * This modification may reduce the overall rest count.
     * @param CPhrase CPhrase to be processed
    public static void tieRests(CPhrase cphrase) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();

     * Lengthens notes followed by a rest in the <CODE>CPhrase</CODE>
     * by creating one longer note and deleting the rest.
     * This modification may reduce the overall note count in the phrase,
     * be careful that use of this method does not to cause
     * array out of bounds exceptions.
     * @param CPhrase CPhrase to be processed
    public static void fillRests(CPhrase cphrase) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();

     * Adjusts all Notes' duration values to vary randomly between specified values from note to note.
     * This process only effects the duration attribute of the notes in the phrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase   The CPhrase to be effected
     * @param minlength The shortest possible duration
     * @param maxlength The longest possible duration
    public static void varyLength(CPhrase cphrase, double minLength, double maxLength) {
        if (cphrase == null || maxLength < minLength) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            varyLength(phrase, minLength, maxLength);

     * Adjusts Note values to any value plus or minus a specified amount.
     * This process can effect pitch, rhythm & duration, dynamic, and
     * pan values of the notes in the cphrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase        The CPhrase to be effected
     * @param pitchVariation The degree of pitch change to apply.
    public static void randomize(CPhrase cphrase, int pitchVariation) {
        randomize(cphrase, pitchVariation, 0.0);

     * Adjusts Note values to any value plus or minus a specified amount.
     * This process can effect pitch, rhythm and duration, dynamic, and
     * pan values of the notes in the cphrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase         The CPhrase to be effected
     * @param pitchVariation  The degree of pitch change to apply.
     * @param rhythmVariation The degree of rhythm value change to apply.
    public static void randomize(CPhrase cphrase, int pitchVariation, double rhythmVariation) {
        randomize(cphrase, pitchVariation, rhythmVariation, 0);

     * Adjusts Note values to any value plus or minus a specified amount.
     * This process can effect pitch, rhythm and duration, dynamic, and
     * pan values of the notes in the cphrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>cphrase</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase          The CPhrase to be effected
     * @param pitchVariation   The degree of pitch change to apply.
     * @param rhythmVariation  The degree of rhythm value change to apply.
     * @param dynamicVariation The degree of dynamic change to apply.
    public static void randomize(CPhrase cphrase, int pitchVariation, double rhythmVariation, int dynamicVariation) {
        if (cphrase == null) {
        boolean left = true;
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            randomize(phr, pitchVariation, rhythmVariation, dynamicVariation);

     * All ascending sequences of the number of notes or more are slured by
     * having thier duration extended to 100% of the rhythm value.
     * This algorithm assumes notes are arranged in the standard monophonic
     * series used by jMusic. Notes with durations longer than rhythm values
     * will produce unintended results.
     * @param CPhrase The cphrase to be modified.
     * @param int     The number of notes in a row to consitute a sequence
    public static void slurUp(CPhrase cphrase, int numberOfNotes) {
        if (cphrase == null) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            slurUp(phr, numberOfNotes);

     * All descending sequences of the number of notes or more are slured by
     * having thier duration extended to 100% of the rhythm value.
     * This algorithm assumes notes are arranged in the standard monophonic
     * series used by jMusic. Notes with durations longer than rhythm values
     * will produce unintended results.
     * @param CPhrase The cphrase to be modified.
     * @param int     The number of notes in a row to consitute a sequence
    public static void slurDown(CPhrase cphrase, int numberOfNotes) {
        if (cphrase == null) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            slurDown(phr, numberOfNotes);

     * Vary the duration of each note in the phrase by the multiplyer.
     * @param CPhrase The cphrase to be modified.
     * @param double  The amount to multiply the duration by.
    public static void increaseDuration(CPhrase cphrase, double multiplyer) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            increaseDuration(phr, multiplyer);

     * Vary the duration of each note in the cphrase by the specified amount.
     * @param cphrase -  The cphrase to be modified.
     * @param amount  - The number of beats to add  to the duration.
    public static void addToDuration(CPhrase cphrase, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            addToDuration(phr, amount);

     * Vary the rhythm value of each note in the cphrase by the specified amount.
     * @param cphrase -  The phrase to be modified.
     * @param amount  -  The number of beats to add.
    public static void addToRhythmValue(CPhrase cphrase, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            addToRhythmValue(phr, amount);


     * Vary both the rhythm value and duration of each note in the phrase by the specified amount.
     * @param cphrase -  The cphrase to be modified.
     * @param amount  - The number of beats to add.
    public static void addToLength(CPhrase cphrase, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            addToLength(phr, amount);

     * Vary the interval between notes scaling by the specified amount to each interval.
     * @param cphrase - The CPhrase to be modified.
     * @param amount  - The scaling multiplyer for the intervals, i.e., 2.0 doubles width.
    public static void expandIntervals(CPhrase cphrase, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            expandIntervals(phr, amount);

     * Randomise the dynamic values of notes up to a specified amount either side of the current value.
     * @param cphrase - The CPhrase to be modified.
     * @param amount  - The dynamic change possible either side of the curent dynamic.
    public static void shake(CPhrase cphrase, int amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = cphrase.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            shake(phr, amount);

    //------------------------ PART MODIFICATIONS ----------------------------//

     * Makes the Part twice as long by repeating it once.
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null this method does nothing.
     * @param part Part to be repeated
    public static void repeat(Part part) {
        repeat(part, 2);

     * Makes the Part n times as long by repeating.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null or <CODE>times</CODE> is less than
     * one this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase Part to be repeated
     * @param times   number of repeats (default is 1)
    public static void repeat(Part part, final int times) {
        if (part == null) {

        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase nextPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            repeat(nextPhrase, times);

        // Alternate logic: Repeats the phase rather than lengthens the phrase
        int initialLength = part.getPhraseList().size();
        for (int t = 0; t < (times - 1); t++){
            double initialEndTime = part.getEndTime();
            for(int i = 0; i < initialLength; i++) {
                Phrase phr = (Phrase)part.getPhraseList().elementAt(i);
        Phrase phrCopy = phr.copy();
        phrCopy.setStartTime(initialEndTime + phr.getStartTime());

     * Loops a section of a the Part once
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null; or <CODE>startLoc</CODE> is greater
     * than or equal to <CODE>endLoc</CODE> then this method does nothing.
     * @param part     Part to be repeated
     * @param startLoc location of the loop start in beats
     * @param endLoc   location of the loop end in beats
    public static void repeat(Part part, final double startLoc,
                              final double endLoc) {
        repeat(part, 2, startLoc, endLoc);

     * Loops a section of the Part n times.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null; <CODE>startLoc</CODE> is greater
     * than or equal to <CODE>endLoc</CODE>; or <CODE>n</CODE> is less than one
     * then this method does nothing.
     * @param part   Part to be repeated
     * @param times  int number of repeats (default is 1)
     * @param double location of the loop start in beats
     * @param double location of the loop end in beats
    public static void repeat(Part part, final int times,
                              final double startLoc, final double endLoc) {
        if (part == null || startLoc >= endLoc || times < 2) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase nextPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            repeat(nextPhrase, times, startLoc, endLoc);

     * Transpose the part up or down in semitone steps. This
     * transposition is chromatic, not diatonic.
     * @param part          the Part to be transposed
     * @param transposition the number of semitone steps to shift the pitch
    public static void transpose(Part part, final int transposition) {
        if (part == null || transposition == 0) return;
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            transpose(phr, transposition);

     * Transpose the Part up or down in scale degrees.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.  If the
     * transposition shifts a pitch above {@link Note#MAX_PITCH MAX_PITCH} or
     * below {@link Note#MIN_PITCH MIN_PITCH}, the pitch will probably cap at
     * those values.  See the description of {@link Note#setPitch} method for
     * exact details of what occurs when trying to set the pitch beyond the
     * allowed range.
     * <p/>
     * Transposition is in diatonic steps. For example in C major the note C
     * transposed 1 will become D, transposed 4 will become G, and transposed
     * by 7 will beome C an octave above. This can be somewhat unintuitive
     * so be careful.
     * @param part    Part to be transposed
     * @param degrees the number of scale degrees to transpose
     * @param mode    the scale to use for the transposition
     * @param key     the chromatic note to be used as the
     *                rooth of the mode. i.e., 0 = C, 1 = C# etc.
    public static void transpose(Part part, final int degrees, final int[] mode, int key) {
        if (part == null) {

        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            transpose((Phrase) enum1.nextElement(), degrees, mode, key);

     * A compressor/expander routine.  Compression ratio numbers between 0 and 1
     * compress, values larger than 1 expand.
     * <p/>
     * <P> This is a basic compression routine and is not perfect.
     * Specifically, each phrase compresses relative to itself, not to the
     * overall part as might be expected.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param part  Part to be compressed
     * @param ratio double describing the compression factor
    public static void compress(Part part, final double ratio) {
        if (part == null) {

        // find the average dynamic of the part
        int curr;
        double accum = 0;
        int ave;
        int counter = 0;

        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase tempPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            if (tempPhrase == null) {
            Enumeration enum2 = tempPhrase.getNoteList().elements();
            while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
                Note note = (Note) enum2.nextElement();
                if (note.getPitch() != REST) { // reject rests
                    curr = note.getDynamic();
                    accum += curr;
        ave = (int) (accum / counter);

        // compress the sucker
        enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase tempPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            if (tempPhrase == null) {
            Enumeration enum2 = tempPhrase.getNoteList().elements();
            while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
                Note note = (Note) enum2.nextElement();
                System.out.println("note was =" + note.getDynamic());
                curr = (int) (ave + ((note.getDynamic() - ave) * ratio));

     * Adds a second part to the end of this one.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part1</CODE> or <CODE>part2</CODE> is null then this method
     * does nothing.
     * @param part1 the base Part
     * @param part2 the Part to be appended
    public static void append(Part part1, final Part part2) {
        append(part1, part2, part1.getEndTime());

     * Adds a second part to this one starting from a specified location
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part1</CODE> or <CODE>part2</CODE> is null
     * @param part1   the base Part
     * @param part2   the Part to be appended
     * @param fromLoc double describing the start time for the second part to
     *                be appended
    public static void append(Part part1, final Part part2,
                              final double fromLoc) {
        if (part1 == null || part2 == null) {

        //go through the phrases in the new part
        // and add then one by one
        Enumeration enum1 = part2.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase tempPhrase = ((Phrase) enum1.nextElement()).copy();
            tempPhrase.setStartTime(fromLoc + tempPhrase.getStartTime());
            if (tempPhrase.getInstrument() == part1.getInstrument())

     * Increases the dynamic by a certain amount - <br>
     * obviously a negative number will decrease it.
     * @param Part the part that is to be affected
     * @param int  the amount that it is to be affected by
    public static void increaseDynamic(Part p, int amount) {
        try {
            if (p == null) new NullPointerException();
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

        Enumeration enum1 = p.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            increaseDynamic(phr, amount);

     * Linearly fades in the Part.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null; or if <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param part       Part to be faded
     * @param fadelength double describing the number of crotchets to fade
     *                   over
    public static void fadeIn(Part part, final double fadeLength) {
        if (part == null || fadeLength <= 0.0) {

        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase nextPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();

            //make the correction for phrases that don't start at the same time as the Part does (0.0)
            fadeIn(nextPhrase, fadeLength, nextPhrase.getStartTime());

     * Linearly fades in the Part.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null; <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero; <CODE>phraseStart</CODE> is less than zero; or <CODE>
     * fadeLength</CODE> is less than or equal to <CODE>phraseStart</CODE> then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param part          Part to be faded
     * @param fadeLength    double describing the duration of the fade, in
     *                      crotchets
     * @param partStartTime double describing how far into the fade the part
     *                      starts
    public static void fadeIn(Part part, final double fadeLength,
                              final double partStartTime) {
        if (part == null || fadeLength <= 0.0 || partStartTime < 0.0) {

        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase nextPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            //make the correction for phrases that don't start at the same time as the Part does (0.0)
            fadeIn(nextPhrase, fadeLength, (partStartTime + nextPhrase.getStartTime()));

     * Linearly fades out the Part.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null; or if <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param part       Part to be faded
     * @param fadeLength double describing the duration of the fade out in
     *                   crotchets
    public static void fadeOut(Part part, final double fadeLength) {
        if (part == null || fadeLength <= 0.0) {

        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase nextPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            //make the correction for phrases that don't end at the same time as the Part does
            fadeOut(nextPhrase, fadeLength, (part.getEndTime() - nextPhrase.getEndTime()));

     * Linearly fades out the Part.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null; <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less than
     * or equal to zero; <CODE>phraseEndTime</CODE> is less than zero; or <CODE>
     * fadeLength</CODE> is less than <CODE>phraseEndTime</CODE> then this
     * method does nothing.
     * @param part        Part to be faded
     * @param fadeLength  double describing the duration of the fade out in
     *                    crotchets
     * @param partEndTime double describing the length of time, in crotchets,
     *                    between the end of the part and the end of the fade.
    public static void fadeOut(Part part, final double fadeLength,
                               final double partEndTime) {
        if (part == null || fadeLength <= 0.0 || partEndTime < 0.0) {

        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase nextPhrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            //make the correction for phrases that don't end at the same time as the Part does
            fadeOut(nextPhrase, fadeLength, (partEndTime + part.getEndTime() - nextPhrase.getEndTime()));

     * Combines the phrases from a second part into this one.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part1</CODE> or <CODE>part2</CODE> is null this method does
     * nothing.
     * @param part1 the base Part
     * @param part2 the Part to be merged to the first
    public static void merge(Part part1, final Part part2) {
        if (part1 == null || part2 == null) {

        //go through the phrases in the new part
        // and add then one by one
        Enumeration enum1 = part2.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            part1.addPhrase((Phrase) enum1.nextElement());

     * Quantize the <CODE>part</CODE>.
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #quantise(Part, double)}.
     * @param part   Part to be quantized
     * @param qValue the amount to quantize to
    public static void quantize(Part part, final double qValue) {
        quantise(part, qValue);

     * Quantise the <CODE>part</CODE>.
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #quantise(Part, double)}.
     * @param part   Part to be quantized
     * @param qValue the amount to quantize to
    public static void quantise(Part part, final double qValue) {
        quantize(part, qValue, CHROMATIC_SCALE, 0);

     * Quantize all the phrases in this part, both rhythmic and pitch elements.
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #quantise(Phrase, double)} for details.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null or <CODE>qValue</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param part   Part to be quantised
     * @param double - the amount to quantise too
    public static void quantize(Part part, final double qValue, final int[] mode, int key) {
        if (part == null || qValue <= 0.0 || mode == null || key < 0) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            quantize(phrase, qValue, mode, key);

     * Randomly order notes within each phrase.
     * @param part -The Part that contains phrases to be shuffled
    public static void shuffle(Part part) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            shuffle((Phrase) enum1.nextElement());

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter by emphasising the
     * first beat of each bar/measure.
     * <p/>
     * <P> The dynamic of each note starting on the beat will be increased by
     * 20.  If this raises the dynamic above {@link Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC
     * } then the dynamic will be set to a value as described in {@link
     * Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param part  Part to be accented
     * @param meter double describing the number of croctets per bar/measure
    public static void accents(Part part, final double meter) {
        double[] beats = {0.0};
        accents(part, meter, beats);

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter by accenting specified beats
     * within each bar/measure.
     * <p/>
     * <P> <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> is an array of values describing where
     * the accents begin relative to the start of each bar, in crochets.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each accented note's dynamic will be increased by 20.
     * If this raises the dynamic above {@link Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC}
     * then the dynamic will be set to a value as described in {@link
     * Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each of the double values in <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> must be
     * greater than or equal to zero and less than <CODE>meter</CODE> or this
     * method does nothing.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param part          Part to be accented
     * @param meter         double describing the number of croctets per
     *                      bar/measure
     * @param accentedBeats double array describing the time of the accents in
     *                      the bar.
    public static void accents(Part part, double meter,
                               double[] accentedBeats) {
        accents(part, meter, accentedBeats, 20);

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter. The meter is the total
     * beat length of the bar/measure, while the array of accented beats is
     * the times within the bar at which an accent should be made.
     * For example, 6/8 time would be implied by a meter of 3 and a
     * accent array of {0.0, 1.5}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> is an array of values describing where
     * the accents begin relative to the start of each bar, in crochets.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Accented beats will have their dynamic increased by <CODE>
     * accentAmount</CODE>.  If this causes the dynamic to be above {@link
     * Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC} or below {@link Note#MIN_DYNAMIC
     * MIN_DYNAMIC} (when <CODE>accentAmount</CODE>) then the dynamic will be
     * set to a value as described by {@link Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each of the double values in <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> must be
     * greater than or equal to zero and less than <CODE>meter</CODE> or this
     * method does nothing.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param part          Part to be accented
     * @param meter         double describing the number of croctets per
     *                      bar/measure
     * @param accentedBeats double array describing the time of the accents in
     *                      the bar.
     * @param accentAmount  integer describing the value that the dynamic of
     *                      accented beats are increased by.
    public static void accents(Part part, final double meter,
                               final double[] accentedBeats,
                               final int accentAmount) {
        if (part == null || meter <= 0.0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < accentedBeats.length; i++) {
            if (accentedBeats[i] < 0.0 || accentedBeats[i] >= meter) {

        //go through the phrases one by one and accent them
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            accents(phrase, meter, accentedBeats, accentAmount);

     * Increases dynamic values so that the loudest is at maxiumim level.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param part the Part to be effected
    public static void normalise(Part part) {
        if (part == null) {
        // get the curent max
        int max = 0;
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            Enumeration enum2 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
            while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
                Note n = (Note) enum2.nextElement();
                if (n.getDynamic() > max) max = n.getDynamic();
        // increase the normalisation
        if (max == Note.MAX_DYNAMIC) {
        int diff = Note.MAX_DYNAMIC - max;
        Enumeration enum3 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum3.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum3.nextElement();
            Enumeration enum4 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
            while (enum4.hasMoreElements()) {
                Note n = (Note) enum4.nextElement();
                n.setDynamic(n.getDynamic() + diff);

     * Stretch the time of each note in each phrase by the <CODE>scaleFactor</CODE>
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>scaleFactor</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param part        Part to be lengthened
     * @param scaleFactor double describing the scale factor
    public static void elongate(Part part, double scaleFactor) {
        if (part == null || scaleFactor <= 0.0) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            elongate(phrase, scaleFactor);

     * Joins consecutive notes in each <CODE>phrase</CODE> that
     * have the same pitch, creating one longer note.
     * This is simmilar to the musical function of a tie.
     * All note in the phrase meeting the conditions
     * are effected.
     * This modification may reduce the overall note count.
     * @param Part Part to be processed
    public static void tiePitches(Part part) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();

     * Joins consecutive rests in each <CODE>part</CODE>
     * creating one longer note.
     * This is simmilar to the musical function of a tie.
     * This modification may reduce the overall rest count.
     * @param part Part to be processed
    public static void tieRests(Part part) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();

     * Lengthens notes followed by a rest in the <CODE>part</CODE>
     * by creating one longer note and deleting the rest.
     * This modification may reduce the overall note count in the phrase,
     * be careful that use of this method does not to cause
     * array out of bounds exceptions.
     * @param Part Part to be processed
    public static void fillRests(Part part) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();

     * Randomly adjusts all Notes' pan value to create an even spread acroos the stereo spectrum.
     * This process only effects the pan value of the notes in the part.
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param part the Part to be effected
    public static void spread(Part part) {
        if (part == null) {
        int currentValue, newValue;
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            // create new pan value

     * Adjusts all Notes' pan value to alternate between extreme left and right from note to note.
     * This process only effects the pan value of the notes in the part.
     * <P> If <CODE>part</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param part The Part to be effected
    public static void bounce(Part part) {
        if (part == null) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();

     * Adjusts all Notes' duration values to vary randomly between specified values from note to note.
     * This process only effects the duration attribute of the notes in the phrase.
     * <P> If <CODE>Part</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param part      The Part to be effected
     * @param minlength The shortest possible duration
     * @param maxlength The longest possible duration
    public static void varyLength(Part part, double minLength, double maxLength) {
        if (part == null || maxLength < minLength) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            varyLength(phrase, minLength, maxLength);

     * Adjusts Note values to any value plus or minus a specified amount.
     * This process can effect pitch, rhythm and duration, dynamic, and
     * pan values of the notes in the part.
     * <P> If <CODE>Part</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param part           The Part to be effected
     * @param pitchVariation The degree of pitch change to apply.
    public static void randomize(Part part, int pitchVariation) {
        randomize(part, pitchVariation, 0.0);

     * Adjusts Note values to any value plus or minus a specified amount.
     * This process can effect pitch, rhythm and duration, dynamic, and
     * pan values of the notes in the part.
     * <P> If <CODE>Part</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param part            The Part to be effected
     * @param pitchVariation  The degree of pitch change to apply.
     * @param rhythmVariation The degree of rhythm value change to apply.
    public static void randomize(Part part, int pitchVariation, double rhythmVariation) {
        randomize(part, pitchVariation, rhythmVariation, 0);

     * Adjusts Note values to any value plus or minus a specified amount.
     * This process can effect pitch, rhythm and duration, dynamic, and
     * pan values of the notes in the part.
     * <P> If <CODE>Part</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param part             The Part to be effected
     * @param pitchVariation   The degree of pitch change to apply.
     * @param rhythmVariation  The degree of rhythm value change to apply.
     * @param dynamicVariation The degree of dynamic change to apply.
    public static void randomize(Part part, int pitchVariation, double rhythmVariation, int dynamicVariation) {
        if (part == null) {
        boolean left = true;
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            randomize(phr, pitchVariation, rhythmVariation, dynamicVariation);

     * All ascending sequences of the number of notes or more are slured by
     * having thier duration extended to 100% of the rhythm value.
     * This algorithm assumes notes are arranged in the standard monophonic
     * series used by jMusic. Notes with durations longer than rhythm values
     * will produce unintended results.
     * @param Part The part to be modified.
     * @param int  The number of notes in a row to consitute a sequence
    public static void slurUp(Part part, int numberOfNotes) {
        if (part == null) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            slurUp(phr, numberOfNotes);

     * All descending sequences of the number of notes or more are slured by
     * having thier duration extended to 100% of the rhythm value.
     * This algorithm assumes notes are arranged in the standard monophonic
     * series used by jMusic. Notes with durations longer than rhythm values
     * will produce unintended results.
     * @param Part The part to be modified.
     * @param int  The number of notes in a row to consitute a sequence
    public static void slurDown(Part part, int numberOfNotes) {
        if (part == null) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            slurDown(phr, numberOfNotes);

     * Vary the duration of each note in the part by the multiplyer.
     * @param Part   The part to be modified.
     * @param double The amount to multiply the duration by.
    public static void increaseDuration(Part part, double multiplyer) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            increaseDuration(phr, multiplyer);

     * Vary the duration of each note in the part by the specified amount.
     * @param part   -  The Part to be modified.
     * @param amount - The number of beats to add  to the duration.
    public static void addToDuration(Part part, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            addToDuration(phr, amount);

     * Vary the rhythm value of each note in the part by the specified amount.
     * @param part   -  The Part to be modified.
     * @param amount -  The number of beats to add.
    public static void addToRhythmValue(Part part, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            addToRhythmValue(phr, amount);


     * Vary both the rhythm value and duration of each note in the part by the specified amount.
     * @param part   -  The Part to be modified.
     * @param amount - The number of beats to add.
    public static void addToLength(Part part, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            addToLength(phr, amount);

     * Vary the interval between notes scaling by the specified amount to each interval.
     * @param part   - The Part to be modified.
     * @param amount - The scaling multiplyer for the intervals, i.e., 2.0 doubles width.
    public static void expandIntervals(Part part, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            expandIntervals(phr, amount);

     * Randomise the dynamic values of notes up to a specified amount either side of the current value.
     * @param part   - The Part to be modified.
     * @param amount - The dynamic change possible either side of the curent dynamic.
    public static void shake(Part part, int amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Phrase phr = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
            shake(phr, amount);

     * packs all of the phrases within this part into a single phrase
    public static void consolidate(Part p) {

        Phrase[] phr = p.getPhraseArray();
        if (phr.length < 2)
// the new phrase has the start time of the earliest one
        Phrase nphr = new Phrase(phr[0].getStartTime());

        Note n;
        boolean finished = false;
        double prevsst = phr[0].getStartTime();
        while (!finished) {
            double sst = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // smallest start time
            // a temporary phrase (pointer to the one in the array
            Phrase tphr = null;

            //find the phrase with the smallest start time
            for (int i = 0; i < phr.length; i++) {

                if (phr[i].getSize() > 0 && phr[i].getStartTime() < sst) {
                    sst = phr[i].getStartTime();
                    tphr = phr[i];
            if (tphr == null) {
                finished = true;
            //get a note out of that phrase and, if it is not a rest,
            // put it into the new phrase, adjusting the rhythmValue
            // of the previous note accordingly
            n = tphr.getNote(0);

            if (!n.isRest()) {
                if (nphr.getSize() > 0) { // if it is not the first note
                    nphr.getNote(nphr.getSize() - 1).setRhythmValue(((int) ((sst - prevsst) * 100000 + 0.5)) / 100000.0);
                } else {// if it is the first note to go in, set the startime
// adjust the start time and remove the note
            tphr.setStartTime(((int) ((sst +
                    n.getRhythmValue()) * 100000 + 0.5)) / 100000.0);

            prevsst = sst;

    //------------------------ SCORE MODIFICATIONS ---------------------------//

     * Transpose a Score
     * @param score         Score to be faded
     * @param transposition The number of semitones to transpose by
    public static void transpose(Score scr, final int transposition) {
        if (scr == null || transposition == 0) return;
        Enumeration enum1 = scr.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            transpose(part, transposition);

     * Transpose the score up or down in scale degrees.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.  If the
     * transposition shifts a pitch above {@link Note#MAX_PITCH MAX_PITCH} or
     * below {@link Note#MIN_PITCH MIN_PITCH}, the pitch will probably cap at
     * those values.  See the description of {@link Note#setPitch} method for
     * exact details of what occurs when trying to set the pitch beyond the
     * allowed range.
     * <p/>
     * Transposition is in diatonic steps. For example in C major the note C
     * transposed 1 will become D, transposed 4 will become G, and transposed
     * by 7 will beome C an octave above. This can be somewhat unintuitive
     * so be careful.
     * @param score   Score to be transposed
     * @param degrees the amount to transpose in scale steps
     * @param mode    the scale to use for the transposition
     * @param key     the chromatic note to be used as the
     *                rooth of the mode. i.e., 0 = C, 1 = C# etc.
    public static void transpose(Score score, final int degrees, final int[] mode, int key) {
        if (score == null) {

        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            transpose((Part) enum1.nextElement(), degrees, mode, key);

     * Linearly fades in the Score.
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #fadeIn(Phrase, double)}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null or <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param score      Score to be faded
     * @param fadelength double describing the number of crotchets to fade
     *                   over
    public static void fadeIn(Score score, final double fadeLength) {
        if (score == null || fadeLength <= 0.0) {

        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part nextPart = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            fadeIn(nextPart, fadeLength);

     * increases the dynamic by a certain amount - <br>
     * obviously a negative number will decrease it
     * @param Score the score that is to be affected
     * @param int   the amount
    public static void increaseDynamic(Score s, int amount) {
        try {
            if (s == null) new NullPointerException();
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

        Enumeration enum1 = s.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part p = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            increaseDynamic(p, amount);

     * Linearly fades out the Score.
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #fadeOut(Phrase, double)}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null or <CODE>fadeLength</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param score      Score to be faded
     * @param fadelength double describing the number of crotchets to fade
     *                   over
    public static void fadeOut(Score score, final double fadeLength) {
        if (score == null || fadeLength <= 0.0) {

        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part nextPart = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            //make the correction for Parts that don't end at the same time as the Score does
            fadeOut(nextPart, fadeLength, (score.getEndTime() - nextPart.getEndTime()));

     * A compressor/expander routine.  Compression ratio numbers between 0 and 1
     * compress, values larger than 1 expand.
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #compress(Part, double)}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param score Score to be expanded/compressed
     * @param ratio double describing the compression factor
    public static void compress(Score score, final double ratio) {
        if (score == null) {

        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            compress(part, ratio);

     * Makes a the <CODE>score</SCORE> twice times as long by repeating
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param score Score to be repeated
    public static void repeat(Score score) {
        repeat(score, 2);

     * Loops the <CODE>score</CODE> <CODE>n</CODE> times.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null or <CODE>times</CODE> is less than
     * one then this method does nothing.
     * @param score Score to be repeated
     * @param times integer representing the number of repeats
    public static void repeat(Score score, final int times) {
        if (score == null || times < 2) {

        //get the longest end time
        double maxEndTime = 0.0;
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            if (maxEndTime < part.getEndTime()) maxEndTime = part.getEndTime();

        for (int i = 0; i < score.getPartList().size(); i++) {
            Part p = (Part) score.getPartList().elementAt(i);
            int numbOfPhrases = p.getPhraseList().size();
            for (int t = 0; t < (times - 1); t++) {
                double initialEndTime = maxEndTime * (t + 1);
                for (int j = 0; j < numbOfPhrases; j++) {
                    Phrase phr = (Phrase) p.getPhraseList().elementAt(j);
                    Phrase phrCopy = phr.copy();
                    phrCopy.setStartTime(initialEndTime + phr.getStartTime());

     * Adds a second score to the end of this one.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score1</CODE> or <CODE>score2</CODE> is null then this
     * method does nothing.
     * @param score1 the base Score
     * @param score2 the Score to be appended
    public static void append(Score score1, final Score score2) {
        if (score1 == null || score2 == null) {

        if (score2.size() == 0) return;

        double endTime = score1.getEndTime();

        Enumeration enum1 = score2.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part currPart = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            // update start times and program changes
            Enumeration enum2 = currPart.getPhraseList().elements();
            while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
                Phrase currPhrase = (Phrase) enum2.nextElement();
                currPhrase.setStartTime(currPhrase.getStartTime() + endTime);
                if (currPhrase.getInstrument() != 250 && currPhrase.getInstrument() != currPart.getInstrument())
                if (currPhrase.getInstrument() == currPart.getInstrument())

        // add to score1
        Mod.merge(score1, score2);

     * Combines the parts from a second score into the first one.
     * Parts on an existing channel will have phases extracted and
     * added to that part, otherwise a part with a unique channel number
     * will be added.
     * <P> If <CODE>score1</CODE> or <CODE>score2</CODE> is null then this
     * method does nothing.
     * @param score1 the base score
     * @param score2 the Score to be merged to the base score
    public static void merge(Score score1, final Score score2) {
        if (score1 == null || score2 == null) {
        // Go through the parts in the new score
        // and merge them one by one
        boolean channelExists = false;
        Part existingPart;
        Part partToMerge;

        int s1Size = score1.size();
        int s2Size = score2.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < s2Size; i++) {
            partToMerge = score2.getPart(i);
            // check if its channel exists
            int chan = partToMerge.getChannel();

            for (int j = 0; j < s1Size; j++) {
                existingPart = score1.getPart(j);
                if (chan == existingPart.getChannel()) {
                    // transfer phrases
                    int phraseNumb = partToMerge.size();
                    for (int k = 0; k < phraseNumb; k++) {
                    channelExists = true;
                    j = s1Size; // get out of loop
            // create a new part with a unique channel, if required
            if (!channelExists) {
                channelExists = false;

     * Quantize rhythm values of all the parts in this score.  American spelling to save
     * frustration!
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #quantise(Score, double)}.
     * @param score  Score to quantize
     * @param qValue double describing the amount to quantize to
    public static void quantize(Score score, final double qValue) {
        quantise(score, qValue);

     * Quantise all the rhythm values of notes in this score.
     * <p/>
     * <P> See {@link #quantise(Score, double)}.
     * @param score  Score to quantize
     * @param qValue double describing the amount to quantize to
    public static void quantise(Score score, final double qValue) {
        quantize(score, qValue, CHROMATIC_SCALE, 0);

     * Quantize all the rhythm values and pitches in this score.
     * <p/>
     * See {@link #quantise(Phrase, double)}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null or <CODE>qValue</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param score  Score to quantise
     * @param qValue double describing the amount to quantise to
     * @param mode   The scale to quantize pitch values to, e.g., MAJOR_SCALE
     * @param key    The key of the mode. e.g., 0 = C, 1 = C# etc.
    public static void quantize(Score score, final double qValue, final int[] mode, int key) {
        if (score == null || qValue <= 0.0 || mode == null || key < 0) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            quantize(part, qValue, mode, key);

     * Randomly order notes within each phrase.
     * @param score -The Score that contains phrases to be shuffled
    public static void shuffle(Score score) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            shuffle((Part) enum1.nextElement());

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter by emphasising the
     * first beat of each bar/measure.
     * <p/>
     * <P> The dynamic of each note starting on the beat will be increased by
     * 20.  If this raises the dynamic above {@link Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC
     * } then the dynamic will be set to a value as described in {@link
     * Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param score Score whose beats are to be accented
     * @param meter double describing the number of crochets per bar/measure
    public static void accents(Score score, final double meter) {
        double[] beats = {0.0};
        accents(score, meter, beats);

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter by accenting specified beats
     * within each bar/measure.
     * <p/>
     * <P> <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> is an array of values describing where
     * the accents begin relative to the start of each bar, in crochets.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each accented note's dynamic will be increased by 20.
     * If this raises the dynamic above {@link Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC}
     * then the dynamic will be set to a value as described in {@link
     * Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each of the double values in <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> must be
     * greater than or equal to zero and less than <CODE>meter</CODE> or this
     * method does nothing.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param score         Score to be accented
     * @param meter         double describing the number of croctets per
     *                      bar/measure
     * @param accentedBeats double array describing the time of the accents in
     *                      the bar.
    public static void accents(Score score, final double meter,
                               final double[] accentedBeats) {
        accents(score, meter, accentedBeats, 20);

     * Increase the dynamic of notes at regularly occuring pulse locations
     * which generates the sound of regular meter. The meter is the total
     * beat length of the bar/measure, while the array of accented beats is
     * the times within the bar at which an accent should be made.
     * For example, 6/8 time would be implied by a meter of 3 and a
     * accent array of {0.0, 1.5}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> is an array of values describing where
     * the accents begin relative to the start of each bar, in crochets.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Accented beats will have their dynamic increased by <CODE>
     * accentAmount</CODE>.  If this causes the dynamic to be above {@link
     * Note#MAX_DYNAMIC MAX_DYNAMIC} or below {@link Note#MIN_DYNAMIC
     * MIN_DYNAMIC} (when <CODE>accentAmount</CODE>) then the dynamic will be
     * set to a value as described by {@link Note#setDynamic}.
     * <p/>
     * <P> Each of the double values in <CODE>accentedBeats</CODE> must be
     * greater than or equal to zero and less than <CODE>meter</CODE> or this
     * method does nothing.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null or <CODE>meter</CODE> is less than or
     * equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param score         Score to be accented
     * @param meter         double describing the number of croctets per
     *                      bar/measure
     * @param accentedBeats double array describing the time of the accents in
     *                      the bar.
     * @param accentAmount  integer describing the value that the dynamic of
     *                      accented beats are increased by.
    public static void accents(Score score, final double meter,
                               final double[] accentedBeats,
                               final int accentAmount) {
        if (score == null || meter <= 0.0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < accentedBeats.length; i++) {
            if (accentedBeats[i] < 0.0 || accentedBeats[i] >= meter) {

        //go through the phrases one by one and accent them
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            accents(part, meter, accentedBeats, accentAmount);

     * Increases dynamic values so that the loudest is at maxiumim level.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param score the Score to be effected
    public static void normalise(Score score) {
        if (score == null) {
        // get the curent max
        int max = 0;
        Enumeration enumS = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enumS.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enumS.nextElement();
            Enumeration enum1 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
            while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
                Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
                Enumeration enum2 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
                while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
                    Note n = (Note) enum2.nextElement();
                    if (n.getDynamic() > max) max = n.getDynamic();
        // increase the normalisation
        if (max == Note.MAX_DYNAMIC) {
        int diff = Note.MAX_DYNAMIC - max;
        Enumeration enumS2 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enumS2.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enumS2.nextElement();
            Enumeration enum3 = part.getPhraseList().elements();
            while (enum3.hasMoreElements()) {
                Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum3.nextElement();
                Enumeration enum2 = phrase.getNoteList().elements();
                while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
                    Note n = (Note) enum2.nextElement();
                    n.setDynamic(n.getDynamic() + diff);

     * Pack all phrases from parts with the same channel into one part.
     * Data from all parts with the same channel is consolidated into one part.
     * This is often useful after appending several scores with
     * simmilar instrumentation.
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param score the Score to be effected

    public static void consolidate(Score score) {
        if (score == null) {
        int chan, phraseSize, scoreSize;
        for (int c = 0; c < score.size(); c++) {
            Part p = score.getPart(c);
            chan = p.getChannel();
            scoreSize = score.size();
            for (int i = scoreSize - 1; i > c; i--) {
                //System.out.println("i = " + i + " Part = " + c + " channel = " + chan);
                Part p2 = score.getPart(i);
                if (p2.getChannel() == chan) {
                    // move all phrases into the other part
                    phraseSize = p2.size();
                    for (int j = 0; j < phraseSize; j++) {
                        //System.out.println("Moving a phrase");
                        Phrase phr = p2.getPhrase(j);
                    // delete the part

     * Stretch the time of each note in each phrase by the <CODE>scaleFactor</CODE>
     * <p/>
     * <P> If <CODE>phrase</CODE> is null or <CODE>scaleFactor</CODE> is less
     * than or equal to zero then this method does nothing.
     * @param score       Score to be lengthened
     * @param scaleFactor double describing the scale factor
    public static void elongate(Score score, double scaleFactor) {
        if (score == null || scaleFactor <= 0.0) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            elongate(part, scaleFactor);

     * Joins consecutive notes in each <CODE>phrase</CODE> that
     * have the same pitch, creating one longer note.
     * This is simmilar to the musical function of a tie.
     * All note in the phrase meeting the conditions
     * are effected.
     * This modification may reduce the overall note count.
     * @param score Score to be processed
    public static void tiePitches(Score score) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enum1.nextElement();

     * Joins consecutive rests in each <CODE>phrase</CODE>
     * creating one longer note.
     * This is simmilar to the musical function of a tie.
     * This modification may reduce the overall rest count.
     * @param score Score to be processed
    public static void tieRests(Score score) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enum1.nextElement();

     * Lengthens notes followed by a rest in the <CODE>score</CODE>
     * by creating one longer note and deleting the rest.
     * This modification may reduce the overall note count in the phrase,
     * be careful that use of this method does not to cause
     * array out of bounds exceptions.
     * @param Score Score to be processed
    public static void fillRests(Score score) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enum1.nextElement();

     * Randomly adjusts all Notes' pan value to create an even spread acroos the stereo spectrum.
     * This process only effects the pan value of the notes in the score.
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param cphrase the CPhrase to be effected
    public static void spread(Score score) {
        if (score == null) {
        int currentValue, newValue;
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part p = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            // create new pan value

     * Adjusts all Notes' pan value to alternate between extreme left and right from note to note.
     * This process only effects the pan value of the notes in the score.
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null then
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param score The Score to be effected
    public static void bounce(Score score) {
        if (score == null) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part p = (Part) enum1.nextElement();

     * Adjusts all Notes' duration values to vary randomly between specified values from note to note.
     * This process only effects the duration attribute of the notes in the phrase.
     * <P> If the <CODE>Score</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param score     The Score to be effected
     * @param minlength The shortest possible duration
     * @param maxlength The longest possible duration
    public static void varyLength(Score score, double minLength, double maxLength) {
        if (score == null || maxLength < minLength) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            varyLength(part, minLength, maxLength);

     * Adjusts Note values to any value plus or minus a specified amount.
     * This process can effect pitch, rhythm & duration, dynamic, and
     * pan values of the notes in the score.
     * <P> If <CODE>Score</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param score          The Score to be effected
     * @param pitchVariation The degree of pitch change to apply.
    public static void randomize(Score score, int pitchVariation) {
        randomize(score, pitchVariation, 0.0);

     * Adjusts Note values to any value plus or minus a specified amount.
     * This process can effect pitch, rhythm & duration, dynamic, and
     * pan values of the notes in the score.
     * <P> If <CODE>score</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param score           The Score to be effected
     * @param pitchVariation  The degree of pitch change to apply.
     * @param rhythmVariation The degree of rhythm value change to apply.
    public static void randomize(Score score, int pitchVariation, double rhythmVariation) {
        randomize(score, pitchVariation, rhythmVariation, 0);

     * Adjusts Note values to any value plus or minus a specified amount.
     * This process can effect pitch, rhythm & duration, dynamic, and
     * pan values of the notes in the score.
     * <P> If <CODE>Score</CODE> is null then this method does nothing.
     * @param score            The Score to be effected
     * @param pitchVariation   The degree of pitch change to apply.
     * @param rhythmVariation  The degree of rhythm value change to apply.
     * @param dynamicVariation The degree of dynamic change to apply.
    public static void randomize(Score score, int pitchVariation, double rhythmVariation, int dynamicVariation) {
        if (score == null) {
        boolean left = true;
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part p = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            randomize(p, pitchVariation, rhythmVariation, dynamicVariation);

     * All ascending sequences of the number of notes or more are slured by
     * having thier duration extended to 100% of the rhythm value.
     * This algorithm assumes notes are arranged in the standard monophonic
     * series used by jMusic. Notes with durations longer than rhythm values
     * will produce unintended results.
     * @param Score The score to be modified.
     * @param int   The number of notes in a row to consitute a sequence
    public static void slurUp(Score score, int numberOfNotes) {
        if (score == null) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part p = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            slurUp(p, numberOfNotes);

     * All descending sequences of the number of notes or more are slured by
     * having thier duration extended to 100% of the rhythm value.
     * This algorithm assumes notes are arranged in the standard monophonic
     * series used by jMusic. Notes with durations longer than rhythm values
     * will produce unintended results.
     * @param Score The score to be modified.
     * @param int   The number of notes in a row to consitute a sequence
    public static void slurDown(Score score, int numberOfNotes) {
        if (score == null) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part p = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            slurDown(p, numberOfNotes);

     * Vary the duration of each note in the score by the multiplyer.
     * @param Score  The score to be modified.
     * @param double The amount to multiply the duration by.
    public static void increaseDuration(Score score, double multiplyer) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part p = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            increaseDuration(p, multiplyer);

     * Vary the duration of each note in the score by the specified amount.
     * @param score  -  The Score to be modified.
     * @param amount - The number of beats to add  to the duration.
    public static void addToDuration(Score score, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part p = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            addToDuration(p, amount);

     * Vary the rhythm value of each note in the Score by the specified amount.
     * @param score  -  The Score to be modified.
     * @param amount -  The number of beats to add.
    public static void addToRhythmValue(Score score, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part p = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            addToRhythmValue(p, amount);

     * Vary both the rhythm value and duration of each note in the Score by the specified amount.
     * @param score  -  The Score to be modified.
     * @param amount - The number of beats to add.
    public static void addToLength(Score score, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part p = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            addToLength(p, amount);

     * Vary the interval between notes scaling by the specified amount to each interval.
     * @param score  - The Score to be modified.
     * @param amount - The scaling multiplyer for the intervals, i.e., 2.0 doubles width.
    public static void expandIntervals(Score score, double amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part p = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            expandIntervals(p, amount);

     * Randomise the dynamic values of notes up to a specified amount either side of the current value.
     * @param score  - The score to be modified.
     * @param amount - The dynamic change possible either side of the curent dynamic.
    public static void shake(Score score, int amount) {
        Enumeration enum1 = score.getPartList().elements();
        while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
            Part part = (Part) enum1.nextElement();
            shake(part, amount);

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