
Source Code of

* Copyright 2011-2012 Amazon Technologies, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES
* OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException;

* Object mapper for domain-object interaction with DynamoDB.
* <p>
* To use, annotate domain classes with the annotations found in the
* package. A minimal example:
* <pre>
* &#064;DynamoDBTable(tableName = &quot;TestTable&quot;)
* public class TestClass {
*     private Long key;
*     private double rangeKey;
*     private Long version;
*     private Set&lt;Integer&gt; integerSetAttribute;
*     &#064;DynamoDBHashKey
*     public Long getKey() {
*         return key;
*     }
*     public void setKey(Long key) {
*         this.key = key;
*     }
*     &#064;DynamoDBRangeKey
*     public double getRangeKey() {
*         return rangeKey;
*     }
*     public void setRangeKey(double rangeKey) {
*         this.rangeKey = rangeKey;
*     }
*     &#064;DynamoDBAttribute(attributeName = &quot;integerSetAttribute&quot;)
*     public Set&lt;Integer&gt; getIntegerAttribute() {
*         return integerSetAttribute;
*     }
*     public void setIntegerAttribute(Set&lt;Integer&gt; integerAttribute) {
*         this.integerSetAttribute = integerAttribute;
*     }
*     &#064;DynamoDBVersionAttribute
*     public Long getVersion() {
*         return version;
*     }
*     public void setVersion(Long version) {
*         this.version = version;
*     }
* }
* </pre>
* <p>
* Save instances of annotated classes to DynamoDB, retrieve them, and delete
* them using the {@link DynamoDBMapper} class, as in the following example.
* <pre>
* DynamoDBMapper mapper = new DynamoDBMapper(dynamoDBClient);
* Long key = 105L;
* TestClass obj = mapper.load(TestClass.class, key);
* obj.getIntegerAttribute().add(42);
* mapper.delete(obj);
* </pre>
* <p>
* When using the save, load, and delete methods, {@link DynamoDBMapper} will
* throw {@link DynamoDBMappingException}s to indicate that domain classes are
* incorrectly annotated or otherwise incompatible with this class. Service
* exceptions will always be propagated as {@link AmazonClientException}, and
* DynamoDB-specific subclasses such as {@link ConditionalCheckFailedException}
* will be used when possible.
* @see DynamoDBTable
* @see DynamoDBHashKey
* @see DynamoDBRangeKey
* @see DynamoDBAutoGeneratedKey
* @see DynamoDBAttribute
* @see DynamoDBVersionAttribute
* @see DynamoDBIgnore
* @see DynamoDBMarshalling
* @see DynamoDBMapperConfig
public class DynamoDBMapper {

    private final AmazonDynamoDB db;
    private final DynamoDBMapperConfig config;
    private static final DynamoDBReflector reflector = new DynamoDBReflector();

     * Constructs a new mapper with the service object given, using the default
     * configuration.
     * @param dynamoDB
     *            The service object to use for all service calls.
     * @see DynamoDBMapperConfig#DEFAULT
    public DynamoDBMapper(AmazonDynamoDB dynamoDB) {
        this(dynamoDB, DynamoDBMapperConfig.DEFAULT);

     * Constructs a new mapper with the service object and configuration given.
     * @param dynamoDB
     *            The service object to use for all service calls.
     * @param config
     *            The default configuration to use for all service calls. It can
     *            be overridden on a per-operation basis.
    public DynamoDBMapper(AmazonDynamoDB dynamoDB, DynamoDBMapperConfig config) {
        this.db = dynamoDB;
        this.config = config;

     * Loads an object with the hash key given and a configuration override.
     * This configuration overrides the default provided at object construction.
     * @see DynamoDBMapper#load(Class, Object, Object, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
    public <T extends Object> T load(Class<T> clazz, Object hashKey, DynamoDBMapperConfig config) {
        return load(clazz, hashKey, null, config);

     * Loads an object with the hash key given, using the default configuration.
     * @see DynamoDBMapper#load(Class, Object, Object, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
    public <T extends Object> T load(Class<T> clazz, Object hashKey) {
        return load(clazz, hashKey, null, config);

     * Loads an object with a hash and range key, using the default
     * configuration.
     * @see DynamoDBMapper#load(Class, Object, Object, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
    public <T extends Object> T load(Class<T> clazz, Object hashKey, Object rangeKey) {
        return load(clazz, hashKey, rangeKey, config);

     * Returns an object with the given hash key, or null if no such object
     * exists.
     * @param clazz
     *            The class to load, corresponding to a DynamoDB table.
     * @param hashKey
     *            The key of the object.
     * @param rangeKey
     *            The range key of the object, or null for tables without a
     *            range key.
     * @param config
     *            Configuration for the service call to retrieve the object from
     *            DynamoDB. This configuration overrides the default given at
     *            construction.
    public <T extends Object> T load(Class<T> clazz, Object hashKey, Object rangeKey, DynamoDBMapperConfig config) {
        if ( config != this.config )
            config = new DynamoDBMapperConfig(this.config, config);
        String tableName = getTableName(clazz, config);

        // Fill in the hash key element in the service request
        Method hashKeyGetter = reflector.getHashKeyGetter(clazz);
        AttributeValue hashKeyElement = getHashKeyElement(hashKey, hashKeyGetter);

        // Determine the range key, if provided
        AttributeValue rangeKeyElement = null;
        if ( rangeKey != null ) {
            Method rangeKeyMethod = reflector.getRangeKeyGetter(clazz);
            if ( rangeKeyMethod == null ) {
                throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Zero-parameter range key property must be annotated with "
                        + DynamoDBRangeKey.class);
            rangeKeyElement = getRangeKeyElement(rangeKey, rangeKeyMethod);

        GetItemResult item = db.getItem(new GetItemRequest().withTableName(tableName)
                .withKey(new Key().withHashKeyElement(hashKeyElement).withRangeKeyElement(rangeKeyElement))
                .withConsistentRead(config.getConsistentReads() == ConsistentReads.CONSISTENT));
        Map<String, AttributeValue> itemAttributes = item.getItem();
        if ( itemAttributes == null ) {
            return null;

        return marshallIntoObject(clazz, itemAttributes);

    private <T> String getTableName(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBMapperConfig config) {
        DynamoDBTable table = reflector.getTable(clazz);
        String tableName = table.tableName();
        if ( config.getTableNameOverride() != null ) {
            tableName = config.getTableNameOverride().getTableName();
        return tableName;

    private AttributeValue getHashKeyElement(Object hashKey, Method hashKeyGetter) {
        AttributeValue hashKeyElement = new AttributeValue();
        Class<?> hashKeyMethodReturnType = hashKeyGetter.getReturnType();
        if ( hashKeyMethodReturnType.isPrimitive() || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(hashKeyMethodReturnType) ) {
        } else if ( String.class.isAssignableFrom(hashKeyMethodReturnType) ) {
        } else {
            throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Hash key property must be either a Number or a String");
        return hashKeyElement;

    private AttributeValue getRangeKeyElement(Object rangeKey, Method rangeKeyMethod) {
        AttributeValue rangeKeyElement = new AttributeValue();
        Class<?> rangeKeyMethodReturnType = rangeKeyMethod.getReturnType();
        if ( rangeKeyMethodReturnType.isPrimitive() || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(rangeKeyMethodReturnType) ) {
        } else if ( String.class.isAssignableFrom(rangeKeyMethodReturnType) ) {
        } else {
            throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Range key property must be either a Number or a String");
        return rangeKeyElement;

     * Creates and fills in the attributes on an instance of the class given
     * with the attributes given.
     * <p>
     * This is accomplished by looking for getter methods annotated with an
     * appropriate annotation, then looking for matching attribute names in the
     * item attribute map.
     * @param clazz
     *            The class to instantiate and hydrate
     * @param itemAttributes
     *            The set of item attributes, keyed by attribute name.
    public <T> T marshallIntoObject(Class<T> clazz, Map<String, AttributeValue> itemAttributes) {
        T toReturn = null;
        try {
            toReturn = clazz.newInstance();
        } catch ( InstantiationException e ) {
            throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Failed to instantiate new instance of class", e);
        } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
            throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Failed to instantiate new instance of class", e);

        if ( itemAttributes == null || itemAttributes.isEmpty() )
            return toReturn;

        for ( Method m : reflector.getRelevantGetters(clazz) ) {
            String attributeName = reflector.getAttributeName(m);
            if ( itemAttributes.containsKey(attributeName) ) {
                setValue(toReturn, m, itemAttributes.get(attributeName));

        return toReturn;

     * Sets the value in the return object corresponding to the service result.
    private <T> void setValue(final T toReturn, final Method getter, AttributeValue value) {

        Method setter = reflector.getSetter(getter);
        ArgumentUnmarshaller unmarhsaller = reflector.getArgumentUnmarshaller(toReturn, getter, setter);
        unmarhsaller.typeCheck(value, setter);

        Object argument;
        try {
            argument = unmarhsaller.unmarshall(value);
        } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
            throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Couldn't unmarshall value " + value + " for " + setter, e);
        } catch ( ParseException e ) {
            throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Error attempting to parse date string " + value + " for "+ setter, e);

        safeInvoke(setter, toReturn, argument);

     * Returns an {@link AttributeValue} corresponding to the getter and return
     * result given, treating it as a non-versioned attribute. Only useful when
     * differentiating between this method and getAttributeValue.
    private AttributeValue getSimpleAttributeValue(final Method getter, final Object getterReturnResult) {
        if ( getterReturnResult == null )
            return null;

        ArgumentMarshaller marshaller = reflector.getArgumentMarshaller(getter);
        return marshaller.marshall(getterReturnResult);

     * Saves the object given into DynamoDB, using the default configuration.
     * @see DynamoDBMapper#save(Object, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
    public <T extends Object> void save(T object) {
        save(object, config);

     * Saves an item in DynamoDB. The service method used is determined by the
     * {@link DynamoDBMapperConfig#getSaveBehavior()} value, to use either
     * {@link AWSDynamoDB#putItem(PutItemRequest)} or
     * {@link AWSDynamoDB#updateItem(UpdateItemRequest)}. For updates, a null
     * value for an object property will remove it from that item in DynamoDB.
     * For puts, a null value will not be passed to the service. The effect is
     * therefore the same, except when the item in DynamoDB contains attributes
     * that aren't modeled by the domain object given.
     * @param object
     *            The object to save into DynamoDB
     * @param config
     *            The configuration to use, which overrides the default provided
     *            at object construction.
    public <T extends Object> void save(T object, DynamoDBMapperConfig config) {
        if ( config != this.config )
            config = new DynamoDBMapperConfig(this.config, config);
        Class<? extends T> clazz = (Class<? extends T>) object.getClass();
        String tableName = getTableName(clazz, config);

        Method hashKeyGetter = reflector.getHashKeyGetter(clazz);
        AttributeValue hashKeyElement = getHashKeyElement(safeInvoke(hashKeyGetter, object), hashKeyGetter);

        AttributeValue rangeKeyElement = null;
        Method rangeKeyGetter = reflector.getRangeKeyGetter(clazz);
        if ( rangeKeyGetter != null ) {
            rangeKeyElement = getRangeKeyElement(safeInvoke(rangeKeyGetter, object), rangeKeyGetter);

        Key objectKey = new Key().withHashKeyElement(hashKeyElement).withRangeKeyElement(rangeKeyElement);

        Map<String, AttributeValueUpdate> updateValues = new HashMap<String, AttributeValueUpdate>();
        Map<String, ExpectedAttributeValue> expectedValues = new HashMap<String, ExpectedAttributeValue>();

        // Look at every getter and construct an update object for it
        boolean forcePut = false;
        List<ValueUpdate> inMemoryUpdates = new LinkedList<DynamoDBMapper.ValueUpdate>();
        for ( Method method : reflector.getRelevantGetters(clazz) ) {

            Object getterResult = safeInvoke(method, object);
            String attributeName = reflector.getAttributeName(method);

             * If this is a versioned field, update it
            if ( reflector.isVersionAttributeGetter(method) ) {
                if ( config.getSaveBehavior() != SaveBehavior.CLOBBER ) {
                    // First establish the expected (current) value for the
                    // update call
                    ExpectedAttributeValue expected = new ExpectedAttributeValue();

                    // For new objects, insist that the value doesn't exist.
                    // For existing ones, insist it has the old value.
                    AttributeValue currentValue = getSimpleAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                    expected.setExists(currentValue != null);
                    if ( currentValue != null ) {
                    expectedValues.put(attributeName, expected);

                AttributeValue newVersionValue = getVersionAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                        .put(attributeName, new AttributeValueUpdate().withAction("PUT").withValue(newVersionValue));
                inMemoryUpdates.add(new ValueUpdate(method, newVersionValue));

             * If this is a new item being saved, assign a key if possible and
             * force a put, rather than an update
            else if ( getterResult == null && reflector.isAssignableKey(method) ) {
                forcePut = true;
                AttributeValue newVersionValue = getAutoGeneratedKeyAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                        .put(attributeName, new AttributeValueUpdate().withAction("PUT").withValue(newVersionValue));
                inMemoryUpdates.add(new ValueUpdate(method, newVersionValue));

             * Otherwise apply the put value for this attribute. Hash and range
             * keys are included in puts, but not updates.
            else if ( config.getSaveBehavior() == SaveBehavior.CLOBBER
                    || (!method.equals(hashKeyGetter) && !method.equals(rangeKeyGetter)) ) {
                AttributeValue currentValue = getSimpleAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                if ( currentValue != null ) {
                    updateValues.put(attributeName, new AttributeValueUpdate().withValue(currentValue)
                } else if ( config.getSaveBehavior() != SaveBehavior.CLOBBER ) {
                    updateValues.put(attributeName, new AttributeValueUpdate().withAction("DELETE"));

         * Do a put or an update, according to the configuration. For a put (not
         * the default), we need to munge the data type.
        if ( config.getSaveBehavior() == SaveBehavior.CLOBBER || forcePut ) {
            db.putItem(new PutItemRequest().withTableName(tableName).withItem(convertToItem(updateValues))
        } else {
            db.updateItem(new UpdateItemRequest().withTableName(tableName).withKey(objectKey)

         * Finally, after the service call has succeeded, update the in-memory
         * object with new field values as appropriate.
        for ( ValueUpdate update : inMemoryUpdates ) {
            setValue(object, update.method, update.newValue);
     * Deletes the given object from its DynamoDB table.
    public void delete(Object object) {
        delete(object, this.config);

     * Deletes the given object from its DynamoDB table.
     * @param config
     *            Config override object. If {@link SaveBehavior#CLOBBER} is
     *            supplied, version fields will not be considered when deleting
     *            the object.
    public void delete(Object object, DynamoDBMapperConfig config) {
        if ( this.config != config )
            config = new DynamoDBMapperConfig(this.config, config);
        Class<?> clazz = object.getClass();

        String tableName = getTableName(clazz, config);

        Method hashKeyGetter = reflector.getHashKeyGetter(clazz);
        AttributeValue hashKeyElement = getHashKeyElement(safeInvoke(hashKeyGetter, object), hashKeyGetter);

        AttributeValue rangeKeyElement = null;
        Method rangeKeyGetter = reflector.getRangeKeyGetter(clazz);
        if ( rangeKeyGetter != null ) {
            rangeKeyElement = getRangeKeyElement(safeInvoke(rangeKeyGetter, object), rangeKeyGetter);

        Key objectKey = new Key().withHashKeyElement(hashKeyElement).withRangeKeyElement(rangeKeyElement);
         * If there is a version field, make sure we assert its value. If the
         * version field is null (only should happen in unusual circumstances),
         * pretend it doesn't have a version field after all.
        Map<String, ExpectedAttributeValue> expectedValues = new HashMap<String, ExpectedAttributeValue>();              
        if ( config.getSaveBehavior() != SaveBehavior.CLOBBER ) {
            for ( Method method : reflector.getRelevantGetters(clazz) ) {

                if ( reflector.isVersionAttributeGetter(method) ) {
                    Object getterResult = safeInvoke(method, object);
                    String attributeName = reflector.getAttributeName(method);

                    ExpectedAttributeValue expected = new ExpectedAttributeValue();
                    AttributeValue currentValue = getSimpleAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                    expected.setExists(currentValue != null);
                    if ( currentValue != null )
                    expectedValues.put(attributeName, expected);
        db.deleteItem(new DeleteItemRequest().withKey(objectKey).withTableName(tableName).withExpected(expectedValues));
     * Swallows the checked exceptions around Method.invoke and repackages them
     * as {@link DynamoDBMappingException}
    private Object safeInvoke(Method method, Object object, Object... arguments) {
        try {
            return method.invoke(object, arguments);
        } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
            throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Couldn't invoke " + method, e);
        } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
            throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Couldn't invoke " + method, e);
        } catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
            throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Couldn't invoke " + method, e);


    private static final class ValueUpdate {

        private Method method;
        private AttributeValue newValue;

        public ValueUpdate(Method method, AttributeValue newValue) {
            this.method = method;
            this.newValue = newValue;

     * Converts the {@link AttributeValueUpdate} map given to an equivalent
     * {@link AttributeValue} map.
    private Map<String, AttributeValue> convertToItem(Map<String, AttributeValueUpdate> putValues) {
        Map<String, AttributeValue> map = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>();
        for ( Entry<String, AttributeValueUpdate> entry : putValues.entrySet() ) {
             * AttributeValueUpdate allows nulls for its values, since they are
             * semantically meaningful. AttributeValues never have null values.
            if ( entry.getValue().getValue() != null )
                map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getValue());
        return map;

     * Gets the attribute value object corresponding to the
     * {@link DynamoDBVersionAttribute} getter, and its result, given. Null
     * values are assumed to be new objects and given the smallest possible
     * positive value. Non-null values are incremented from their current value.
    private AttributeValue getVersionAttributeValue(final Method getter, Object getterReturnResult) {
        ArgumentMarshaller marshaller = reflector.getVersionedArgumentMarshaller(getter, getterReturnResult);
        return marshaller.marshall(getterReturnResult);

     * Returns an attribute value corresponding to the key method and value given.
    private AttributeValue getAutoGeneratedKeyAttributeValue(Method getter, Object getterResult) {
        ArgumentMarshaller marshaller = reflector.getAutoGeneratedKeyArgumentMarshaller(getter);
        return marshaller.marshall(getterResult);

     * Scans through an AWS DynamoDB table and returns the matching results as
     * an unmodifiable list of instantiated objects. The table to scan is
     * determined by looking at the annotations on the specified class, which
     * declares where to store the object data in AWS DynamoDB, and the scan
     * expression parameter allows the caller to filter results and control how
     * the scan is executed.
     * <p>
     * Callers should be aware that the returned list is unmodifiable, and any
     * attempts to modify the list will result in an
     * UnsupportedOperationException.
     * @param <T>
     *            The type of the objects being returned.
     * @param clazz
     *            The class annotated with DynamoDB annotations describing how
     *            to store the object data in AWS DynamoDB.
     * @param scanExpression
     *            Details on how to run the scan, including any filters to apply
     *            to limit results.
     * @return An unmodifiable list of the objects constructed from the results
     *         of the scan operation.
     * @throws Exception
     *             If there were any problems loading the data from AWS
     *             DynamoDB.
    public <T> List<T> scan(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression) throws Exception {
        ScanRequest scanRequest = createScanRequestFromExpression(clazz, scanExpression);

        ScanResult scanResult = db.scan(scanRequest);
        int count = scanResult.getCount();

        // If the results are truncated, figure out the count
        if (scanResult.getLastEvaluatedKey() != null) {
            count = count(clazz, scanExpression);

        return new PaginatedScanList<T>(this, clazz, db, count, scanRequest, scanResult);

     * Queries an AWS DynamoDB table and returns the matching results as an
     * unmodifiable list of instantiated objects. The table to query is
     * determined by looking at the annotations on the specified class, which
     * declares where to store the object data in AWS DynamoDB, and the query
     * expression parameter allows the caller to filter results and control how
     * the query is executed.
     * <p>
     * Callers should be aware that the returned list is unmodifiable, and any
     * attempts to modify the list will result in an
     * UnsupportedOperationException.
     * @param <T>
     *            The type of the objects being returned.
     * @param clazz
     *            The class annotated with DynamoDB annotations describing how
     *            to store the object data in AWS DynamoDB.
     * @param queryExpression
     *            Details on how to run the query, including any filters to
     *            apply to limit the results.
     * @return An unmodifiable list of the objects constructed from the results
     *         of the query operation.
     * @throws Exception
     *             If there were any problems loading the data from AWS
     *             DynamoDB.
    public <T> List<T> query(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBQueryExpression queryExpression) throws Exception {
        QueryRequest queryRequest = createQueryRequestFromExpression(clazz, queryExpression);

        QueryResult queryResult = db.query(queryRequest);
        int count = queryResult.getCount();

        // If the results are truncated, figure out the count
        if (queryResult.getLastEvaluatedKey() != null) {
            count = count(clazz, queryExpression);

        return new PaginatedQueryList<T>(this, clazz, db, count, queryRequest, queryResult);

     * Evaluates the specified scan expression and returns the count of matching
     * items, without returning any of the actual item data.
     * @param clazz
     *            The class mapped to a DynamoDB table.
     * @param scanExpression
     *            The parameters for running the scan.
     * @return The count of matching items, without returning any of the actual
     *         item data.
     * @throws Exception
     *             If any problems were encountered making the request to AWS
     *             DynamoDB.
    public int count(Class<?> clazz, DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression) throws Exception {
        ScanRequest scanRequest = createScanRequestFromExpression(clazz, scanExpression);

        // Count scans can also be truncated for large datasets
        int count = 0;
        ScanResult scanResult = null;
        do {
            scanResult = db.scan(scanRequest);
            count += scanResult.getCount();
        } while (scanResult.getLastEvaluatedKey() != null);

        return count;

    public int count(Class<?> clazz, DynamoDBQueryExpression queryExpression) throws Exception {
        QueryRequest queryRequest = createQueryRequestFromExpression(clazz, queryExpression);

        // Count queries can also be truncated for large datasets
        int count = 0;
        QueryResult queryResult = null;
        do {
            queryResult = db.query(queryRequest);
            count += queryResult.getCount();
        } while (queryResult.getLastEvaluatedKey() != null);

        return count;

    private ScanRequest createScanRequestFromExpression(Class<?> clazz, DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression) {
        DynamoDBTable table = reflector.getTable(clazz);

        ScanRequest scanRequest = new ScanRequest();

        return scanRequest;

    private QueryRequest createQueryRequestFromExpression(Class<?> clazz, DynamoDBQueryExpression queryExpression) {
        DynamoDBTable table = reflector.getTable(clazz);

        QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest();

        return queryRequest;

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