Package com.hp.jena.rules.ast

Source Code of com.hp.jena.rules.ast.Item$Var

   (c) Copyright 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
   All rights reserved.

package com.hp.jena.rules.ast;

import java.util.List;

import com.hp.jena.util.BrokenException;

public class Item
    protected final String uri;
    Item( String uri ) { this.uri = uri; }
    public static Item createURI( String uri )
        { return new URI( uri.replace( "<", "" ).replace( ">", "" ) ); }
    public String getURI() { return uri; }
    @Override public String toString() { return uri; }
    static class URI extends Item
        URI( String uri )
            { super( uri ); }
        @Override public boolean isURI()
            { return true; }
        @Override public <T> T visit( Visitor<T> v )
            { return v.visitURI( uri ); }
    static class Var extends Item
        Var( String name ) { super( name ); }
        @Override public boolean isVariable() { return true; }
        @Override public String getVarName() { return uri; }
        @Override public <T> T visit( Visitor<T> v )
            { return v.visitVariable( uri ); }
    static class Blank extends Item
        static int count = 1000;
        Blank() { super( "_:B" + ++count ); }
        @Override public boolean isBlank()
            { return true; }
        @Override public <T> T visit( Visitor<T> v )
            { return v.visitBNode( uri ); }
    static class ExplicitBlank extends Item
        static int count = 1000;
        ExplicitBlank( String label ) { super( label ); }
        @Override public boolean isExplicitBlank()
            { return true; }
        @Override public <T> T visit( Visitor<T> v )
            { return v.visitExplicitBNode( uri ); }
    public static class Name extends Item
        Name( String uri )
            { super( uri ); }

    public static class Functor extends Item
        protected final String name;
        protected final List<Expr> args;
        Functor( String name, List<Expr> args )
            { super( name ); = name; this.args = args; }
        @Override public boolean isFunctor()
            { return true; }

        @Override public List<Expr> getFunctorArgs()
            { return args; }

        @Override public String getFunctorName()
            { return name; }
        @Override public String toString()
            { return name + args; }
        @Override public <T> T visit( Visitor<T> v )
            { return v.visitFunctor( this ); }
    static class WrappedExpr extends Item
        protected final Expr expr;
        WrappedExpr( Expr expr )
            { super( expr.f ); this.expr = expr; }
        @Override public Expr getExpr()
            { return expr; }
        @Override public boolean isExpr()
            { return true; }       
        @Override public <T> T visit( Visitor<T> v )
            { return v.visitExpr( expr ); }
    static class Literal extends Item
        protected final String spelling;
        protected final String language;
        protected final String type;
        Literal( boolean positive, String spelling, String type )
            { this( (positive ? spelling : "-" + spelling), null, type ); }
        Literal( String spelling, String language, String type )
            { super( spelling )
            ; this.spelling = spelling
            ; this.language = language
            ; this.type = type
            ; }
        @Override public boolean isLiteral()
            { return true; }
        @Override public String toString()
            return spelling
                + (language == null ? "" : "@" + language)
                + (type == null ? "" : "^^" + type)
        @Override public String getLiteralSpelling()
            { return spelling; }
        @Override public String getLiteralLanguage()
            { return language; }
        @Override public String getLiteralType()
            { return type; }
        @Override public <T> T visit( Visitor<T> v )
            if (language != null) return v.visitTaggedLiteral( spelling, language );
            if (type != null) return v.visitTypedLiteral( spelling, type );
            return v.visitPlainLiteral( spelling );

    public static Item createVariable( String name )
        { return new Item.Var( name ); }

    public static Item createBNode()
        { return new Blank(); }

    public static Item createExplicitBNode( String string )
        { return new ExplicitBlank( string ); }

    public static Item createPlainLiteral( String string )
        { return new Literal( string, null, null ); }
    public static Item createTaggedLiteral( String spelling, String lang )
        { return new Literal( spelling, lang, null ); }

    public static Item createTypedLiteral( String spelling, String type )
        { return new Literal( spelling, null, type ); }

    public boolean isURI()
        { return false; }
    public boolean isVariable()
        { return false; }
    public boolean isLiteral()
        { return false; }

    public boolean isBlank()
        { return false; }

    public boolean isExplicitBlank()
        { return false; }

    public boolean isFunctor()
        { return false; }  
    public boolean isExpr()
        { return false; }
    public Expr getExpr()
        { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "cannot get expr from this" ); }

    public String getVarName()
        { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "cannot get variable name from this" ); }
    public String getLiteralSpelling()
        { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "cannot get literal spelling from this" ); }

    public String getLiteralLanguage()
        { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "cannot get literal language from this" ); }

    public String getLiteralType()
        { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "cannot get literal type from this" ); }

    public List<Expr> getFunctorArgs()
        { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "cannot get functor args from this" ); }

    public String getFunctorName()
        { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "cannot get functor name from this" ); }

    public static Item createFunctor( String name, List<Expr> args )
        { return new Functor( name, args ); }
    public static Item createFunctor( Item name, List<Expr> args )
        { return new Functor( name.getURI(), args ); }

    public static Item createExpr( Expr expr )
        { return new Item.WrappedExpr( expr ); }
    public interface Visitor<Result>
        public Result visitURI( String uri );

        public Result visitVariable( String name );

        public Result visitBNode( String label );

        public Result visitExplicitBNode( String label );

        public Result visitPlainLiteral( String spelling );

        public Result visitFunctor( Functor f );

        public Result visitTypedLiteral( String spelling, String type );

        public Result visitTaggedLiteral( String spelling, String tag );

        public Result visitExpr( Expr e );
    public static class VisitorBoom<T> implements Visitor<T>
        public T visitURI( String uri )
            { throw new BrokenException( "VisitorBoom can't visit a URI" ); }

        public T visitVariable( String name )
            { throw new BrokenException( "VisitorBoom can't visit a variable" ); }

        public T visitBNode( String label )
            { throw new BrokenException( "VisitorBoom can't visit a bnode" ); }

        public T visitExplicitBNode( String label )
            { throw new BrokenException( "VisitorBoom can't visit an explicit bnode" ); }

        public T visitPlainLiteral( String spelling )
            { throw new BrokenException( "VisitorBoom can't visit a plain literal" ); }

        public T visitFunctor( Functor f )
            { throw new BrokenException( "VisitorBoom can't visit a functor" ); }

        public T visitTaggedLiteral( String spelling, String tag )
            { throw new BrokenException( "VisitorBoom can't visit a tagged literal" ); }

        public T visitTypedLiteral( String spelling, String type )
            { throw new BrokenException( "VisitorBoom can't visit a typed literal" ); }

        public T visitExpr( Expr e )
            { throw new BrokenException( "VisitorBoom can't visit a wrapped expression" ); }
    public <T> T visit( Visitor<T> iv )
        { throw new BrokenException( "cannot visit this " + this.getClass().getName() + ": " + this ); }

Related Classes of com.hp.jena.rules.ast.Item$Var

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