* Copyright 2009 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package de.hybris.yfaces.context;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import de.hybris.yfaces.YFacesException;
* A context object whose scope and lifetime is bound to a Conversation. A conversation lays between
* {@link YApplicationContext} and {@link YSessionContext} and is always greater than a
* {@link YPageContext}.
* <p>
* A conversation is started when {@link #getOrCreateNextPage()} is called. In that case a
* {@link YPageContext} is returned (or initially created) which can be modified and initialized
* with a specific state.This preconfigured context gets activated with next request
* <p>
* The conversation "rollbacks" to a previous state whenever a user interacts in a way that a page
* is displayed which is element of the pages stack internally hold by this conversation.The
* conversation goes on when the user navigates to the page which was configured with
* {@link #getOrCreateNextPage()}. The conversation stops (throws away all state) when the user
* navigates to a page which is not element of this conversation (means: which is neither a previous
* page nor current displayed page nor the prepared next page)
* @author Denny.Strietzbaum
public class YConversationContext {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(YConversationContext.class);
// the current pagecontext
private YPageContext currentPage = null;
private int resetCounter = 0;
private String id = null;
// context attributes
private final Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// holds a queue of navigable pages
private LinkedHashMap<String, YPageContext> contextPages = new LinkedHashMap<String, YPageContext>();
// next page
// gets added to queue of context pages with the next request
private YPageContext nextContextPage = null;
* Constructor.
public YConversationContext() {
this.id = this.calculateNewId();
YPageContext startPage = new YPageContext(this, null, null);
this.currentPage = startPage;
this.contextPages = new LinkedHashMap<String, YPageContext>();
this.contextPages.put(startPage.getId(), startPage);
this.nextContextPage = null;
* Returns the ID of this context.
* @return id
public String getId() {
return this.id;
* Custom attributes for free usage.
* @return {@link Map}
public Map<String, Object> getAttributes() {
return this.attributes;
* Returns the current displayed Page.<br/>
* May or may not have one ore more previous pages<br/>
* (depends on whether {@link #getOrCreateNextPage()} was called before current request)<br/>
* <br/>
* @return the current {@link YPageContext}
public YPageContext getLastPage() {
return this.currentPage;
* Returns the {@link YPageContext} which becomes the current one with next request.<br/>
* Calling this method first lazily creates a new instance.<br/>
* Every other call returns the same instance as long as the current request is processed.<br/>
* When a new requests starts this instance gets added to the stack of available context pages.<br/>
* <br/>
* When this method isn't called the context is reseted with the next request.
* @return {@link YPageContext}
public YPageContext getOrCreateNextPage() {
if (this.nextContextPage == null) {
this.nextContextPage = new YPageContext(this, null, null);
return this.nextContextPage;
* Returns the next {@link YPageContext} if any.
* @return {@link YPageContext}
protected YPageContext getNextPage() {
return this.nextContextPage;
* Returns all available {@link YPageContext} instances for this conversation.
* @return all {@link YPageContext} instances
public Collection<YPageContext> getAllPages() {
return this.contextPages.values();
* Returns the current {@link YSessionContext}
* @return {@link YSessionContext}
public YSessionContext getSessionContext() {
return YRequestContext.getCurrentContext().getSessionContext();
* Starts updating all {@link YPageContext} instances (pages) of this conversation. Incoming
* request must be of type POST or GET as flashback. Requested page must be element of this
* conversation (current displayed one or a previous one).
* <p>
* This method gets not invoked for general GET requests and it gets not invoked for POST
* requests on Pages that are not element of this conversation.
protected void refresh() {
for (YPageContext page : this.contextPages.values()) {
* Resets the context and sets the passed Page as new, initial one.
* @param page
* {@link YPageContext} as start page
void start(YPageContext page) {
this.id = this.calculateNewId();
this.currentPage = page;
this.contextPages = new LinkedHashMap<String, YPageContext>();
this.contextPages.put(page.getId(), page);
this.nextContextPage = null;
log.debug("Reseting to initial new Page (" + page.getId() + ")");
* Proceeds conversation with adding a new {@link YPageContext} to the queue of current pages.A
* possible {@link YPageContext} created previously with {@link #getOrCreateNextPage()} gets
* reseted.
* @param page
* {@link YPageContext}
void forward(YPageContext page) {
// ...take that "next page" and append it to the queue of current pages
this.currentPage = page;
this.nextContextPage = null;
* "Rollback" the conversation. Passed {@link YPageContext} must be element of this
* conversations page stack. Passed page is set as current one and the conversations page stack
* gets updated (following pages are removed)
* @param page
* page to navigate to
void backward(YPageContext page) {
// availability check
if (!this.contextPages.containsKey(page.getId())) {
throw new YFacesException("Can't navigate to page " + page.getId() + " (not found)");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Navigating to already existing page (" + page.getId() + ")");
// update some members and request context
this.nextContextPage = null;
this.currentPage = page;
// update pages stack
LinkedHashMap<String, YPageContext> updatedNavigationPages = new LinkedHashMap<String, YPageContext>();
for (Map.Entry<String, YPageContext> entry : this.contextPages.entrySet()) {
updatedNavigationPages.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (entry.getKey().equals(page.getId())) {
this.contextPages = updatedNavigationPages;
* Adds the passed page to top of the queue of already managed pages.
* @param page
* {@link YPageContext} to add.
protected void addPage(YPageContext page) {
YPageContext previousPage = page.getPreviousPage();
YPageContext currentPage = YRequestContext.getCurrentContext().getPageContext();
// in case added page has already a previous page, then it must be same
// as current page
if (previousPage != null && !previousPage.equals(currentPage)) {
String msg = "Can't add page (" + page.getId() + ") as previous page ("
+ previousPage.getId() + ") is not compatible with current page ("
+ currentPage.getId() + ")";
throw new YFacesException(msg);
// set current page as previous page of added page
// add page to stack
this.contextPages.put(page.getId(), page);
* Returns a {@link YPageContext} by its pageId. The page must be available within the queue of
* managed pages otherwise null is returned.
* @param pageId
* pageId
* @return {@link YPageContext}
protected YPageContext getPage(String pageId) {
return this.contextPages.get(pageId);
private String calculateNewId() {
return "#" + String.valueOf(this.resetCounter++);