package jfun.yan.xml.nuts;
import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import jfun.yan.Component;
import jfun.yan.Components;
import jfun.yan.Creator;
import jfun.yan.FilteredPropertiesInjector;
import jfun.yan.Monad;
import jfun.yan.ParameterBinder;
import jfun.yan.PropertyBinder;
import jfun.yan.function.Signature;
import jfun.yan.util.NameFilteredMemberPredicate;
import jfun.yan.xml.Constants;
import jfun.yan.xml.NutsUtils;
import jfun.yan.xml.nut.ComponentNut;
import jfun.yan.xml.nut.Nut;
* Super class for any Nut that supports <arg>,
* <args>,<prop> and <props> sub-elements.
* <p>
* @author Ben Yu
* Nov 9, 2005 11:38:43 PM
public abstract class ArgumentsAndPropertiesNut extends ComponentNut {
private Class[] param_types;
private Object[] args;
private Args sub_args;
private final java.util.List arglist = new ArrayList();
private final HashMap table = new HashMap();
private int max_arg_num = -1;
private String param_autowire_str;
private ParameterBinder param_autowire_mode;
private void withMaxNum(int max){
if(max > max_arg_num){
this.max_arg_num = max;
* Get the maximum number of the arguments.
* @return the value of the maximal 1-based ordinal position of
* arguments.
* -1 is returned if no "args" or "arg" is specified.
public int getMaxArgsCount(){
return max_arg_num;
public Object[] getArgs() {
return args;
public List getArgList(){
return arglist;
public void setArgs(Object[] args) {
this.args = args;
public Class[] getParameterTypes() {
return param_types;
public void setParams(Class[] param_types) {
this.param_types = param_types;
public void addArgs(Args a){
checkDuplicate("args", this.args);
final int sz = arglist.size();
for(int i=0; i<sz; i++){
final Arg x = (Arg)arglist.get(i);
if(x.getInd() < a.getArgs().length){
throw x.raise("overlapping index: "+x.getInd());
this.args = a.getArgs();
this.sub_args = a;
public void addArg(Arg a){
if(args!=null && a.getInd()<args.length){
throw a.raise("overlapping index: "+a.getInd());
throw a.raise("duplicate index: "+a.getInd());
table.put(a, a);
private final Component toComponent(Class type, Object obj){
if(obj instanceof Creator){
return Components.adapt((Creator)obj);
else return NutsUtils.asComponent(convert(type, obj));
* Apply the specified parameters if any.
* @param component the component to apply parameters.
* @return the result.
protected Component applyArguments(Component component){
if(args != null){
Nut n = this;
n = sub_args;
checkIndex(n, args.length-1);
final int sz = arglist.size();
final HashMap indmap = new HashMap();
for(int i=0; i<sz; i++){
final Arg a = (Arg)arglist.get(i);
checkIndex(a, a.getInd());
indmap.put(new Integer(a.getInd()), a);
if(args != null || !arglist.isEmpty()){
component = component.bindArguments(new ParameterBinder(){
public Creator bind(Signature src, int ind, Class type) {
if(args!=null && ind < args.length){
return toComponent(type, args[ind]);
final Arg a = (Arg)indmap.get(new Integer(ind));
Component val = a.getVal(type);
if(val == null){
val = Components.value(null);//Components.useArgument(src, ind, type);
final Component def = a.getDefault(type);
return Monad.mplus(val, def);
else return val;
return Components.useArgument(src, ind, type);
return component;
private void checkIndex(Nut nut, int ind){
if(param_types==null) return;
if(ind >= param_types.length){
throw nut.raise("argument index out of bounds: "+
private String[] prop_names;
private String prop_autowire_str;
private final ArrayList prop_elements = new ArrayList();
private PropertyBinder prop_autowire_mode;
private boolean optional_properties = false;
private boolean validate_property_names = true;
* Is the a property explicitly specified?
* @param key the property key.
public boolean containsExplicitProperty(String key){
for(int i=0; i<prop_names.length; i++){
final String name = prop_names[i];
if(name!=null && name.equals(key)){
return true;
final int sz = prop_elements.size();
for(int i=0; i<sz; i++){
final Prop prop = (Prop)prop_elements.get(i);
return true;
return false;
public boolean isValidate_property_names() {
return validate_property_names;
public void setValidate_property_names(boolean check_property_names) {
this.validate_property_names = check_property_names;
private static final String PROP_TAG_NAME = "prop";
public void setProps(Map props){
int i=0;
for(Iterator it = props.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();i++){
final Object key =;
final Object val = props.get(key);
final Prop prop = new Prop();
public void setAutowire(String mode){
this.prop_autowire_mode = getPropertyWiring(mode);
this.prop_autowire_str = mode;
this.param_autowire_mode = getParameterWiring(mode);
this.param_autowire_str = mode;
PropertyBinder res = (PropertyBinder)auto_resolutions.get(strategy);
if(res == null){
throw raise("unknown autowire strategy: "+ strategy);
this.resolution = res;
this.resolution_name = strategy;
* Get the specified autowire mode.
public PropertyBinder getAutoWire(){
return prop_autowire_mode;
public void setProperty_names(String[] names){
prop_names = names;
for(int i=0; i<prop_names.length; i++){
prop_names[i] = prop_names[i].replace('-', '_');
public String[] getPropertyNames(){
return prop_names;
public void addProp(Prop prop){
public void setOptional_properties(boolean flag){
this.optional_properties = flag;
* Create a bean component and filter out the undesired properties.
* @param c the Component to inject properties.
* @param isAll whether we want all properties.
* @return the bean Component.
* @throws IntrospectionException when introspection failed.
protected Component defineBean(Component c, boolean isAll)
throws IntrospectionException{
return c.bean();
else if(prop_names!=null){
return c.bean(prop_names);
final Set propkeys = jfun.yan.util.Utils.toSet(
this.prop_names, "property name");
return Components.makeBean(c,
new NameFilteredMemberPredicate(propkeys))
else if(getPropertyAutowireMode()!=null){
return c.bean();
//manual wire
return c;
* When no property names is specified, no property values are set,
* do we by default create a bean component?
protected boolean isBeanByDefault(){
return false;
* Create bean component is any property name is specified or any property
* value is specified.
* @param component the component to apply properties.
* @return the result.
protected Component applyProperties(Component component){
final boolean isAll = isAllProperties();
final HashMap valnames = checkPropertyNames(isAll);
if(valnames==null && (prop_names==null || prop_names.length==0)
&& !isBeanByDefault()){
//not wildcard and no property value specified.
return component;
component = defineBean(component, isAll);
catch(IntrospectionException e){
throw raise(e);
component = component.bindProperties(new PropertyBinder(){
public Creator bind(Class component_type, Object key, Class type) {
final Prop prop = (Prop)valnames.get(key);
Component result = prop.getVal(type);
result = Components.value(null);//Components.useProperty(component_type, key, type);
final Component def = prop.getDefault(type);
result = Monad.mplus(result, def);
else if(prop.isOptional()){
result = result.optional();
return result;
else return Components.useProperty(component_type, key, type);
component = component.optionalProperties();
final PropertyBinder autowiring = getPropertyAutowireMode();
component = component.bindProperties(autowiring);
return component;
* In case the component implements any marker interface or has any specific
* method signature that is used to automatically set property, call them
* and set the corresponding properties.
* @param c the component.
* @return the Component object that informs the "aware"s.
protected Component informAwares(Component c){
return c;
* Get the auto wire mode for properties.
* If not specified, use the global default setting.
public PropertyBinder getPropertyAutowireMode(){
//use default
return getPropertyWiring(null);
else return prop_autowire_mode;
* Get the auto wire mode for parameters.
* If not specified, use the global default setting.
public ParameterBinder getParameterAutowireMode(){
return getParameterWiring(null);
else return param_autowire_mode;
* Is wildcard used?
public boolean isAllProperties(){
return(prop_names!=null && prop_names.length==1
&& Constants.WILDCARD.equals(prop_names[0]));
* Check the validity of property names and property values.
* populate property names if manual-wiring and property values are specified.
* @param isAll whether wildcard is used for property-names.
* @return null is returned if no property value is specified.
* the key-value map is returned for the specified property values.
private HashMap checkPropertyNames(final boolean isAll){
HashSet prop_name_set = null;
if(!isAll && prop_names!=null){
prop_name_set = new HashSet(prop_names.length);
for(int i=0; i<prop_names.length; i++){
final String name = prop_names[i];
throw raise("duplicate property name: "+name);
final int sz = prop_elements.size();
if(sz==0) return null;
final HashMap valnames = new HashMap(sz);
for(int i=0; i<sz; i++){
final Prop prop = (Prop)prop_elements.get(i);
final String key = prop.getKey();
throw prop.raise("duplicate property key: "
+ key);
if(this.validate_property_names && !isAll && prop_name_set!=null){
throw prop.raise("unused property key: "
+ key);
valnames.put(key, prop);
if(getPropertyAutowireMode() == null){
//manual wire
prop_names = new String[valnames.size()];
return valnames;
* Apply arguments and then properties to the component.
* @param component the component to apply arguments and properties.
* @return the result.
protected Component decorateComponent(Component component){
return applyProperties(applyArguments(informAwares(component)));