package jfun.yan.xfire;
import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.codehaus.xfire.service.Service;
import org.codehaus.xfire.soap.SoapVersion;
import jfun.yan.Component;
import jfun.yan.Components;
import jfun.yan.Creator;
import jfun.yan.factory.Factory;
import jfun.yan.factory.GlobalScope;
import jfun.yan.factory.PooledFactory;
import jfun.yan.xml.NutsUtils;
import jfun.yan.xml.nuts.DelegatingNut;
* The nut class that wraps up a component as a service.
* <p>
* @author Ben Yu
* Feb 2, 2006 6:40:08 PM
public class ServiceNut extends DelegatingNut {
private Component default_xfire;
public ServiceNut(){
* Create a ServiceNut object.
* @param default_xfire the default xfire component if not specified.
public ServiceNut(Component default_xfire){
this.default_xfire = default_xfire;
private /*ServiceFactory*/ Component serviceFactory;
protected /*XFire*/ Component xFire;
private String name;
private String namespace;
private Class serviceInterface;
private List inHandlers;
private List outHandlers;
private List faultHandlers;
private List schemas;
protected Class implementationClass;
private List properties;
/** Some properties to make it easier to work with ObjectServiceFactory */
protected SoapVersion soapVersion;
protected String use;
protected String style;
private ScopePolicy scope;
public List getFaultHandlers() {
return faultHandlers;
public void setFaultHandlers(List faultHandlers) {
this.faultHandlers = faultHandlers;
public Class getImplementationClass() {
return implementationClass;
public void setImplementationClass(Class implementationClass) {
this.implementationClass = implementationClass;
public List getInHandlers() {
return inHandlers;
public void setInHandlers(List inHandlers) {
this.inHandlers = inHandlers;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getNamespace() {
return namespace;
public void setNamespace(String namespace) {
this.namespace = namespace;
public List getOutHandlers() {
return outHandlers;
public void setOutHandlers(List outHandlers) {
this.outHandlers = outHandlers;
public List getProperties() {
return properties;
public void setProperties(List properties) { = properties;
public List getSchemas() {
return schemas;
public void setSchemas(List schemas) {
this.schemas = schemas;
public ScopePolicy getScope() {
return scope;
public void setScope(ScopePolicy scope) {
this.scope = scope;
public Component getServiceFactory() {
return serviceFactory;
public void setServiceFactory(Component serviceFactory) {
this.serviceFactory = serviceFactory;
public Class getServiceClass() {
return serviceInterface;
public void setServiceClass(Class serviceInterface) {
this.serviceInterface = serviceInterface;
public SoapVersion getSoapVersion() {
return soapVersion;
public void setSoapVersion(SoapVersion soapVersion) {
this.soapVersion = soapVersion;
public String getStyle() {
return style;
public void setStyle(String style) { = style;
public String getUse() {
return use;
public void setUse(String use) {
this.use = use;
public Component getXFire() {
return xFire;
public void setXFire(Component fire) {
xFire = fire;
public Component eval() throws IntrospectionException {
* Use the ServiceInterface if that is set, otherwise use the Class of
* the service object.
final Component cc = super.getComponent();
Class impltype = getImplementationClass();
impltype = cc.getType();
Class intf = getServiceClass();
if (intf == null)
intf = impltype;
throw new RuntimeException("Error creating service " + name +
". The service class or the service bean must be set!");
final ServiceBuilder builder = new ServiceBuilder();
builder.add("faultHandlers", this.faultHandlers)
.add("xfire", this.xFire==null?this.default_xfire:this.xFire)
.add("servant", toLazyFactory(this.getProxyForService()))
.add("implementationClass", impltype)
.add("inHandlers", this.inHandlers)
.add("namespace", this.namespace)
.add("outHandlers", this.outHandlers)
.add("schemas", this.schemas)
.add("scope", this.scope)
.add("serviceClass", intf)
.add("serviceFactory", this.serviceFactory)
.add("soapVersion", this.soapVersion)
.add("use", this.use);
return builder.getResult();
private static final jfun.yan.Map laziness = new jfun.yan.Map(){
public Object map(Object f){
return new PooledFactory((Factory)f, new GlobalScope());
private static Component toLazyFactory(Component cc){
return cc.factory().map(laziness);
private class ServiceBuilder{
private final HashMap props = new HashMap();
ServiceBuilder add(String key, Object val){
props.put(key, toComponent(val));
return this;
Component getResult()throws IntrospectionException{
final Component c = Components.bean(ServiceBean.class)
.withProperties(props).map(new jfun.yan.Map(){
public Object map(Object bean){
return ((ServiceBean)bean).buildService();
if(getId()==null && isGloballyDefined()){
//instantiate it using "name".
return c;
return c.cast(Service.class);
private static Component toListComponent(List l){
final Component[] elems = new Component[l.size()];
for(int i=0; i<elems.length; i++){
elems[i] = NutsUtils.asComponent(l.get(i));
return Components.list(elems);
private static Component toListComponent(Object[] arr){
final Component[] elems = new Component[arr.length];
for(int i=0; i<elems.length; i++){
elems[i] = NutsUtils.asComponent(arr[i]);
return Components.list(elems);
private static Component toComponent(Object obj){
if(obj == null){
//for null, we use the default value.
return Components.useDefault();
else if(obj instanceof List){
return toListComponent((List)obj);
else if(obj instanceof Creator[]){
return Components.list((Creator[])obj);
else if(obj instanceof Object[]){
return toListComponent((Object[])obj);
return NutsUtils.asComponent(obj);
protected Component getProxyForService(){
return getServant();
* Get the Component for the actual servant.
public Component getServant(){
final Component cc = getComponent();
if(cc!=null) return cc;
if(this.implementationClass != null)
return Components.ctor(this.implementationClass);
if(this.serviceInterface != null)
return Components.ctor(this.serviceInterface);
throw raise(
"at least one of \"component\", \"serviceClass\" or \"implementationClass\" has to be specified.");