* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.xwiki.test.selenium;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.xwiki.test.selenium.framework.AbstractXWikiTestCase;
import org.xwiki.test.selenium.framework.ColibriSkinExecutor;
import org.xwiki.test.selenium.framework.XWikiTestSuite;
* Verify the Users, Groups and Rights Management features of XWiki.
* @version $Id$
public class UsersGroupsRightsManagementTest extends AbstractXWikiTestCase
public static Test suite()
XWikiTestSuite suite = new XWikiTestSuite("Verify the Users, Groups and Rights Management features of XWiki");
suite.addTestSuite(UsersGroupsRightsManagementTest.class, ColibriSkinExecutor.class);
return suite;
protected void setUp() throws Exception
* <ul>
* <li>Validate group creation.</li>
* <li>Validate groups administration print "0" members for empty group.</li>
* <li>Validate group deletion.</li>
* <li>Validate rights automatically cleaned from deleted groups.</li>
* </ul>
public void testCreateAndDeleteGroup()
// Make sure there's no XWikiNewGroup before we try to create it
deleteGroup("XWikiNewGroup", true);
// Validate XWIKI-1903: Empty group shows 1 member.
assertEquals("Group XWikiNewGroup which is empty print more than 0 members", 0,
// Give "view" global right to XWikiNewGroup on wiki
clickViewRightsCheckbox("XWikiNewGroup", "allow");
// Give "comment" page right to XWikiNewGroup on Test.TestCreateAndDeleteGroup page
createPage("Test", "TestCreateAndDeleteGroup", "whatever");
clickLinkWithText("Access Rights");
clickCommentRightsCheckbox("XWikiNewGroup", "allow");
// Delete the newly created group and see if rights are cleaned
deleteGroup("XWikiNewGroup", false);
// Validate XWIKI-2304: When a user or a group is removed it's not removed from rights objects
open("XWiki", "XWikiPreferences", "edit", "editor=object");
open("Test", "TestCreateAndDeleteGroup", "edit", "editor=object");
* Validate that administration show error when trying to create an existing group.
public void testCreateGroupWhenGroupAlreadyExists()
open("XWiki", "testCreateGroupWhenGroupAlreadyExists", "edit", "editor=wiki");
setFieldValue("content", "some content");
clickLinkWithText("Add new group", false);
waitForLightbox("Create new group");
setFieldValue("newgroupi", "testCreateGroupWhenGroupAlreadyExists");
getSelenium().click("//input[@value='Create group']");
// We need to wait till the alert appears since when the user clicks on the "Create Group" button there's
// an Ajax call made to the server.
waitForCondition("try {selenium.getAlert() == 'testCreateGroupWhenGroupAlreadyExists cannot be used for the "
+ "group name, as another document with this name already exists.'} catch(err) { false;}");
* <ul>
* <li>Validate user creation.</li>
* <li>Validate user deletion.</li>
* <li>Validate groups automatically cleaned from deleted users.</li>
* </ul>
public void testCreateAndDeleteUser()
// Make sure there's no XWikiNewUser user before we try to create it
deleteUser("XWikiNewUser", true);
createUser("XWikiNewUser", "XWikiNewUser");
// Verify that new users are automatically added to the XWikiAllGroup group.
open("XWiki", "XWikiAllGroup");
// Delete the newly created user and see if groups are cleaned
deleteUser("XWikiNewUser", false);
// Verify that when a user is removed he's removed from the groups he belongs to.
open("XWiki", "XWikiAllGroup");
* Test that the Ajax registration tool accepts non-ASCII symbols.
public void testCreateNonAsciiUser()
// Make sure there's no AccentUser user before we try to create it
deleteUser("AccentUser", true);
// Use ISO-8859-1 symbols to make sure that the test works both in ISO-8859-1 and UTF8
createUser("AccentUser", "AccentUser", "a\u00e9b", "c\u00e0d");
// Verify that the user is present in the table
// Verify that the correct symbols appear
* Validate group rights. Validate XWIKI-2375: Group and user access rights problem with a name which includes space
* characters
public void testGroupRights()
String username = "TestUser";
// Voluntarily put a space in the group name.
String groupname = "Test Group";
// Make sure there's no "TestUser" user and no "Test Group" user before we try to create it
deleteUser(username, true);
deleteGroup(groupname, true);
// Create a new user, a new group, make the user part of that group and create a new page
createUser(username, username);
addUserToGroup(username, groupname);
createPage("Test", "TestGroupRights", "Some content");
// Deny view rights to the group on the newly created page
open("Test", "TestGroupRights", "edit", "editor=rights");
// Click a first time to allow view and a second time to deny it.
clickViewRightsCheckbox(groupname, "allow");
clickViewRightsCheckbox(groupname, "deny1");
// Make sure that Admins can still view the page
open("Test", "TestGroupRights");
assertTextPresent("Some content");
// And ensure that the newly created user cannot view it
login(username, username, false);
open("Test", "TestGroupRights");
assertTextPresent("not allowed");
// Cleanup
deleteUser(username, false);
deleteGroup(groupname, false);
* Test adding a group to a group. Specifically, assert that the group is added as a member itself, not adding all
* its members one by one.
public void testAddGroupToGroup()
String group = "GroupWithGroup";
String xpath = "//tbody/tr[td/a='" + group + "']/td[3]/img[@title='Edit']";
System.out.println("XPATH: " + xpath);
waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + xpath + "\")");
getSelenium().click("//tbody/tr[td/a=\"" + group + "\"]/td[3]/img[@title=\"Edit\"]");
waitForLightbox("Add user to group");
setFieldValue("groupSuggest", "XWiki.XWikiAllGroup");
clickLinkWithLocator("addNewGroup", false);
String xpathPrefix = "//div[@id='lb-content']/div/div/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr";
String adminGroupXPath = xpathPrefix + "/td[contains(@class, 'member')]/a[@href='/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/XWikiAllGroup']";
// this xpath expression is fragile, but we have to start as up as the lightbox does, because
// the same table with same ids and classes is already displayed in the Preferences page
// (that is, the list of existing groups).
waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + adminGroupXPath + "\")");
// Now assert that XWiki.Admin, member of XWikiAdminGroup is not added as a member of our created group
assertElementNotPresent(xpathPrefix + "/td[contains(@class, 'member')]/a[@href='/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/Admin']");
// Now same test, but from the group document UI in inline mode
this.clickLinkWithText("Inline form");
setFieldValue("groupSuggest", "XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup");
clickLinkWithLocator("addNewGroup", false);
// cleanup
deleteGroup(group, false);
* Validate adding a member to a group via the administration.
public void testAddUserToGroup()
// Make sure there's no XWikiNewUser user before we try to create it
deleteUser("XWikiTestUser", true);
createUser("XWikiTestUser", "XWikiTestUser");
addUserToGroup("XWikiTestUser", "XWikiAdminGroup");
deleteUser("XWikiTestUser", true);
* Validate member filtering on group sheet.
public void testFilteringOnGroupSheet()
String rowXPath = "//td[contains(@class, 'member')]/a[@href='/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/Admin']";
this.waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + rowXPath + "\")");
this.getSelenium().typeKeys("member", "Ad");
this.waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + rowXPath + "\")");
this.getSelenium().typeKeys("member", "zzz");
this.waitForCondition("!selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + rowXPath + "\")");
// Helper methods
private void createGroup(String groupname)
clickLinkWithText("Add new group", false);
waitForLightbox("Create new group");
setFieldValue("newgroupi", groupname);
clickLinkWithXPath("//input[@value='Create group']", true);
waitForCondition("selenium.isTextPresent('" + groupname + "')");
* @param deleteOnlyIfExists if true then only delete the group if it exists
private void deleteGroup(String groupname, boolean deleteOnlyIfExists)
if (!deleteOnlyIfExists || (deleteOnlyIfExists && isExistingPage("XWiki", groupname))) {
clickLinkWithLocator("//tbody/tr[td/a='" + groupname + "']//img[@title='Delete']", false);
assertEquals("The group XWiki." + groupname + " will be deleted. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
// Wait till the group has been deleted.
waitForCondition("!selenium.isElementPresent('//tbody/tr[td/a=\"" + groupname + "\"]')");
private void createUser(String login, String pwd)
createUser(login, pwd, "New", "User");
private void createUser(String login, String pwd, String fname, String lname)
clickLinkWithText("Add new user", false);
setFieldValue("register_first_name", fname);
setFieldValue("register_last_name", lname);
setFieldValue("xwikiname", login);
setFieldValue("register_password", pwd);
setFieldValue("register2_password", pwd);
setFieldValue("register_email", "new.user@xwiki.org");
// Wait till the user is displayed
waitForCondition("selenium.isTextPresent('" + login + "')");
private void deleteUser(String login, boolean deleteOnlyIfExists)
if (!deleteOnlyIfExists || (deleteOnlyIfExists && isExistingPage("XWiki", login))) {
clickLinkWithLocator("//tbody/tr[td/a='" + login + "']//img[@title='Delete']", false);
assertEquals("The user XWiki." + login + " will be deleted and removed from all groups he belongs to. "
+ "Are you sure you want to proceed?", getSelenium().getConfirmation());
// Wait till the user has been deleted.
waitForCondition("!selenium.isElementPresent('//tbody/tr[td/a=\"" + login + "\"]')");
private void addUserToGroup(String user, String group)
String xpath = "//tbody/tr[td/a='" + group + "']/td[3]/img[@title='Edit']";
waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + xpath + "\")");
waitForLightbox("Add user to group");
setFieldValue("userSuggest", "XWiki." + user);
clickLinkWithLocator("addNewUser", false);
String xpathPrefix = "//div[@id='lb-content']/div/div/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr";
String newGroupMemberXPath =
xpathPrefix + "/td[contains(@class, 'member')]/a[@href='/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/" + user + "']";
// this xpath expression is fragile, but we have to start as up as the lightbox does, because
// the same table with same ids and classes is already displayed in the Preferences page
// (that is, the list of existing groups).
waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + newGroupMemberXPath + "\")");
// Close the group edit lightbox
open("XWiki", group);
private void waitForLightbox(String lightboxName)
waitForCondition("selenium.page().bodyText().indexOf('" + lightboxName + "') != -1;");
private void clickGroupsRadioButton()
clickLinkWithXPath("//input[@name='uorg' and @value='groups']", false);
private void openGlobalRightsPage()
private void openGroupsPage()
// Since the Groups page has a table loaded using Ajax calls we need to ensure it's filled before going
// further. We do that by verifying that the AdminGroup and the AllGroup are loaded.
private void openUsersPage()
// Note: We could have used the following command instead:
// open("XWiki", "XWikiUsers", "admin", "editor=users")
// However we haven't done it since we also want to verify that clicking on the "Users" tab works.
* @return the number of members in the passed group. Should only be executed when on the Global Rights page.
private int getGroupMembersCount(String groupname)
return Integer.parseInt(getSelenium().getText("//tbody/tr[td/a=\"" + groupname + "\"]/td[2]"));
* @param actionToVerify the action that the click is supposed to have done. Valid values are "allow", "deny1" or
* "none".
private void clickViewRightsCheckbox(String groupOrUserName, String actionToVerify)
clickRightsCheckbox(groupOrUserName, actionToVerify, 2);
* @param actionToVerify the action that the click is supposed to have done. Valid values are "allow", "deny1" or
* "none".
private void clickCommentRightsCheckbox(String groupOrUserName, String actionToVerify)
clickRightsCheckbox(groupOrUserName, actionToVerify, 3);
private void clickRightsCheckbox(String groupOrUserName, String actionToVerify, int positionInTd)
String xpath = "//tbody/tr[td/a='" + groupOrUserName + "']/td[" + positionInTd + "]/img";
clickLinkWithXPath(xpath, false);
// Wait till it has been clicked since this can take some time.
waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + xpath + "[contains(@src, '" + actionToVerify + ".png')]\")");
* Waits for the live table that lists group users to load.
private void waitForGroupUsersLiveTable()