package net.xoetrope.xui;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import net.xoetrope.debug.DebugLogger;
import net.xoetrope.xml.XmlElement;
import net.xoetrope.xml.XmlSource;
import net.xoetrope.xui.helper.XTranslator;
import net.xoetrope.registry.ComponentAdapter;
import net.xoetrope.xui.helper.XLayoutHelper;
* <p>A component factory. The factory is designed to create components
* for a null layout. The factory will use an incrementing id to name each component.
* When an XPanel is added it will automatically become the parent for subsequent
* components added using the factory. If another parent component is needed then
* the parent can be explicitly set.
* </p>
* <p>
* When components are added their size is checked against that of the parent and
* reduced if they extend beyond the bounds of the parent.
* </p>
* <p>
* The component factory can be extended by registering new XComponentConstructors.
* These constructors are invoked if the build in constructors cannot build the
* specified type.
* </p>
* <p>
* Components can be specified by a type name, an type constant or by a class name.
* The type constants for the built-in components are specified in XPage so as
* to make referencing the constants easier in the client code (subclasses of XPage).
* The package name is set as an attribute of the factory so that various versions
* of the widgets can be create for say Swing and AWT without needing to create
* distinct factories and without need to include such implementation details in
* the client code.
* </p>
* <p>Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 2002-2003</p>
* <p>License: see license.txt</p>
* $Revision: 2.21 $
public class XComponentFactory
// Built-in component types
* A component of a type that is unknown to XUI (i.e. not one of the built in types)
public final static int XUNKNOWN = -1;
* A panel / container
public final static int XPANEL = 0;
* A static text
public final static int XLABEL = 1;
* A constant used internally to identify a RadioButton.
public final static int XRADIO = 2;
* A constant used internally to identify a Checkbox.
public final static int XCHECK = 3;
* A constant used internally to identify a Combo Box.
public final static int XCOMBO = 4;
* A constant used internally to identify a List.
public final static int XLIST = 5;
* A constant used internally to identify an image component.
public final static int XIMAGE = 6;
* A constant used internally to identify a Edit field.
public final static int XEDIT = 7;
* A constant used internally to identify a push buttob.
public final static int XBUTTON = 8;
* A constant used internally to identify a container for tagged content.
public final static int XMETACONTENT = 9;
* A constant used internally to identify a RadioButton group.
public final static int XGROUP = 10;
* A constant used internally to identify a scroll panel.
public final static int XSCROLLPANE = 11;
* A constant used internally to identify a scrollable meta content.
public final static int XSCROLLABLEMETACONTENT = 12;
* A constant used internally to identify a hotspot image.
public final static int XHOTSPOTIMAGE = 13;
* A constant used internally to identify a table component.
public final static int XTABLE = 14;
* A constant used internally to identify a vector image component.
public final static int XWMF = 15;
* A constant used internally to identify an annotated image component.
public final static int XANNOTATEDIMAGE = 16; // DROPPED -merged with imagemap
* A constant used internally to identify a MenuBar.
public final static int XMENUBAR = 17;
* A constant used internally to identify a Menu.
public final static int XMENU = 18;
* A constant used internally to identify a Menu item.
public final static int XMENUITEM = 19;
* A constant used internally to identify a multiline text edit component.
public final static int XTEXTAREA = 20;
* A constant used internally to identify a password field.
public final static int XPASSWORD = 21;
* A constant used internally to identify an image map.
public final static int XIMAGEMAP = 22;
* A constant used internally to identify a tab panel.
public final static int XTABPANEL = 23;
* A constant used internally to identify a splitter.
public final static int XSPLITPANE = 24;
* A collection of component factories
protected static Hashtable componentFactories = new Hashtable();
* A collection of component type names and ids used to aid construction of components
protected static Hashtable typeNames;
* A helper to construct various layout managers
protected static LayoutHelper layoutHelper = new XLayoutHelper();
* A flag indicating is the components require the parent object to be passed
* as an argumnet to the constructor.
protected static boolean requiresParent = false;
* The package to which the widgets belong
protected String basePackageName;
* The translator used for translation
protected XTranslator translator;
* The project that owns this factory
protected XProject currentProject;
* The adapter used for the current package's widgets
protected WidgetAdapter adapter;
* The application's menu bar
protected Object currentMenuBar;
* The current menu. Menu construction is slightly abnormal for the factory and
* requires additional parameters
protected Object currentMenu;
* The parent panel to which components are added
protected Object parentPanel;
protected int parentW, parentH;
* Constructs a component factory
* @param proj The project to which the fctory belongs
* @param packageName the package name for the components
public XComponentFactory( XProject proj, String packageName )
currentProject = proj;
if ( packageName == null )
packageName = XPage.XUI_AWT_PACKAGE;
adapter = WidgetAdapter.getInstance();
basePackageName = packageName + "." + "X";
translator = currentProject.getTranslator();
* Set the resource bundle for this component factory. The resource bundle is used
* for translation of text and other content.
* @param resourceBundleName the resource bundle name
public void setResourceBundle( String resourceBundleName )
if ( translator == null )
translator = currentProject.getTranslator( resourceBundleName );
if ( translator != null )
translator.setResourceBundle( currentProject.getResourceBundle( resourceBundleName ));
* A generic factory for constructing XComponents.
* @param type a name identifying the type of component to be created
* @param content the component text/content
* @return the new component
public Object constructComponent( String type, String content )
int id = getTypeCode( type );
if ( id < 0 )
return buildRegisteredComponent( type, content );
Object comp = null;
try {
switch ( id ) {
case XPANEL:
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.PANEL );
if ( parentPanel == null )
parentPanel = comp;
case XLABEL:
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.LABEL );
if ( content != null )
((XTextHolder)comp).setText( translate( content ));
case XRADIO:
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.RADIO );
if ( content != null )
((XTextHolder)comp).setText( translate( content ));
case XCHECK:
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.CHECK );
( ( XTextHolder )comp ).setText( translate( content ) );
case XCOMBO:
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.COMBO );
case XLIST:
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.LIST );
case XIMAGE:
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.IMAGE );
currentProject.getImage( (XImageHolder)comp, content );
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.IMAGEMAP );
( ( XImageHolder )comp ).setImage( currentProject.getImage( content ) );
case XEDIT:
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.EDIT );
if ( content != null )
((XTextHolder)comp).setText( translate( content ));
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.TEXTAREA );
if ( content != null )
((XTextHolder)comp).setText( translate( content ));
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.PASSWORD );
if ( content != null )
((XTextHolder)comp).setText( translate( content ));
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.BUTTON );
if ( content != null )
((XTextHolder)comp).setText( translate( content ));
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.METACONTENT );
if ( content != null )
setMetaContent( comp, content );
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.SCROLLPANE );
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.SCROLLABLEMETACONTENT );
setMetaContent( comp, content );
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.HOTSPOTIMAGE );
( ( XImageHolder )comp ).setImage( currentProject.getImage( content ) );
case XTABLE:
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.TABLE );
setTableContent( comp, content );
case XWMF:
comp = instantiate( "net.xoetrope.xui.wmf.XWmf" );
if ( content != null )
((XTextHolder)comp).setText( translate( content ));
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.TABPANEL );
comp = instantiate( basePackageName + XPage.SPLITPANE );
catch ( Exception e ) {
return comp;
* Instantiate a component using reflection to locate the constructor. This
* method of creating a component is used where the parent object or some
* other constructor argument is required to create the component.
* @param className the class to instantiate
* @return the new component
protected Object instantiate( String className )
try {
Class clazz = Class.forName( className.trim());
if ( !requiresParent )
return clazz.newInstance();
else {
Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[ 1 ];
parameterTypes[ 0 ] = Object.class;
Constructor ctor = clazz.getConstructor( parameterTypes );
Object[] args = new Object[ 1 ];
args[ 0 ] = parentPanel;
return ctor.newInstance( args );
catch ( Exception e ) {
return null;
* Look up the translation of a key using the current language resource
* @param key the key string
* @return the translation
public String translate( String key )
if ( translator != null )
return translator.translate( key );
return key;
* A generic factory for adding XComponents. The component is constructed,
* positioned and added to the parent panel if one exists. This method
* delegates to the registered component factories if any. All built in
* components are constructed with an ID.
* When a ScrollPane is addd it becomes the parent.
* @param type a name identifying the type of component to be created
* @param x the left coordinate
* @param y the top coordinate
* @param w the width
* @param h the height
* @param content the component text/content
* @return the new component
public Object addComponent( String type, int x, int y, int w, int h, String content )
Object comp = null;
try {
comp = constructComponent( type, content );
if ( comp == null )
comp = buildRegisteredComponent( type, content );
if ( comp == null ) {
String typeName = type.trim();
if ( type.indexOf( "." ) <= 0 )
typeName = basePackageName + typeName;
comp = Class.forName( typeName ).newInstance();
if ( comp instanceof XTextHolder )
((XTextHolder)comp ).setText( content );
if ( comp == null )
return null;
if (( parentW > 0 ) && ( w > 0 )) {
* @todo consider using an SWT Component factory so as to remove these
* nuances of SWT to an SWT specific class.
String className = parentPanel.getClass().getName();
if ( className.indexOf( "ScrollPane" ) < 0 )
adapter.setBounds( comp, x, y, Math.min( w, parentW - x ), Math.min( h, parentH ) );
else if ( className.indexOf( ".swt." ) > 0 )
adapter.setBounds( comp, x, y, w, h );
else if ( w > 0 )
adapter.setBounds( comp, x, y, w, h );
if ( comp != null ) {
addComponent( comp );
return comp;
catch ( Exception ex ) {
if ( BuildProperties.DEBUG ) {
DebugLogger.logWarning( "Could not instantiate type: " + type );
Throwable t = ex.getCause();
if( t != null )
return comp;
* A generic factory for adding XComponents. The component is constructed,
* positioned and added to the parent panel if one exists. This method
* delegates to the registered component factories if any. All built in
* components are constructed with an ID.
* When a ScrollPane is addd it becomes the parent.
* @param type a name identifying the type of component to be created
* @param pos the constraint
* @param content the component text/content
* @return the new component
public Object addComponent( String type, Object pos, String content )
Object comp = null;
try {
comp = constructComponent( type, content );
* @todo check if this block of code is reachable or has an effect as the
* construct component method calls buildRegisteredComponent.
if ( comp == null ) {
comp = buildRegisteredComponent( type, content );
if ( comp != null ) {
if ( pos != null )
addComponent( comp, pos );
addComponent( comp );
return comp;
catch ( Exception e ) {
return comp;
* A generic factory for adding registered components via the
* XComponentConstructor interface or component factories.
* @param type a name identifying the type of component to be created
* @param content the component text/content
* @return the new component
protected Object buildRegisteredComponent( String type, String content )
Enumeration enumeration = componentFactories.keys();
while ( enumeration.hasMoreElements() ) {
XComponentConstructor factory = ( XComponentConstructor )componentFactories.get( enumeration.nextElement() );
Object comp = factory.constructComponent( this, type, content );
if ( comp != null )
return comp;
return null;
* Lookup the component adapter for the named type
* @param type a name identifying the type of component to be created
* @return the new component adapter for the type
public ComponentAdapter getComponentAdapter( String type )
Enumeration enumeration = componentFactories.keys();
while ( enumeration.hasMoreElements() ) {
XComponentConstructor factory = ( XComponentConstructor )componentFactories.get( enumeration.nextElement() );
ComponentAdapter ca = factory.getComponentAdapter( type );
if ( ca != null )
return ca;
return null;
* Add a componentFactory to the static register of component constructors
* @param name the name by which this factory will be known.
* @param factory the new componentFactory
public static void registerComponentFactory( String name, XComponentConstructor factory )
if ( componentFactories.get( name ) == null )
componentFactories.put( name, factory );
* Notify the component factories that some of their settings may have changed
public static void updateComponentFactories()
Enumeration enumeration = componentFactories.keys();
while ( enumeration.hasMoreElements() ) {
XComponentConstructor factory = ( XComponentConstructor )componentFactories.get( enumeration.nextElement() );
* Get the component factories
* @return a the factor store.
public static Hashtable getFactories()
return componentFactories;
* Add a non-component object to the panel or an element of the panel. This method
* is invoked is the XuiBuilder fails to construct a component for an XML element
* @param type the object type
* @param name a name identifying the element to be created
* @param content the component text/content
* @param attribs the element attributes if any
* @return the new component
public Object addElement( String type, String name, String content, Hashtable attribs )
Enumeration enumeration = componentFactories.keys();
while ( enumeration.hasMoreElements() ) {
XComponentConstructor factory = ( XComponentConstructor )componentFactories.get( enumeration.nextElement() );
Object obj = factory.addElement( this, type, name, content, attribs );
if ( obj != null )
return obj;
return null;
* Add a component to the panel.
* @param c the component to add
public void addComponent( Object c )
if (( c != parentPanel ) && ( parentPanel != null ))
adapter.add( parentPanel, c );
* Add a component to the panel.
* @param c the component to add
* @param constraint the layout manager constraint
public void addComponent( Object c, Object constraint )
if ( c != parentPanel )
adapter.add( parentPanel, c, constraint );
* Sets a LayoutManager for the panel
* @param cont the container whose layout manager is being set or null to set the parent panel's layout manager
* @param type the layout manager as defined in the XLayoutHelper class
* @return the new layout manager instance
public Object addLayout( Object cont, int type )
if ( cont == null )
cont = parentPanel;
return layoutHelper.addLayout( cont, type );
* Change the parent for new components. This method will affect the next component added.
* @param c the new parent, this should be an instance of java.awt.Container
public void setParentComponent( Object c )
parentPanel = c;
if ( parentPanel != null ) {
int w = adapter.getWidth( parentPanel );
int h = adapter.getHeight( parentPanel );
parentW = w;
parentH = h;
* Get the current parent component
* @return the parent component.
public Object getParentComponent()
return parentPanel;
* Get the layout helper
* @return the layout helper
public static LayoutHelper getLayoutHelper()
return layoutHelper;
* Set the layout helper
* @param newHelper the new layout helper
public static void setLayoutHelper( LayoutHelper newHelper )
layoutHelper = newHelper;
* Set the content for XMetaContentHolder objects
* @param comp
* @param content
private void setMetaContent( Object comp, String content )
if ( content == null )
boolean useContent = false;
if ( content.indexOf( "<?xml") != 0 ) {
String res = translate( content );
if ( res.compareTo( content ) != 0 ) {
content = res;
useContent = true;
useContent = true;
MetaContentReader cr = new MetaContentReader( currentProject, comp, content, useContent );
* Set the content for XTable objects
* @param comp
* @param content
private void setTableContent( Object comp, String content )
if ( content != null ) {
XModel xm = ( XModel )currentProject.getModel().get( content );
( ( XModelHolder )comp ).setModel( xm );
* Get the type constant associated with a type name
* @param typeName the type name
* @return the type constant
protected static int getTypeCode( String typeName )
String key;
if ( typeName.indexOf( '.' ) > 0 )
typeName = typeName.substring( typeName.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
if ( typeName.charAt( 0 ) == 'X' )
key = typeName.substring( 1, typeName.length() );
key = typeName;
Object retObj = typeNames.get( key.toUpperCase() );
if ( retObj == null )
return -1;
return ( ( Integer )retObj ).intValue();
* Setup a hashtable of type names. This will be moved to a helper class at some stage
protected static void setupTypeNames()
if ( typeNames == null ) {
typeNames = new Hashtable( 34 );
addTypeName( XPage.PANEL, XPANEL );
addTypeName( XPage.LABEL, XLABEL );
addTypeName( XPage.RADIO, XRADIO );
addTypeName( XPage.CHECK, XCHECK );
addTypeName( "CHECK", XCHECK );
addTypeName( XPage.COMBO, XCOMBO );
addTypeName( "COMBO", XCOMBO );
addTypeName( XPage.LIST, XLIST );
addTypeName( XPage.IMAGE, XIMAGE );
addTypeName( XPage.EDIT, XEDIT );
addTypeName( XPage.BUTTON, XBUTTON );
addTypeName( XPage.GROUP, XGROUP );
addTypeName( XPage.TABLE, XTABLE );
addTypeName( XPage.WMF, XWMF );
addTypeName( XPage.MENUBAR, XMENUBAR );
addTypeName( XPage.MENU, XMENU );
addTypeName( XPage.UNKNOWN, XUNKNOWN );
* Add a type name to the table of types. The type names are used to recognize
* the xml elements in the page description
* @param name the type name
* @param value the corresponding id
private static void addTypeName( String name, int value )
typeNames.put( name.toUpperCase(), new Integer( value ) );
* Flags whether or not the component constructors require the parent as an
* argument. Set to false by default.
* @param b true to pass the parent to the constructor
public static void setRequiresParent( boolean b )
requiresParent = b;
* Description: Loads the meta content in a background thread</p>
class MetaContentReader extends Thread
private String content;
private Object comp;
private boolean useContent;
private XProject currentProject;
* Construct and initialize a new MetaContentReader
* @param proj the current project
* @param c the MetaContent component
* @param source the resource name of the content file.
* @param useCont true to use the source argument as the content, false to treat it as the name of an external file.
MetaContentReader( XProject proj, Object c, String source, boolean useCont )
currentProject = proj;
useContent = useCont;
comp = c;
content = source;
* Read and setthe content on a background thread
public void run()
try {
if ( content != null ) {
XmlElement src;
if ( !useContent ) {
src = currentProject.getBufferedReader( content, null ) );
( ( XMetaContentHolder ) comp ).setContent( content, src );
else {
StringReader reader = new StringReader( content );
src = reader );
( ( XMetaContentHolder ) comp ).setContent( content, src );
catch ( Exception ex ) {
DebugLogger.logWarning( "Unable to load content: " + content );
DebugLogger.logWarning( "Please check the case of the file name" );