package net.xoetrope.awt;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.ItemSelectable;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import net.xoetrope.xui.XAttributedComponent;
import net.xoetrope.xui.XModelHolder;
import net.xoetrope.xui.XHashCode;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
* <p>Provides a simple read-only tables/grid component.</p>
* <p>Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 1998-2004<br>
* License: see license.txt
* $Revision: 2.7 $
public class XTable extends XScrollPane implements XAttributedComponent, XModelHolder, ItemSelectable, XStyleComponent, XHashCode, XRowSelector
private XTableRenderer content;
private XModel model;
private XPanel componentPanel;
private int numRows;
* Create a new table
public XTable()
numRows = -1;
componentPanel = new XPanel();
componentPanel.setLayout( null );
add( componentPanel );
content = new XTableRenderer( this );
componentPanel.add( content );
* implemented from XModelHolder interface
public void update()
* Create a panel for components
* @return the component panel
public Container getComponentPanel()
return componentPanel;
* Set the XModel which we will be generating the table from
* @param xmodel The XModel of data
public void setModel( XModel xmodel )
model = xmodel;
if ( model != null )
content.setContent( xmodel );
* Get the underlying model.
* @return the model
public XModel getModel()
return model;
* Recalculate and check the size of the content
public void checkSize()
Dimension d = content.calcSize();
componentPanel.setSize( d );
content.setSize( d );
* Set the type of component for a column
* @param col the field index
* @param className the class name
public void setComponentAt( int col, String className )
content.setComponentAt( col, className );
* Set the model's name
* @return the name
public String getContent()
return model.getId();
* Creates the scroll pane's peer and sizes the child element.
public void addNotify()
private void setContentSize()
if ( content != null ) {
int rows = content.getNumRows();
if (( rows != numRows ) || !content.hasRendered()) {
numRows = rows;
Dimension d = content.calcSize();
componentPanel.setBounds( 0, 0, Math.max( ( this.getSize().width - 20 ), d.width ), d.height );
// content.setBounds( componentPanel.getBounds() );
* Set the general style of the XTable
* @param style XStyle
public void setStyle( String style )
content.setStyle( style );
* Set the style of the header data
* @param style XStyle
public void setHeaderStyle( String style )
content.setHeaderStyle( style );
* Set the style of the selected row
* @param style XStyle
public void setSelectedStyle( String style )
content.setSelectedStyle( style );
* Set the style of the border
* @param style XStyle
public void setBorderStyle( String style )
content.setBorderStyle( style );
* Check the if the table is interactive
* @return true if the table supports user interaction
public boolean isInteractiveTable()
return content.isInteractiveTable();
* Set the user interaction state
* @param state true for an user interactive table.
public void setInteractiveTable( boolean state )
content.setInteractiveTable( state );
* Sets the indexof the selected row
* @param idx the new selected row
public void setSelectedRow( int idx )
content.setSelectedRow( idx );
* Get the index of the selected row
* @return the index of the selected row
public int getSelectedRow()
return content.getSelectedRow();
* Move to the first row
public void first()
content.setSelectedRow( 0 );
* Move to the previous row
public void prev()
content.setSelectedRow( content.getSelectedRow()-1 );
* Move to the next row
public void next()
content.setSelectedRow( content.getSelectedRow()+1 );
* Move to the last row
public void last()
content.setSelectedRow( model.getNumChildren()-1 );
* Tie the model selection to this table's selection
* @param doUpdate true to tie the selections together, false to ignore
public void setUpdateModelSelection( boolean doUpdate )
content.setUpdateModelSelection( doUpdate );
* Sets the bounds for this component
* @param x the left coordinate
* @param y the top coordinate
* @param w the width dimension
* @param h the height dimension
public void setBounds( int x, int y, int w, int h )
Dimension d = content.calcSize();
componentPanel.setBounds( 0, 0, ( int )d.getSize().width, ( int )d.getSize().height );
// content.setBounds( componentPanel.getBounds() );
super.setBounds( x, y, w, h );
* recalculates the size of the scroll area for dynamic table;
public void setBounds()
Dimension d = content.calcSize();
componentPanel.setBounds( 0, 0, ( int )d.getSize().width, ( int )d.getSize().height );
// content.setBounds( componentPanel.getBounds() );
* recalculates the size of the scroll area for dynamic table;
public void scrollToBottom()
setScrollPosition( 0, ( int )getSize().height );
* Set the table column width;
* @param fieldIdx the field index
* @param w the new column width
public void setColWidth( int fieldIdx, int w )
content.setColWidth( fieldIdx, w );
* Set one or more attributes of the component. Currently this handles the
* attributes
* <OL>
* <LI>headingStyle, value=the table header style</LI>
* <LI>selectionStyle, value=the selected row style</LI>
* <LI>interactive, value=true|false</LI>
* <LI>updateModel, value=true|false update the underlying model selection (the selected row)</LI>
* </OL>
* @param attribName the attribute name
* @param attribValue the attribute value
* @return 0 for success, non zero for failure or to require some further action
public int setAttribute( String attribName, Object attribValue )
String attribNameLwr = attribName.toLowerCase();
String attribValueStr = ((String)attribValue);
// String attribValueLwr = attribValueStr.toLowerCase();
if ( attribNameLwr.equals( "headingstyle" ))
setHeaderStyle( attribValueStr );
else if ( attribNameLwr.equals( "selectionstyle" ))
setSelectedStyle( attribValueStr );
else if ( attribNameLwr.equals( "borderstyle" ))
setBorderStyle( attribValueStr );
else if ( attribNameLwr.equals( "interactive" ))
setInteractiveTable( attribValueStr.equals( "true" ));
else if ( attribNameLwr.equals( "updatemodel" ))
setUpdateModelSelection( attribValueStr.equals( "true" ));
return super.setAttribute( attribName, attribValue );
return 0;
* Gets a field value object from the currently selected row
* @param fieldIdx the field offset
* @return the value
public Object getValue( int fieldIdx )
int row = content.getCurrentRow();
return getValue( row, fieldIdx );
* Gets a field value object from the specified row
* @param rowIdx the row offset
* @param fieldIdx the field offset
* @return the value
public Object getValue( int rowIdx, int fieldIdx )
XModel rowModel = model.get( rowIdx + content.getFirstRow() );
Object fieldModel = rowModel.get( fieldIdx );
if ( fieldModel instanceof XModel )
return ( ( XModel )fieldModel ).get();
return fieldModel;
* Gets a field value as a string from the currently selected row
* @param fieldIdx the field offset
* @return the value
public String getFieldValue( int fieldIdx )
return ( String )getValue( fieldIdx );
* Gets a field value as a string from the specified row
* @param rowIdx the row offset
* @param fieldIdx the field offset
* @return the value
public String getFieldValue( int rowIdx, int fieldIdx )
return ( String )getValue( rowIdx, fieldIdx );
* Adds the specified item listener to receive item events from
* this list. Item events are sent in response to user input, but not
* in response to calls to <code>select</code> or <code>deselect</code>.
* If listener <code>l</code> is <code>null</code>,
* no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
* @param l the item listener
* @see #removeItemListener( ItemListener )
* @see java.awt.event.ItemEvent
* @see java.awt.event.ItemListener
* @since JDK1.1
public synchronized void addItemListener( ItemListener l )
content.addItemListener( l );
* Removes the specified item listener so that it no longer
* receives item events from this list.
* If listener <code>l</code> is <code>null</code>,
* no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
* @param l the item listener
* @see #addItemListener
* @see java.awt.event.ItemEvent
* @see java.awt.event.ItemListener
* @since JDK1.1
public synchronized void removeItemListener( ItemListener l )
content.removeItemListener( l );
* Returns the selected items on the list in an array of objects.
* @see ItemSelectable
* @return an array of the selected components
public Object[] getSelectedObjects()
return content.getSelectedObjects();
* Request the component repaint itself
public void repaint()
* Render the component
* @param g the graphics context
public void paint( Graphics g )
* Add a mouse listener
* @param l the new mouse listener
public void addMouseListener( MouseListener l )
content.addMouseListener( l );
* Get the hash code to be used by the event handler for this component
* @return the hash code
public long getComponentHashCode()
return content.hashCode();
* Forward the focus request to the content/table renderer
public void requestFocus()