* XNap
* A pure java file sharing client.
* See AUTHORS for copyright information.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* If you hack around, make sure all pathes are returned with a trailing
* file separator and all values are initialized to something other than
* null.
* Most important, keep all preferences sorted alphabetically everywhere.
package xnap.plugin.nap.util;
import xnap.XNap;
import xnap.plugin.nap.net.GlobalUser;
import xnap.user.UserManager;
import xnap.util.PluginPreferencesSupport;
import xnap.util.QuotedStringTokenizer;
import xnap.util.StringHelper;
import xnap.util.FileHelper;
import xnap.util.prefs.IntValidator;
import xnap.util.prefs.PortRangeValidator;
import java.util.*;
public class NapPreferences extends PluginPreferencesSupport {
//--- Constant(s) ---
public static final int VERSION = 6;
//--- Data field(s) ---
private static NapPreferences singleton = null;
//--- Constructor(s) ---
private NapPreferences()
super("plugin.nap", VERSION);
setDefault("autoFetchNaptigator", "true");
setDefault("autoLoadNaptigator", "true");
setDefault("autoSaveNaptigator", "true");
setDefault("clientInfo", "XNap " + XNap.VERSION);
setDefault("customizeClientInfo", "false");
setDefault("fakeNetworks", "n/a");
setDefault("filterNetworks", "Napster");
setDefault("hotlistUsers", "");
setDefault("limitSharesPerServer", "false");
setDefault("localPort", "6600-6700", new PortRangeValidator());
setDefault("maxAutoconnectServers", "10");
setDefault("maxLoginsPerNetwork", "1");
setDefault("maxPacketsPerTick", "50");
setDefault("maxSearchResultsPerServer", "200",
new IntValidator(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
setDefault("maxSearchServers", "5");
setDefault("maxSharesPerServer", "500");
setDefault("minimumShares", "0");
setDefault("minimumSharesMessage", "Sorry, you are not allowed to"
+ " download since you do not share enough.");
setDefault("napigatorFile", FileHelper.getHomeDir()
+ "napigator_hosts");
+ "http://naplist.com/servers.txt\n"
+ "http://www.napigator.com/servers.php?version=112&client=napigator\n");
setDefault("removeFailedServers", "false");
setDefault("sendMinimumSharesMessage", "false");
setDefault("sendWholeRepository", "false");
setDefault("serverFile", FileHelper.getHomeDir() + "hosts");
setDefault("serverTableColumns", "0;1;4;5;6;7");
setDefault("useAutoconnector", "true");
setDefault("useMinimumShares", "false");
setDefault("tickLength", "100");
setDefault("whoisQueryOnTransfer", "false");
setDefault("whoisTableColumns", "0;2;3;4;5;6;7;8");
if (!getCustomizeClientInfo()) {
setClientInfo("XNap " + XNap.VERSION);
//--- Method(s) ---
public static synchronized NapPreferences getInstance() {
if (singleton == null) {
singleton = new NapPreferences();
return singleton;
* Sub classes should overwrite this.
public void convert(int oldVersion)
if (oldVersion <= 0) {
setTableColumns("user", "0;2;3;4;5;6;7;8");
setTableColumns("server", "0;1;4;5;6;7");
if (oldVersion <= 1) {
if (oldVersion <= 2) {
// deprecated, makes no sense
// just make sure nobody unchecked this by accident
if (oldVersion <= 3) {
LinkedList l
= StringHelper.toList(get("bannedUsers"), ARRAY_SEPARATOR);
for (Iterator i = l.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
GlobalUser u = new GlobalUser(i.next().toString(), false);
QuotedStringTokenizer t
= new QuotedStringTokenizer(get("hotlistUsers"));
while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
GlobalUser u = new GlobalUser(t.nextToken(), false);
if (oldVersion <= 4) {
if (oldVersion <= 5) {
+ "http://naplist.com/servers.txt\n"
+ "http://www.napigator.com/servers.php?version=112&client=napigator\n");
public void destroy() {
singleton = null;
public boolean getAutoFetchNapigator() {
return getBoolean("autoFetchNaptigator");
public void setAutoFetchNapigator(boolean newValue) {
set("autoFetchNaptigator", newValue);
public boolean getAutoLoadNapigator() {
return getBoolean("autoLoadNaptigator");
public void setAutoLoadNapigator(boolean newValue) {
set("autoLoadNaptigator", newValue);
public boolean getAutoSaveNapigator() {
return getBoolean("autoSaveNaptigator");
public void setAutoSaveNapigator(boolean newValue) {
set("autoSaveNaptigator", newValue);
public String getClientInfo() {
return get("clientInfo");
public void setClientInfo(String newValue) {
if (newValue.equals("")) {
set("clientInfo", newValue);
public boolean getCustomizeClientInfo() {
return getBoolean("customizeClientInfo");
public void setCustomizeClientInfo(boolean newValue) {
set("customizeClientInfo", newValue);
public String getFakeNetworks() {
return get("fakeNetworks");
public String getFilterNetworks() {
return get("filterNetworks");
public boolean getLimitSharesPerServer() {
return getBoolean("limitSharesPerServer");
public void setLimitSharesPerServer(boolean newValue) {
set("limitSharesPerServer", newValue);
public String getLocalPortRange() {
return get("localPort");
public void setLocalPortRange(String newValue) {
set("localPort", newValue);
public int getMaxAutoconnectServers() {
return getInt("maxAutoconnectServers");
public void setMaxAutoconnectServers(int newValue) {
if (newValue < 0) {
set("maxAutoconnectServers", newValue);
public int getMaxLoginsPerNetwork() {
return getInt("maxLoginsPerNetwork");
public int getMaxPacketsPerTick() {
return getInt("maxPacketsPerTick");
public int getMaxSearchResultsPerServer() {
return getInt("maxSearchResultsPerServer");
public void setMaxSearchResultsPerServer(int newValue) {
set("maxSearchResultsPerServer", newValue);
public int getMaxSearchServers() {
return getInt("maxSearchServers");
public void setMaxSearchServers(int newValue) {
if (newValue < 1) {
set("maxSearchServers", newValue);
public int getMaxSharesPerServer() {
return getInt("maxSharesPerServer");
public void setMaxSharesPerServer(int newValue) {
set("maxSharesPerServer", newValue);
public int getMinimumShares() {
return getInt("minimumShares");
public void setMinimumShares(int newValue) {
set("minimumShares", newValue);
public String getMinimumSharesMessage() {
return get("minimumSharesMessage");
public void setMinimumSharesMessage(String newValue) {
set("minimumSharesMessage", newValue);
public String getNapigatorFile() {
return get("napigatorFile");
public String getNapigatorURL() {
return get("napigatorURL");
public void setNapigatorURL(String url) {
set("napigatorURL", url);
* Hidden.
public boolean getPreferSlavanap() {
if (get("preferSlavanap").length() > 0) {
return getBoolean("preferSlavanap");
return false;
public boolean getRemoveFailedServers() {
return getBoolean("removeFailedServers");
public void setRemoveFailedServers(boolean newValue) {
set("removeFailedServers", newValue);
public boolean getSendMinimumSharesMessage() {
return getBoolean("sendMinimumSharesMessage");
public void setSendMinimumSharesMessage(boolean newValue) {
set("sendMinimumSharesMessage", newValue);
public boolean getSendWholeRepository() {
return getBoolean("sendWholeRepository");
public void setSendWholeRepository(boolean newValue) {
set("sendWholeRepository", newValue);
public String getServerFile() {
return get("serverFile");
public String getServerTableColumns() {
return get("serverTableColumns");
public String[] getServerTableColumnsArray()
return StringHelper.toArray(getServerTableColumns(), ARRAY_SEPARATOR);
public void setServerTableColumns(String newValue) {
set("serverTableColumns", newValue);
public void setServerTableColumns(Collection c) {
setServerTableColumns(StringHelper.toString(c, ARRAY_SEPARATOR));
public boolean getUseAutoconnector() {
return getBoolean("useAutoconnector");
public void setUseAutoconnector(boolean newValue) {
set("useAutoconnector", newValue);
public boolean getUseMinimumShares() {
return getBoolean("useMinimumShares");
public void setUseMinimumShares(boolean newValue) {
set("useMinimumShares", newValue);
public long getTickLength() {
return getLong("tickLength");
public boolean getWhoisQueryOnTransfer() {
return getBoolean("whoisQueryOnTransfer");
public void setWhoisQueryOnTransfer(boolean newValue) {
set("whoisQueryOnTransfer", newValue);