Name: SessionQos.java
Project: xmlBlaster.org
Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
Comment: Handling one xmlQoS
package org.xmlBlaster.util.qos;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.SessionName;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.cluster.NodeId;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropLong;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropInt;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropBoolean;
* This class encapsulates the qos of session attributes of a login() or connect().
* @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.connect.html">The interface.connect requirement</a>
* @see org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.ConnectQosSaxFactory
* @see org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.ConnectQosTest
public final class SessionQos implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final transient Global glob;
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SessionQos.class.getName());
/** Default session span of life is one day, given in millis "-session.timeout 86400000" */
private PropLong sessionTimeout = new PropLong(Constants.DAY_IN_MILLIS);
/** Maximum of ten parallel logins for the same client "session.maxSessions 10" */
public static final int DEFAULT_maxSessions = 10;
private PropInt maxSessions = new PropInt(DEFAULT_maxSessions);
/** Clear on login all other sessions of this user (for recovery reasons) "session.clearSessions false" */
private PropBoolean clearSessions = new PropBoolean(false);
* If reconnectSameClientOnly=true a client with a given publicSessionId
* can only reconnect to xmlBlaster if it is the the client instance which
* created the login session (other clients can't capture the session).
* This option is useful if you want to assure a singleton client (set additionally
* maxSessions=1).
* Defaults to false.
protected PropBoolean reconnectSameClientOnly = new PropBoolean(false);
/** Passing own secret sessionId */
private String sessionId = null;
/** The unified session name which is a clusterwide unique identifier
private SessionName sessionName;
private boolean sessionNameModified = false;
/** The node id to which we want to connect */
private NodeId nodeId = null;
* Constructor for client side.
public SessionQos(Global glob) {
this(glob, null);
* Constructor for cluster server.
* @param nodeId The the unique cluster node id, supports configuration per node
public SessionQos(Global glob, NodeId nodeId) {
this.glob = (glob == null) ? Global.instance() : glob;
this.nodeId = nodeId;
private final void initialize() {
// login name: As default use the JVM System.property ${user.name} which is usually the login name of the OS
String defaultLoginName = glob.getProperty().get("user.name", "guest");
String sessionNameStr = glob.getProperty().get("session.name", defaultLoginName);
setSessionTimeout(glob.getProperty().get("session.timeout", Constants.DAY_IN_MILLIS)); // One day
setMaxSessions(glob.getProperty().get("session.maxSessions", DEFAULT_maxSessions));
clearSessions(glob.getProperty().get("session.clearSessions", false));
setReconnectSameClientOnly(glob.getProperty().get("session.reconnectSameClientOnly", false));
setSecretSessionId(glob.getProperty().get("session.secretSessionId", (String)null));
if (nodeId != null) {
sessionNameStr = glob.getProperty().get("session.name["+nodeId+"]", sessionNameStr);
setSessionTimeout(glob.getProperty().get("session.timeout["+nodeId+"]", getSessionTimeout()));
setMaxSessions(glob.getProperty().get("session.maxSessions["+nodeId+"]", getMaxSessions()));
clearSessions(glob.getProperty().get("session.clearSessions["+nodeId+"]", clearSessions()));
setReconnectSameClientOnly(glob.getProperty().get("session.reconnectSameClientOnly["+nodeId+"]", reconnectSameClientOnly()));
setSecretSessionId(glob.getProperty().get("session.secretSessionId["+nodeId+"]", getSecretSessionId()));
this.sessionName = new SessionName(glob, nodeId, sessionNameStr);
//if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.trace(ME, "sessionName =" + sessionName.getRelativeName() + " absolute=" + sessionName.getAbsoluteName());
// user warning for the old style loginName
String loginName = glob.getProperty().get("loginName", (String)null);
if (loginName != null)
log.warning("session.name=" + this.sessionName + " is stronger than loginName=" + loginName + ", we proceed with " + this.sessionName);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("initialize session.name=" + this.sessionName + " nodeId=" + nodeId);
* Timeout until session expires if no communication happens
public final long getSessionTimeout() {
return this.sessionTimeout.getValue();
* Timeout until session expires if no communication happens
* @param timeout The login session will be destroyed after given milliseconds.<br />
* Session lasts forever if set to 0L
public final void setSessionTimeout(long timeout) {
if (timeout < 0L)
* If maxSession == 1, only a single login is possible
public final int getMaxSessions() {
return this.maxSessions.getValue();
* If maxSession == 1, only a single login is possible
* @param max How often the same client may login
public final void setMaxSessions(int max) {
if (max < 0)
* If clearSessions is true, all old sessions of this user are discarded.
public final boolean clearSessions() {
return this.clearSessions.getValue();
* If clearSessions is true, all old sessions of this user are discarded.
* @param clear Defaults to false
public void clearSessions(boolean clear) {
* @param Set if we allow multiple updates for the same message if we have subscribed multiple times to it.
public void setReconnectSameClientOnly(boolean reconnectSameClientOnly) {
* @return true if we allow multiple updates for the same message if we have subscribed multiple times to it.
public boolean reconnectSameClientOnly() {
return this.reconnectSameClientOnly.getValue();
public PropBoolean reconnectSameClientOnlyProp() {
return this.reconnectSameClientOnly;
* Set our session identifier which authenticates us for xmlBlaster.
* <p />
* This is used server side only.
* @param id The unique and secret sessionId
public void setSecretSessionId(String id) {
if(id==null || id.equals("")) id = null;
this.sessionId = id;
* Get our secret session identifier which authenticates us for xmlBlaster.
* <p />
* @return The unique, secret sessionId
public final String getSecretSessionId() {
return this.sessionId;
* The public session ID to support reconnect to an existing session.
* <p>
* This is extracted from the sessionName.getPublicSessionId()
* </p>
* @return 0 if no session but a login name<br />
* <0 if session ID is generated by xmlBlaster<br />
* >0 if session ID is given by user
public final long getPublicSessionId() {
if (this.sessionName != null) {
return this.sessionName.getPublicSessionId();
return 0L;
public final boolean hasPublicSessionId() {
if (this.sessionName != null) {
return this.sessionName.isSession();
return false;
* Set our unique SessionName.
* @param sessionName
public void setSessionName(SessionName sessionName) {
this.sessionName = sessionName;
this.sessionNameModified = true;
* Set our unique SessionName.
* @param sessionName
* @param markAsModified false if you are setting a default sessionName, true if the user set the sessionName
void setSessionName(SessionName sessionName, boolean markAsModified) {
this.sessionName = sessionName;
if (markAsModified) {
this.sessionNameModified = markAsModified;
public boolean isSessionNameModified() {
return sessionNameModified;
* Get our unique SessionName.
* <p />
* @return The unique SessionName (null if not known)
public final SessionName getSessionName() {
return this.sessionName;
* Converts the data into a valid XML ASCII string.
* @return An XML ASCII string
public String toString() {
return toXml();
* Dump state of this object into a XML ASCII string.
public final String toXml() {
return toXml((String)null);
* Dump state of this object into a XML ASCII string.
* <br>
* @param extraOffset indenting of tags for nice output
* @return internal state of the SessionQos as a XML ASCII string
public final String toXml(String extraOffset) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(250);
if (extraOffset == null) extraOffset = "";
String offset = Constants.OFFSET + extraOffset;
if (getSessionName() != null) {
sb.append(" name='").append(getSessionName().getAbsoluteName()).append("'");
if (this.sessionTimeout.isModified()) {
sb.append(" timeout='").append(getSessionTimeout()).append("'");
if (this.maxSessions.isModified()) {
sb.append(" maxSessions='").append(getMaxSessions()).append("'");
if (this.clearSessions.isModified()) {
sb.append(" clearSessions='").append(clearSessions()).append("'");
if (this.reconnectSameClientOnly.isModified()) {
sb.append(" reconnectSameClientOnly='").append(reconnectSameClientOnly()).append("'");
if (this.sessionId!=null)
sb.append(" sessionId='").append(this.sessionId).append("'");
return sb.toString();
* Returns a shallow clone, you can change safely all basic or immutable types
* like boolean, String, int.
public Object clone() {
try {
log.severe("clone() is not tested");
SessionQos newOne = null;
newOne = (SessionQos)super.clone();
synchronized(this) {
newOne.sessionTimeout = (PropLong)this.sessionTimeout.clone();
newOne.maxSessions = (PropInt)this.maxSessions.clone();
newOne.clearSessions = (PropBoolean)this.clearSessions.clone();
newOne.reconnectSameClientOnly = (PropBoolean)this.reconnectSameClientOnly.clone();
//newOne.sessionName = (SessionName)this.sessionName.clone();
//newOne.nodeId = (NodeId)this.nodeId.clone();
return newOne;
catch (java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return null;
* Get a usage string for the connection parameters
public String usage() {
String text = "\n";
text += "Control my session settings\n";
text += " -session.name The name for login, e.g. 'joe' or with public session ID 'joe/2' []\n";
text += " -session.timeout How long lasts our login session in milliseconds, 0 is forever,\n";
text += " defaults to one day [" + Constants.DAY_IN_MILLIS + "].\n";
text += " -session.maxSessions\n";
text += " Maximum number of simultanous logins per client [" + DEFAULT_maxSessions + "].\n";
text += " -session.clearSessions\n";
text += " Kill other sessions running under my login name [false]\n";
text += " -session.reconnectSameClientOnly\n";
text += " Only creator client may reconnect to session [false]\n";
text += " -session.secretSessionId\n";
text += " The secret sessionId []\n";
text += "\n";
return text;