Name: QueryQosData.java
Project: xmlBlaster.org
Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
package org.xmlBlaster.util.qos;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.ReplaceVariable;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.SessionName;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Timestamp;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.AccessFilterQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.key.QueryKeyData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropBoolean;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.MethodName;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Properties;
* Data container handling of query / access QoS.
* <p>
* This data holder is accessible through decorators, each of them allowing a specialized view on the data:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>SubscribeQos QoS of a subscribe() invocation (Client side)</i>
* <li>UnSubscribeQos QoS of a unSubscribe() invocation (Client side)</i>
* <li>EraseQos QoS of an erase() invocation (Client side)</i>
* <li>GetQos QoS of an get() invocation (Client side)</i>
* </ul>
* <p>
* For the xml representation see QueryQosSaxFactory.
* </p>
* @see org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.QueryQosSaxFactory
* @see org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.QueryQosFactoryTest
* @author xmlBlaster@marcelruff.info
public final class QueryQosData extends QosData implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private transient I_QueryQosFactory factory;
/** A client can force a specific subscription id */
private String subscriptionId;
/** On erase forceDestroy */
private PropBoolean forceDestroy = new PropBoolean(false);
/** not yet supported */
private PropBoolean meta = new PropBoolean(true);
/** not yet supported */
private PropBoolean content = new PropBoolean(true);
/** allow duplicate identical subscriptions */
private PropBoolean multiSubscribe = new PropBoolean(true);
/** update messages i have sent myself to myself? */
private PropBoolean local = new PropBoolean(true);
/** send on subscribe an initial update with the current message */
private PropBoolean initialUpdate = new PropBoolean(true);
/** for erase(): Notify the subscribers on erase? */
private PropBoolean notify = new PropBoolean(true);
/** Set for each subscription if you want updateOneway() instead of update()
currently this is a flag of the connectQos as well */
private PropBoolean updateOneway = new PropBoolean(false);
/** Mime based filter rules */
private ArrayList filters = null;
private transient AccessFilterQos[] filterArr = null; // To cache the filters in an array
/** Query based filter rules */
private ArrayList queries = null;
private transient QuerySpecQos[] querySpecArr = null; // To cache the querySpecs in an array
/** Query history messages */
private HistoryQos historyQos;
private boolean containsHistoryQos;
/** true if query has to be
* Constructs the specialized quality of service object for query informations.
* E.g. for a subscribe() call
* @param The factory which knows how to serialize and parse me
public QueryQosData(Global glob, MethodName methodName) {
this(glob, null, null, methodName);
* Constructs the specialized quality of service object for query informations.
* E.g. for a subscribe() call
* @param The factory which knows how to serialize and parse me
public QueryQosData(Global glob, I_QueryQosFactory factory, MethodName methodName) {
this(glob, factory, null, methodName);
* Constructs the specialized quality of service object for a publish() call.
* For internal use only, this message is sent from the persistence layer
* @param the XML based ASCII string
* @param true
public QueryQosData(Global glob, I_QueryQosFactory factory, String serialData, MethodName methodName) {
super(glob, serialData, methodName);
this.factory = (factory==null) ? glob.getQueryQosFactory() : factory;
this.containsHistoryQos = (this.historyQos != null);
* Allow to subscribe multiple times to the same query/oid
* @return defaults to true
public boolean getMultiSubscribe() {
return this.multiSubscribe.getValue();
public PropBoolean getMultiSubscribeProp() {
return this.multiSubscribe;
public void setMultiSubscribe(boolean multiSubscribe) {
* Do we want to have an initial update on subscribe if the message
* exists already?
* Defaults to true.
* @return true if initial update wanted
* false if only updates on new publishes are sent
* @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/engine.qos.subscribe.initialUpdate.html">The engine.qos.subscribe.initialUpdate requirement</a>
public void setWantInitialUpdate(boolean initialUpdate) {
* Defaults to true.
public boolean getWantInitialUpdate() {
return this.initialUpdate.getValue();
public PropBoolean getInitialUpdateProp() {
return this.initialUpdate;
* Do we want the callback message delivered with update() or with updateOneway()?
* Defaults to false.
* @return true if oneway callback wanted
* false to use update() with ACK return
* @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.subscribe.html">The interface.subscribe requirement</a>
public void setWantUpdateOneway(boolean updateOneway) {
* Defaults to true.
public boolean getWantUpdateOneway() {
return this.updateOneway.getValue();
public PropBoolean getUpdateOnewayProp() {
return this.updateOneway;
* Set to true if you want an erase notification if the topic is explicitly erased.
* @param notify Defaults to true.
public void setWantNotify(boolean notify) {
* For erase(): Notify the subscribers on erase?
* Defaults to true.
public boolean getWantNotify() {
return this.notify.getValue();
public PropBoolean getNotifyProp() {
return this.notify;
* Defaults to true.
* @param setWantLocal false Inhibit the dispatch of messages to myself if i have published it.
public void setWantLocal(boolean local) {
* Defaults to true.
* @return false Inhibit the dispatch of messages to myself if i have published it.
public boolean getWantLocal() {
return this.local.getValue();
public PropBoolean getLocalProp() {
return this.local;
* Defaults to true.
* @param meta false: Don't send me the meta information of a message key
public void setWantMeta(boolean meta) {
* Defaults to true.
* @return false: Don't send me the meta information of a message key
public boolean getWantMeta() {
return this.meta.getValue();
public PropBoolean getMetaProp() {
return this.meta;
* Defaults to true.
* If false, the update contains not the content (it is a notify of change only)
* TODO: Implement in server!!!
public void setWantContent(boolean content) {
* Defaults to true.
public boolean getWantContent() {
return this.content.getValue();
public PropBoolean getContentProp() {
return this.content;
* Topic erase behavior with pending messages, defaults to false.
* @param forceDestroy
* @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/engine.message.lifecycle.html">engine.message.lifecycle requirement</a>
public void setForceDestroy(boolean forceDestroy) {
* Defaults to false.
* @return Topic erase behavior with pending messages
* @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/engine.message.lifecycle.html">engine.message.lifecycle requirement</a>
public boolean getForceDestroy() {
return this.forceDestroy.getValue();
public PropBoolean getForceDestroyProp() {
return this.forceDestroy;
public synchronized void setFilters(AccessFilterQos[] newFilters) {
if (newFilters == null) {
this.filters = null;
else {
this.filters = new ArrayList(newFilters.length);
for (int i=0; i<newFilters.length; i++)
this.filterArr = null; // Reset cache
* Adds your supplied subscribe filter
public void addAccessFilter(AccessFilterQos filter) {
if (filters == null) filters = new ArrayList();
filterArr = null; // clear cache
public ArrayList getAccessFilters() {
return this.filters;
* Return the subscribe filters or null if none is specified.
public AccessFilterQos[] getAccessFilterArr() {
if (filterArr != null || filters == null || filters.size() < 1)
return filterArr;
filterArr = (AccessFilterQos[])filters.toArray(new AccessFilterQos[filters.size()]);
return filterArr;
* Adds the querySpec you supplied.
public void addQuerySpec(QuerySpecQos querySpec) {
if (this.queries == null) this.queries = new ArrayList();
this.querySpecArr = null; // clear cache
public ArrayList getQuerySpecs() {
return this.queries;
* Return the subscribe filters or null if none is specified.
public QuerySpecQos[] getQuerySpecArr() {
if (this.querySpecArr != null || this.queries == null || this.queries.size() < 1)
return this.querySpecArr;
this.querySpecArr = (QuerySpecQos[])this.queries.toArray(new QuerySpecQos[this.queries.size()]);
return this.querySpecArr;
* Set the QoS which describes the history query settings.
public void setHistoryQos(HistoryQos historyQos) {
this.historyQos = historyQos;
this.containsHistoryQos = (historyQos == null) ? false : true;
* Get the QoS which describes the history query settings.
* @return never null
public HistoryQos getHistoryQos() {
if (this.historyQos == null) {
this.historyQos = new HistoryQos(glob);
return this.historyQos;
* Was a history qos specified?
public boolean containsHistoryQos() {
return this.containsHistoryQos;
* Get the identifier (unique handle) for this subscription.
* @return The id or null if not specified by client.
* @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/engine.qos.subscribe.id.html">The engine.qos.subscribe.id requirement</a>
public String getSubscriptionId() {
return this.subscriptionId;
* @return true if the client has forced a subscriptionId
public boolean hasSubscriptionId() {
return (this.subscriptionId!=null && this.subscriptionId.length()!=0);
* Force the identifier (unique handle) for this subscription.
* Usually you let the identifier be generated by xmlBlaster.
* @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/engine.qos.subscribe.id.html">The engine.qos.subscribe.id requirement</a>
public void setSubscriptionId(String subscriptionId) {
this.subscriptionId = subscriptionId;
* A client side subscriptionId must start with "__subId:" followed by the relative session name.
* <p>This us only useful for positive session Ids in fail save environments: if the
* subscription is queued the faked subscriptionId will be used later by the server</p>
* @param sessionName
* @param subscribeKey
* @return e.g. "__subId:client/joe/session/1-XPATH://key" for pubSessionId>0 and multiSubscribe=false
* or e.g. "__subId:client/joe-135692304540000" in other cases
public String generateSubscriptionId(SessionName sessionName, QueryKeyData subscribeKey) {
if (sessionName.isPubSessionIdUser() || !getMultiSubscribe()) {
// This key is assured to be the same on client restart
// a previous subscription in the server will have the same subscriptionId
// Benefit: If on client restart we are queueing the returned faked subscriptionId will
// match the later used one of the xmlBlaster server. We can easily use the subscriptionId
// as a key in client code hashtable to dispatch update() messages
// Note: multiSubscribe==false allows max one subscription on a topic, even it has
// different mime query plugins (the latest wins)
String url = subscribeKey.getUrl();
// url = ReplaceVariable.replaceAll(url, "'", "'"); // to have valid xml (<subscribe id='bla'/>
this.subscriptionId = Constants.SUBSCRIPTIONID_PREFIX +
sessionName.getRelativeName(true) + "-" +
else {
this.subscriptionId = Constants.SUBSCRIPTIONID_PREFIX +
sessionName.getRelativeName(true) + "-" +
new Timestamp().getTimestamp();
return this.subscriptionId;
* Dump state of this object into a XML ASCII string.
* <br>
* @return internal state of the query as a XML ASCII string
public String toXml() {
return toXml((String)null, (Properties)null);
// deprecated
public String toXml(String extraOffset) {
Properties props = null;
if (extraOffset != null && extraOffset.length() > 0) {
props = new Properties();
props.put(Constants.TOXML_EXTRAOFFSET, extraOffset);
return toXml(extraOffset, props);
* Dump state of this object into a XML ASCII string.
* <br>
* @param extraOffset indenting of tags for nice output
* @return internal state of the query as a XML ASCII string
public String toXml(String extraOffset, Properties props) {
return factory.writeObject(this, extraOffset, props);
* Returns a deep clone, you can change savely all basic or immutable types
* like boolean, String, int and also the ClientProperties and RouteInfo.
public Object clone() {
return super.clone();
* Sets the global object (used when deserializing the object)
public void setGlobal(Global glob) {
this.factory = glob.getQueryQosFactory();