Name: XmlRpcDriver.java
Project: xmlBlaster.org
Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
Comment: XmlRpcDriver class to invoke the xmlBlaster server in the same JVM.
Version: $Id: XmlRpcDriver.java 17680 2009-05-08 22:10:57Z laghi $
package org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.context.ContextNode;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.ErrorCode;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.PluginInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket.SocketUrl;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.xmlrpc.XblRequestFactoryFactory;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.xmlrpc.XblWriterFactory;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.AddressServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.I_Authenticate;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.I_XmlBlaster;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.I_Driver;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.server.PropertyHandlerMapping;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.server.XmlRpcHttpServer;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.server.XmlRpcServer;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.server.XmlRpcServerConfigImpl;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.webserver.WebServer;
* XmlRpc driver class to invoke the xmlBlaster server over HTTP XMLRPC.
* <p />
* This driver needs to be registered in xmlBlaster.properties
* and will be started on xmlBlaster startup, for example:
* <pre>
* ProtocolPlugin[XMLRPC][1.0]=org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.XmlRpcDriver
* CbProtocolPlugin[XMLRPC][1.0]=org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.CallbackXmlRpcDriver
* </pre>
* The variable plugin/xmlrpc/port (default 8080) sets the http web server port,
* you may change it in xmlBlaster.properties or on command line:
* <pre>
* java -jar lib/xmlBlaster.jar -plugin/xmlrpc/port 9080
* </pre>
* The interface I_Driver is needed by xmlBlaster to instantiate and shutdown
* this driver implementation.
* @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/protocol.xmlrpc.html">The protocol.xmlrpc requirement</a>
* @see <a href="http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=rpc-user&m=102009663407418&w=2">Configuring SSL with XmlRpc</a>
* @author xmlBlaster@marcelruff.info
public class XmlRpcDriver implements I_Driver, XmlRpcDriverMBean
private String ME = "XmlRpcDriver";
private Global glob;
private PluginInfo pluginInfo;
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(XmlRpcDriver.class.getName());
/** The singleton handle for this xmlBlaster server */
private I_Authenticate authenticate = null;
/** The singleton handle for this xmlBlaster server */
private I_XmlBlaster xmlBlasterImpl = null;
public static final int DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 8080;
/** The xml-rpc HTTP web server */
private WebServer webServer;
/** The URL which clients need to use to access this server */
private XmlRpcUrl xmlRpcUrl;
/** Our configuration */
private AddressServer addressServer;
/** My JMX registration, can be done optionally by implementing classes */
protected Object mbeanHandle;
protected ContextNode contextNode;
protected boolean isActive;
* Get a human readable name of this driver.
* <p />
* Enforced by interface I_Driver.
public String getName() {
return ME;
* Access the xmlBlaster internal name of the protocol driver.
* @return "XMLRPC"
public String getProtocolId() {
return (pluginInfo == null) ? "XMLRPC" : pluginInfo.getType();
/** Enforced by I_Plugin */
public String getType() {
return getProtocolId();
/** Enforced by I_Plugin */
public String getVersion() {
return (pluginInfo == null) ? "1.0" : pluginInfo.getVersion();
* This method is called by the PluginManager (enforced by I_Plugin).
* @see org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.I_Plugin#init(org.xmlBlaster.util.Global,org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.PluginInfo)
public void init(org.xmlBlaster.util.Global glob, org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.PluginInfo pluginInfo)
throws XmlBlasterException {
this.glob = glob;
this.pluginInfo = pluginInfo;
org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope engineGlob = (org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope)glob.getObjectEntry(Constants.OBJECT_ENTRY_ServerScope);
if (engineGlob == null)
throw new XmlBlasterException(this.glob, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, ME + ".init", "could not retreive the ServerNodeScope. Am I really on the server side ?");
this.authenticate = engineGlob.getAuthenticate();
if (this.authenticate == null) {
throw new XmlBlasterException(this.glob, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, ME + ".init", "authenticate object is null");
I_XmlBlaster xmlBlasterImpl = this.authenticate.getXmlBlaster();
if (xmlBlasterImpl == null) {
throw new XmlBlasterException(this.glob, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, ME + ".init", "xmlBlasterImpl object is null");
// For JMX instanceName may not contain ","
this.contextNode = new ContextNode(ContextNode.SERVICE_MARKER_TAG,
"XmlRpcDriver[" + getType() + "]",
this.mbeanHandle = this.glob.registerMBean(this.contextNode, this);
try {
init(glob, new AddressServer(glob, getType(), glob.getId(), pluginInfo.getParameters()), this.authenticate, xmlBlasterImpl);
catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
throw ex;
catch (Throwable ex) {
throw new XmlBlasterException(this.glob, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, ME + ".init", "init. Could'nt initialize the driver.", ex);
* Get the address how to access this driver.
* @return "http://server.mars.universe:8080/"
public String getRawAddress() {
return this.xmlRpcUrl.getUrl();
* Start xmlBlaster XMLRPC access.
* <p />
* Enforced by interface I_Driver.
* @param glob Global handle to access logging, property and commandline args
* @param authenticate Handle to access authentication server
* @param xmlBlasterImpl Handle to access xmlBlaster core
private synchronized void init(Global glob, AddressServer addressServer, I_Authenticate authenticate, I_XmlBlaster xmlBlasterImpl)
throws XmlBlasterException
this.glob = glob;
this.ME = "XmlRpcDriver" + this.glob.getLogPrefixDashed();
this.addressServer = addressServer;
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering init()");
this.authenticate = authenticate;
this.xmlBlasterImpl = xmlBlasterImpl;
this.xmlRpcUrl = new XmlRpcUrl(glob, this.addressServer); // e.g. ""
if (this.xmlRpcUrl.getPort() < 1) {
log.info("Option plugin/xmlrpc/port set to " + this.xmlRpcUrl.getPort() + ", xmlRpc server not started");
// "-plugin/xmlrpc/debug true"
if (this.addressServer.getEnv("debug", false).getValue() == true)
* The server configuration of this plugin
public AddressServer getAddressServer() {
return this.addressServer;
* Activate xmlBlaster access through this protocol.
public synchronized void activate() throws XmlBlasterException {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering activate");
try {
final boolean isLocal = false;
// SocketUrl socketUrl = new SocketUrl(glob, addressServer, isLocal, DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT);
SocketUrl socketUrl = new SocketUrl(glob, xmlRpcUrl.getHostname(), xmlRpcUrl.getPort());
webServer = new XblWebServer(xmlRpcUrl, socketUrl, addressServer);
// publish the public methods to the XmlRpc web server:
// webServer.addHandler("authenticate", new AuthenticateImpl(glob, this, authenticate));
// webServer.addHandler("xmlBlaster", new XmlBlasterImpl(glob, this, xmlBlasterImpl));
PropertyHandlerMapping mapping = new PropertyHandlerMapping();
XmlBlasterImpl xblImpl = new XmlBlasterImpl(glob, this, xmlBlasterImpl);
AuthenticateImpl auImpl = new AuthenticateImpl(glob, this, authenticate, xblImpl);
XblRequestFactoryFactory factoryFactory = new XblRequestFactoryFactory();
mapping.addHandler("authenticate", auImpl.getClass()); // register update() method
mapping.addHandler("xmlBlaster", xblImpl.getClass());
XmlRpcHttpServer xmlRpcServer = (XmlRpcHttpServer)webServer.getXmlRpcServer();
XmlRpcServerConfigImpl serverCfg = new XmlRpcServerConfigImpl();
boolean useCDATA = addressServer.getEnv("useCDATA", false).getValue();
XblWriterFactory writerFactory = new XblWriterFactory(useCDATA);
log.info("Started successfully XMLRPC driver, access url=" + this.xmlRpcUrl.getUrl());
catch (IOException e) {
log.severe("Error creating webServer on '" + this.xmlRpcUrl.getUrl() + "': " + e.toString());
catch (XmlRpcException e) {
log.severe("Error creating webServer on '" + this.xmlRpcUrl.getUrl() + "': " + e.toString());
this.isActive = true;
* Deactivate xmlBlaster access (standby), no clients can connect.
public synchronized void deActivate() {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering deActivate");
this.isActive = false;
if (webServer != null) {
try {
// getHandlerMapping().removeHandler("authenticate");
// webServer.removeHandler("xmlBlaster");
catch(Throwable e) {
log.warning("Problems during shutdown of xmlrpc web server: " + e.toString());
webServer = null;
log.info("XMLRPC driver stopped, handler released.");
log.info("XMLRPC shutdown, nothing to do.");
* Instructs XMLRPC driver to shut down.
* <p />
* Enforced by interface I_Driver.
public void shutdown() throws XmlBlasterException {
public String getEnvPrefix() {
return (addressServer != null) ? addressServer.getEnvPrefix() : "plugin/"+getType().toLowerCase();
* Command line usage.
* <p />
* Enforced by interface I_Driver.
public String usage() {
String text = "\n";
text += "XmlRpcDriver options:\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"port\n";
text += " The XMLRPC web server port [" + DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT + "].\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"hostname\n";
text += " Specify a hostname where the XMLRPC web server runs.\n";
text += " Default is the localhost. If you specify the protocol then port and ssl info are taken from here\n";
text += " for example https://localhost:8443/somePath would ignore port, SSL, path\n";
// text += " -plugin/xmlrpc/debug\n";
// text += " true switches on detailed XMLRPC debugging [false].\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"SoTimeout\n";
text += " How long may a socket read block in msec.\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"responseTimeout\n";
text += " Max wait for the method return value/exception in msec.\n";
// text += " The default is " +getDefaultResponseTimeout() + ".\n";
text += " Defaults to 'forever', the value to pass is milli seconds.\n";
// text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"backlog\n";
// text += " Queue size for incoming connection request [50].\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"SSL\n";
text += " True enables SSL support on socket [false] (if no protocol specified in hostname).\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"keyStore\n";
text += " The path of your keystore file. Use the java utility keytool.\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"keyStorePassword\n";
text += " The password of your keystore file.\n";
text += " -dispatch/connection/plugin/socket/compress/type\n";
text += " Valid values are: '', '"+Constants.COMPRESS_ZLIB_STREAM+"', '"+Constants.COMPRESS_ZLIB+"' [].\n";
text += " '' disables compression, '"+Constants.COMPRESS_ZLIB_STREAM+"' compresses whole stream.\n";
text += " '"+Constants.COMPRESS_ZLIB+"' both compress the same (both are provided as compatibility to the socket protocol).\n";
text += " " + Global.getJmxUsageLinkInfo(this.getClass().getName(), null);
text += "\n";
return text;
* @return A link for JMX usage
public java.lang.String getUsageUrl() {
return Global.getJavadocUrl(this.getClass().getName(), null);
/* dummy to have a copy/paste functionality in jconsole */
public void setUsageUrl(java.lang.String url) {
* @see org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.I_AdminService#isActive()
public boolean isActive() {
return this.isActive;
* @see org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.I_AdminPlugin#isShutdown()
public boolean isShutdown() {
return isActive();