Name: SocketDriver.java
Project: xmlBlaster.org
Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
Comment: SocketDriver class to invoke the xmlBlaster server in the same JVM.
package org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.context.ContextNode;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.ErrorCode;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.AddressServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.I_Authenticate;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.I_XmlBlaster;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.I_Driver;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.I_PluginConfig;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.PluginInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket.SocketUrl;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo;
import java.net.DatagramSocket;
import java.net.DatagramPacket;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
* Socket driver class to invoke the xmlBlaster server over a native message format
* <p />
* This "SOCKET:" driver needs to be registered in xmlBlaster.properties
* and will be started on xmlBlaster startup, for example:
* <pre>
* ProtocolPlugin[SOCKET][1.0]=org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket.SocketDriver
* CbProtocolPlugin[SOCKET][1.0]=org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket.CallbackSocketDriver
* </pre>
* The variable plugin/socket/port (default 7607) sets the socket server port,
* you may change it in xmlBlaster.properties or on command line:
* <pre>
* java -jar lib/xmlBlaster.jar -plugin/socket/port 9090
* </pre>
* The interface I_Driver is needed by xmlBlaster to instantiate and shutdown
* this driver implementation.
* <p />
* All adjustable parameters are explained in {@link org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket.SocketDriver#usage()}
* @author <a href="mailto:xmlBlaster@marcelruff.info">Marcel Ruff</a>
* @author <a href="mailto:bpoka@axelero.hu">Balázs Póka</a> (SSL embedding, zlib compression)
* @see org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
* @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/protocol.socket.html">The protocol.socket requirement</a>
public class SocketDriver extends Thread implements I_Driver /* which extends I_Plugin */, SocketDriverMBean
private String ME = "SocketDriver";
/** The global handle */
private Global glob;
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SocketDriver.class.getName());
/** The singleton handle for this authentication server */
private I_Authenticate authenticate;
/** The singleton handle for this xmlBlaster server */
private I_XmlBlaster xmlBlasterImpl;
/** The socket address info object holding hostname (useful for multi homed hosts) and port */
private SocketUrl socketUrl;
/** The socket server */
private ServerSocket listen = null;
/** The URL which clients need to use to access this server, e.g. "server.mars.univers:6701" */
private DatagramSocket socketUDP = null;
/** State of server */
private Thread listenerUDP;
private int sslMarker;
private boolean running = true;
private boolean runningUDP = true;
private boolean listenerReady = false;
private boolean listenerReadyUDP = false;
/** Remember all client connections */
private Set handleClientSet = new HashSet();
private Map/*<secretSessionId, HandleClient>*/ handleClientMap = new HashMap();
/** The address configuration */
private AddressServer addressServer;
private PluginInfo pluginInfo;
private boolean startUdpListener = false;
* Setting by plugin configuration, see xmlBlasterPlugins.xml, for example
* <br />
* <attribute id='useUdpForOneway'>true</attribute>
private boolean useUdpForOneway = false;
/** My JMX registration */
protected Object mbeanHandle;
protected ContextNode contextNode;
protected boolean isShutdown;
void addClient(String sessionId, HandleClient h) {
synchronized(handleClientMap) {
handleClientMap.put(sessionId, h);
HandleClient getClient(String sessionId) {
synchronized(handleClientMap) {
return (HandleClient) handleClientMap.get(sessionId);
public I_PluginConfig getPluginConfig() {
return this.pluginInfo;
* There is exactly one UDP listener thread which receives datagrams for all clients.
* The datagrams are forwarded to the correct client with the sessionId
* Only the methods publishOneway() and updateOneway() may use UDP, you can
* choose TCP or UDP for those messages with the
* <tt>plugin/socket/useUdpForOneway</tt> setting
class UDPListener
implements Runnable {
static final int MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 1024 * 10;
public void run() {
try {
try {
socketUDP = new DatagramSocket(socketUrl.getPort(), socketUrl.getInetAddress());
catch (java.net.SocketException e) {
log.severe("Cannot open UDP socket '" + socketUrl.getUrl() + "' : " + e.toString());
int threadPrio = getAddressServer().getEnv("threadPrio", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY).getValue();
try {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
log.fine("-" + getEnvPrefix() + "threadPrio " + threadPrio);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
log.warning("Your -" + getEnvPrefix() + "threadPrio " + threadPrio + " is out of range, we continue with default setting " + Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);
log.info("Started successfully " + getType() + " UDP driver on '" + socketUrl.getUrl() + "'");
byte packetBuffer[] = new byte[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(packetBuffer, packetBuffer.length);
MsgInfo receiver = null;
listenerReadyUDP = true;
while (runningUDP) {
try {
catch (IOException e) {
if (e.toString().indexOf("closed") == -1) {
log.severe("Error receiving packet from '" + socketUrl.getUrl() + "' : " + e.toString());
else {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("UDP datagram socket shutdown '" + socketUrl.getUrl() + "' : " + e.toString());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
log.fine("UDP packet arrived, size=" + packet.getLength() + " bytes");
if (!runningUDP) {
log.info("Closing server '" + socketUrl.getUrl() + "'");
int actualSize = packet.getLength();
if (packet.getLength() > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) {
log.warning("Packet has been truncated, size=" + packet.getLength() + ", MAX_PACKET_SIZE=" + MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
actualSize = MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
InputStream iStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(packet.getData(), 0, actualSize);
try {
receiver = MsgInfo.parse(glob, null, iStream, null/*getMsgInfoParserClassName()*/, getPluginConfig())[0];
catch (Throwable e) {
log.severe("Error parsing data from UDP packet: " + e);
String sessionId = receiver.getSecretSessionId();
HandleClient hh = getClient(sessionId);
if (hh == null)
log.severe("Request from unknown client, sessionId: " + sessionId);
hh.handleMessage(receiver, true);
} // while (runningUDP) {
finally {
listenerReadyUDP = false;
if (socketUDP != null) {
socketUDP = null;
* Creates the driver.
* Note: getName() is enforced by interface I_Driver, but is already defined in Thread class
public SocketDriver() {
* Access the xmlBlaster internal name of the protocol driver.
* @return The configured [type] in xmlBlaster.properties, defaults to "SOCKET"
public String getProtocolId() {
return (this.pluginInfo == null) ? "SOCKET" : this.pluginInfo.getType();
* Enforced by I_Plugin
* @return The configured type in xmlBlaster.properties, defaults to "SOCKET"
public String getType() {
return getProtocolId();
* The command line key prefix
* @return The configured type in xmlBlasterPlugins.xml, defaults to "plugin/socket"
public String getEnvPrefix() {
return (addressServer != null) ? addressServer.getEnvPrefix() : "plugin/"+getType().toLowerCase();
/** Enforced by I_Plugin */
public String getVersion() {
return (this.pluginInfo == null) ? "1.0" : this.pluginInfo.getVersion();
* Switch on/off UDP socket listener
public boolean startUdpListener() {
return this.startUdpListener;
* Configuration option to use UDP for updateOneway() calls.
* <br />
* Typically a setting from the plugin configuration, see xmlBlasterPlugins.xml, for example
* <br />
* <attribute id='useUdpForOneway'>true</attribute>
public boolean useUdpForOneway() {
return this.useUdpForOneway;
* This method is called by the PluginManager (enforced by I_Plugin).
* @see org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.I_Plugin#init(org.xmlBlaster.util.Global,org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.PluginInfo)
public void init(org.xmlBlaster.util.Global glob, PluginInfo pluginInfo)
throws XmlBlasterException {
this.pluginInfo = pluginInfo;
this.glob = glob;
this.ME = getType();
org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope engineGlob = (org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope)glob.getObjectEntry(Constants.OBJECT_ENTRY_ServerScope);
if (engineGlob == null)
throw new XmlBlasterException(this.glob, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, ME + ".init", "could not retreive the ServerNodeScope. Am I really on the server side ?");
// For JMX instanceName may not contain ","
String vers = ("1.0".equals(getVersion())) ? "" : getVersion();
this.contextNode = new ContextNode(ContextNode.SERVICE_MARKER_TAG,
"SocketDriver[" + getType() + vers + "]", glob.getContextNode());
this.mbeanHandle = this.glob.registerMBean(this.contextNode, this);
try {
this.authenticate = engineGlob.getAuthenticate();
if (this.authenticate == null) {
throw new XmlBlasterException(this.glob, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, ME + ".init", "authenticate object is null");
I_XmlBlaster xmlBlasterImpl = this.authenticate.getXmlBlaster();
if (xmlBlasterImpl == null) {
throw new XmlBlasterException(this.glob, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, ME + ".init", "xmlBlasterImpl object is null");
init(glob, new AddressServer(glob, getType(), glob.getId(), pluginInfo.getParameters()), this.authenticate, xmlBlasterImpl);
this.useUdpForOneway = this.addressServer.getEnv("useUdpForOneway", this.useUdpForOneway).getValue();
this.startUdpListener = this.addressServer.getEnv("startUdpListener", this.startUdpListener).getValue();
// Now we have logging ...
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Using pluginInfo=" + this.pluginInfo.toString() + ", startUdpListener=" + this.startUdpListener + ", useUdpForOneway=" + this.useUdpForOneway);
catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
throw ex;
catch (Throwable ex) {
throw new XmlBlasterException(this.glob, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, ME + ".init", "init. Could'nt initialize the driver.", ex);
* Get the address how to access this driver.
* @return "server.mars.univers:6701"
public String getRawAddress() {
return this.socketUrl.getUrl(); // this.socketUrl.getHostname() + ":" + this.socketUrl.getPort();
* Access the handle to the xmlBlaster authenication core
I_Authenticate getAuthenticate() {
return this.authenticate;
* Access the handle to the xmlBlaster core
I_XmlBlaster getXmlBlaster() {
return this.xmlBlasterImpl;
AddressServer getAddressServer() {
return this.addressServer;
* Start xmlBlaster SOCKET access.
* <p />
* Enforced by interface I_Driver.<br />
* This method returns as soon as the listener socket is alive and ready or on error.
* @param glob Global handle to access logging, property and commandline args
* @param authenticate Handle to access authentication server
* @param xmlBlasterImpl Handle to access xmlBlaster core
private synchronized void init(Global glob, AddressServer addressServer, I_Authenticate authenticate, I_XmlBlaster xmlBlasterImpl)
throws XmlBlasterException
this.glob = glob;
this.ME = "SocketDriver" + this.glob.getLogPrefixDashed() + "-" + getType();
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering init()");
this.addressServer = addressServer;
this.authenticate = authenticate;
this.xmlBlasterImpl = xmlBlasterImpl;
this.socketUrl = new SocketUrl(glob, this.addressServer);
if (Constants.COMPRESS_ZLIB_STREAM.equals(this.addressServer.getCompressType())) {
log.info("Full stream compression enabled with '" + Constants.COMPRESS_ZLIB_STREAM + "' for " + getType());
else if (Constants.COMPRESS_ZLIB.equals(this.addressServer.getCompressType())) {
log.info("Message compression enabled with '" + Constants.COMPRESS_ZLIB + "', minimum size for compression is " + this.addressServer.getMinSize() + " bytes for " + getType());
if (this.socketUrl.getPort() < 1) {
log.info("Option protocol/socket/port set to " + this.socketUrl.getPort() + ", socket server not started");
* Activate xmlBlaster access through this protocol.
public synchronized void activate() throws XmlBlasterException {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering activate");
if (startUdpListener()) {
listenerUDP = new Thread(new UDPListener());
while (!listenerReadyUDP) {
try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch( InterruptedException i) {}
super.setName("XmlBlaster.SocketDriver-"+getType()); // Thread name
start(); // Start the listen thread
while (!listenerReady) {
try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch( InterruptedException i) {}
public boolean isActive() {
return running == true;
* Deactivate xmlBlaster access (standby), no clients can connect.
public synchronized void deActivate() throws RuntimeException {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering deActivate");
running = false; runningUDP = false;
boolean closeHack = true;
if (listen != null && closeHack) {
// On some JDKs, listen.close() is not immediate (has a delay for about 1 sec.)
// force closing by invoking server with this temporary client:
try {
java.net.Socket socket = new Socket(listen.getInetAddress(), this.socketUrl.getPort());
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
log.warning("Tcp shutdown problem: " + e.toString());
if (socketUDP != null && closeHack) {
// On some JDKs, listen.close() is not immediate (has a delay for about 1 sec.)
// force closing by invoking server with this temporary client:
try {
java.net.DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket(this.socketUrl.getPort(), socketUDP.getLocalAddress());
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
log.warn(ME, "Udp shutdown problem: " + e.toString());
if (listen != null) {
try {
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
log.warning("TCP socket shutdown problem: " + e.toString());
listen = null;
//log.info(ME, "TCP socket driver stopped, all resources released.");
if (socketUDP != null) {
socketUDP = null;
//log.info(ME, "UDP socket driver stopped, all resources released.");
// shutdown all clients connected
while (true) {
HandleClient h = null;
synchronized (handleClientSet) {
Iterator it = handleClientSet.iterator();
if (it.hasNext()) {
h = (HandleClient)it.next();
if (h == null)
synchronized (handleClientSet) {
synchronized (handleClientMap) {
final void removeClient(HandleClient h) {
synchronized (handleClientSet) {
boolean removed = handleClientSet.remove(h);
if (!removed) { // May be called twice: from SessionInfo.shutdown() and from HandleClient->exiting run()
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Didn't find a client object to remove: " + h.toString());
synchronized(handleClientMap) {
Object removed = handleClientMap.remove(h.getSecretSessionId());
if (removed == null) {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Didn't find a client handle to remove: " + h.toString());
final Global getGlobal()
return this.glob;
* Is SSL support switched on?
public final boolean isSSL()
if (sslMarker != 0) return sslMarker==-1 ? false : true;
boolean ssl = this.addressServer.getEnv("SSL", false).getValue();
sslMarker = ssl ? 1 : -1;
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(addressServer.getEnvLookupKey("SSL") + "=" + ssl);
return ssl;
* Starts the server socket and waits for clients to connect.
public void run()
try {
int backlog = this.addressServer.getEnv("backlog", 50).getValue(); // queue for max 50 incoming connection request
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(addressServer.getEnvLookupKey("backlog") + "=" + backlog);
if (isSSL()) {
listen = this.socketUrl.createServerSocketSSL(backlog, this.addressServer);
else {
listen = new ServerSocket(this.socketUrl.getPort(), backlog, this.socketUrl.getInetAddress());
log.info("Started successfully " + getType() + " driver on '" + this.socketUrl.getUrl() + "'");
listenerReady = true;
while (running) {
Socket accept = listen.accept();
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))
log.info(ME + ": New incoming request on " + this.socketUrl.getUrl() + " from " + accept.getInetAddress() + ":" + accept.getPort());
if (!running) {
log.info("Closing server '" + this.socketUrl.getUrl() + "'");
HandleClient hh = new HandleClient(glob, this, accept, socketUDP);
synchronized (handleClientSet) {
catch (java.net.UnknownHostException e) {
log.severe("Socket server problem, IP address '" + this.socketUrl.getHostname() + "' is invalid: " + e.toString());
catch (java.net.BindException e) {
log.severe("Socket server problem '" + this.socketUrl.getUrl() + "', the port " + this.socketUrl.getPort() + " is not available: " + e.toString());
catch (java.net.SocketException e) {
log.info("Socket '" + this.socketUrl.getUrl() + "' closed successfully: " + e.toString());
catch (IOException e) {
log.severe("Socket server problem on '" + this.socketUrl.getUrl() + "': " + e.toString());
catch (Throwable e) {
log.severe("Socket server problem on '" + this.socketUrl.getUrl() + "': " + e.toString());
finally {
listenerReady = false;
if (listen != null) {
try { listen.close(); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { log.warning("listen.close()" + e.toString()); }
listen = null;
* Close the listener port, the driver shuts down.
public void shutdown() throws XmlBlasterException {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering shutdown");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
this.isShutdown = true;
log.info("Socket driver '" + getType() + "' stopped, all resources released.");
public boolean isShutdown() {
return this.isShutdown;
* @return A link for JMX usage
public java.lang.String getUsageUrl() {
return Global.getJavadocUrl(this.getClass().getName(), null);
/* dummy to have a copy/paste functionality in jconsole */
public void setUsageUrl(java.lang.String url) {
* Command line usage.
* <p />
* <ul>
* <li><i>-plugin/socket/port</i> The SOCKET web server port [7607]</li>
* <li><i>-plugin/socket/hostname</i> Specify a hostname where the SOCKET web server runs
* Default is the localhost.</li>
* <li><i>-plugin/socket/backlog</i> Queue size for incoming connection request [50]</li>
* <li><i>-dump[socket]</i> true switches on detailed SOCKET debugging [false]</li>
* </ul>
* <p />
* Enforced by interface I_Driver.
public String usage()
String text = "\n";
text += "SocketDriver options:\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"port\n";
text += " The SOCKET server port [7607].\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"hostname\n";
text += " Specify a hostname where the SOCKET server runs.\n";
text += " Default is the localhost.\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"startUdpListener\n";
text += " Start a UDP datagram listener socket [false].\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"useUdpForOneway\n";
text += " Use UDP instead of TCP for updateOneway() calls [false].\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"SoTimeout\n";
text += " How long may a socket read block in msec [0] (0 is forever).\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"responseTimeout\n";
text += " Max wait for the method return value/exception in msec.\n";
// text += " The default is " +getDefaultResponseTimeout() + ".\n";
text += " Defaults to 'forever', the value to pass is milli seconds.\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"backlog\n";
text += " Queue size for incoming connection request [50].\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"threadPrio\n";
text += " The priority 1=min - 10=max of the listener thread [5].\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"SSL\n";
text += " True enables SSL support on server socket [false].\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"keyStore\n";
text += " The path of your keystore file. Use the java utility keytool.\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"keyStorePassword\n";
text += " The password of your keystore file.\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"compress/type\n";
text += " Valid values are: '', '"+Constants.COMPRESS_ZLIB_STREAM+"', '"+Constants.COMPRESS_ZLIB+"' [].\n";
text += " '' disables compression, '"+Constants.COMPRESS_ZLIB_STREAM+"' compresses whole stream.\n";
text += " '"+Constants.COMPRESS_ZLIB+"' only compresses flushed chunks bigger than 'compress/minSize' bytes.\n";
text += " -"+getEnvPrefix()+"compress/minSize\n";
text += " Compress message bigger than given bytes, see above.\n";
text += " -dump[socket] true switches on detailed "+getType()+" debugging [false].\n";
text += " " + Global.getJmxUsageLinkInfo(this.getClass().getName(), null);
text += "\n";
return text;