Package org.xmlBlaster.engine

Source Code of org.xmlBlaster.engine.RequestBroker

Copyright:, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
Comment:   Handling the Client data
package org.xmlBlaster.engine;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.util.logging.Logger;


import org.xmlBlaster.authentication.Authenticate;
import org.xmlBlaster.authentication.ClientEvent;
import org.xmlBlaster.authentication.I_ClientListener;
import org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.key.GetKey;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.key.UpdateKey;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.EraseReturnQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishReturnQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.SubscribeReturnQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.UnSubscribeReturnQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.PublishRetQosWrapper;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.AccessPluginManager;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.I_AccessFilter;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.I_PublishFilter;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.PublishPluginManager;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.I_Map;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.I_MapEntry;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.cache.PersistenceCachePlugin;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.EraseQosServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.GetQosServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.GetReturnQosServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.PublishQosServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.SubscribeQosServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.UnSubscribeQosServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.MsgQueueHistoryEntry;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.MsgQueueUpdateEntry;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.ReferenceEntry;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.ServerEntryFactory;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.TopicEntry;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel.I_RunlevelListener;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel.RunlevelManager;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.xml2java.XmlKey;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.FileLocator;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.I_Timeout;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnitRaw;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.ReplaceVariable;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.SessionName;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.ThreadLister;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Timeout;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Timestamp;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.JmxMBeanHandle;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.checkpoint.I_Checkpoint;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.cluster.RouteInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.ErrorCode;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.MethodName;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchStatistic;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.key.KeyData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.key.QueryKeyData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.log.I_LogListener;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.log.XbNotifyHandler;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.AccessFilterQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.ClientProperty;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.MsgQosData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.QueryQosData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.StatusQosData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.TopicProperty;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.Destination;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.I_Entry;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.I_EntryFilter;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.I_Queue;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.I_Storage;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.StorageId;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.CommonTableDatabaseAccessor;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.MsgQueueEntry;

* This is the central message broker, all requests are routed through this singleton.
* <p>
* The interface I_ClientListener informs about Client login/logout<br />
* <p>
* Most events are fired from the RequestBroker
* <p>
* See <a href="">xmlBlaster.idl</a>,
* the CORBA access interface on how clients can access xmlBlaster.
* @author <a href="">Marcel Ruff</a>
public final class RequestBroker extends NotificationBroadcasterSupport
        implements I_ClientListener, /*I_AdminNode,*/ RequestBrokerMBean,
                     I_RunlevelListener, I_LogListener
   private String ME = "RequestBroker";
   private final ServerScope glob;
   private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RequestBroker.class.getName());

    * Contains total count of published messages and get() invocations.
   private DispatchStatistic dispatchStatistic = new DispatchStatistic();

   private String lastWarning = "";
   private String lastError = "";

   /** the authentication service */
   private Authenticate authenticate;

   private final Set remotePropertiesListeners = new TreeSet();

    * Store configuration of all topics in xmlBlaster for recovery
   private I_Map topicStore;

    * This client is only for internal use, it is un secure to pass it outside because
    * there is no authentication.<br />
    * The login name "__RequestBroker_internal__" is reserved!<br />
    * TODO: security discussion
   private final SessionInfo unsecureSessionInfo;
   private final SessionName myselfLoginName; // "__RequestBroker_internal[heron]";
   public final static String internalLoginNamePrefix = "__RequestBroker_internal";

    * Helper to handle the subscriptions
   private final ClientSubscriptions clientSubscriptions;

    * For listeners who want to be informed about subscribe/unsubscribe events.
    * The key is an Integer number where the lowest is the first invoked on subscribe and the
    * last invoked on unsubscribe.
   private final Map subscriptionListenerMap = new TreeMap();

    * This is a handle on the big DOM tree with all XmlKey keys (all message meta data)
   private BigXmlKeyDOM bigXmlKeyDOM = null;

    * This Interface allows to hook in you own persistence driver, configure it through
   // private I_PersistenceDriver persistenceDriver = null;

   /** Flag for performance reasons only */
   private boolean useOldStylePersistence;

   /** The messageUnit for a login event */
   private boolean publishLoginEvent = true;
   private MsgKeyData xmlKeyLoginEvent = null;
   private org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos publishQosForEvents;
   private PublishQosServer publishQosLoginEvent;

   /** Initialize a messageUnit for a userList event */
   private boolean publishUserList = true;
   private MsgKeyData xmlKeyUserListEvent = null;

   /** Initialize a messageUnit for a logout event */
   private boolean publishLogoutEvent = true;
   private MsgKeyData xmlKeyLogoutEvent = null;
   private PublishQosServer publishQosLogoutEvent;

   //private Timeout burstModeTimer;

   private AccessPluginManager accessPluginManager = null;

   private PublishPluginManager publishPluginManager = null;

   // Enforced by I_AdminNode
   /** Incarnation time of this object instance in millis */
   private long startupTime;

   /** State during construction */
   private static final int UNDEF = -1;
   private static final int ALIVE = 0;
   private int state = UNDEF;

   /** My JMX registration */
   private JmxMBeanHandle mbeanHandle;

    * One instance of this represents one xmlBlaster server.
    * @param authenticate The authentication service
   public RequestBroker(Authenticate authenticate) throws XmlBlasterException
      this.authenticate = authenticate;
      this.glob = this.authenticate.getGlobal();


      glob.setTopicAccessor(new TopicAccessor(this.glob));

      this.startupTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      this.mbeanHandle = this.glob.registerMBean(this.glob.getContextNode(), this);

      XbNotifyHandler.instance().register(Level.WARNING.intValue(), this);
      XbNotifyHandler.instance().register(Level.SEVERE.intValue(), this);

      this.useOldStylePersistence = glob.getProperty().get("useOldStylePersistence", false);
      if (this.useOldStylePersistence) {
         log.warning("Old style fielstorage is switched on which is deprecated (-useOldStylePersistence true).");


      //this.burstModeTimer = new Timeout("BurstmodeTimer");

      myselfLoginName = new SessionName(glob, glob.getNodeId(), internalLoginNamePrefix + "[" + glob.getId() + "]/1");


      org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.ConnectQos connectQos = new org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.ConnectQos(glob);
      connectQos.getSessionQos().setSessionTimeout(0L)// Lasts forever
      this.unsecureSessionInfo = authenticate.unsecureCreateSession(connectQos);

      try {
      catch(XmlBlasterException e) {

      this.ME = "RequestBroker" + glob.getLogPrefixDashed();

      accessPluginManager = new AccessPluginManager(glob);

      publishPluginManager = new PublishPluginManager(glob);

      this.clientSubscriptions = new ClientSubscriptions(glob, this, authenticate);

      this.bigXmlKeyDOM = new BigXmlKeyDOM(this, authenticate);


      this.state = ALIVE;

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Server " + glob.getInstanceId() + " instance is created");

   Authenticate getAuthenticate() {
      return this.authenticate;

    * Put this code in a generic internal message producer class (future release)
   private void initHelperQos() throws XmlBlasterException {

      // Create properties with infinite life time, forceUpdate and historySize=1
      org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos publishQos = new org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos(glob);

      TopicProperty topicProperty = new TopicProperty(glob);
      HistoryQueueProperty historyQueueProperty = new HistoryQueueProperty(glob, glob.getId());
      this.publishQosForEvents = publishQos;

      // Should we configure historyQueue and msgUnitStore to be RAM based only?

      this.publishLoginEvent = glob.getProperty().get("loginEvent", true);
      if (this.publishLoginEvent) {
         // Key '__sys__Login' for login event (allows you to subscribe on new clients which do a login)
         org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey publishKey = new org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey(glob, Constants.EVENT_OID_LOGIN/*"__sys__Login"*/, "text/plain");
         this.xmlKeyLoginEvent = publishKey.getData();
         this.publishQosLoginEvent = new PublishQosServer(glob, publishQos.getData().toXml(), false); // take copy

      this.publishLogoutEvent = glob.getProperty().get("logoutEvent", true);
      if (this.publishLogoutEvent) {
         // Key '__sys__Logout' for logout event (allows you to subscribe on clients which do a logout)
         org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey publishKey = new org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey(glob, Constants.EVENT_OID_LOGOUT/*"__sys__Logout"*/, "text/plain");
         this.xmlKeyLogoutEvent = publishKey.getData();
         this.publishQosLogoutEvent = new PublishQosServer(glob, publishQos.getData().toXml(), false);

      this.publishUserList = glob.getProperty().get("userListEvent", true);
      if (this.publishUserList) {
         // Key '__sys__UserList' for login/logout event
         org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey publishKey = new org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey(glob, Constants.EVENT_OID_USERLIST/*"__sys__UserList"*/, "text/plain");
         this.xmlKeyUserListEvent = publishKey.getData();

    * A human readable name of the listener for logging.
    * <p />
    * Enforced by I_RunlevelListener
   public String getName() {
      return ME;

   BigXmlKeyDOM getBigXmlKeyDOM() {
      return  this.bigXmlKeyDOM;

    * Holds all subscriptions.
    * @return Is never null
   public ClientSubscriptions getClientSubscriptions() {
      return this.clientSubscriptions;

    * Invoked on run level change, see RunlevelManager.RUNLEVEL_HALTED and RunlevelManager.RUNLEVEL_RUNNING
    * <p />
    * Enforced by I_RunlevelListener
   public void runlevelChange(int from, int to, boolean force) throws org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException {
      //if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)), "Changing from run level=" + from + " to level=" + to + " with force=" + force);
      if (to == from)

      if (to > from) { // startup
         if (to == RunlevelManager.RUNLEVEL_STANDBY_PRE) {
//         else if (to == RunlevelManager.RUNLEVEL_CLEANUP_PRE) {
           // Load all persistent topics from persistent storage
//           loadPersistentMessages();
//         }

      if (to < from) { // shutdown
         if (to == RunlevelManager.RUNLEVEL_HALTED) {
            XbNotifyHandler.instance().unregister(Level.WARNING.intValue(), this);
            XbNotifyHandler.instance().unregister(Level.SEVERE.intValue(), this);

    * Access the ServerScope handle.
    * @return The ServerScope instance of this xmlBlaster server
   public final ServerScope getServerScope() {
      return this.glob;

    * @return The handle on the persistence storage for all topics
   I_Map getTopicStore() {
      return this.topicStore;

    * This stores the topics configuration (the publish administrative message - the MsgUnit data struct)
   private void startupTopicStore() throws XmlBlasterException   {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering startupTopicStore(), looking for persisted topics");

      boolean wipeOutJdbcDB = glob.getProperty().get("wipeOutJdbcDB", false);
      if (wipeOutJdbcDB) {
         // it is now the responsability of the QueuePlugin (see JdbcQueueCommonTable) to
         // really perform the wipeout, the request broker only gives him an order to do so.
         String tableNamePrefix = "XMLBLASTER";
         tableNamePrefix = glob.getProperty().get("queue.persistent.tableNamePrefix", tableNamePrefix).toUpperCase();
         log.warn(ME, "You have set '-wipeOutJdbcDB true', we will destroy now the complete JDBC persistence store entries of prefix="+tableNamePrefix);
         try {
            java.util.Properties prop = new java.util.Properties();
            prop.put("tableNamePrefix", tableNamePrefix);
            JdbcManagerCommonTable.wipeOutDB(glob, "JDBC", "1.0", prop, true);
          catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
          log.error(ME, "Wipe out of JDBC database entries failed: " + e.getMessage());

      boolean useTopicStore = glob.getProperty().get("useTopicStore", true);
      if (!useTopicStore) {
         log.warning("Persistent and recoverable topics are switched off with '-useTopicStore false', topics are handled RAM based only.");

      synchronized (this) {
         // TODO: get TopicStoreProperty from administrator
         //TopicStoreProperty topicStoreProperty = this.topicProperty.getTopicStoreProperty();
         TopicStoreProperty topicStoreProperty = new TopicStoreProperty(glob, glob.getStrippedId());

         if (this.topicStore == null) {
            String type = topicStoreProperty.getType();
            String version = topicStoreProperty.getVersion();
            // e.g. "topicStore:/node/heron" is the unique name of the data store:
            StorageId topicStoreId = new StorageId(glob, glob.getDatabaseNodeStr(), Constants.RELATING_TOPICSTORE, "");
            // old xb_entries:
            // StorageId topicStoreId = new StorageId(glob, "topicStore",
            // glob.getStrippedId());
            // Todo: This loads 2 entries into the cache which should be avoided
            // as some line below getAll() gets all of them!
            this.topicStore = glob.getStoragePluginManager().getPlugin(type, version, topicStoreId, topicStoreProperty);
            //this.topicStore = new org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram.MapPlugin();
  "Activated storage '" + this.topicStore.getStorageId() + "' for persistent topics, found " + this.topicStore.getNumOfEntries() + " topics to recover.");

            MsgUnitStoreProperty limitM = new MsgUnitStoreProperty(glob, null); // The current limit from
            HistoryQueueProperty limitH = new HistoryQueueProperty(glob, null); // The current limit
            I_MapEntry[] mapEntryArr = this.topicStore.getAll(null);
            boolean fromPersistenceStore = true;
            for(int i=0; i<mapEntryArr.length; i++) {
               TopicEntry topicEntry = (TopicEntry)mapEntryArr[i];
               PublishQosServer publishQosServer = new PublishQosServer(glob,
                       (MsgQosData)topicEntry.getMsgUnit().getQosData(), fromPersistenceStore);
               publishQosServer.setTopicEntry(topicEntry); // Misuse PublishQosServer to transport the topicEntry
               boolean existsAlready = (glob.getTopicAccessor().accessDirtyRead(topicEntry.getKeyOid()) != null);
               if (existsAlready) {
                  log.warning("Removing duplicate of topic '" + topicEntry.getLogId() + "' from persistence store");
                  try {
                  catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
                     log.severe("Removing duplicate of topic '" + topicEntry.getLogId() + "' from persistence store makes problems: " + e.getMessage());
               try {
                  // Check limits
                  TopicProperty topicProps = ((MsgQosData)topicEntry.getMsgUnit().getQosData()).getTopicProperty();
                  if (topicProps != null && topicProps.getMsgUnitStoreProperty() != null) {
                     MsgUnitStoreProperty p = topicProps.getMsgUnitStoreProperty();
                     if (p.getMaxBytes() > limitM.getMaxBytes()) { // How to prevent a smaller limit than actual bytes on HD?
                     if (p.getMaxBytesCache() > limitM.getMaxBytesCache()) {
                     if (p.getMaxEntries() > limitM.getMaxEntries()) { // How to prevent a smaller limit than actual entries on HD?
                     if (p.getMaxEntriesCache() > limitM.getMaxEntriesCache()) {

                  if (topicProps != null && topicProps.getHistoryQueueProperty() != null) {
                     HistoryQueueProperty h = topicProps.getHistoryQueueProperty();
                     if (h.getMaxBytes() > limitH.getMaxBytes()) {
                     if (h.getMaxBytesCache() > limitH.getMaxBytesCache()) {
                     if (h.getMaxEntries() > limitH.getMaxEntries()) {
                     if (h.getMaxEntriesCache() > limitH.getMaxEntriesCache()) {

                  publish(unsecureSessionInfo, topicEntry.getMsgUnit(), publishQosServer);
                  // Called after sessions/subscriptions are recovered from SessionPersistencePlugin:
                  //   glob.getTopicAccessor().spanTopicDestroyTimeout();
               catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
                  log.severe("Restoring topic '" + topicEntry.getMsgUnit().getKeyOid() + "' from persistency failed: " + e.getMessage());
         else {
  "Reconfiguring topics store.");

   public final AccessPluginManager getAccessPluginManager() {
      return this.accessPluginManager;

   public final PublishPluginManager getPublishPluginManager() {
      return this.publishPluginManager;

   final SessionInfo getInternalSessionInfo() {
      // Note: We could change to 'public' as the CommandManager transports it to public scope already
      //       with glob.getCommandManager().getSessionInfo()
      // and   serverScope.getInternalSessionInfo()
      return this.unsecureSessionInfo;

    * Publish dead letters, expired letters should be filtered away before.
    * <p />
    * The key contains an attribute with the oid of the lost message:
    * <pre>
    *   &lt;key oid='__sys__deadMessage'>
    *      &lt;oid>aMessage&lt;/oid>
    *   &lt;key>
    * </pre>
    * <p>
    * The usual sources to send dead letters are:
    * </p>
    * <ol>
    *   <li>A publish of a message fails, the message is lost but you can handle it
    *       if you subscribe to dead messages
    *   </li>
    *   <li>A subscribe fails because a mime plugin throws an exception
    *   </li>
    *   <li>A callback fails
    *   </li>
    * </ol>
    * @param entries The message to send as dead letters
    * @param queue The belonging queue or null
    * @param reason A human readable text describing the problem
    * @return State information returned from the publish call (is never null)
   public String[] deadMessage(MsgQueueEntry[] entries, I_Queue queue, String reason)
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Publishing " + entries.length + " dead messages.");
      if (entries == null) {
         log.severe("deadMessage() with null argument");
         return new String[0];

      try {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Publishing " + entries.length + " volatile dead messages");
         String[] retArr = new String[entries.length];
         PublishQos pubQos = new PublishQos(glob);
         for (int ii=0; ii<entries.length; ii++) {
            MsgQueueEntry entry = entries[ii];
            if (entry == null) {
               log.severe("Didn't expect null element in MsgQueueEntry[], ignoring it");
            MsgUnit origMsgUnit = null;
            if (entry instanceof ReferenceEntry) {
               ReferenceEntry referenceEntry = (ReferenceEntry)entry;
               origMsgUnit = ((ReferenceEntry)entry).getMsgUnitOrNull();
               if (origMsgUnit == null) {
                  if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Ignoring dead message for destroyed callback queue entry " + referenceEntry.getLogId());
            else {
               log.severe("PANIC: Internal error in deadMessage data type");
               retArr[ii] = "PANIC";
            // entry.getLogId()="callback:/node/heron/client/Subscriber/1/NORM/1196854278910000000/Hello"
            String clientPropertyKey = "__isErrorHandled" + entry.getLogId();
            String text = "Generating dead message '" + entry.getLogId() + "'" +
                         " from publisher=" + entry.getSender() +
                         " because delivery " +            // entry.getReceiver() is recognized in queueId
                         ((queue == null) ? "" : "with queue '"+queue.getStorageId().toString()+"' ") + "failed" +
                         ((reason != null) ? (": " + reason) : "");
            retArr[ii] = publishDeadMessage(origMsgUnit, text, clientPropertyKey, entry.getReceiver());
         return retArr;
      catch (Throwable e) {
         log.severe("PANIC: " + entries.length + " dead letters are lost, no recovery possible:" + e.getMessage());
         for (int ii=0; ii<entries.length; ii++) {
            MsgQueueEntry entry = entries[ii];
            try {
               if (entry == null) {
               else if (entry instanceof MsgUnitWrapper) {
                  MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper = (MsgUnitWrapper)entry;
                  String fileName = glob.getMsgFileDumper().store(msgUnitWrapper);
                  log.warn(ME, "Dumped lost message to file " + fileName);
               else if (entry instanceof MsgQueueHistoryEntry) {
                  log.warning("History entry is lost: " + entry.toXml());
               else if (entry instanceof MsgQueueUpdateEntry) {
                  ReferenceEntry referenceEntry = (ReferenceEntry)entry;
                  if (referenceEntry.isDestroyed()) {
                     if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Ignoring detroyed callback message " + entry.getLogId());
                  else {
                     log.warning("Callback of message failed unrecoverably: " + entry.toXml());
               else {
                  log.severe("PANIC: Unrecoverable lost message " + entry.toXml());
            catch (Throwable th) {
               log.severe("PANIC: Unrecoverable lost message " + entry.toXml() + ": " + th.getMessage());

      return new String[0];

   public String publishDeadMessage(MsgUnit origMsgUnit, String text, String clientPropertyKey, SessionName receiver) throws XmlBlasterException {
      try {
         if (origMsgUnit.getKeyOid().equals(Constants.OID_DEAD_LETTER)) {  // Check for recursion of dead letters
            log.severe("PANIC: Recursive dead message is lost, no recovery possible - dumping to file not yet coded: " +
                         origMsgUnit.toXml() + ": " +
                         ((text != null) ? (": " + text) : "") );
            return origMsgUnit.getKeyOid();
         if (origMsgUnit.getQosData().getClientProperties().get(clientPropertyKey) != null) {  // Check for recursion of dead letters
            log.warning("Recursive message '" + clientPropertyKey + "' is error handled already (sent as dead letter), we ignore it.");
            return origMsgUnit.getKeyOid();
         origMsgUnit.getQosData().addClientProperty(clientPropertyKey, true); // Mark the original to avoid looping if failed client is the dead message listener
         PublishQos pubQos = new PublishQos(glob);
         origMsgUnit.getQosData().addClientProperty(clientPropertyKey, true); // Mark the original to avoid looping if failed client is the dead message listener
         PublishKey publishKey = new PublishKey(glob, Constants.OID_DEAD_LETTER);
         // null: use the content from origMsgUnit:
         pubQos.addClientProperty(Constants.CLIENTPROPERTY_DEADMSGKEY, origMsgUnit.getKey()); //"__key"
         pubQos.addClientProperty(Constants.CLIENTPROPERTY_DEADMSGQOS, origMsgUnit.getQos()); //"__qos"
         pubQos.addClientProperty(Constants.CLIENTPROPERTY_OID, origMsgUnit.getKeyOid()); //"__oid"
         pubQos.addClientProperty(Constants.CLIENTPROPERTY_RCVTIMESTAMP, origMsgUnit.getQosData().getRcvTimestamp()); //"__rcvTimestamp"
         pubQos.addClientProperty(Constants.CLIENTPROPERTY_DEADMSGREASON, text); //"__deadMessageReason"
         if (receiver != null)
            pubQos.addClientProperty(Constants.CLIENTPROPERTY_DEADMSGRECEIVER, receiver.getAbsoluteName());
         MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(origMsgUnit, publishKey.getData(), null, pubQos.getData());
         return publish(unsecureSessionInfo, msgUnit);
      catch(Throwable e) {
         log.severe("PANIC: " + origMsgUnit.getKeyOid() + " dead letter is lost, no recovery possible - dumping to file not yet coded: " + e.toString() + "\n" + origMsgUnit.toXml());
         return origMsgUnit.getKeyOid();

   public String publishDeadMessageRaw(SessionName sender, MsgUnitRaw origMsgUnit, String text, SessionName receiver) throws XmlBlasterException {
        try {
           if (origMsgUnit.getKey().indexOf(Constants.OID_DEAD_LETTER) != -1) {  // Check for recursion of dead letters
              log.severe("PANIC: Recursive dead message is lost, no recovery possible - dumping to file not yet coded: " +
                           origMsgUnit.toXml() + ": " +
                           ((text != null) ? (": " + text) : "") );
              return origMsgUnit.getKey();
           PublishQos pubQos = new PublishQos(glob);
           PublishKey publishKey = new PublishKey(glob, Constants.OID_DEAD_LETTER);
           pubQos.addClientProperty(Constants.CLIENTPROPERTY_DEADMSGKEY, origMsgUnit.getKey()); //"__key"
           String qos = origMsgUnit.getQos();
           if (qos != null && qos.indexOf("</sender>") == -1 && sender != null) {
             // If import has not yet added the sender:
             int end = qos.indexOf("</qos>");
             if (end != -1)
               qos = qos.substring(0, end) + "<sender>" + sender.getAbsoluteName() + "</sender>" + qos.substring(end);
           pubQos.addClientProperty(Constants.CLIENTPROPERTY_DEADMSGQOS, qos); //"__qos"
           pubQos.addClientProperty(Constants.CLIENTPROPERTY_DEADMSGREASON, text); //"__deadMessageReason"
           if (sender != null)
              pubQos.addClientProperty(Constants.CLIENTPROPERTY_DEADMSGSENDER, sender.getAbsoluteName());
           if (receiver != null)
              pubQos.addClientProperty(Constants.CLIENTPROPERTY_DEADMSGRECEIVER, receiver.getAbsoluteName());
           MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(publishKey, origMsgUnit.getContent(), pubQos);
           return publish(unsecureSessionInfo, msgUnit);
        catch(Throwable e) {
           log.severe("PANIC: " + origMsgUnit.getKey() + " dead letter is lost, no recovery possible - dumping to file not yet coded: " + e.toString() + "\n" + origMsgUnit.toXml());
           return origMsgUnit.getKey();

   public String subscribe(SessionInfo sessionInfo, QueryKeyData xmlKey, SubscribeQosServer subscribeQos) throws XmlBlasterException   {
      if (!sessionInfo.hasCallback()) {
         throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.USER_SUBSCRIBE_NOCALLBACK, ME, "You can't subscribe to '" + xmlKey.getOid() + "' without having a callback server");

      try {
         SubscriptionInfo.verifySubscriptionId(sessionInfo.getConnectQos().isClusterNode(), sessionInfo.getSessionName(), xmlKey, subscribeQos);

         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering subscribe(oid='" + xmlKey.getOid() + "', queryType='" + xmlKey.getQueryType() + "', query='" + xmlKey.getQueryString() + "', domain='" + xmlKey.getDomain() + "') from client '" + sessionInfo.getId() + "' ...");
         String returnOid = "";

         if (subscribeQos.getMultiSubscribe() == false) {
            Vector vec =  clientSubscriptions.getSubscription(sessionInfo, xmlKey);
            if (vec != null && vec.size() > 0) {
               for (int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++) {
                  SubscriptionInfo sub = (SubscriptionInfo)vec.elementAt(i);
     "Ignoring duplicate subscription '" +
                       ((xmlKey.getOid()==null)?((xmlKey.getDomain()==null)?xmlKey.getQueryString():xmlKey.getDomain()):xmlKey.getOid()) +
                        "' as you have set multiSubscribe to false");
               StatusQosData qos = new StatusQosData(glob, MethodName.SUBSCRIBE);
               SubscriptionInfo i = (SubscriptionInfo)vec.elementAt(0);
               return qos.toXml();

         SubscriptionInfo subsQuery = null;
         if (xmlKey.isQuery()) { // fires event for query subscription, this needs to be remembered for a match check of future published messages
         // if (true) { // fires event for query subscription, this needs to be remembered for a match check of future published messages
            subsQuery = new SubscriptionInfo(glob, sessionInfo, xmlKey, subscribeQos);
            returnOid = subsQuery.getSubscriptionId(); // XPath query

         KeyData[] keyDataArr = queryMatchingKeys(sessionInfo, xmlKey, subscribeQos.getData());

         for (int jj=0; jj<keyDataArr.length; jj++) {
            KeyData xmlKeyExact = keyDataArr[jj];
            if (xmlKeyExact == null && xmlKey.isExact()) // subscription on a yet unknown topic ...
               xmlKeyExact = xmlKey;
            else if (xmlKeyExact != null && xmlKey.isDomain()) {
            SubscriptionInfo subs = null;
            if (sessionInfo.getConnectQos().duplicateUpdates() == false) {
               Vector vec =  clientSubscriptions.getSubscriptionByOid(sessionInfo, xmlKeyExact.getOid(), true);
               if (vec != null) {
                  if (vec.size() > 0) {
                     subs = (SubscriptionInfo)vec.firstElement();
                     if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Session '" + sessionInfo.getId() +
                                    "', topic '" + xmlKeyExact.getOid() + "' is subscribed " +
                                    vec.size() + " times with duplicateUpdates==false");
                  if (vec.size() > 1)
                     log.severe("Internal problem for session '" + sessionInfo.getId() + "', message '" + xmlKeyExact.getOid() + "' is subscribed " + vec.size() + " times but duplicateUpdates==false!");

            if (subs == null) {
               if (subsQuery != null) {
                  subs = new SubscriptionInfo(glob, sessionInfo, subsQuery, xmlKeyExact);
                  subs = new SubscriptionInfo(glob, sessionInfo, xmlKeyExact, subscribeQos);

            subscribeToOid(subs, false); // fires event for subscription

            if (returnOid.equals("")) returnOid = subs.getSubscriptionId();

         StatusQosData qos = null;
         if (this.glob.isClusterManagerReady()) { // cluster support - forward message to master
            try {
               subscribeQos.setSubscriptionId(returnOid); // force the same subscriptionId on all cluster nodes
               SubscribeReturnQos ret = glob.getClusterManager().forwardSubscribe(sessionInfo, xmlKey, subscribeQos);
               if (ret != null)
                  qos = ret.getData();
               //if (ret != null) return ret.toXml();
            catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
               if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_PLUGINFAILED) {
               else {
                  throw e;

         if (qos == null || qos.getSubscriptionId() == null ||  qos.getSubscriptionId().length() < 1) {
            // The cluster subId is unique in another cluster node as well e.g.: "__subId:heron-2"
            if (qos == null) qos = new StatusQosData(glob, MethodName.SUBSCRIBE);
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Leaving subscribe(oid='" + xmlKey.getOid() + "', queryType='" + xmlKey.getQueryType() +
                                          "', query='" + xmlKey.getQueryString() + "', domain='" + xmlKey.getDomain() + "') from client '" +
                                          sessionInfo.getId() + "' -> subscriptionId='" + qos.getSubscriptionId() + "'");
         return qos.toXml();
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         throw e;
      catch (Throwable e) {
         throw XmlBlasterException.convert(glob, ME, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_SUBSCRIBE.toString(), e);

    * Invoked by a client, to access one/many MsgUnit.
    * <p />
    * Synchronous read-access method.
    * <p />
    * In the cluster environment all messages are accessed from the master cluster node,
    * tuning with XmlBlasterAccess.synchronousCache is not yet implemented.
    * @param xmlKey  Key allowing XPath or exact selection<br>
    *                See XmlKey.dtd for a description
    * @param getQos  Quality of Service, flags to control subscription<br>
    *                See XmlQoS.dtd for a description, XmlQoS.xml for examples<p />
    * @return A sequence of 0 - n MsgUnit structs. 0 if no message matched.
    *         They are clones from the internal messageUnit, so native clients can manipulate
    *         them without danger
    * @exception XmlBlasterException on internal errors
    * @see org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.GetQos
    * @see <a href="">The interface.get requirement</a>
   public MsgUnit[] get(SessionInfo sessionInfo, QueryKeyData xmlKey, GetQosServer getQos) throws XmlBlasterException
      try {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering get(oid='" + xmlKey.getOid() + "', queryType='" + xmlKey.getQueryType() + "', query='" + xmlKey.getQueryString() + "') from client '" + sessionInfo.getId() + " ...");

         if ("__refresh".equals(xmlKey.getOid())) {
            return new MsgUnit[0]; // get() with oid="__refresh" do only refresh the login session

         if (xmlKey.isRemoteProperties()) { // "__sys__remoteProperties"
            // Example usage
            //java javaclients.HelloWorldPublish -oid __sys__remoteProperties -connect/qos/clientProperty[__remoteProperties] true -connect/qos/clientProperty[myProperty] AAAAAA OTHER/1
            //java javaclients.HelloWorldGet -clientProperty[__sessionName] OTHER/1 -oid __sys__remoteProperties
            String sessionName = getQos.getData().getClientProperty("__sessionName", (String)null);
            SessionInfo otherSessionInfo = (sessionName == null) ? sessionInfo : getAuthenticate().getSessionInfo(new SessionName(glob, sessionName));
            if (otherSessionInfo == null) {
              log.warning(xmlKey.getOid() + " failed, sessionName not known: " + sessionName);
              return new MsgUnit[0];
            //if (sessionName != null) getQos.getData().getClientProperties().remove("__sessionName");
            String prefix = getQos.getData().getClientProperty("__prefix", (String)null);
            //if (prefix != null) publishQos.getData().getClientProperties().remove("__prefix");
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Get " + xmlKey.getOid() + " prefix=" + prefix + " on session=" + otherSessionInfo.getSessionName().getRelativeName());
            ClientProperty[] props = otherSessionInfo.getRemotePropertyArr();
            GetReturnQosServer retQos = new GetReturnQosServer(glob, null, null);
            for (int i=0; i<props.length; i++)
               retQos.getData().getClientProperties().put(props[i].getName(), props[i]);
            MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr = new MsgUnit[1];
            GetKey gk = new GetKey(glob, xmlKey.getOid());
            msgUnitArr[0] = new MsgUnit(gk.getData(), new byte[0], retQos.getData());
            return msgUnitArr;

         if (xmlKey.isAdministrative()) {
            if (!glob.supportAdministrative())
               throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.RESOURCE_ADMIN_UNAVAILABLE, ME, "Sorry administrative get() is not available, try to configure xmlBlaster.");
            MsgUnit[] raw = glob.getMomClientGateway().getCommand(sessionInfo, xmlKey, getQos.getData());
            if (getQos.getWantContent())  return raw;

            MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr = new MsgUnit[raw.length];
            for(int i=0; i<raw.length; i++) {
               // byte[] cont = (getQos.getWantContent()) ? raw[i].getContent() : new byte[0];
               // msgUnitArr[i] = new MsgUnit(key, cont, raw[i].getQos());
               msgUnitArr[i] = new MsgUnit(raw[i], null, new byte[0], null);
            return msgUnitArr;

         if (Constants.JDBC_OID.equals(xmlKey.getOid()/*"__sys__jdbc"*/)) { // Query RDBMS !!! hack, we need a general service interface
            org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.XmlDBAdapter adap = new org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.XmlDBAdapter(glob,
                        xmlKey.getQueryString().getBytes(), (org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.NamedConnectionPool)this.glob.getObjectEntry("NamedConnectionPool-"+glob.getId()));
            return adap.query();

         KeyData[] keyDataArr = queryMatchingKeys(sessionInfo, xmlKey, getQos.getData());
         ArrayList msgUnitList = new ArrayList(keyDataArr.length);

         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("get(): " + ((keyDataArr!=null&&keyDataArr.length>0&&keyDataArr[0]!=null)?"Found local match "+keyDataArr[0].toXml():"No local match"));

         // Always forward the get request to the master
         // even if there are no matching keys
         // In the cluster environment all messages are accessed from the master cluster node,
         // tuning with XmlBlasterAccess.synchronousCache is not yet implemented.
         if (this.glob.isClusterManagerReady()) { // cluster support - forward erase to master
           try {
               MsgUnit tmp[] = glob.getClusterManager().forwardGet(sessionInfo, xmlKey, getQos);
               if (tmp != null && tmp.length > 0) {
         "get() access of " + tmp.length + " messages from cluster master");
                   for (int jj=0; jj<tmp.length; jj++) {
                       // We currently don' cache the message here in the slave !!!
                       // We could do it with the xmlBlasterConnection.initCache(int size)
           catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
               if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_PLUGINFAILED) {
               else {
                   throw e;
           if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("get(): Found " + msgUnitList.size() + " remote matches for " + xmlKey.toXml());

         NEXT_MSG: for (int ii=0; ii<keyDataArr.length; ii++) {
            KeyData xmlKeyExact = keyDataArr[ii];
            if (xmlKeyExact == null && xmlKey.isExact()) // subscription on a yet unknown message ...
               xmlKeyExact = xmlKey;

            TopicHandler topicHandler = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().access(xmlKeyExact.getOid());

            if( topicHandler == null ) {
               if (this.glob.useCluster()) { // cluster support - forward erase to master
                  try {
                     MsgUnit tmp[] = glob.getClusterManager().forwardGet(sessionInfo, xmlKey, getQos);
                     if (tmp != null && tmp.length > 0) {
              , "get() access of " + tmp.length + " messages from cluster master");
                        for (int jj=0; jj<tmp.length; jj++) {
                           // We currently don' cache the message here in the slave !!!
                           // We could do it with the xmlBlasterConnection.initCache(int size)
                        continue NEXT_MSG;
                  catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
                     if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_PLUGINFAILED) {
                     else {
                        throw e;
               if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("get(): The key '"+xmlKeyExact.getOid()+"' is not available.");
               continue NEXT_MSG;

            } // topicHandler==null

            try {
               if (topicHandler.isAlive()) {

                  int numEntries = getQos.getHistoryQos().getNumEntries();
                  MsgUnitWrapper[] msgUnitWrapperArr = topicHandler.getMsgUnitWrapperArr(numEntries, getQos.getHistoryQos().getNewestFirst());

                  for(int kk=0; kk<msgUnitWrapperArr.length; kk++) {

                     MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper = msgUnitWrapperArr[kk];
                     if (msgUnitWrapper == null) {
                        continue NEXT_HISTORY;

                     if (this.glob.useCluster() && !msgUnitWrapper.getMsgQosData().isAtMaster()) {
                        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("get(): Ignore message as we are not the master: " + msgUnitWrapper.toXml());
                        continue NEXT_HISTORY;

                     //topicHandler.checkFilter(SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo, SubscriptionInfo sub, MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper, boolean handleException)
                     AccessFilterQos[] filterQos = getQos.getAccessFilterArr();
                     if (filterQos != null) {
                        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Checking " + filterQos.length + " filters");
                        for (int jj=0; jj<filterQos.length; jj++) {
                           I_AccessFilter filter = getAccessPluginManager().getAccessFilter(
                           if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("get("+xmlKeyExact.getOid()+") filter=" + filter + " qos=" + getQos.toXml());
                           if (filter != null && filter.match(sessionInfo,
                                                        filterQos[jj].getQuery()) == false)
                              continue NEXT_HISTORY; // filtered message is not send to client

                     if (msgUnitWrapper.isExpired()) {
                        continue NEXT_HISTORY;

                     MsgUnit mm = msgUnitWrapper.getMsgUnit();
                     if (mm == null) {
                        continue NEXT_HISTORY; // WeakReference to cache lost and lookup failed

                     GetReturnQosServer retQos = new GetReturnQosServer(glob, msgUnitWrapper.getMsgQosData(), Constants.STATE_OK);
                     byte[] cont = (getQos.getWantContent()) ? mm.getContent() : new byte[0];
                     mm = new MsgUnit(mm, null, cont, retQos.getData());

                  } // for each history entry

               } // topicHandler.isAlive()
            finally {

         MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr = (MsgUnit[])msgUnitList.toArray(new MsgUnit[msgUnitList.size()]);
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Returning for get() " + msgUnitArr.length + " messages");
         return msgUnitArr;
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         throw e;
      catch (Throwable e) {
         throw XmlBlasterException.convert(glob, ME, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_GET.toString(), e);

   public void updateInternalUserList() throws XmlBlasterException {
      // "__sys__UserList";
      if (this.publishUserList && this.state == ALIVE) {
         // Create QoS with new timestamp
         PublishQosServer publishQosUserListEvent = new PublishQosServer(glob, this.publishQosForEvents.getData().toXml(), false);
         MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(this.xmlKeyUserListEvent,
                                 this.authenticate.getSubjectList().getBytes(), //content.getBytes(),
         publish(this.unsecureSessionInfo, msgUnit);
         publishQosUserListEvent.getData().setTopicProperty(null); // only the first publish needs to configure the topic
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Refreshed internal state for '" + this.xmlKeyUserListEvent.getOid() + "'");

    * This method does the query (queryType = "XPATH" | "EXACT").
    * @param clientName is only needed for nicer logging output
    * @return Array of matching XmlKey objects (may contain null elements), the array is never null
    * TODO: a query Handler, allowing drivers for REGEX, XPath, SQL, etc. queries
    * @return The array is never null, but it may contain a null element at index 0 if the oid is yet unknown
   private KeyData[] queryMatchingKeys(SessionInfo sessionInfo, QueryKeyData queryKeyData, QueryQosData qosthrows XmlBlasterException
      String clientName = sessionInfo.toString();

      if (queryKeyData.isQuery()) { // query: subscription without a given oid
         ArrayList oidList = bigXmlKeyDOM.parseKeyOid(sessionInfo, queryKeyData.getQueryString(), qos);
         ArrayList strippedList = new ArrayList();
         for(int i=0; i<oidList.size(); i++) {
            TopicHandler topicHandler = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().access((String)oidList.get(i));
            if (topicHandler != null) {
               try {
                  KeyData keyData = topicHandler.getMsgKeyData();
                  if (keyData != null) {
               finally {
         return (KeyData[])strippedList.toArray(new KeyData[strippedList.size()]);

      else if (queryKeyData.isExact()) { // subscription with a given oid
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Access Client " + clientName + " with EXACT oid='" + queryKeyData.getOid() + "'");
         TopicHandler topicHandler = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().access(queryKeyData.getOid());
         if (topicHandler == null) {
            return new KeyData[] { null }; // add arr[0]=null as a place holder
         try {
            if (topicHandler.getMsgKeyData() == null) {
               return new KeyData[] { null }; // add arr[0]=null as a place holder
            // return new KeyData[] { topicHandler.getMsgKeyData() };
            return new KeyData[] { queryKeyData };
         finally {

      else if (queryKeyData.isDomain()) { // a domain attribute is given
         String domain = queryKeyData.getDomain();
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Access Client " + clientName + " with DOMAIN domain='" + domain + "'");
         if (domain == null) {
            log.warning("The DOMAIN query has a domain=null, no topics found");
            return new KeyData[0];
         String[] oids = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().getTopics();
         ArrayList strippedList = new ArrayList();
         for(int i=0; i<oids.length; i++) {
            TopicHandler topicHandler = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().access(oids[i]);
            if (topicHandler != null) {
               try {
                  if (topicHandler.getMsgKeyData() != null &&
               finally {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Found " + strippedList.size() + " domain matches for '" + domain + "'");
         return (KeyData[])strippedList.toArray(new KeyData[strippedList.size()]);

      else {
         log.warning("Sorry, can't access, query syntax is unknown: " + queryKeyData.getQueryType());
         throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.USER_QUERY_TYPE_INVALID, ME, "Sorry, can't access, query syntax is unknown: " + queryKeyData.getQueryType());

    * This method does the query (queryType = "XPATH" | "EXACT").
    * @param clientName is only needed for nicer logging output
    * @return Array of matching XmlKey objects (may contain null elements), the array is never null
    * TODO: a query Handler, allowing drivers for REGEX, XPath, SQL, etc. queries
    * @return The array is never null, but it may contain a null element at index 0 if the oid is yet unknown
   private String[] queryMatchingTopics(SessionInfo sessionInfo, QueryKeyData queryKeyData, QueryQosData qosthrows XmlBlasterException
      String clientName = sessionInfo.toString();

      if (queryKeyData.isQuery()) { // query: subscription without a given oid
         ArrayList oidList = bigXmlKeyDOM.parseKeyOid(sessionInfo, queryKeyData.getQueryString(), qos);
         return (String[])oidList.toArray(new String[oidList.size()]);

      else if (queryKeyData.isExact()) { // subscription with a given oid
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Access Client " + clientName + " with EXACT oid='" + queryKeyData.getOid() + "'");
         return new String[] { queryKeyData.getOid() };

      else if (queryKeyData.isDomain()) { // a domain attribute is given
         String domain = queryKeyData.getDomain();
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Access Client " + clientName + " with DOMAIN domain='" + domain + "'");
         if (domain == null) {
            log.warning("The DOMAIN query has a domain=null, no topics found");
            return new String[0];
         String[] oids = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().getTopics();
         ArrayList strippedList = new ArrayList();
         for(int i=0; i<oids.length; i++) {
            TopicHandler topicHandler = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().access(oids[i]);
            if (topicHandler != null) {
               try {
                  if (domain.equals(topicHandler.getMsgKeyData().getDomain()))
               finally {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Found " + strippedList.size() + " domain matches for '" + domain + "'");
         return (String[])strippedList.toArray(new String[strippedList.size()]);

      else {
         log.warning("Sorry, can't access, query syntax is unknown: " + queryKeyData.getQueryType());
         throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.USER_QUERY_TYPE_INVALID, ME, "Sorry, can't access, query syntax is unknown: " + queryKeyData.getQueryType());

    * Make the topicHandler persistent for crash recovery and shutdown/startup cycle.
    * @return Number of new entries added: 0 if entry existed, 1 if new entry added
   public final int addPersistentTopicHandler(TopicEntry topicEntry) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (this.topicStore != null) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Persisting topicEntry");
         return this.topicStore.put(topicEntry);
      return 0;

    * Remove the persistent TopicHandler entry.
    * @return the number of elements erased.
   public final int removePersistentTopicHandler(TopicEntry topicEntry) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (this.topicStore != null) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Removing persisting topicEntry");
         return this.topicStore.remove(topicEntry);
      return 0;

    * Remove the persistent TopicHandler entry.
    * @return the number of elements erased.
   public final int changePersistentTopicHandler(TopicEntry topicEntry) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (this.topicStore != null) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Changing persisting topicEntry");
         this.topicStore.change(topicEntry, null);
      return 0;

    * Low level subscribe, is called when the <key oid='...' queryType='EXACT'> to subscribe is exactly known.
    * <p>
    * If the message is yet unknown, an empty is created to hold the subscription.
    * @param subs
    * @param calleeIsXPathMatchCheck true The calling thread is internally to check if a Query matches a new published topic
    *        false The callee is a subscribe() thread from a client
   private void subscribeToOid(SubscriptionInfo subs, boolean calleeIsXPathMatchCheck) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering subscribeToOid(subId="+subs.getSubscriptionId()+", oid="+subs.getKeyData().getOid()+", queryType="+subs.getKeyData().getQueryType()+") ...");
      String uniqueKey = subs.getKeyData().getOid();
      SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo = null; // subs.getSessionInfo() is the wrong one
      TopicHandler topicHandler = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().findOrCreate(publisherSessionInfo, uniqueKey);
      try {

         fireSubscribeEvent(subs)// inform all listeners about this new subscription

         // Now the MsgUnit exists and all subcription handling is done, subscribe to it -> fires update to client
         topicHandler.addSubscriber(subs, calleeIsXPathMatchCheck);
      finally {

    * This method returns the unprotected Authenticate object.
    * @param secretSessionId the secret Session Id of the invoker.
    * TODO in future an authorization operation shall be performed here
    * @return
   public Authenticate getAuthenticate(String secretSessionId) {
      return this.authenticate;

    * Incoming unsubscribe request from a client.
    * <p />
    * If you have subscribed before, you can cancel your
    * subscription with this method again
    * @param sessionInfo
    * @param xmlKey    Key with the oid to unSubscribe<br>
    *                  See XmlKey.dtd for a description<br>
    *                  If you subscribed with XPath, you need to pass the id you got from your subscription
    * @param qos       Quality of Service, flags to control unsubscription<br>
    *                  See XmlQoS.dtd for a description
    *         Example (note that the qos are not yet fully implemented):<p />
    * <pre>
    *    &lt;qos>
    *       &lt;notify>false</notify>     &lt;!-- The subscribers shall not be notified when this message is destroyed -->
    *    &lt;/qos>
    * </pre>
    * @return An array of canceled subscriptions e.g.
    * <pre>
    *   &lt;qos>
    *      &lt;subscribe id='__subId:2'/>
    *      &lt;isUnSubscribe/>
    *   &lt;/qos>
    * </pre>
   public String[] unSubscribe(SessionInfo sessionInfo, QueryKeyData xmlKey, UnSubscribeQosServer unSubscribeQos) throws XmlBlasterException
      try {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering unSubscribe(oid='" + xmlKey.getOid() + "', queryType='" + xmlKey.getQueryType() + "', query='" + xmlKey.getQueryString() + "', domain='" + xmlKey.getDomain() + "') ...");

         if (this.glob.isClusterManagerReady()) { // cluster support - forward message to master
            try {
               UnSubscribeReturnQos[] ret = glob.getClusterManager().forwardUnSubscribe(sessionInfo, xmlKey, unSubscribeQos);
               if (ret != null) {
        "unSubscribe of '" + xmlKey.getNiceString() + "' matched " + ret.length + " entries in remote cluster");
                  // Currently we only return the local matched subscriptions,
                  // we need to discuss how they can differ from the remote cluster
                  // unSubscribes ...
            catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
               if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_PLUGINFAILED) {
                  log.warning("unSubscribe of '" + xmlKey.getNiceString() + "' entries in remote cluster: " + e.getMessage());
               else {
                  log.warning("unSubscribe of '" + xmlKey.getNiceString() + "' in remote cluster: " + e.getMessage());
                  throw e;
         else {
            if (this.glob.useCluster())
               log.warning("unSubscribe not forwarded to cluster as ClusterManager is not ready");

         Set subscriptionIdSet = new HashSet();

         String id = xmlKey.getOid();

         if (SubscriptionInfo.isSubscribeId(id)) {
            SubscriptionInfo subs = clientSubscriptions.getSubscription(sessionInfo, xmlKey.getOid());
            if (subs != null) {
               SubscriptionInfo[] childs = subs.getChildrenSubscriptions();
               if (childs != null) {
                  if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("unSubscribe() Traversing " + childs.length + " childs");
                  for (int ii=0; ii<childs.length; ii++) {
                     SubscriptionInfo so = childs[ii];
                     so = null;
               subs = null;
            else {
               log.warning("UnSubscribe of " + xmlKey.getOid() + " by session " + sessionInfo.getId() + " failed");
               if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest(toXml());
         else { // Try to unSubscribe with topic oid instead of subscribe id:
            String suppliedXmlKey = xmlKey.getOid(); // remember supplied oid, another oid may be generated later

            String[] oids = queryMatchingTopics(sessionInfo, xmlKey, unSubscribeQos.getData());
            //Set oidSet = new HashSet(topicHandlerArr.length);  // for return values (TODO: change to TreeSet to maintain order)
            for (int ii=0; ii<oids.length; ii++) {
               TopicHandler topicHandler = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().access(oids[ii]);
               if (topicHandler == null) { // unSubscribe on a unknown message ...
                  log.warning("UnSubscribe on unknown topic "+oids[ii]+" from passed [" + xmlKey.getOid() + "] is ignored");
               SubscriptionInfo[] subs;
               try {
                  subs = topicHandler.findSubscriber(sessionInfo);
               finally { // extend lock to cover fireUnSubscribeEvent?
               for (int jj=0; jj<subs.length; jj++) {
                  SubscriptionInfo sub = subs[jj];
                  if (sub != null) {
                     log.warning("UnSubscribe of " + oids[ii] + " by session " + sessionInfo.getId() + " failed");

            if (oids.length < 1) {
               log.warning("Can't access subscription, unSubscribe failed, your supplied key oid '" + suppliedXmlKey + "' is invalid");
               throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.USER_OID_UNKNOWN, ME, "Can't access subscription, unSubscribe failed, your supplied key oid '" + suppliedXmlKey + "' is invalid");

         // Build the return values ...
         String[] oidArr = new String[subscriptionIdSet.size()];
         StatusQosData qos = new StatusQosData(glob, MethodName.UNSUBSCRIBE);
         Iterator it = subscriptionIdSet.iterator();
         int ii = 0;
         while (it.hasNext()) {
            oidArr[ii++] = qos.toXml();
         return oidArr;
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         throw e;
      catch (Throwable e) {
         throw XmlBlasterException.convert(glob, ME, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNSUBSCRIBE.toString(), e);

    * Used for cluster internal updates.
   public final String update(SessionInfo sessionInfo, UpdateKey updateKey, byte[] content, MsgQosData msgQosData) throws XmlBlasterException
      if (msgQosData.isErased()) {
         String eraseKey = msgQosData.getClientProperty("__eraseKey", updateKey.toXml());
         QueryKeyData key = glob.getQueryKeyFactory().readObject(eraseKey);
         String eraseQos = msgQosData.getClientProperty("__eraseQos", "<qos/>");
         EraseQosServer qos = new EraseQosServer(glob, eraseQos);
         String[] ret = erase(sessionInfo, key, qos, true);
         if (ret != null && ret.length > 0)
            return ret[0];
            return "<qos/>";
      else {
         PublishQosServer qos = new PublishQosServer(glob, msgQosData);
         // Since xmlBlaster 1.6: We need to serialize and replace the original Global with ServerScope
         MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(glob, updateKey.getData().toXml(), content, qos.getData().toXml());
         //MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(updateKey.getData(), content, qos.getData());
         return publish(sessionInfo, msgUnit, true);

    * Internal publishing helper.
   public final String publish(SessionInfo sessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit) throws XmlBlasterException {
      return publish(sessionInfo, msgUnit, false);

   private final String publish(SessionInfo sessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, boolean isClusterUpdate) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (!msgUnit.getGlobal().isServerSide()) {
         // Since xmlBlaster 1.6.1: We need to serialize and replace the original Global with ServerScope
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("publish call with client side Global, converting now to ServerScope: " + Global.getStackTraceAsString(null));
         msgUnit = new MsgUnit(glob, msgUnit.getMsgUnitRaw(), msgUnit.getMethodName());

      PublishQosServer publishQosServer = new PublishQosServer(glob, msgUnit.getQosData());
      return publish(sessionInfo, msgUnit, publishQosServer);

    * Write-Access method to publish a new message from a data source.
    * <p />
    * There are two MoM styles supported:
    * <p />
    * <ul>
    * <li>PubSub style:<br />
    * If MsgUnit is created from subscribe or the MsgUnit is new, we need to add the
    * DOM here once; XmlKey takes care of that</li>
    * <li>PTP style:<br />
    * Send message directly to all destinations, ignore if same message is known from Pub/Sub style</li>
    * </ul>
    * <p />
    * This triggers the method update() if observed by somebody
    * <p />
    * If the given key oid doesn't exist, it will be automatically added, <br>
    * so this covers the SQL'ish INSERT and UPDATE.
    * <p />
    * If MsgUnit is created from subscribe or MsgUnit is new, the key meta
    * data are added to the big DOM tree once (XmlKey takes care of that).
    * <p />
    * See <a href="">xmlBlaster.idl</a>,
    * the CORBA access interface on how clients can access xmlBlaster.
    * <p />
    * TODO: Allow XML formatted returns which exactly match the update() return syntax (for clustering
    * @param sessionInfo  The SessionInfo object, describing the publishing client
    * @param msgUnit The MsgUnit struct
    * @param isClusterUpdate true if it is a update() callback message from another cluster node
    * @return String with the XML encoded key oid of the msgUnit<br />
    *         If you let the oid be generated, you need this information
    *         for further publishing to the same MsgUnit<br />
    *         Rejected Messages will contain a string with state id!=OK
    * @see <a href="">The interface.publish requirement</a>
   private final String publish(SessionInfo sessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, PublishQosServer publishQos) throws XmlBlasterException
      try {
         if (msgUnit == null) {
            log.severe("The arguments of method publish() are invalid (null)");
            throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.USER_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME, "The arguments of method publish() are invalid (null)");

         MsgKeyData msgKeyData = (MsgKeyData)msgUnit.getKeyData();

         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering " + (publishQos.isClusterUpdate()?"cluster update message ":"") + "publish(oid='" + msgKeyData.getOid() + "', contentMime='" + msgKeyData.getContentMime() + "', contentMimeExtended='" + msgKeyData.getContentMimeExtended() + "' domain='" + msgKeyData.getDomain() + "' from client '" + sessionInfo.getId() + "' ...");
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest("Receiving " + (publishQos.isClusterUpdate()?"cluster update ":"") + " message in publish()\n" + msgUnit.toXml("",80, true) + "\n" + publishQos.toXml() + "\nfrom\n" + sessionInfo.toXml());

         PublishReturnQos publishReturnQos = null;

         if (! publishQos.isFromPersistenceStore()) {

            if (publishQos.getSender() == null) // In cluster routing don't overwrite the original sender

            if (!myselfLoginName.getLoginName().equals(sessionInfo.getSessionName().getLoginName())) {
               // TODO: allow for cluster internal messages?
               // TODO: what about different sessions of myselfLoginName?
               int hopCount = publishQos.count(glob.getNodeId());
               if (hopCount > 0) {
                  String text = "Warning, message oid='" + msgKeyData.getOid()
                     + "' passed my node id='" + glob.getId() + "' " + hopCount + " times before, we have a circular routing problem " +
                     " mySelf=" + myselfLoginName.getAbsoluteName() + " sessionName=" +
                  if (publishQos.isPtp() && publishQos.getDestinationArr().length > 0) {
                     text += ", does the destination cluster node '" + publishQos.getDestinationArr()[0].getDestination() + "' exist?";
                  throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.RESOURCE_CLUSTER_CIRCULARLOOP, ME, text + " Your QoS:" + publishQos.toXml(""));
               int stratum = -1; // not known yet, addRouteInfo() sets my stratum to one closer to the master,
                                 // this needs to be checked here as soon as we know which stratum we are!!!
               publishQos.addRouteInfo(new RouteInfo(glob.getNodeId(), stratum, publishQos.getRcvTimestamp()));


         if (msgKeyData.isAdministrative()) {
            if (!glob.supportAdministrative())
               throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.RESOURCE_ADMIN_UNAVAILABLE, ME, "Sorry administrative publish() is not available, try to configure xmlBlaster.");
            return glob.getMomClientGateway().setCommand(sessionInfo, msgKeyData, msgUnit, publishQos, publishQos.isClusterUpdate());

         if (msgKeyData.isRemoteProperties()) { // "__sys__remoteProperties"
            // Create a remote property on connect and delete again on publish:
            // java javaclients.HelloWorldPublish -oid __sys__remoteProperties
            // -connect/qos/clientProperty[__remoteProperties] true -connect/qos/clientProperty[myProperty] 1234
            // -content clear
            String str = msgUnit.getContentStr().trim();
            // clear sessionName="" prefix=""
          String[] cmdArr = ReplaceVariable.toArray(str, " ");
          String command = (cmdArr.length > 0) ? cmdArr[0] : "";
          boolean isForOtherClusterNode = false;
            SessionName otherSessionName = publishQos.getFirstDestination();
          // __sessionName is deprecated, pls use PtP destination to name the session for remoteProperty changes
            String __sessionNameStr = publishQos.getData().getClientProperty("__sessionName", (String)null);
            if (__sessionNameStr != null) {
                otherSessionName = new SessionName(glob, __sessionNameStr);
            if (glob.useCluster() && otherSessionName != null && otherSessionName.getNodeId() != null && !glob.getNodeId().equals(otherSessionName.getNodeId())) {
               isForOtherClusterNode = true; // TODO: Create a PtP destination which routes to node
            if (!isForOtherClusterNode) {
               SessionInfo otherSessionInfo = (otherSessionName == null) ? sessionInfo : getAuthenticate().getSessionInfo(otherSessionName);
               if (otherSessionInfo == null) {
                  if ("clearLastError".equals(command) || "clearLastWarning".equals(command)) {
                     otherSessionInfo = sessionInfo; // global action, just use the login sessionInf
                  else {
                     log.warning(msgKeyData.getOid() + " failed, sessionName not known: " + (otherSessionName == null ? "" : otherSessionName.getAbsoluteName()));
                     return Constants.RET_WARN;
               if (__sessionNameStr != null) publishQos.getData().getClientProperties().remove("__sessionName");
               String prefix = publishQos.getData().getClientProperty("__prefix", (String)null);
               if (prefix != null) publishQos.getData().getClientProperties().remove("__prefix");
               if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Processing " + msgKeyData.getOid() + " command=" + str + " on session=" + otherSessionInfo.getSessionName().getRelativeName());
               if ("set".equals(command)) {
               else if ("clearLastError".equals(command)) {
               else if ("clearLastWarning".equals(command)) {
               else if ("clear".equals(command)) {
               else // "merge"
               I_RemotePropertiesListener[] arr = getRemotePropertiesListenerArr();
               for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
                  arr[i].update(otherSessionInfo, publishQos.getData().getClientProperties());
               return Constants.RET_OK;

         if (msgKeyData.isRunlevelManager()) { // __sys__RunlevelManager
            return this.glob.getRunlevelManager().publish(sessionInfo, msgUnit, publishQos);

         // Check if a publish filter is installed and if so invoke it ...
         if (getPublishPluginManager().hasPlugins() && !publishQos.isClusterUpdate()) {
            Map mimePlugins = getPublishPluginManager().findMimePlugins(msgKeyData.getContentMime(),msgKeyData.getContentMimeExtended());
            if (mimePlugins != null) {
               Iterator iterator = mimePlugins.values().iterator();
               while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                  I_PublishFilter plugin = (I_PublishFilter);
                  if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Message " + msgKeyData.getOid() + " is forwarded to publish plugin");
                  String ret = plugin.intercept(sessionInfo.getSubjectInfo(), msgUnit);
                  if (ret == null || ret.length() == 0 || ret.equals(Constants.STATE_OK))
                  else {
                     if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Message " + msgKeyData.getOid() + " is rejected by PublishPlugin");
                     return "<qos><state id='" + ret + "'/></qos>"// Message is rejected by PublishPlugin

         // cluster support - forward pubSub message to master ...
         if (this.glob.useCluster()) {
            if (!publishQos.isClusterUpdate()) { // updates from other nodes are arriving here in publish as well
               //if (!glob.getClusterManager().isReady())
               //   glob.getClusterManager().blockUntilReady();
               if (this.glob.isClusterManagerReady()) {
                  if (publishQos.isPtp()) {  // is PtP message, see req cluster.ptp
                     Destination[] destinationArr = publishQos.getDestinationArr(); // !!! add XPath client query here !!!
                     for (int ii = 0; ii<destinationArr.length; ii++) {
                        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Working on PtP message for destination [" + destinationArr[ii].getDestination() + "]");
                        publishReturnQos = forwardPtpPublish(sessionInfo, msgUnit, publishQos.isClusterUpdate(), destinationArr[ii]);
                        if (publishReturnQos != null) {
                           if (destinationArr.length > 1) {
                              // TODO: cluster forwarding with multiple destinations:
                              String txt = "Messages with more than one destinations in a cluster environment is not implemented, only destination '" + destinationArr[ii].toXml() + "' of '" + msgUnit.getLogId() + "' was delivered";
                              throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_NOTIMPLEMENTED, ME, txt);
                           I_Checkpoint cp = glob.getCheckpointPlugin();
                           if (cp != null)
                              cp.passingBy(I_Checkpoint.CP_PUBLISH_ACK, msgUnit, null, null);
                           return publishReturnQos.toXml();
                        if (publishReturnQos != null) {
                           // Message was forwarded. TODO: How to return multiple publishReturnQos from multiple destinations? !!!
                           BUGGY: We need to take a clone to not remove the destination of the sent message
                     if (publishQos.getNumDestinations() == 0) { // we are done, all messages where forwarded
                        return publishReturnQos.toXml();
                  // Publish/Subscribe mode (or if PtP had no result)
                  else { // if (publishQos.isSubscribable()) {
                     try {
                        PublishRetQosWrapper ret = glob.getClusterManager().forwardPublish(sessionInfo, msgUnit);
                        if (ret != null) { // Message was forwarded to master cluster
                            I_Checkpoint cp = glob.getCheckpointPlugin();
                            if (cp != null)
                               cp.passingBy(I_Checkpoint.CP_PUBLISH_ACK, msgUnit, null, null);
                           publishReturnQos = ret.getPublishReturnQos();
                           if (ret.getNodeMasterInfo().isDirtyRead() == false) {
                              if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Message " + msgKeyData.getOid() + " forwarded to master " + ret.getNodeMasterInfo().getId() + ", dirtyRead==false nothing more to do");
                              return publishReturnQos.toXml();
                           // else we publish it locally as well (dirty read!)
                     catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
                        if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_PLUGINFAILED) {
                        else {
                           throw e;
               else {
                  if (! publishQos.isFromPersistenceStore()) {
                     if (msgKeyData.isInternal()) {
                        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Cluster manager is not ready, handling message '" + msgKeyData.getOid() + "' locally");
                     else {
                        log.warning("Cluster manager is not ready, handling message '" + msgKeyData.getOid() + "' locally");

         // Handle local message

         if (!msgKeyData.getOid().equals(msgUnit.getKeyOid())) {
            log.severe("Unexpected change of keyOid " + msgKeyData.getOid() + " and msgUnit " + msgUnit.toXml());

         // Find or create the topic
         TopicHandler topicHandler = null;
         synchronized(this.topicHandlerMap) {
            if (!msgKeyData.getOid().equals(msgUnit.getKeyOid())) {
               log.severe("Unexpected change of keyOid " + msgKeyData.getOid() + " and msgUnit " + msgUnit.toXml());
            Object obj = topicHandlerMap.get(msgUnit.getKeyOid());
            if (obj == null) {
               topicHandler = new TopicHandler(this, sessionInfo, msgUnit.getKeyOid()); // adds itself to topicHandlerMap
            else {
               topicHandler = (TopicHandler)obj;

         TopicHandler topicHandler = null;
         try {
            topicHandler = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().findOrCreate(sessionInfo, msgUnit.getKeyOid());
            // Process the message
            publishReturnQos = topicHandler.publish(sessionInfo, msgUnit, publishQos);
         finally {

         if (publishReturnQos == null) {  // assert only
            StatusQosData qos = new StatusQosData(glob, MethodName.PUBLISH);
            publishReturnQos = new PublishReturnQos(glob, qos);
            log.severe("Internal: did not excpect to build a PublishReturnQos, but message '" + msgKeyData.getOid() + "' is processed correctly");

         if (!publishQos.isFromPersistenceStore()) {
            I_Checkpoint cp = glob.getCheckpointPlugin();
            if (cp != null)
               cp.passingBy(I_Checkpoint.CP_PUBLISH_ACK, msgUnit, null, null);

         return publishReturnQos.toXml(); // Use the return value of the cluster master node
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Throwing exception in publish: " + e.toXml()); // Remove again
         throw e;
      catch (Throwable e) {
         throw XmlBlasterException.convert(glob, ME, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_PUBLISH.toString()+" "+sessionInfo.getId(), e);

    * Rorward a message to another cluster node.
    * TODO: How to return multiple retVal from multiple destinations? !!!
    * @return if not null the message was forwarded to another cluster
   public PublishReturnQos forwardPtpPublish(SessionInfo sessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, boolean isClusterUpdate, Destination destination) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (this.glob.isClusterManagerReady()) {
         if (!isClusterUpdate) { // updates from other nodes are arriving here in publish as well
            try {
               return glob.getClusterManager().forwardPtpPublish(sessionInfo, msgUnit, destination);
            catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
               throw e;
      return null;

    * This helper method checks for a published message which didn't exist before if
    * there are any XPath subscriptions pending which match.
    * <p />
   final void checkExistingSubscriptions(SessionInfo sessionInfo,
                                  TopicHandler topicHandler, PublishQosServer xmlQoS)
                                  throws XmlBlasterException
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("checkExistingSubscriptions(" + topicHandler.getUniqueKey() + "), should happen only once for each topic.");

      if (topicHandler.hasDomTree()) {  // A topic may suppress XPATH visibility
         XmlKey keyDom = topicHandler.getXmlKey()// This is DOM parsed already

         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Checking existing query subscriptions if they match with this new one");

         Set set = clientSubscriptions.getQuerySubscribeRequestsSet();
         Vector matchingSubsVec = new Vector();
         synchronized (set) {
            Iterator iterator = set.iterator();
            // for every XPath subscription ...
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {

               SubscriptionInfo existingQuerySubscription = (SubscriptionInfo);
               KeyData queryXmlKey = existingQuerySubscription.getKeyData();
               if (!queryXmlKey.isXPath()) { // query: subscription without a given oid
                  log.warning("Only XPath queries are supported, ignoring subscription.");
               String xpath = ((QueryKeyData)queryXmlKey).getQueryString();

               // ... check if the new message matches ...
               if (keyDom.match(xpath) == true) {
                  SubscriptionInfo subs = new SubscriptionInfo(glob, existingQuerySubscription.getSessionInfo(),
                                                existingQuerySubscription, keyDom.getKeyData());

         // now after closing the synchronized block, me may fire the events
         // doing it inside the synchronized could cause a deadlock
         for (int ii=0; ii<matchingSubsVec.size(); ii++) {
            subscribeToOid((SubscriptionInfo)matchingSubsVec.elementAt(ii), true);    // fires event for subscription

         // we don't need this DOM tree anymore ...

    * Client wants to erase a message.
    * <p />
    * @param sessionInfo  The SessionInfo object, describing the invoking client
    * @param xmlKey      Key allowing XPath or exact selection<br>
    *                    See XmlKey.dtd for a description
    * @param eraseQoS    Quality of Service, flags to control the erasing
    * @return String array with the xml encoded key oid's which are deleted
    * @see <a href="">The interface.publish requirement</a>
   String[] erase(SessionInfo sessionInfo, QueryKeyData xmlKey, EraseQosServer eraseQos) throws XmlBlasterException {
      return erase(sessionInfo, xmlKey, eraseQos, false);

    * Client wants to erase a message.
    * <p />
    * @param sessionInfo  The SessionInfo object, describing the invoking client
    * @param xmlKey      Key allowing XPath or exact selection<br>
    *                    See XmlKey.dtd for a description
    * @param eraseQoS    Quality of Service, flags to control the erasing
    * @param isClusterUpdate true if it is a update() callback message from another cluster node
    * @return String array with the xml encoded key oid's which are deleted
    * @see <a href="">The interface.publish requirement</a>
   private String[] erase(SessionInfo sessionInfo, QueryKeyData xmlKey, EraseQosServer eraseQos, boolean isClusterUpdate) throws XmlBlasterException
      try {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering " + (isClusterUpdate?"cluster update message ":"") +
                "erase(oid='" + xmlKey.getOid() + "', queryType='" + xmlKey.getQueryType() +
                "', query='" + xmlKey.getQueryString() + "') client '" + sessionInfo.getLoginName() + "' ...");
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest("Entering " + (isClusterUpdate?"cluster update message ":"") + xmlKey.toXml() + eraseQos.toXml());

         String[] oids = queryMatchingTopics(sessionInfo, xmlKey, eraseQos.getData());
         Set oidSet = new HashSet(oids.length)// for return values (TODO: change to TreeSet to maintain order)
         EraseReturnQos[] clusterRetArr = null;

         for (int ii=0; ii<oids.length; ii++) {
            TopicHandler topicHandler = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().access(oids[ii]);
            try {
               if (this.glob.isClusterManagerReady() && !isClusterUpdate) { // cluster support - forward erase to master
                  try {
                     clusterRetArr = glob.getClusterManager().forwardErase(sessionInfo, xmlKey, eraseQos);
                     //if (ret != null) return ret;
                  catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
                     if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_PLUGINFAILED) {
                     else {
                        throw e;
               if (this.glob.useCluster() && !this.glob.isClusterManagerReady()) {
                  log.warning("erase not forwarded to cluster as ClusterManager is not ready");

               if (topicHandler == null) { // unSubscribe on a unknown message ...
                  if (clusterRetArr != null && clusterRetArr.length > 0) {
           "Erase for topic [" + xmlKey.getOid() + "] successfully forwarded to cluster master");
                  else {
                     log.warning("Erase on unknown topic [" + xmlKey.getOid() + "] is ignored");
                  // !!! how to delete XPath subscriptions, still MISSING ???

               if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("erase oid='" + topicHandler.getUniqueKey() + "' of total " + oids.length + " ...");

               //, "Erasing " + topicHandler.toXml());

               if (eraseQos.getData().containsHistoryQos()) {
                  if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Erasing history instances only, the topic '" + topicHandler.getId() + "' remains");
                  topicHandler.eraseFromHistoryQueue(sessionInfo, eraseQos.getData().getHistoryQos());
               else { // erase the complete topic
                  try {
                     topicHandler.eraseRequest(sessionInfo, xmlKey, eraseQos);
                  } catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
                     if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.severe("Unexpected exception: " + e.toString());
            finally {
               if (topicHandler != null)
         //, "AFTER ERASE: " + toXml());

         // Build the return values ...
         String[] oidArr = new String[oidSet.size()];
         StatusQosData qos = new StatusQosData(glob, MethodName.ERASE);
         Iterator it = oidSet.iterator();
         int ii = 0;
         while (it.hasNext()) {
            oidArr[ii++] = qos.toXml();
         return oidArr;
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         throw e;
      catch (Throwable e) {
         throw XmlBlasterException.convert(glob, ME, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERASE.toString(), e);

    * Event invoked on successful client login (interface I_ClientListener).
    * <p />
    * Publishes a login event for this client with key oid="__sys_Login"
    * <pre>
    *    &lt;key oid='__sys__Login'>    &lt;!-- Client name is delivered in the content -->
    *    &lt;/key>
    * </pre>
   public void sessionAdded(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException
      SessionInfo sessionInfo = e.getSessionInfo();
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Login event for client " + sessionInfo.toString());

      this.glob.sendNotification(this, "Client '" + sessionInfo.getSessionName().getAbsoluteName() + "' logged in",
         "clientNew", "java.lang.String", "", sessionInfo.getSessionName().getAbsoluteName());

      if (this.publishLoginEvent) {
         MsgQosData msgQosData = (MsgQosData)this.publishQosLoginEvent.getData().clone();
         // __sessionId is deprecated, please use __publicSessionId
         msgQosData.addClientProperty("__sessionId", sessionInfo.getPublicSessionId());
         msgQosData.addClientProperty("__publicSessionId", sessionInfo.getPublicSessionId());
         msgQosData.addClientProperty("__absoluteName", sessionInfo.getSessionName().getAbsoluteName());

         MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(this.xmlKeyLoginEvent,
         publish(this.unsecureSessionInfo, msgUnit); // publish that this client has logged in
         this.publishQosLoginEvent.getData().setTopicProperty(null); // only the first publish needs to configure the topic

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(" client added:"+sessionInfo.getLoginName());

    * Invoked on successful client re-login (interface I_ClientListener)
   public void sessionUpdated(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Session update event for client " + e.getSessionInfo().toString() + ", nothing to do");

    * Event invoked when client does a logout (interface I_ClientListener).
    * <p />
    * Publishes a logout event for this client with key oid="__sys_Logout"
    * <pre>
    *    &lt;key oid='__sys__Logout'>    &lt;!-- Client name is delivered in the content -->
    *    &lt;/key>
    * </pre>
   public void sessionRemoved(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException
      SessionInfo sessionInfo = e.getSessionInfo();

      this.glob.sendNotification(this, "Client '" + sessionInfo.getSessionName().getAbsoluteName() + "' logged out",
         "clientRemoved", "java.lang.String", sessionInfo.getSessionName().getAbsoluteName(), "");

      if (this.publishLogoutEvent) {
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Logout event for client " + sessionInfo.toString());

         MsgQosData msgQosData = (MsgQosData)this.publishQosLogoutEvent.getData().clone();
         // __sessionId is deprecated, please use __publicSessionId
         msgQosData.addClientProperty("__sessionId", sessionInfo.getPublicSessionId());
         msgQosData.addClientProperty("__publicSessionId", sessionInfo.getPublicSessionId());
         msgQosData.addClientProperty("__absoluteName", sessionInfo.getSessionName().getAbsoluteName());

         MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(this.xmlKeyLogoutEvent, sessionInfo.getLoginName().getBytes(), msgQosData);
         publish(this.unsecureSessionInfo, msgUnit); // publish that this client logged out
         this.publishQosLogoutEvent.getData().setTopicProperty(null); // only the first publish needs to configure the topic

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Client session '" + sessionInfo.getId() + "' removed");

   public void sessionPreRemoved(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException {

    * Event invoked on new created SubjectInfo.
   public void subjectAdded(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException
      log.warning("Ignoring SubjectInfo added event for client " + e.getSubjectInfo().toString());

    * Event invoked on deleted SubjectInfo.
   public void subjectRemoved(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException
      log.warning("Ignoring SubjectInfo removed event for client " + e.getSubjectInfo().toString());

    * Add listener if new remote properties arrive.
    * Clients which publish client side properties to their sessionInfo
    * @param RemotePropertiesListener
    * @return
   public boolean addRemotePropertiesListener(I_RemotePropertiesListener remotePropertiesListener) {
      if (remotePropertiesListener == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(ME + ".addRemotePropertiesListener: the listener is null");
      synchronized (this.remotePropertiesListeners) {
         return this.remotePropertiesListeners.add(remotePropertiesListener);

    * Remove the given listener
    * @param RemotePropertiesListener
    * @return true if it was removed
   public boolean removeRemotePropertiesListener(I_RemotePropertiesListener remotePropertiesListener) {
      if (remotePropertiesListener == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(ME + ".removeRemotePropertiesListener: the listener is null");
      synchronized (this.remotePropertiesListeners) {
         return this.remotePropertiesListeners.remove(remotePropertiesListener);

    * Access a current snapshot of all listeners.
    * @return
   public I_RemotePropertiesListener[] getRemotePropertiesListenerArr() {
      synchronized (this.remotePropertiesListeners) {
         return (I_RemotePropertiesListener[])this.remotePropertiesListeners.toArray(new I_RemotePropertiesListener[this.remotePropertiesListeners.size()]);

    * Adds the specified subscription listener to receive subscribe/unSubscribe events.
   public void addSubscriptionListener(I_SubscriptionListener l) {

      if (l == null) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(ME + ".addSubscriptionListener: the listener is null");
      if ( l.getPriority() == null) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(ME + ".addSubscriptionListener: the priority of the listener is null");
      synchronized (subscriptionListenerMap) {
         Integer prio = l.getPriority();
         I_SubscriptionListener oldListener = (I_SubscriptionListener)subscriptionListenerMap.get(prio);
         if (oldListener != null) {
            if (oldListener.equals(l))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(ME + "addSubscriptionListener: a different listener was already registered with priority '" + prio.intValue() + "'");
         subscriptionListenerMap.put(prio, l);

    * Returns the listener with the specified prio or null if none with that prio has been found.
    * @param prio
    * @return
   public I_SubscriptionListener getSubscriptionListener(Integer prio) {
      synchronized(subscriptionListenerMap) {
         return (I_SubscriptionListener)subscriptionListenerMap.get(prio);
    * Removes the specified listener.
   public void removeSubscriptionListener(I_SubscriptionListener l) {
      if (l == null) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(ME + ".removeSubscriptionListener: the listener is null");
      if ( l.getPriority() == null) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(ME + ".removeSubscriptionListener: the priority of the listener is null");
      synchronized (subscriptionListenerMap) {

   final void fireUnSubscribeEvent(SubscriptionInfo subscriptionInfo) throws XmlBlasterException  {
      fireSubscriptionEvent(subscriptionInfo, false);

   final void fireSubscribeEvent(SubscriptionInfo subscriptionInfo) throws XmlBlasterException  {
      fireSubscriptionEvent(subscriptionInfo, true);

    * Is fired on subscribe(), unSubscribe() and several times on erase().
    * @param subscribe true: on subscribe, false: on unSubscribe
   private final void fireSubscriptionEvent(SubscriptionInfo subscriptionInfo, boolean subscribe) throws XmlBlasterException
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Going to fire fireSubscriptionEvent(" + subscribe + ") ...");

      synchronized (subscriptionListenerMap) {
         if (subscriptionListenerMap.size() == 0)

         SubscriptionEvent event = new SubscriptionEvent(subscriptionInfo);

         Integer[] keys = (Integer[])subscriptionListenerMap.keySet().toArray(new Integer[subscriptionListenerMap.size()]);
         if (subscribe) {
            for (int i=0; i < keys.length; i++) {
               I_SubscriptionListener subli = (I_SubscriptionListener)subscriptionListenerMap.get(keys[i]);
               if (subli != null)
         else {
            for (int i=keys.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
               I_SubscriptionListener subli = (I_SubscriptionListener)subscriptionListenerMap.get(keys[i]);
               if (subli != null)
         event = null;

    * Dump state of this object into a XML ASCII string.
    * <br>
    * @return internal state of the RequestBroker as a XML ASCII string
   public final String toXml() throws XmlBlasterException {
      return toXml((String)null);

    * Dump state of this object into a XML ASCII string.
    * <br>
    * @param extraOffset indenting of tags for nice output
    * @return internal state of the RequestBroker as a XML ASCII string
   public final String toXml(String extraOffset) throws XmlBlasterException {
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(10000);
      if (extraOffset == null) extraOffset = "";
      String offset = Constants.OFFSET + extraOffset;

      if (this.topicStore != null) {
      sb.append(bigXmlKeyDOM.toXml(extraOffset+Constants.INDENT, true));
      if (this.glob.isClusterManagerReady()) {

      return sb.toString();

   //====== These methods satisfy the I_AdminNode administration interface ======
   //@ManagedAttribute( description = "Marcel RequestBroker Size in bytes")
   // JMX annotation JSR 255 since JDK 1.6
   // see
   public int getNumNodes() {
      if (!glob.isClusterManagerReady()) return 1;
      try {
         return glob.getClusterManager().getNumNodes();
      } catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         return 1;
   public String getNodeList() {
      if (!glob.isClusterManagerReady()) return glob.getId();
      try {
         return glob.getClusterManager().getNodeList();
      } catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         return glob.getId();
   public String[] getNodes() {
      if (!glob.isClusterManagerReady()) return new String[] { glob.getId() };
      try {
         return glob.getClusterManager().getNodes();
      } catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         return new String[] { glob.getId() };
   public String getNodeId() {
      return glob.getId();
   public String getInstanceId() {
      return glob.getInstanceId();
   public String getVersion() {
      return glob.getVersion();
   public String getRevisionNumber() {
      return glob.getRevisionNumber();
   public long getServerTimestampMillis() {
      return System.currentTimeMillis();
   public String getServerTimestamp() {
      java.sql.Timestamp tt = new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
      return tt.toString();
   public String getBuildTimestamp() {
      return glob.getBuildTimestamp();
   public String getBuildJavaVendor() {
      return glob.getBuildJavaVendor();
   public String getBuildJavaVersion() {
      return glob.getBuildJavaVersion();
   public String dumpToFile(String reportFileName) {
      File to_file = null;
      FileOutputStream out_ = null;
      try {
         if (reportFileName == null || reportFileName.equalsIgnoreCase("String")) {
            reportFileName = glob.getStrippedId() + "-dump.xml";
         to_file = new File(reportFileName);
         if (to_file.getParent() != null) {
         final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(to_file);
         out_ = out;
      } catch (Throwable e) {
      finally {
         if (out_ != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
               return e.toString();
      }"Dumped xmlBlaster data to " + reportFileName);
      return "Dumped xmlBlaster data to " + reportFileName;
   public String dump() throws XmlBlasterException {
      return glob.getDump();
   public void setDump(String fn) throws XmlBlasterException{
      FileLocator.writeFile(fn, glob.getDump());"Dumped internal state to " + fn);
   public String getRunlevel() {
      return ""+glob.getRunlevelManager().getCurrentRunlevel();
   public void setRunlevel(String levelStr) throws XmlBlasterException {
      glob.getRunlevelManager().changeRunlevel(levelStr, true);
   /** Get date when xmlBlaster was started. */
   public String getStartupDate() {
      long ll = this.startupTime;
      java.sql.Timestamp tt = new java.sql.Timestamp(ll);
      return tt.toString();
   /** How long is the server running (in seconds) */
   public long getUptime() {
      return (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.startupTime)/1000L;
   /** Access the last logged error */
   public String getLastWarning() {
      return this.lastWarning;
   public void clearLastWarning() {
      this.lastWarning = "";
   /** Access the last logged error */
   public String getLastError() {
      return this.lastError;
   public void clearLastError() {
      this.lastError = "";
   /** Memory in bytes */
   public long getFreeMem() {
      return Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
   public String getFreeMemStr() {
      return Global.byteString(getFreeMem());
   /** Free memory in bytes */
   public long getMaxFreeMem() {
      return Global.heapMemoryUsage-getUsedMem();
   public String getMaxFreeMemStr() {
      return Global.byteString(getMaxFreeMem());
/*   public void setFreeMem(long freeMem) throws XmlBlasterException {
      throw new XmlBlasterException(ME, "Setting of property 'freeMem' is not supported");
   } */
   public long getTotalMem() {
      return Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
   public String getTotalMemStr() {
      return Global.byteString(getTotalMem());
   public long getMaxMem() {
      return Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
   public String getMaxMemStr() {
      return Global.byteString(getMaxMem());
   public long getUsedMem() {
      return (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory());
   public String getUsedMemStr() {
      return Global.byteString(getUsedMem());
   public String getGc() {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Garbage collector is activated");
      return "OK";
   public void setGc(String dummy) {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Garbage collector is activated");

   public void exit() throws XmlBlasterException {
   public void setExit(String exitValue) throws XmlBlasterException {
      int val = 0;
      try { val = Integer.parseInt(exitValue.trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.severe("Invalid exit value=" + exitValue + ", expected an integer"); };
      final int exitVal = val;

      if (glob.isEmbedded()) {
         log.warning("Ignoring exit(" + exitVal + ") request in embeded mode ('xmlBlaster.isEmbeded' is set true).");

      final long exitSleep = glob.getProperty().get("xmlBlaster.exit.delay", 2000L);
      Timeout exitTimeout = new Timeout("XmlBlaster ExitTimer");
      exitTimeout.addTimeoutListener(new I_Timeout() {
            public void timeout(Object userData) {
     "Administrative exit(" + exitVal + ") after exit-timeout of " + exitSleep + " millis.");
               try {
                  glob.getRunlevelManager().changeRunlevel(RunlevelManager.RUNLEVEL_HALTED, true);
               catch(Throwable e) {
                  log.warning("Administrative exit(" + exitVal + ") problems: " + e.toString());
         exitSleep, null);"Administrative exit request, scheduled exit in " + exitSleep + " millis with exit value=" + exitVal + ".");

   public String getHostname() {
      return glob.getBootstrapAddress().getBootstrapHostname();
   /** The bootstrap bootstrap port */
   public int getPort() {
      return glob.getBootstrapAddress().getBootstrapPort();
   /** The number of different users, the sessions may be higher */
   public int getNumClients() {
      return authenticate.getNumSubjects();
   public int getMaxClients() {
      return authenticate.getMaxSubjects();
   public String[] getAliveCallbackClients() {
      SessionInfo[] arr = this.authenticate.getSessionInfoArr();
      if (arr == null || arr.length == 0) return new String[0];
      ArrayList list = new ArrayList(arr.length);
      for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
         SessionInfo info = arr[i];
         org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchManager manager = info.getDispatchManager();
         if (manager != null && manager.getDispatchConnectionsHandler().isAlive()) {
      return (String[])list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
   /** These are the login names returned, every client may be logged in multiple times
       which you can't see here */
   public String getClientList() {
      return authenticate.getSubjectList();
   public String[] getClients() {
      return authenticate.getSubjects();
   public int getNumSysprop() {
      return glob.getProperty().getProperties().size();
   /** @deprecated Is not supported anymore */
   public String getSyspropList() {
      java.util.Properties props = glob.getProperty().getProperties();
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(props.size()*30);
      for (Enumeration e = props.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
         if (sb.length() > 0)
         sb.append((String) e.nextElement());
      return sb.toString();
   public int getNumTopics() {
      return this.glob.getTopicAccessor().getNumTopics();
   public String getTopicList() {
      String[] oids = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().getTopics();
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(oids.length*60);
      for(int ii=0; ii<oids.length; ii++) {
         if (sb.length() > 0)
      return sb.toString();
   public String[] getTopics() {
      return this.glob.getTopicAccessor().getTopics();
   public int getNumSubscriptions() {
      return getClientSubscriptions().getNumSubscriptions();
   public String getSubscriptionList() {
      return getClientSubscriptions().getSubscriptionList();
   public String[] getSubscriptions() {
      return getClientSubscriptions().getSubscriptions();
   public String displayClassInfo(String clazzName) {
      if (clazzName == null || clazzName.trim().length() < 1) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please pass a full qualified java class name to displayClassInfo()");
      try {
         Class clazz = java.lang.Class.forName(clazzName);
         StringBuffer results = new StringBuffer();
         org.xmlBlaster.util.classloader.ClassLoaderUtils.displayClassInfo(clazz, results);
         return results.toString();
      catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
         return "Class '" + clazzName + "' not found in '" + System.getProperty("java.class.path") + "'";

   /** JMX */
   public java.lang.String usage() {
      return ServerScope.getJmxUsageLinkInfo(this.getClass().getName(), null);
   /** JMX */
   public java.lang.String getUsageUrl() {
      return ServerScope.getJavadocUrl(this.getClass().getName(), null);
   /* JMX dummy to have a copy/paste functionality in jconsole */
   public void setUsageUrl(java.lang.String url) {}

    * Redirect logging, configure in
    * Enforced by interface LogableDevice
   public void log(LogRecord record) {
      // We may not do any call here because of recursion!!
      String source = record.getSourceClassName()+"."+record.getSourceMethodName();
      String summary =
         "[" + new java.sql.Timestamp(record.getMillis()).toString()
       + " " + record.getLevel().toString()
       + " " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "-" + record.getThreadID()
       + " " + source + "] ";

      String newLog = summary + record.getMessage();

      // Remember error text
      if (Level.WARNING.intValue() == record.getLevel().intValue()) {
         this.lastWarning = newLog;
      else if (Level.SEVERE.intValue() == record.getLevel().intValue()) {
         // Emit JMX notification
         this.glob.sendNotification(this, "New " + record.getLevel().toString() + " logging occurred",
            "lastError", "java.lang.String", this.lastError, newLog);
         this.lastError = newLog;

    * Declare available notification event types.
   public MBeanNotificationInfo[] getNotificationInfo() {
      String[] types = new String[] {

      String name = AttributeChangeNotification.class.getName();
      MBeanNotificationInfo loggingEventInfo =
         new MBeanNotificationInfo(types, name, "Error logging events of cluster node '" + this.glob.getId() + "'");
      MBeanNotificationInfo loginEventInfo =
         new MBeanNotificationInfo(types, name, "Client login events of cluster node '" + this.glob.getId() + "'");
      MBeanNotificationInfo logoutEventInfo =
         new MBeanNotificationInfo(types, name, "Client logout events of cluster node '" + this.glob.getId() + "'");

      return new MBeanNotificationInfo[] {loggingEventInfo, loginEventInfo, logoutEventInfo};

    * @return Returns the number of get() invocations
   public long getNumGet() {
      return this.dispatchStatistic.getNumGet();

    * @return Returns the number if publish() invocations
   public long getNumPublish() {
      return this.dispatchStatistic.getNumPublish();

   public long getNumUpdate() {
      SessionInfo[] arr = getAuthenticate().getSessionInfoArr();
      long numUpdate = 0;
      for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
         numUpdate += arr[i].getDispatchStatistic().getNumUpdate();
      return numUpdate;

   public String checkConsistency(String fixIt, String reportFileName) {
      boolean fix = Boolean.valueOf(fixIt).booleanValue();
      return checkCallbackEntriesConsistency(fix, reportFileName);

    * Loop through all database entries of relating='callback' and check if there are
    * entries from not existing sessions with pubSessionId=<0
    * @param fixIt default to false which is readonly
    * @param reportFileName
    * @return A short report
   public String checkCallbackEntriesConsistency(boolean fixIt, String reportFileName) {
      final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(1024);
      FileOutputStream out_ = null;
      File to_file = null;
      try {
         if (reportFileName == null || reportFileName.equalsIgnoreCase("String")) {
            reportFileName = glob.getStrippedId() + "-callbackCheck.xml";
         to_file = new File(reportFileName);
         if (to_file.getParent() != null) {
         final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(to_file);
         out_ = out;
         out_.write(("XmlBlaster " + new Timestamp().toString()).getBytes());
"Reporting check to '" + to_file.getAbsolutePath() + "'");

         // Check no 1: find callback entries with negative session id and no logged in such session
         String queueCfg = this.glob.getProperty().get("QueuePlugin[JDBC][1.0]", (String) null);
         if (queueCfg != null && queueCfg.indexOf("org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcQueue,") != -1)
            return "checkCallbackEntriesConsistency not implemented for new JdbcQueue";

         final CommonTableDatabaseAccessor manager = CommonTableDatabaseAccessor.createInstance(glob, glob.getEntryFactory(), null, null, null);
         final Set leakedEntries = new HashSet();
         if (manager != null) {
            try {
               String queueNamePattern = Constants.RELATING_CALLBACK + "%";
               String flag = ServerEntryFactory.ENTRY_TYPE_UPDATE_REF; // "UPDATE_REF";
               manager.getEntriesLike(queueNamePattern, flag, -1, -1,
                     new I_EntryFilter() {
                  public I_Entry intercept(I_Entry ent, I_Storage storage) {
                     try {
                        if (ent instanceof ReferenceEntry) {
                           ReferenceEntry callbackEntry = (ReferenceEntry)ent;
                           //final long refId = callbackEntry.getMsgUnitWrapperUniqueId();
                           // TODO: extract if negative sessionId
                           SessionName sessionName = callbackEntry.getReceiver();
                           long publicSessionId = sessionName.getPublicSessionId();
                           if (publicSessionId < 0) {
                              SessionInfo sessionInfo = authenticate.getSessionInfoByName(sessionName);
                              if (sessionInfo == null) {
                                 out.write(("Found leak entry '" + ent.getLogId() + "' of unknown session " + sessionName.getAbsoluteName() + "\n").getBytes());
                        else {
                           // todo: other checks
                        return null; // Filter away so getAll returns nothing
                     catch (Throwable e) {
                        log.warning("Ignoring during callback queue processing exception: " + e.toString());
                        return null; // Filter away so getAll returns nothing
               if (fixIt && leakedEntries.size() > 0) {
                  Properties props = new Properties();
                  props.put(Constants.TOXML_FORCEREADABLE, ""+true);
                  log.severe("Removing now "+leakedEntries.size()+" leak entries");
                  Iterator it = leakedEntries.iterator();
                  while (it.hasNext()) {
                     I_Entry entry = (I_Entry);
                     ReferenceEntry callbackEntry = (ReferenceEntry)entry;
                     try {
                        long num = manager.deleteEntry(callbackEntry.getStorageId().getStrippedId(), entry.getUniqueId());
                        out.write(("\nRemoving " + num + " leaking entry:").getBytes());
                        out.write(("'"+callbackEntry.getStorageId().getStrippedId() + "': " + entry.getLogId()).getBytes());
                        if (num > 0)
                           entry.embeddedObjectToXml(out, props);
                        log.fine("Removing " + num + " leaking entry '"+entry.getLogId()+"'");
                     catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
                        log.warning("Failed to remove leaking entry '"+entry.getLogId()+"': " + e.getMessage());

            catch (Throwable e) {
               log.severe("Raw access to database failed: " + e.toString());
         else {
            log.warning("Raw access to database is not possible");

         sb.append("Leaked callback entries :      ").append(leakedEntries.size()).append("\n");
         if (fixIt)
            sb.append("Removed all not referenced entries.\n");
            sb.append("Check was readonly nothing is changed.\n");
         if (to_file != null)
            sb.append("Report file is " + to_file.getAbsoluteFile()+"\n");
      catch (IOException e) {
         return e.toString();
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         return e.getMessage();
      finally {
         if (out_ != null) {
            try {
            catch (IOException e) {
               return e.toString();

      return sb.toString();

   public String reportMemoryOverviewToFile(String reportFileName) {
      if (reportFileName == null || reportFileName.length() == 0 || reportFileName.equalsIgnoreCase("String")) {
         return "Please enter a file name";
      return reportMemoryOverview(reportFileName);
   public String reportMemoryOverview() {
      return reportMemoryOverview((String)null);

   private String reportMemoryOverview(String reportFileName) {
       OutputStream out = null;
       String fileName = null;
      try {
         if (reportFileName == null || reportFileName.length() == 0 || reportFileName.equalsIgnoreCase("String")) {
            out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
  "Reporting memory overview to string");
         else {
            File to_file = new File(reportFileName);
            if (to_file.getParent() != null) {
            out = new FileOutputStream(to_file);
  "Reporting memory overview to '" + to_file.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
            fileName = to_file.getAbsolutePath();
         out.write(("\nXmlBlaster " + new Timestamp().toString()).getBytes());

         SessionInfo[] ses = authenticate.getSessionInfoArr();
         for (int i=0; i<ses.length; i++) {
            SessionInfo s = ses[i];
            if (s == null) continue;
            out.write(("\n <SessionInfo id='"+s.getSessionName().getAbsoluteName()+"'>").getBytes("UTF-8"));
            out.write(("\n   <queue relating='callback' entries='"+s.getCbQueueNumMsgs()
                  +"' entriesCache='"+s.getCbQueueNumMsgsCache()+"' bytes='"+s.getCbQueueBytes()+"' bytesCache='"+s.getCbQueueBytesCache()+"'/>").getBytes("UTF-8"));
            out.write(("\n </SessionInfo>").getBytes("UTF-8"));


         long currentBytes = 0L;
         long currentBytesCache = 0L;
         long currentEntries = 0L;
         long currentEntriesCache = 0L;
         long currentMaxBytes = 0L;
         long currentMaxBytesCache = 0L;
         long currentMaxEntries = 0L;
         long currentMaxEntriesCache = 0L;
         String[] topicIds = glob.getTopicAccessor().getTopics();
         for (int i=0; i<topicIds.length; i++) {
            final TopicHandler topicHandler = glob.getTopicAccessor().access(topicIds[i]);
            if (topicHandler == null)
            //"topicHandler " + i + ": " + topicHandler.getUniqueKey());
            try {
               out.write(("\n <TopicHandler id='"+topicHandler.getUniqueKey()+"'><topic>").getBytes("UTF-8"));
               I_Map m = topicHandler.getMsgUnitCache();
               if (m != null) {
                 PersistenceCachePlugin c = null;
                 if (m instanceof PersistenceCachePlugin) c = (PersistenceCachePlugin)m;
                 MsgUnitStoreProperty p = (MsgUnitStoreProperty)m.getProperties();
                 long bc = (c != null) ? c.getNumOfCachedBytes() : 0;
                 long ec = (c != null) ? c.getNumOfCachedEntries() : 0;
                 out.write(("\n   <persistence relating='msgUnitStore' entries='"+m.getNumOfEntries()
                       +"' entriesCache='"+ec+"' bytes='"+m.getNumOfBytes()+"' bytesCache='"+bc+"'/>").getBytes("UTF-8"));
                 out.write(p.toXml("  ").getBytes("UTF-8"));
                 out.write(("\n </topic></TopicHandler>").getBytes("UTF-8"));
                 currentBytes += m.getNumOfBytes();
                 currentBytesCache += bc;
                 currentEntries += m.getNumOfEntries();
                 currentEntriesCache += ec;
                 currentMaxBytes += p.getMaxBytes();
                 currentMaxBytesCache += p.getMaxBytesCache();
                 currentMaxEntries += p.getMaxEntries();
                 currentMaxEntriesCache += p.getMaxEntriesCache();
               else {
                 out.write(("\n   <persistence relating='msgUnitStore'>null</persistence>").getBytes("UTF-8"));
                 out.write(("\n </topic></TopicHandler>").getBytes("UTF-8"));
            finally {
               if (topicHandler!=null) glob.getTopicAccessor().release(topicHandler);
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(256);
         out.write(("\n\nSummary:" + sb.toString()).getBytes("UTF-8"));
      catch (Throwable e) {
         try {
         catch (Throwable t) {}
      try {
      catch (IOException e) {}
      if (fileName != null)
         return "Reported memory overview to '" + fileName + "'";
      return out.toString();

   public String checkConsistencyOld_XB_ENTRIES(final I_Map map, boolean fixIt, String reportFileName) {
      FileOutputStream out = null;
      final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(1024);
      try {
          * Probably not functional:
          * 1. Queue references from (unknown) plugins are not checked
          * 2. If a session is not logged in after a server restart we don't see the session but there may be callback queue entries
         // Find the corresponding topic
         // Syntax is "msgUnitStore:heron_hello" from

         String relating = map.getStorageId().getRelatingType(); // Constants.RELATING_MSGUNITSTORE="msgUnitStore"
         if (!Constants.RELATING_MSGUNITSTORE.equals(relating)) {
            sb.append("\nSorry, only maps of type " + Constants.RELATING_MSGUNITSTORE + ": can be checked");
            return sb.toString();
         String id = map.getStorageId().getOldPostfix(); // "/node/heron/topic/hello"

         if (reportFileName == null || reportFileName.equalsIgnoreCase("String")) {
            reportFileName = map.getStorageId().getStrippedLogId() + "_checkConsistency.xml";
         File to_file = new File(reportFileName);
         if (to_file.getParent() != null) {
         out = new FileOutputStream(to_file);
         out.write(("XmlBlaster " + new Timestamp().toString()).getBytes());
"Reporting check to '" + to_file.getAbsolutePath() + "'");

         sb.append("Checking storage '").append(id).append("' relating '").append(relating).append("'\n");
         String pre = glob.getNodeId()+"/";
         if (!id.startsWith(pre)) {
            sb.append("\nSorry, internal problem, can't check the map as " + id + " is of unknown syntax");
            return sb.toString();
         String topicOid = id.substring(pre.length());
         ContextNode parent = ContextNode.valueOf(id);
         if (parent == null) {
            sb.append("The corresponding topic is not found, relating=" + relating + " is strange.\n");
            return sb.toString();
         ContextNode topicContext = parent.getChild(ContextNode.TOPIC_MARKER_TAG);
         String topicOid = null;
         if (topicContext != null) {
            topicOid = topicContext.getInstanceName();
         else { // Old style???: "heron/Hello"
            topicOid = parent.getInstanceName();
            sb.append("Parsing msgUnitStore of topic '" + topicOid + "'\n");

         final Map foundInHistoryQueue = new HashMap();
         final Map notFoundInHistoryQueue = new HashMap();
         final Map foundInCallbackQueue = new HashMap();
         final Map notFoundInCallbackQueue = new HashMap();

         final CommonTableDatabaseAccessor manager = CommonTableDatabaseAccessor.createInstance(glob, glob.getEntryFactory(), null, null, null);

         // Process each msgUnit of this topic
         final TopicHandler topicHandler = glob.getTopicAccessor().access(topicOid);
         try {
            map.getAll(new I_EntryFilter() {
               public I_Entry intercept(final I_Entry entry, I_Storage storage) {
                  try {
                     final long currMsgUnitId = entry.getUniqueId();
                     final Long currMsgUnitIdL = new Long(currMsgUnitId);

                     // Process the history queue of this topic if the messagUnit is referenced
                     int before = foundInHistoryQueue.size() + notFoundInHistoryQueue.size();
                     I_Queue historyQueue = topicHandler.getHistoryQueue();
                     if (historyQueue != null) {
                        historyQueue.getEntries(new I_EntryFilter() {
                           public I_Entry intercept(I_Entry ent, I_Storage storage) {
                              try {
                                 ReferenceEntry historyEntry = (ReferenceEntry)ent;
                                 final long refId = historyEntry.getMsgUnitWrapperUniqueId();
                                 if (refId == currMsgUnitId)
                                    foundInHistoryQueue.put(currMsgUnitIdL, historyEntry);
                                 //   notFoundInHistoryQueue.put(currMsgUnitIdL, entry);
                                 return null; // Filter away so getAll returns nothing
                              catch (Throwable e) {
                                 log.warning("Ignoring during history queue processing exception: " + e.toString());
                                 return null; // Filter away so getAll returns nothing
                     if (before == (foundInHistoryQueue.size() + notFoundInHistoryQueue.size())) // no hit
                        notFoundInHistoryQueue.put(currMsgUnitIdL, entry);

                     // Raw database access: process all queues used by plugins which also may reference the msgUnitStore
                     before = foundInCallbackQueue.size() + notFoundInCallbackQueue.size();
                     if (manager != null) {
                        try {
                           // needs tuning as we make a wildcard query for each msgUnit ...
                           //ArrayList ret = manager.getEntries(StorageId storageId, long[] dataids); // not possible as we need to lookup the referenced dataid
                           String queueNamePattern = Constants.RELATING_CALLBACK + "%";
                           String flag = "UPDATE_REF";
                           manager.getEntriesLike(queueNamePattern, flag, -1, -1,
                                 new I_EntryFilter() {
                              public I_Entry intercept(I_Entry ent, I_Storage storage) {
                                 try {
                                    if (ent instanceof ReferenceEntry) {
                                       ReferenceEntry callbackEntry = (ReferenceEntry)ent;
                                       final long refId = callbackEntry.getMsgUnitWrapperUniqueId();
                                       if (refId == currMsgUnitId)
                                          foundInCallbackQueue.put(currMsgUnitIdL, callbackEntry);
                                       //   notFoundInCallbackQueue.put(currMsgUnitIdL, entry);
                                    else {
                                       // todo
                                    return null; // Filter away so getAll returns nothing
                                 catch (Throwable e) {
                                    log.warning("Ignoring during callback queue processing exception: " + e.toString());
                                    return null; // Filter away so getAll returns nothing
                           if (before == (foundInCallbackQueue.size() + notFoundInCallbackQueue.size())) // no hit
                              notFoundInCallbackQueue.put(currMsgUnitIdL, entry);

                        catch (Throwable e) {
                           log.severe("Raw access to database failed: " + e.toString());
                     else {
                        log.warning("Raw access to database is not possible");

                     if (manager == null) { // fallback if raw access failed
                        // Process the callback queue of each loaded client (we won't find transient clients with positive session id and not yet re-connected)
                        SessionInfo[] arr = authenticate.getSessionInfoArr();
                        for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
                           SessionInfo sessionInfo = arr[i];
                           I_Queue callbackQueue = sessionInfo.getSessionQueue();
                           if (callbackQueue != null) {
                              callbackQueue.getEntries(new I_EntryFilter() {
                                 public I_Entry intercept(I_Entry ent, I_Storage storage) {
                                    try {
                                       ReferenceEntry callbackEntry = (ReferenceEntry)ent;
                                       final long refId = callbackEntry.getMsgUnitWrapperUniqueId();
                                       if (refId == currMsgUnitId)
                                          foundInCallbackQueue.put(currMsgUnitIdL, callbackEntry);
                                       //   notFoundInCallbackQueue.put(currMsgUnitIdL, entry);
                                       return null; // Filter away so getAll returns nothing
                                    catch (Throwable e) {
                                       log.warning("Ignoring during callback queue processing exception: " + e.toString());
                                       return null; // Filter away so getAll returns nothing
                              if (before == (foundInCallbackQueue.size() + notFoundInCallbackQueue.size())) // no hit
                                 notFoundInCallbackQueue.put(currMsgUnitIdL, entry);

                     return null// The maps intercept shall not collect any entries

                  catch (Throwable e) {
                     sb.append("Ignoring exception during '").append(map.getStorageId()).append("' processing: ").append(e.toString()).append("\n");
                     log.warning("Ignoring exception during '"+map.getStorageId()+"' processing: " + e.toString());
                     return null; // Filter away so getAll returns nothing
         finally {
            if (topicHandler!=null) glob.getTopicAccessor().release(topicHandler);

         long num = map.getNumOfEntries();
         Set numUnref = new HashSet();

         Properties props = new Properties();
         props.put(Constants.TOXML_FORCEREADABLE, ""+true);
         Iterator noHistoryRefIt = notFoundInHistoryQueue.keySet().iterator();
         while (noHistoryRefIt.hasNext()) {
            Long refId = (Long);
            if (!foundInCallbackQueue.containsKey(refId)) {
               I_Entry entry = (I_Entry)notFoundInHistoryQueue.get(refId);
               out.write(("\nNot referenced:").getBytes());
               entry.embeddedObjectToXml(out, props);
               if (fixIt) {
         Iterator noCallbackRefIt = notFoundInCallbackQueue.keySet().iterator();
         while (noCallbackRefIt.hasNext()) {
            Long refId = (Long);
            if (!foundInHistoryQueue.containsKey(refId)) {
               I_Entry entry = (I_Entry)notFoundInCallbackQueue.get(refId);
               out.write(("\nNot referenced:").getBytes());
               entry.embeddedObjectToXml(out, props);
               if (fixIt) {

         sb.append("\nCaution: Only references of history and callback queues where checked, queues used by plugins which also may reference the msgUnitStore have not been checked.\n\n");
         sb.append("Total msgUnit entries:             ").append(num).append("\n");
         sb.append("Referenced by history queue:       ").append(foundInHistoryQueue.size()).append("\n");
         sb.append("Not referenced by history queue:   ").append(notFoundInHistoryQueue.size()).append("\n");
         sb.append("Not referenced by callback queues: ").append(notFoundInCallbackQueue.size()).append("\n");
         sb.append("Leaked msgUnit entries:            ").append(numUnref.size()).append("\n");

         if (fixIt)
            sb.append("Removed " + numUnref.size() + " not referenced entries.\n");
            sb.append("Check was readonly nothing is changed.\n");
         if (to_file != null)
            sb.append("Report file is " + to_file.getAbsoluteFile()+"\n");
      catch (IOException e) {
         return e.toString();
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         return e.getMessage();
      finally {
         if (out != null) {
            try {
            catch (IOException e) {
               return e.toString();

      return sb.toString();

   public String dumpAllStacks() {
           return ThreadLister.getAllStackTraces();

   public String dumpAllStacksToFile(String file) {
           try {
              FileLocator.writeFile(file, ThreadLister.getAllStackTraces());
                   return file + " dumped";
        } catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
           return file + " not created: " + e.toString();

   public boolean isAcceptWrongSenderAddress() {
      return this.authenticate.isAcceptWrongSenderAddress(null);

    * @param acceptWrongSenderAddress the acceptWrongSenderAddress to set
   public void setAcceptWrongSenderAddress(boolean acceptWrongSenderAddress) {

Related Classes of org.xmlBlaster.engine.RequestBroker

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