Name: DbPool.java
Project: org.xmlBlasterProject: xmlBlaster.org
Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
package org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.GlobalInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.I_Info;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.PropertiesInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.ReplaceVariable;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.ThreadLister;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.ErrorCode;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.pool.I_PoolManager;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.pool.PoolManager;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.pool.ResourceWrapper;
* Simple implementation of the database JDBC connection pool.
* <p>
* Following configuration paramaters are available:
* <pre>
* db.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl
* db.user=system
* db.password=manager
* db.maxInstances=10
* db.busyToIdleTimeout=0 // How long may a query last [millis]
* db.idleToEraseTimeout=10*60*1000L // How long does an unused connection survive (10 min)
* db.maxResourceExhaustRetries=5
* db.resourceExhaustSleepGap=1000 // [millis]
* </pre>
* @author Marcel Ruff
public class DbPool implements I_DbPool, I_PoolManager {
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DbPool.class.getName());
private I_Info info;
private PoolManager poolManager;
private String dbUrl;
private String dbUser;
private String dbPasswd;
/** If the pool is exhausted, we poll the given times */
private int maxResourceExhaustRetries;
/** If the pool is exhausted, we poll every given millis<br />
Please note that the current request thread will block for maxResourceExhaustRetries*resourceExhaustSleepGap millis. */
private long resourceExhaustSleepGap;
private final Object meetingPoint = new Object();
private int initCount = 0;
private I_DbCreateInterceptor createInterceptor;
* Default constructor, you need to call <tt>init(info)</tt> thereafter.
public DbPool() {
// void
* @see org.xmlBlaster.contrib.I_ContribPlugin#getUsedPropertyKeys()
public Set getUsedPropertyKeys() {
Set set = new HashSet();
return set;
* @see org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.db.I_DbPool#init(I_Info)
public synchronized void init(I_Info info) {
if (this.initCount > 0) {
this.info = info;
this.dbUrl = this.info.get("db.url", "");
this.dbUser = this.info.get("db.user", "");
this.dbPasswd = this.info.get("db.password", "");
Global glob = GlobalInfo.getOriginalGlobal(info);
if (glob != null) {
String dbInstanceName = glob.getStrippedId();
dbUrl = ReplaceVariable.replaceFirst(dbUrl, "$_{xmlBlaster_uniqueId}", dbInstanceName);
int maxInstances = this.info.getInt("db.maxInstances", 10);
// How long may a query last
long busyToIdle = this.info.getLong("db.busyToIdleTimeout", 0);
// How long does an unused connection survive (10 min)
long idleToErase = this.info.getLong("db.idleToEraseTimeout", 120*60*1000L);
this.maxResourceExhaustRetries = this.info.getInt("db.maxResourceExhaustRetries", 5);
// millis
this.resourceExhaustSleepGap = this.info.getLong("db.resourceExhaustSleepGap", 1000);
this.poolManager = new PoolManager("DbPool", this, maxInstances, busyToIdle, idleToErase);
String createInterceptorClass = info.get("db.createInterceptor.class", null);
if (createInterceptorClass != null) {
ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
try {
createInterceptor = (I_DbCreateInterceptor)cl.loadClass(createInterceptorClass).newInstance();
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
log.fine(createInterceptorClass + " created and initialized");
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex.toString());
public String getUser() {
return this.dbUser;
* Load the JDBC drivers given in environment.
* <p />
* Default is JdbcDriver.drivers=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
private void initDrivers() {
String drivers = this.info.get("jdbc.drivers", "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(drivers, ":");
int numDrivers = st.countTokens();
String driver = "";
for (int i = 0; i < numDrivers; i++) {
try {
driver = st.nextToken().trim();
//log.info("Trying JDBC driver Class.forName('" + driver + "') ...");
Class cl = Class.forName(driver);
java.sql.Driver dr = (java.sql.Driver)cl.newInstance();
log.info("Jdbc driver '" + driver + "' loaded.");
catch (Throwable e) {
log.warning("Couldn't initialize driver <" + driver + ">, please check your CLASSPATH");
if (numDrivers == 0) {
log.warning("No JDBC drivers given, set 'jdbc.drivers' to point to your DB drivers if wanted, e.g. jdbc.drivers=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver:org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver:postgresql.Driver");
* @see org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.db.I_DbPool#reserve()
* @throws Exception of type XmlBlasterException or IllegalArgumentException
public Connection reserve() throws Exception {
if (this.poolManager == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("PoolManager is not initialized");
int ii=0;
while (true) {
try {
synchronized(this.meetingPoint) {
ResourceWrapper rw = this.poolManager.reserve(PoolManager.USE_OBJECT_REF);
Connection con = (Connection)rw.getResource();
return con;
catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUST && ii < this.maxResourceExhaustRetries) {
if (ii == 0) {
log.warning("Caught exception in reserve(), going to poll " + this.maxResourceExhaustRetries
+ " times every " + resourceExhaustSleepGap
+ " millis: " + this.poolManager.toXml() + ": "
+ e.getMessage());
if (ii > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) { /* Ignore */
else {
log.warning("Other stacks are doing: " + ThreadLister.getAllStackTraces() + ": " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
} // while
* @see org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.db.I_DbPool#release(java.sql.Connection)
* @throws Exception of type XmlBlasterException or IllegalArgumentException
public void release(Connection con) throws Exception {
if (this.poolManager == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("PoolManager is not initialized");
synchronized(this.meetingPoint) {
* @see org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.db.I_DbPool#erase(java.sql.Connection)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public void erase(Connection con) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (this.poolManager == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("PoolManager is not initialized");
synchronized(this.meetingPoint) {
log.fine("connections: busy='" + this.poolManager.getNumBusy() + "',idle=' " + this.poolManager.getNumIdle() + "' (after erase)");
* Cleanup and destroy everything.
private void destroy() {
synchronized(this.meetingPoint) {
if (this.poolManager != null) {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Destroying pool: " + this.poolManager.toXml());
this.poolManager = null;
if (createInterceptor != null) {
createInterceptor = null;
* This callback does nothing (enforced by interface I_PoolManager)
* @param resource The Connection object
* @see org.xmlBlaster.util.pool.I_PoolManager#idleToBusy(Object)
public void idleToBusy(Object resource) {
// Connection con = (Connection)resource;
* This callback does nothing (enforced by interface I_PoolManager
* @param resource The Connection object
* @see org.xmlBlaster.util.pool.I_PoolManager#busyToIdle(Object)
public void busyToIdle(Object resource) {
// Connection con = (Connection)resource;
* Create a new JDBC connection, the driver must be registered already.
* @param instanceId A unique identifier
* @return The JDBC connection
public Object toCreate(String instanceId) {
try {
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection (this.dbUrl, this.dbUser, this.dbPasswd);
if (createInterceptor != null)
* This code should work on jdk1.6 but tests with oracle and ojdbc6.jar where returning an
* empty list of allowed client infos.
Properties props = conn.getClientInfo();
String[] keys = props.keySet().toArray(new String[props.size()]);
for (int i=0; i < props.size(); i++) {
log.severe("Property Info '" + keys[i] + "' contains value '" + props.getProperty(keys[i]));
conn.setClientInfo("ApplicationName", "repliTest");
return conn;
catch(Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.getClass().getName() + ": Couldn't open database connection dbUrl=" + this.dbUrl + " dbUser=" + this.dbUser + ": " + e.toString());
* Destroy the JDBC connection.
* The driver remains.
* @param resource The Connection object
public void toErased(Object resource) {
Connection con = (Connection)resource;
try {
log.info("JDBC connection closed for '" + this.dbUrl + "', '" + this.dbUser + "'");
catch (Exception e) {
log.severe("System Exception in close JDBC connection: " + e.toString());
// For example Oracle throws this if you have shutdown Oracle in the mean time:
// System Exception in close JDBC connection: java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: End of TNS data channel
* @see org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.db.I_DbPool#update(String)
public int update(String command) throws Exception {
Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;
try {
conn = reserve();
stmt = conn.createStatement();
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Running update command '" + command + "'");
int rowsAffected = stmt.executeUpdate(command);
return rowsAffected;
catch (SQLException e) {
String str = "SQLException in query '" + command + "' : " + e;
log.warning(str + ": sqlSTATE=" + e.getSQLState() + " we destroy the connection in case it's stale");
//String sqlState = e.getSQLState(); // DatabaseMetaData method getSQLStateType can be used to discover whether the driver returns the XOPEN type or the SQL 99 type
// To be on the save side we always destroy the connection:
conn = null;
throw e;
catch (Throwable e) {
String str = "Unexpected exception in query '" + command + "' : " + e;
log.severe(str + ": We destroy the connection in case it's stale");
conn = null;
throw new Exception(e);
finally {
try {
if (stmt!=null) stmt.close();
catch (SQLException e) {
log.warning("Closing of stmt failed: " + e.toString());
if (conn!=null) release(conn);
* @see org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.db.I_DbPool#update(String)
public int update(Connection conn, String command) throws Exception {
if (conn == null)
return update(command);
Statement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = conn.createStatement();
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Running update command '" + command + "'");
int rowsAffected = stmt.executeUpdate(command);
return rowsAffected;
catch (SQLException e) {
String str = "SQLException in query '" + command + "' : " + e;
log.warning(str + ": sqlSTATE=" + e.getSQLState());
throw e;
catch (Throwable e) {
String str = "Unexpected exception in query '" + command + "' : " + e;
throw new Exception(e);
finally {
try {
if (stmt!=null) stmt.close();
catch (SQLException e) {
log.warning("Closing of stmt failed: " + e.toString());
* @see org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.db.I_DbPool#select(String, I_ResultCb)
public void select(String command, I_ResultCb cb) throws Exception {
select(null, command, true, cb);
* @see org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.db.I_DbPool#select(java.sql.Connection, String, I_ResultCb)
public Connection select(Connection connection, String command, I_ResultCb cb) throws Exception {
return select(connection, command, false, cb);
* @see org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.db.I_DbPool#select(java.sql.Connection, String, I_ResultCb, boolean)
public Connection select(Connection connection, String command, boolean autoCommit, I_ResultCb cb) throws Exception {
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = (connection == null) ? reserve() : connection;
stmt = conn.createStatement();
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Running " + (autoCommit?"autoCommit":"in "+((connection==null)?"new ":"")+"open transaction") + " command '" + command + "'");
rs = stmt.executeQuery(command);
cb.result(conn, rs);
catch (SQLException e) {
if (e.getSQLState() != null && e.getSQLState().indexOf("42000") != -1
&& e.toString().indexOf("ORA-00942") != -1) { // ORA-00942: table or view does not exist TODO: How to make this portable???
// sqlStateXOpen=1, sqlStateSQL99=2 (Oracle 10g returns 0)
//log.fine("SQLStateType=" + conn.getMetaData().getSQLStateType());
log.fine("No db change detected, the table does not exist: " + e.toString());
cb.result(conn, null);
return conn;
String str = "SQLException in query '" + command + "' : " + e;
log.warning(str + ": sqlSTATE=" + e.getSQLState() + " we destroy the connection in case it's stale");
// To be on the save side we always destroy the connection:
if (connection == null && conn != null && !conn.getAutoCommit()) conn.rollback();
conn = null;
throw e;
catch (Throwable e) {
if (e instanceof NullPointerException) {
String str = "Unexpected exception in query '" + command + "' : " + e;
log.severe(str + ": We destroy the connection in case it's stale");
if (connection == null && conn != null && !conn.getAutoCommit()) conn.rollback();
conn = null;
throw new Exception(e);
finally {
try {
if (stmt!=null) stmt.close();
catch (SQLException e) {
log.warning("Closing of stmt failed: " + e.toString());
if (autoCommit) {
if (conn!=null) release(conn);
conn = null;
return conn;
* @see org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.db.I_DbPool#shutdown
public synchronized void shutdown() {
if (this.initCount > 0)
* may be empty and just contains db.* properties
* @return
public I_Info getInfo() {
return this.info;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
I_DbPool pool = new DbPool();
I_Info info = new PropertiesInfo(System.getProperties());
String filename = info.get("file", null);
if (filename == null) {
System.out.println("usage: java -Dfile=someFile org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.DbPool");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
String line = null;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null)
String cmd = buf.toString();
catch (Exception ex) {