Name: DomQueryTest.java
Project: xmlBlaster.org
Copyright: many people
Comment: Syntax for Query:
XPath: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath
XT implementation:
XPath interface (contains everything):
Compile: jikes *.java (put local directory into CLASSPATH)
Invoke: With key oid:
java DomQueryTest AgentBig.xml xmlBlaster/key/AGENT[@id=\"\"] xmlBlaster/key/AGENT/DRIVER[@id=\"FileProof\"] xmlBlaster/key[@oid=\"2\"]
Normal XPath checks:
java -DtestAgentNavigation=false DomQueryTest Qos.xml /qos/expiration
Version: $Id: DomQueryTest.java 14846 2006-03-07 17:14:22Z ruff $
import com.jclark.xsl.om.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.StopWatch;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import com.jclark.xsl.dom.XMLProcessorImpl;
import com.jclark.xsl.dom.SunXMLProcessorImpl;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import com.fujitsu.xml.omquery.DomQueryMgr;
class DomQueryTest
final String ME = "DomQueryTester";
boolean testAgentNavigation = true; // only to be true with Agent.xml or AgentBig.xml
public DomQueryTest(String argv[])
Object tmp = System.getProperty("testAgentNavigation");
if (tmp != null) {
testAgentNavigation = (Boolean.valueOf((String)tmp)).booleanValue();
if (argv.length < 2) {
System.out.println("Usage:\n\n java DomQueryTest <XML-file> <Query-String>\n\nExample:\n java DomQueryTest Agent.xml xmlBlaster/key/AGENT[@id=\\\"\\\"]\n");
boolean dumpIt = false;
if (argv.length == 2) dumpIt = true;
Document doc;
DomQueryMgr query_mgr;
Enumeration iter;
int num_nodes;
// Query: xmlBlaster/key/AGENT[@id=\"\"] xmlBlaster/key/AGENT/DRIVER[@id=\"FileProof\"] xmlBlaster/key[@oid=\"2\"]
// Time 1: For 7 <key> blocks on 266 MHz AMD Linux, JDK 1.2
// Time 2: For 600 <key> blocks on 266 MHz AMD Linux, JDK 1.2
StopWatch inputTime = new StopWatch();
InputSource input = new InputSource(createURL(argv[0])); // [ 20 millis ]
System.out.println("Read file" + inputTime.nice());
StopWatch xmlprocTime = new StopWatch();
XMLProcessorImpl xmlproc = new SunXMLProcessorImpl(); // [ 75 millis ] [ 60 millis ]
System.out.println("Instantiate SunXMLProcessorImpl" + xmlprocTime.nice());
StopWatch docTime = new StopWatch();
doc = xmlproc.load(input);
System.out.println("Create DOM - Document" + docTime.nice()); // [ 1 sec 608 millis ] [ 3 sec 69 millis ]
StopWatch mgrTime = new StopWatch();
query_mgr = new DomQueryMgr(doc);
System.out.println("Instantiate DomQueryMgr" + mgrTime.nice()); // [ 240 millis ] [ 204 millis ]
if (argv.length > 1) {
StopWatch queryTime = new StopWatch();
iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(doc, argv[1]); // [ 2 sec 630 millis ] [ 2 sec 516 millis ]
System.out.println("Query time" + queryTime.nice());
num_nodes = getNumNodes(iter, dumpIt);
System.out.println(num_nodes + " nodes matches for XPath " + "\"" + argv[1] + "\"");
if (dumpIt) {
StopWatch queryTime = new StopWatch();
iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(doc, argv[1]);
System.out.println("Query a second time encreases performance to" + queryTime.nice());
if (argv.length > 2) {
StopWatch queryTime2 = new StopWatch();
iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(doc, argv[2]); // [ 2 millis ] [ 2 millis ]
System.out.println("Query time" + queryTime2.nice());
num_nodes = getNumNodes(iter, dumpIt);
System.out.println(num_nodes + " nodes matches for XPath " + "\"" + argv[2] + "\"");
if (argv.length > 3) {
StopWatch queryTime2 = new StopWatch();
iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(doc, argv[3]); // [ 1 millis ] [ 1 millis ]
System.out.println("Query time" + queryTime2.nice());
num_nodes = getNumNodes(iter, dumpIt);
System.out.println(num_nodes + " nodes matches for XPath " + "\"" + argv[3] + "\"");
StopWatch docTime = new StopWatch();
doc = xmlproc.load(input);
System.out.println("Create DOM - Document" + docTime.nice()); // [ 28 millis ] [ 1 sec 487 millis ]
StopWatch mgrTime = new StopWatch();
query_mgr = new DomQueryMgr(doc);
System.out.println("Instantiate DomQueryMgr" + mgrTime.nice()); // [ 1 millis ] [ 1 millis ]
if (argv.length > 1) {
StopWatch queryTime = new StopWatch();
iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(doc, argv[1]); // [ 1 millis ] [ 1 millis ]
System.out.println("Query time" + queryTime.nice());
num_nodes = getNumNodes(iter, dumpIt);
System.out.println(num_nodes + " nodes matches for XPath " + "\"" + argv[1] + "\"");
catch (IOException e)
catch (SAXException e)
catch (XSLException e)
private int getNumNodes(Enumeration nodeIter, boolean dumpIt) throws XSLException
int n = 0;
while (nodeIter.hasMoreElements())
Object obj = nodeIter.nextElement();
if (dumpIt) {
if (obj instanceof String) {
String val = (String)obj;
/* Does not compile with JDK 1.3, need 1.4:
else if (obj instanceof org.apache.crimson.tree.AttributeNode) {
org.apache.crimson.tree.AttributeNode attr = (org.apache.crimson.tree.AttributeNode)obj;
else {
if (testAgentNavigation) {
try {
Element node = (Element)obj;
System.out.println("Found key oid=\"" + getKeyOID(node) + "\"\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("ERROR: Found no xmlBlaster key oid. " + e.toString());
System.out.println("Processing nodeName=" + node.getNodeName() + ", " +
"localName=" + node.getLocalName() + ", " +
"tagName=" + node.getTagName() + ", " +
"" + node.toString()
return n;
private String getKeyOID(org.w3c.dom.Node node) throws Exception
if (node == null)
throw new Exception("no parent node found");
String nodeName = node.getNodeName();
if (nodeName.equals("xmlBlaster")) // ERROR: the root node, must be specialy handled
throw new Exception("xmlBlaster node not allowed");
if (!nodeName.equals("key")) {
return getKeyOID(node.getParentNode()); // w3c: getParentNode() sun: getParentImpl()
/* !!! Element
org.w3c.dom.Attr keyOIDAttr = node.getAttributeNode("oid");
if (keyOIDAttr != null)
return keyOIDAttr.getValue();
// w3c conforming code:
NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
if (attributes != null && attributes.getLength() > 0) {
int attributeCount = attributes.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) {
Attr attribute = (Attr)attributes.item(i);
if (attribute.getNodeName().equals("oid")) {
String val = attribute.getNodeValue();
return val;
throw new Exception("Internal getKeyOID() error");
private String createURL(String path)
File f = new File(path);
String uri = f.getAbsolutePath();
char sep = System.getProperty("file.separator").charAt(0);
uri = uri.replace(sep, '/');
if (uri.charAt(0) != '/')
uri = '/' + uri;
uri = "file://" + uri;
return uri;
public static void main(String argv[])
new DomQueryTest(argv);