Package javaclients.corba

Source Code of javaclients.corba.RawCallback

Copyright:, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
package javaclients.corba;

import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import org.xmlBlaster.util.FileLocator;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.key.UpdateKey; // To SAX parse the received XML key
//import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.UpdateQos; // To SAX parse the received XML QoS
import org.xmlBlaster.util.StopWatch;

import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.authenticateIdl.AuthServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.authenticateIdl.AuthServerHelper;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.Server;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.MessageUnit;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.clientIdl.BlasterCallback;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.clientIdl.BlasterCallbackOperations;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.clientIdl.BlasterCallbackPOATie;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.clientIdl.BlasterCallbackHelper;

import org.omg.CosNaming.*;

* Demo code how to access xmlBlaster using CORBA, step by step without any client helper classes.
* <p>
* It uses the method subscribe() with a later publish() with XPath query.<br />
* The subscribe() should be recognized for this later arriving publish()
* <p>
* Invoke examples:<br />
* <pre>
*    jaco org.xmlBlaster.Main -plugin/ior/iorFile /tmp/NS_Ref
*    ${JacORB_HOME}/bin/jaco javaclients.corba.ClientRaw -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorFile /tmp/NS_Ref
*    ${JacORB_HOME}/bin/jaco javaclients.corba.ClientRaw -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorString `cat /tmp/NS_Ref`
*    ${JacORB_HOME}/bin/jaco javaclients.corba.ClientRaw -loginName "Jeff" `cat /tmp/NS_Ref`
* </pre>
public class ClientRaw
   private static String ME = "ClientRaw";
   private final org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb;
   private final String[] args;
   private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ClientRaw.class.getName());

   private Server xmlBlaster = null;

   public ClientRaw(String args[]) {
      this.args = args;
      System.out.println("   -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorString  The raw IOR string from xmlBlaster.");
      System.out.println("   -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorFile    The raw IOR string from a file.");
      Global glob = new Global(args);

      orb = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(this.args,null);
      try {
         AuthServer authServer;
         ME = glob.getProperty().get("loginName", ME);
         String loginName = ME;

         String fileName = glob.getProperty().get("dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorFile", (String)null); // a file with the IOR string
         String authServerIOR = glob.getProperty().get("dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorString", (String)null); // the IOR string "IOR:00405..."

         if (fileName != null) authServerIOR = FileLocator.readAsciiFile(fileName);

         if (authServerIOR != null) {
            authServer = AuthServerHelper.narrow(orb.string_to_object(authServerIOR));
         else {
            // asking Name Service CORBA compliant:
            NamingContext nc = NamingContextHelper.narrow(orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService"));
            NameComponent [] name = new NameComponent[1];
            name[0] = new NameComponent();
            name[0].id = "xmlBlaster-Authenticate";
            name[0].kind = "MOM";
            if (nc == null) {
               System.out.println("\nSorry, please pass the server IOR string to the client, e.g.:\n"
                           + "Start the server:\n"
                           + "   jaco org.xmlBlaster.Main -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorFile /tmp/NS_Ref\n"
                           + "Start this client:\n"
                           + "   jaco javaclients.corba.ClientRaw -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorFile /tmp/NS_Ref\n");
               System.err.println(ME + ": Read xmlBlaster/INSTALL for help");
            authServer = AuthServerHelper.narrow(nc.resolve(name));

         StopWatch stop = new StopWatch();

         //---------- Building a Callback server ----------------------
         // Getting the default POA implementation "RootPOA"
         org.omg.PortableServer.POA rootPOA =

         // Intialize my Callback interface:
         BlasterCallbackPOATie callbackTie = new BlasterCallbackPOATie(new RawCallback(args, ME));
         BlasterCallback callback = BlasterCallbackHelper.narrow(rootPOA.servant_to_reference( callbackTie ));


         //----------- Login to the server -----------------------
         try {
            String passwd = "some";

            // Create a XML based qos (quality of service) which hold the IOR (the CORBA
            // address of our callback server)
            String qos = "<qos><callback type='IOR'>";
            qos += orb.object_to_string(callback);
            qos += "</callback></qos>";

            // The xmlBlaster server takes this IOR string and uses it to connect
            // to our client-side callback interface to deliver updates back

            xmlBlaster = authServer.login(loginName, passwd, qos);
  "Login done");
         } catch(org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.XmlBlasterException e) {
            log.warning("XmlBlasterException: " + e.getMessage());

         //----------- Subscribe to messages with XPATH -------
            log.fine("Subscribing using XPath syntax ...");
            String xmlKey = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>\n" +
                           "<key oid='' queryType='XPATH'>\n" +
                           "/xmlBlaster/key/AGENT" +
            try {
               xmlBlaster.subscribe(xmlKey, "<qos></qos>");
            } catch(org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.XmlBlasterException e) {
               log.warning("XmlBlasterException: " + e.getMessage());
  "Subscribe done, there should be no Callback" + stop.nice());

         delay(2000); // Wait some time ...

         //----------- Construct a message and publish it ---------
            String xmlKey = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>\n" +
                            "<key oid='' contentMime='text/xml'>\n" +
                            "  <AGENT id='' subId='1' type='generic'>" +
                            "    <DRIVER id='FileProof' pollingFreq='10'>" +
                            "    </DRIVER>"+
                            "  </AGENT>" +
            String content = "Yeahh, i'm the new content";
            MessageUnit msgUnit = new MessageUnit(xmlKey, content.getBytes(), "<qos></qos>");
  "Publishing ...");
            try {
               String publishOid = xmlBlaster.publish(msgUnit);
               log.fine("Returned oid=" + publishOid);
            } catch(org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.XmlBlasterException e) {
               log.warning("XmlBlasterException: " + e.getMessage());
  "Publishing done, there should be a callback now" + stop.nice());

         delay(1000); // Wait some time ...

         //; // Usually your client won't exit after this, uncomment the run() method


         //----------- Logout --------------------------------------"Logout ...");
         try {
         } catch(org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.XmlBlasterException e) {
            log.warning("XmlBlasterException: " + e.getMessage());

         //----------- Shutdown my callback server -----------------
         try {
         } catch(Exception e) { log.warning("POA deactivate callback failed"); }

         //----------- Stop the POA --------------------------------
         try {
            rootPOA.the_POAManager().deactivate(false, true);
         } catch(Exception e) { log.warning("POA deactivate failed"); }

         //----------- Shutdown the ORB ----------------------------
      catch (Exception e) {

   private void delay(long millis) {
      try {
      catch( InterruptedException i)

   private void ask(String text) {
      System.out.println("################### Hit a key to continue ###################");
      try {;
      } catch ( e) {}

   static void usage() {
      System.out.println("\nAvailable options:");
      System.out.println("   -loginName                               The login name [ClientRaw].");
      System.out.println("   -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorFile  File with the IOR string from xmlBlaster.");
      System.out.println("   -dispatch/callback/plugin/ior/iorString  The raw IOR string from xmlBlaster.");
      System.out.println("Example: jaco javaclients.corba.ClientRaw -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorFile /tmp/NS_Ref\n");

   public static void main(String args[]) {
      new ClientRaw(args);
} // ClientRaw

* Example for a callback implementation, used by the demo ClientRaw.
class RawCallback implements BlasterCallbackOperations
   final String ME;
   final Global glob;
   private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ClientRaw.class.getName());

    * Construct it.
   public RawCallback(String[] args, java.lang.String name) {
      this.ME = "RawCallback-" + name;
      glob = new Global(args);

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.fine("Entering constructor with argument");

    * This is the callback method invoked from the server
    * informing the client in an asynchronous mode about new messages
   public String[] update(String cbSessionId, MessageUnit[] msgUnitArr)
      String[] ret = new String[msgUnitArr.length];
      for (int ii=0; ii<msgUnitArr.length; ii++) {
         MessageUnit msgUnit = msgUnitArr[ii];
         UpdateKey key = null;
         //UpdateQos qos = null;
         try { // SAX parse the received message key and QoS:
            key = new UpdateKey(glob, msgUnit.xmlKey);
            //qos = new UpdateQos(glob, msgUnit.qos);
         } catch (org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException e) {
         System.out.println("\n================== BlasterCallback update START =============");
         System.out.println("Callback invoked for " + key.toString() + " content length = " + msgUnit.content.length);
         System.out.println(new String(msgUnit.content));
         System.out.println("================== BlasterCallback update END ===============\n");
         ret[ii] = "<qos><state id='OK'/></qos>";
      return ret;

    * This oneway method does not return something, it is high performing but
    * you loose the application level hand shake.
    * @see <a href="" target="others">CORBA xmlBlaster.idl</a>
   public void updateOneway(String cbSessionId, org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.MessageUnit[] msgUnitArr)
      try {
         update(cbSessionId, msgUnitArr);
      catch (Throwable e) {
         log.severe("updateOneway() failed, exception is not sent to xmlBlaster: " + e.toString());

    * Ping to check if the callback server is alive.
    * @param qos ""
    * @return ""
   public String ping(String qos)
      return "";
} // RawCallback

Related Classes of javaclients.corba.RawCallback

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