package test.ejb;
import test.interfaces.Customer;
import test.interfaces.CustomerHome;
import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import javax.ejb.FinderException;
import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
* This Bean serves as an example of a session bean that does not require a subclass to
* be generated, but is included in the deployment descriptor generation. It is a _very_ simple
* stupid example.
* @ejb.bean
* generate="false"
* jndi-name="ejb/bank/SecurityOfficer"
* name="SecurityOfficer"
* type="Stateless"
* @ejb.ejb-ref
* ejb-name="SecurityOfficer"
* @ejb.permission
* role-name="SecurityOfficer"
* @ejb.interface
* generate="false"
* @ejb.home
* generate="false"
* @ejb.util
* generate="false"
* @jboss.container-configuration
* name="Standard Stateless SessionBean"
* @jboss.ejb-ref-jndi
* jndi-name="ejb/bank/Customer"
* ref-name="bank/Customer"
* @jonas.bean ejb-name="SecurityOfficer"
* jndi-name="SecurityOfficerHome"
* @jonas.ejb-ref ejb-ref-name="ejb/SecurityOfficer"
* jndi-name="SecurityOfficer"
public class SecurityOfficerBean implements SessionBean {
// SessionBean implementation -----------------------------------
private SessionContext sessionContext;
public void setSessionContext(SessionContext context) {
this.sessionContext = context;
public void ejbRemove() {
public void ejbActivate() {
public void ejbPassivate() {
public void patrolBank() {
System.out.println("Patrolling bank.");
try {
CustomerHome home = (CustomerHome) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/bank/Customer");
Collection customers = home.findAll();
for (Iterator customersInBank = customers.iterator(); customersInBank.hasNext();) {
Customer customer = (Customer);
catch (NamingException e) {
throw new EJBException("Unable to find any customers: " + e.getMessage());
catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new EJBException("Unable to find any customers: " + e.getMessage());
catch (FinderException e) {
throw new EJBException("Unable to find any customers: " + e.getMessage());