package net.sf.xbus.technical.as400;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import net.sf.xbus.application.Adapter;
import net.sf.xbus.application.PostProcessor;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.Constants;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.TAManager;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.TAResource;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.XException;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.config.Configuration;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.trace.Trace;
import net.sf.xbus.base.notifyerror.NotifyError;
import net.sf.xbus.base.xbussystem.XBUSSystem;
import net.sf.xbus.technical.Receiver;
import net.sf.xbus.technical.ReceiverSingleInterface;
* The <code>AS400FileReceiver</code> receives a request, reads the files on
* the AS400 machines into tstrings and calls the application layer.
* <p>
* <b>Configuration:</b>
* <p>
* <table border>
* <tr>
* <th>Chapter</th>
* <th>Section</th>
* <th>Key</th>
* <th>Content</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>System</td>
* <td>Interface</td>
* <td>Filename</td>
* <td>Path name that represents an object in the <br>
* QSYS library file system on the AS400 machine</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>System</td>
* <td>Interface</td>
* <td>FinalResolution</td>
* <td>Three actions are possible with the file after processing: <br>
* <b><i>preserve, rename</i></b> or<b><i> delete</i></b></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>System</td>
* <td>Interface</td>
* <td>OnError</td>
* <td>Three actions are be possible with the file when an unrecoverable error
* has occured: <br>
* <b><i>preserve, rename</i></b> or<b><i> delete</i></b></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>System</td>
* <td>Interface</td>
* <td>Encoding</td>
* <td>Specified character encoding of the interface<i> (Optional)</i></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Base</td>
* <td>ReceiverTimeout</td>
* <td>Seconds</td>
* <td>Global timeout value for AS400FileReceiver.<br>
* If any error occurs the AS400FileReceiver tries again in this time.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Base</td>
* <td>Retry</td>
* <td>Count</td>
* <td>How many additional attempts are started after an error occured?</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public class AS400FileReceiver extends AS400FileBase
* AS400 object that represents the iSeries system that contains the file
protected AS400 mAS400System = null;
* Path name that represents an object in the QSYS library file system from
* the standard configuration.<br>
* May contain placeholders for informations on the address
private String mConfigFilename = null;
* Path name that represents the copy from the original object in the QSYS
* library file system<br>
* which Member is renamed to the current date.
private String mRenamename = null;
* Represents an AS/400 physical or logical file. Allows the user to use
* commitment control when accessing an AS/400 file and access the records
* in an AS/400 file sequentially or by record number.
protected SequentialFile mOriginFile = null;
* QSYSObjectPathName represents an object in the integrated file system
protected QSYSObjectPathName mQSYSObject = null;
* File encoding
protected String mEncoding = null;
* Resolved action with the file after that it was read<br>
* <i>preserve, rename</i> or <i>delete</i>
private String mResolution = null;
* In case of <code>mResolution=CallProgram</code> this path will be used
* for the program call.
private String mAS400TerminatorProgram;
* Type of action after an error occured.
private String mOnError = null;
* Number of retries after an error in first attempt.
private int mRetryCount = 0;
* Delay between retries in seconds.
private int mTimeout = 0;
* Timeout for stopping program call
private int mProgramTimeout = 0;
* This method manages the receiving of message for one neighbor system.
* <p>
* The system is specified by its name. Due to wildcards in this name it may
* really describe serveral interfaces. All these will be processed. Thus,
* first the list of {@link net.sf.xbus.base.xbussystem.XBUSSystem}s for
* the given system name is determined by replacing the wildcards.
* <p>
* After that for each XBUSSystem the {@link #doReceive(XBUSSystem)} method
* is invoked, where requested interface file(s) is (are) read out into a
* character string. The XBUSSystem and the string are passed to the
* application layer.
* <p>
* <b><i>Note:</i></b><br>
* The retry mechanism in this method first attempts processing <b><u>each</u></b>
* XBUSSystem. Those which cause errors are put into a list and this list is
* the base for the next retry.
* @param systemName name of the system to receive data from
* @throws XException if something goes wrong
public void receive(String systemName)
// file name, encoding and resolution for this system
// are read from the configuration and saved into class variables
// AS400Receiver will be registered by TAManager
TAManager taManager = TAManager.getInstance();
// determine the list of XBUSSystems for the system name
List systems = XBUSSystem.getSystems(systemName, mConfigFilename);
// for failed transmissions
List errorSystems = null;
// for counting the attempts
int i = 0;
// while loop for the attemps to process the interfaces
while ((!systems.isEmpty()) && (i < mRetryCount + 1))
{ // still some systems to process and number of retires nor yet
// reached
// time out before retries
if (i > 0)
Thread.sleep(mTimeout * 1000);
// empty list for failed interfaces
errorSystems = new Vector();
// for loop iterates over the all XBUSSystems and tries to
// receive the interface data
for (Iterator it = systems.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
{ // iterating operation in first body instruction:
XBUSSystem xbusSystem = (XBUSSystem);
if (i == 0)
{ // first attempt"Start processing "
+ xbusSystem.getCompleteName());
} // then (i == 0)
{ // a retry"Retry number " + i + ": "
+ xbusSystem.getCompleteName());
} // else (i == 0)
if (doReceive(xbusSystem))
{ // successfully received
PostProcessor.start(xbusSystem, null,
Constants.POSTPROCESSING_PERSYSTEM);"End processing "
+ xbusSystem.getCompleteName());"----------------------------------------");
} // then (receive(xbusSystem))
{ // An error occured during data transmission
// but the resulting exception was already catched.
taManager.rollback();"Error while processing "
+ xbusSystem.getCompleteName());"----------------------------------------");
} // else (receive(xbusSystem))
} // for (Iterator it = systems.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
// In next attempt only try the failed interfaces.
systems = errorSystems;
// One attempt more done.
} // while ((!systems.isEmpty()) && (i < mRetryCount + 1))
if (!systems.isEmpty())
{ // Even after retrying some systems were not successfully
// processed.
Trace.error("Some systems couldn't be processed.");
// Falied interfaces list for error message.
Hashtable additionalInfo = new Hashtable();
// Counting the failed interfaces.
i = 1;
XBUSSystem system;
// loop over al failed interfaces
for (Iterator it = systems.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
{ // iterating operation in first body instruction:
system = (XBUSSystem);
additionalInfo.put("System" + i, system.getCompleteName());
// Perform cleaning operations according to configuration.
if (mOnError.equals(Constants.READ_DELETE)
|| mOnError.equals(Constants.READ_DELETEFILE))
deleteFile(mAS400System, system
} // delete
else if (mOnError.equals(Constants.READ_DELETEMEMBER))
deleteMember(mAS400System, system
} // delete member
else if (mOnError.equals(Constants.READ_RENAME))
+ Constants.getDateAsString());
} // rename
// Nothing to do for "Preserve".
} // try
catch (XException e)
} // catch
// Next system.
} // for (Iterator it = systems.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
NotifyError.notifyError(this, new XBUSSystem(systemName),
"Some interfaces couldn't be processed", null,
} // if (!systems.isEmpty())
PostProcessor.start(new XBUSSystem(systemName), null,
} // try
catch (Throwable e)
NotifyError.notifyError(this, new XBUSSystem(systemName), e
.getMessage(), null, null);
catch (XException e1)
// do nothing
} // catch
// remove from the resources
// disconnect from the all services at the iSeries
} // finally
} // doReceive(String systemName)
* Manages the process of receipt for a specifc XBUSSystem. This method is
* provided to do the following:
* <ol>
* <li> replace wildcards in the filename with the dealer information
* <li> create copy and backup files, depending on the resolution
* <li> read file into String
* <li> call application layer
* <li> determine the result in sense of success/no success
* </ol>
* @param xbusSystem XBUSSystem object with information of this
* neighbor-system to be read
* @exception XException if any errors is occurs which is not treated in the
* application layer
protected boolean doReceive(XBUSSystem xbusSystem)
boolean successful = false;
// The name of the interface file may contain placeholders for
// informations
// on the address.
// In replaceMarker() method these placeholders will be replaced
// with their
// actual values for the address of the neighbor-system.
// If no address address information is available, the text will be
// returned
// without modifications.
// Create an object in the integrated file system for the file name.
// It is used to parse an integrated file system name into its
// components.
mQSYSObject = new QSYSObjectPathName(xbusSystem
IFSFile ifsFile = new IFSFile(mAS400System, mQSYSObject.getPath());
// only if the file exist and it is accessible.
if (ifsFile.exists())
{"Receiving data from "
+ xbusSystem.replaceAllMarkers(mConfigFilename)[0]);
// initiate the SequentialFile object
mOriginFile = new SequentialFile(mAS400System, mQSYSObject
// lock original file with the WRITE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK lock type
Object requestContent = getRequestContent();
// if OnEmpty is Ignore end this method
if (requestContent == null)
return true;
// call application layer
Adapter adapter = new Adapter();
adapter.callApplication(xbusSystem, requestContent,
// check the Adapter return code
// in case of not success, throw new XException
if (Constants.RC_OK.equals(adapter.getReturncode()))
successful = true;
successful = true;
catch (Throwable t)
// Something unexpected has happened.
successful = false;
return successful;
* <code>getRequestContent</code> delivers the content of the request.
* Subclasses may define their own request content.
* @return the interface file content as <code>String</code> but casted to
* <code>Object</code> for compliance reasons
* @exception XException if file can not be read or any I/O error occurs
protected Object getRequestContent() throws XException
// read original file
return readFile();
} // getRequestContent()
* Reads the content of the integrated file system object specified by its
* path name into a string.
* <p>
* <b><i>Note: </i></b> We use the record-level access classes for
* reading.<br>
* Contents of each record first are read out in a byte array of AS400 data
* and then converted then to a character string with the specified
* character encoding.
* @return file contents as String (with line breaks as recordSeparators)
* @exception XException if file can not be read or any I/O error occurs
private String readFile() throws XException
StringBuffer retBuffer = new StringBuffer();
AS400FileRecordDescription recordDescription = new AS400FileRecordDescription(
mAS400System, mQSYSObject.getPath());
// Set record format of the file.
RecordFormat[] format = recordDescription.retrieveRecordFormat();
// Open the file., 0,
// Read all records in the file into
// a string - each one separated by the Constants.LINE_SEPARATOR
Record record = mOriginFile.readNext();
if (record != null)
{ // at least one record
byte[] inData = null;
// save record contents to the byte array
inData = record.getContents();
// convert this content to the String
mConverter = new CharConverter(mEncoding);
while ((record = mOriginFile.readNext()) != null)
// read records while they exist
inData = record.getContents();
} // while ((record = mOriginFile.readNext()) != null)
} // if (record != null)
// close the file since I am done
} // try
catch (Exception thr)
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_AS400, "0", thr);
} // catch
return retBuffer.toString();
} // readFile()
* Reads standard configuration and stores following data in the class
* variables.
* <p>
* <dl>
* <dd><table>
* <tr>
* <td><code>Filename</code></td>
* <td></td>
* <td>path name that represents an object in the QSYS library file system</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><code>Resolution actions</code></td>
* <td></td>
* <td>actions to be taken in case of successfull transmission, error and
* empty source file</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><code>Encoding</code></td>
* <td></td>
* <td>specified character encoding of the interface</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* </dl>
* @see #getResolution(Configuration, String)
* @see AS400FileBase#getEncoding(AS400, String)
* @param system System name to be read
* @exception XException if the configuartion is not available or a
* mandatory key cannot be read
public void readConfiguration(String system) throws XException
Configuration config = Configuration.getInstance();
// create an AS400 object for the server that holds the files
// and connection to the iSeries
AS400Connection connection = AS400Connection.getInstance(config
.getValue(Constants.CHAPTER_SYSTEM, system, "AS400"));
mAS400System = connection.getSystem();
mResolution = getResolution(config, system);
mOnError = getOnError(config, system);
mConfigFilename = config.getValue(Constants.CHAPTER_SYSTEM, system,
mEncoding = getEncoding(mAS400System, system);
mAS400TerminatorProgram = config.getValueOptional(
Constants.CHAPTER_SYSTEM, system, "AS400Program.Terminator");
mRetryCount = Configuration.getInstance().getValueAsInt(
Constants.CHAPTER_BASE, "Retry", "Count");
if (mRetryCount > 0)
mTimeout = config.getValueAsInt(Constants.CHAPTER_BASE,
"ReceiverTimeout", "Seconds");
mProgramTimeout = config.getValueAsIntOptional(
Constants.CHAPTER_SYSTEM, system, "ProgramTimeout") * 1000;
if (mProgramTimeout == 0)
mProgramTimeout = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} // readConfiguration(String system)
* Determines the final resolution (action after successful file processing)
* for the given system name from the standard configuration and checks its
* conformity with the allowed ones:
* <p>
* <dl>
* <dd><code>Preserve</code> -the source file remains without
* modifications
* <dd><code>Rename</code> - the source file member is
* renamed
* <dd><code>Delete</code> or <code>DeleteFile</code> -
* the source file is deleted
* <dd><code>DeleteMember</code> - the source file
* member is deleted
* <dd><code>CallProgram</code> - a parameterless
* program is called on the AS400, its path is given in the configuration
* </dl>
* @param config Instance of the
* {@link net.sf.xbus.base.core.config.Configuration}
* @param system Sytem name for which resolution must be read.
* @return final resolution as String (Preserve, Rename, Delete, DeleteFile,
* DeleteMember or CallProgram)
* @exception XException if resolution value is not configured or not known
public String getResolution(Configuration config, String system)
throws XException
String resolution = config.getValue(Constants.CHAPTER_SYSTEM, system,
if (!resolution.equals(Constants.READ_PRESERVE)
&& !resolution.equals(Constants.READ_RENAME)
&& !resolution.equals(Constants.READ_DELETE)
&& !resolution.equals(Constants.READ_DELETEFILE)
&& !resolution.equals(Constants.READ_DELETEMEMBER)
&& !resolution.equals(Constants.READ_CALLPROGRAM))
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_AS400, "20", params);
return resolution;
} // getResolution(Configuration config, String system)
* Determines the action which should happen in case of an error from the
* standard configuration and checks its conformity with the allowed ones:
* <p>
* <dl>
* <dd><code>Preserve</code> -the source file remains without
* modifications
* <dd><code>Rename</code> - the source file member is
* renamed
* <dd><code>Delete</code> or <code>DeleteFile</code> -
* the source file is deleted
* <dd><code>DeleteMember</code> - the source file
* member is deleted
* </dl>
* @param config Instance of the
* {@link net.sf.xbus.base.core.config.Configuration}
* @param system Sytem name which resoltion must be read.
* @return error case action as String (Preserve, Rename, Delete,
* DeleteFile, DeleteMember)
* @exception XException if the onError key is missing or unknown
public String getOnError(Configuration config, String system)
throws XException
String onError = config.getValue(Constants.CHAPTER_SYSTEM, system,
if (!onError.equals(Constants.READ_PRESERVE)
&& !onError.equals(Constants.READ_RENAME)
&& !onError.equals(Constants.READ_DELETE)
&& !onError.equals(Constants.READ_DELETEMEMBER))
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_AS400, "21", params);
return onError;
} // getOnError(Configuration config, String system)
* Sets the aS400System in AS400FileReceiver object.
* @param aS400System The aS400System to set
public void setAS400System(AS400 aS400System)
mAS400System = aS400System;
} // setAS400System(AS400 aS400System)
* Implemented method <code>commit</code> from the TAResource interface.
* The purpose of commit actions is to remove any backup information that
* had been created during processing (transaction) in the iSeries
* integrated file system. Depending on the Resolution, the following
* actions are carried out:
* <p>
* <table border>
* <tr>
* <th>Resolution</th>
* <th>Action</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Preserve</td>
* <td> 1. release file lock</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Rename</td>
* <td> 1. release file lock<br>
* 2. rename file</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Delete/DeleteFile</td>
* <td> 1. release file lock<br>
* 2. delete file</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>DeleteMember</td>
* <td> 1. release file lock<br>
* 2. delete member</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>CallProgram</td>
* <td> 1. release file lock<br>
* 2. call the specified terminator program</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* @see net.sf.xbus.base.core.TAResource#commit()
* @exception XException if accessing the interface file or perfoming the
* configured action fails
public void commit() throws XException
// release all Locks
if (mOriginFile.getExplicitLocks().length > 0)
} // try
catch (Exception ex)
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_AS400, "6", params);
} // catch
} // if (mOriginFile.getExplicitLocks().length > 0)
// delete file if resolution = Delete/DeleteFile
if (mResolution.equals(Constants.READ_DELETE)
|| mResolution.equals(Constants.READ_DELETEFILE))
} // try
catch (Exception ex)
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_AS400, "0", ex);
} // catch
} // Delete/DeleteFile
// Delete member if resolution = DelteMember
if (mResolution.equals(Constants.READ_DELETEMEMBER))
} // try
catch (Exception ex)
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_AS400, "0", ex);
} // catch
} // DeleteMember
// Rename member if resolution = rename
else if (mResolution.equals(Constants.READ_RENAME))
// Get new path with date as member name.
mRenamename = getRenamedMember(new QSYSObjectPathName(mQSYSObject
.getPath()), "SV" + Constants.getAS400DateFormat());
// Execute renaming
renameFile(mAS400System, mQSYSObject.getPath(), mRenamename);
} // Rename
// Call "Terminator" program if resolution = CallProgram
else if (mResolution.equals(Constants.READ_CALLPROGRAM))
// Check for program path read from the configuration before.
if (mAS400TerminatorProgram == null
|| mAS400TerminatorProgram.length() == 0)
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_AS400, "25");
// Empty parameter list
ProgramParameter[] param = new ProgramParameter[0];
// Call
callAS400Program(mAS400System, mAS400TerminatorProgram, param,
} // CallProgram
} // commit()
* Implemented method <code>rollback</code> from TAResource neglects all
* changes made so far (file locking).
* <p>
* @see net.sf.xbus.base.core.TAResource#rollback()
* @exception XException if locks cannot be released
public void rollback() throws XException
if (mOriginFile.getExplicitLocks().length > 0)
} // try
catch (Exception ex)
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_AS400, "6", params);
} // catch
} // if (mOriginFile.getExplicitLocks().length > 0)
} // rollback()
* Not implemented for the iSeries integrated file system
* @see net.sf.xbus.base.core.TAResource#open()
public void open()
* Not implemented for the iSeries integrated file system
* @see net.sf.xbus.base.core.TAResource#close()
public void close()
public String getType()
return Constants.TYPE_TEXT;
} // AS400FileReceiver