package net.sf.xbus.technical;
import net.sf.xbus.application.Adapter;
import net.sf.xbus.application.PostProcessor;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.Constants;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.TAManager;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.XException;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.config.Configuration;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.trace.Trace;
import net.sf.xbus.base.notifyerror.NotifyError;
import net.sf.xbus.base.xbussystem.XBUSSystem;
* Classes implementing the <code>ReceiverThreadBase</code> are running as
* background threads to process messages when they arrive. These classes are
* executed by the {@link ReceiverService}.
abstract public class ReceiverThreadBase implements Runnable, Receiver
* Default for the time to wait after an error has occured.
static protected final int DEFAULT_ERROR_TIMEOUT = 10; // seconds
* Default for the time to wait after the successful processing of a
* message.
static protected final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5; // seconds
private XBUSSystem mSource = null;
private int mErrorCounter = 0;
private long mErrorTimeout = 0;
private int mStopAfterErrors = 0;
private long mTimeout = 0;
private boolean mProceed = true;
* Stores the interface name
* @param source name of the interface definition
public ReceiverThreadBase(XBUSSystem source)
mSource = source;
* Receives and processes messages for one system. It is running until
* either the thread shall be stopped on demand or until a configurable
* amount of errors has occured, without a successful processed message
* between it.
public void run()
.always("Starting ReceiverThread for "
+ mSource.getCompleteName());
* Initialize the ReceiverThread, e.g. opening a connection
TAManager taManager = TAManager.getInstance();
boolean initializeSuccessful = false;
while (!initializeSuccessful && checkProceed())
initializeSuccessful = true;
catch (XException e)
Trace.error("Problem while starting "
+ mSource.getCompleteName());
Trace.error("Retry after " + getErrorTimeout() / 1000
+ " seconds");
catch (InterruptedException ie)
// do nothing
* Process messages
Object message = null;
while (checkProceed())
catch (XException e)
Trace.error("Problem while starting "
+ mSource.getCompleteName());
Trace.error("Retry after " + getErrorTimeout() / 1000
+ " seconds");
catch (InterruptedException e1)
// do nothing
message = receive();
if (message != null)
{"Receiving data from " + getAddress());
Adapter adapter = new Adapter();
adapter.callApplication(getSource(), message, getType());
if (Constants.RC_OK.equals(adapter.getReturncode()))
PostProcessor.start(getSource(), adapter.getResponse(),
Constants.POSTPROCESSING_PERSYSTEM);"End processing "
+ getSource().getCompleteName());"------------------------------");
handleError(taManager, message, adapter
* All receiver threads except the MQReceiver shall wait
* some seconds if there is currently no message available.
if (!"MQReceiverThread".equals(getReceiverClassName()))
catch (InterruptedException e1)
// do nothing
catch (XException e)
handleError(taManager, message, e.getMessage());
.always("ReceiverThread for " + getSource().getName()
+ " stopped");
* Initialization of the the thread, called in the beginning, before the
* loop for processing messages starts. Used e.g. for opening a connection.
* @throws XException if something goes wrong
abstract protected void initializeThread() throws XException;
* Because the thread clears the list of transactional resources each time
* after processing a message, this method is called before reading the next
* message to register a receiver resource in the transaction manager.
* @param taManager the transaction manager in which the resources shall be
* registered
* @throws XException if something goes wrong
abstract protected void registerResources(TAManager taManager)
throws XException;
* Receives one message.
* @return the received message or <code>null</code> when no message has
* been available
* @throws XException if something goes wrong
abstract protected Object receive() throws XException;
* Returns the name of the receiver class, used for example to determine
* values in the configuration.
* @return the name of the receiver class
abstract protected String getReceiverClassName();
* Returns the address of a received message, used for example in the
* tracing. The content of the address depends on the type of receiver.
* FileReceivers will return filenames, the POP3Receiver will return an
* email address.
* @return the address of a received message
abstract protected String getAddress();
* Handles all actions to be taken, when a message cannot be processed, e.g.
* rollback of transactional resources and notifying an administrator.
* @param taManager the transactional manager
* @param message the content of the message that cannot be processed.
private void handleError(TAManager taManager, Object message,
String errorMessage)
NotifyError.notifyError(this, getSource(), errorMessage, message, null);
Trace.error("Error while processing " + getSource().getCompleteName());
Trace.error("Retry after " + getErrorTimeout() / 1000 + " seconds");
catch (InterruptedException e1)
// do nothing
* <code>interruptThread</code> shall interrupt the loop of receiving and
* processing messages and cause the thread to stop. It is invoked by the
* {@link ReceiverService}on shutdown or restart.
public void interruptThread()
mProceed = false;
* Checks wether the amount of errors have been reached, to stop the
* receiver thread.
private void checkErrorCounter()
if (mStopAfterErrors == 0)
mStopAfterErrors = ReceiverThreadManager.getStopAfterErrors(mSource
.getName(), getReceiverClassName());
if (mProceed && (mStopAfterErrors > 0)
&& (mErrorCounter >= mStopAfterErrors))
String message = "Stopping ReceiverThread "
+ mSource.getCompleteName()
+ " because of maximum amount of errors!";
NotifyError.notifyError(this, mSource, message, null, null);
catch (XException e)
// do nothing, error has been traced
Trace.error("Cannot stop ReceiverThread " + mSource.getName());
* Returns a boolean value that indicates whether the thread shall continue
* to process messages.
* @return a boolean value that indicates whether the thread shall continue
* to process messages
protected boolean checkProceed()
return mProceed;
* Increments the error counter.
protected void incrementErrorCounter()
* Initializes the error counter to 0.
protected void initializeErrorCounter()
mErrorCounter = 0;
* Returns the source of the messages.
* @return the source of the messages
protected XBUSSystem getSource()
return mSource;
* Returns the time to wait after an error has occured. The value is read
* out of the configuration, either a default for all receivers or a value
* specific for the current source. If no value is specified in the
* configuration, a hard coded default is used.
* @return the time to wait after an error has occured
protected long getErrorTimeout()
if (mErrorTimeout == 0)
Configuration config = Configuration.getInstance();
mErrorTimeout = config.getValueAsIntOptional("System", mSource
.getName(), "WaitAfterError") * 1000;
if (mErrorTimeout == 0)
mErrorTimeout = config.getValueAsInt("Base", "Receiver",
"WaitAfterError") * 1000;
catch (XException e)
mErrorTimeout = DEFAULT_ERROR_TIMEOUT * 1000;
Trace.warn("Using default for WaitAfterError: "
+ DEFAULT_ERROR_TIMEOUT + " seconds");
return mErrorTimeout;
* Returns the time to wait after the successful processing of a message.
* The value is read out of the configuration, either a default for the
* receiver class or a value specific for the current source. If no value is
* specified in the configuration, a hard coded default is used.
* @return the time to wait after the successful processing of a message
protected long getTimeout()
if (mTimeout == 0)
Configuration config = Configuration.getInstance();
mTimeout = config.getValueAsIntOptional("System", mSource
.getName(), "Timeout") * 1000;
if (mTimeout == 0)
mTimeout = config.getValueAsInt("Base",
getReceiverClassName(), "Timeout") * 1000;
catch (XException e)
mTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * 1000;
Trace.warn("Using default for Timeout: " + DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
+ " seconds");
return mTimeout;