Package net.sf.xbus.base.core.trace

Source Code of net.sf.xbus.base.core.trace.TraceFileRenamer

package net.sf.xbus.base.core.trace;


import net.sf.xbus.base.core.Constants;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.XException;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.config.Configuration;

* The <code>TraceFileRenamer</code> class is for renaming the trace file by
* adding a timestamp.<br>
* This serves for preventing to large trace files. The class just consists of a
* <code>main</code> method. This method checks the actual trace file size
* against a configured maximally desired size and renames the file if its size
* is too big.<br>
* The next trace entry after a rename will construct a new trace file with the
* configured original name.<br>
* If no trace file name or no maximal length specification is found in the
* configuration, nothing is done.
* @author Stephan D�wel
public class TraceFileRenamer

  public static void main(String[] args)
    Configuration config;
    // to get the path of the trace file and the "critical" file size
      config = Configuration.getInstance();
      String fileName = config.getValueOptional("Base", "Trace",
      // trace file name
      if (fileName != null)
      { // file name given
        long maxFileSize = config.getValueAsLongOptional("Base",
            "Trace", "MaxFileSize");
        // maximal size
        if (maxFileSize > 0)
        { // maximal size specified
          String filePath = Constants.XBUS_HOME
              + Constants.FILE_SEPERATOR + "log"
              + Constants.FILE_SEPERATOR + fileName;
          File configFile = new File(filePath);
          if (configFile.exists()
              && configFile.length() > maxFileSize)
            File newFile = new File(filePath
                + Constants.getDateAsString());
            if (!configFile.renameTo(newFile))
              Trace.error("Trace file could not be renamed.");
          } // if (configFile.exists() &&
            // configFile.length()>maxFileSize)
        } // if (maxFileSize>0)
      } // if (fileName!=null)
    } // try
    catch (XException e)
    { // Any exception during accessing the configuration is ignored.
    } // catch
  } // main(String[] args)

} // TraceFileRenamer

Related Classes of net.sf.xbus.base.core.trace.TraceFileRenamer

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