package net.sf.xbus.base.core.config;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.Constants;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.XException;
* This is the implementation of a {@link ConfigSource} wich uses the Java-<code>Properties</code>.
* <p>
* To map the hierarchy of the
* {@link net.sf.xbus.base.core.config.Configuration}, the keys of the
* properties must consist of three parts divided by "_"
* (e.g.System_MQ_Timeout).
public class PropertiesSource implements ConfigSource
private static final String DELIMITER = "_";
private static final String POSTFIX = ".conf";
private String mPrefix = null;
* The constructor builds the name of the properties-file:
* <code>%XBUS_HOME%/etc/<i>source</i>.conf</code>
* <p>
* Program which uses this class must be started with:
* <code>java -Dxbus.home="%XBUS_HOME%"</code>
* @param source the property source
* @exception XException if any error occurs
public PropertiesSource(String source)
if (source == null)
System.out.println("I_00_001_2 Source must not be <null>");
mPrefix = source;
* Reads the properties and fills a three-level hierarchie hashtable
* suitable for the {@link net.sf.xbus.base.core.config.Configuration}.
* @return Hashtable - three-level hierarchie hashtable
* <ol>
* <li>level consists of the chapters as the keys and the hashtable
* as value</li>
* <li>level consists of the names of sections as the keys and a
* hashtable as value</li>
* <li>level consists of the name of keys and their values as
* Strings</li>
* </ol>
* @exception XException if any error occurs
public Hashtable readCache()
String key, value;
Vector cacheKeys;
Hashtable cache = new Hashtable();
Properties props = new Properties();
addProperties(props, mPrefix, Constants.XBUS_ETC);
addProperties(props, mPrefix, Constants.XBUS_PLUGIN_ETC);
for (Enumeration e = props.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();)
key = (String) e.nextElement();
value = props.getProperty(key);
cacheKeys = splitKey(key);
cache = putCache(cache, cacheKeys, value);
return cache;
* Load the properties from a file.
* @param filename the name of the properties file
* @exception XException if any error occurs
private void addProperties(Properties props, String prefix, String directory)
File etcDir = new File(directory);
String[] configFiles = etcDir.list(new PropertiesFilter());
* Check wether at least one config file in XBUS/etc could be found.
if ((Constants.XBUS_ETC.equals(directory))
&& (Configuration.STANDARD_CONFIG.equals(mPrefix))
&& ((configFiles == null) || (configFiles.length == 0)))
.println("I_00_001_2 No configuration file " + prefix
+ "*.conf"
+ " exists, maybe XBUS_HOME is not set properly");
for (int i = 0; (configFiles != null) && (i < configFiles.length); i++)
FileInputStream instream;
Properties newProps = new Properties();
instream = new FileInputStream(directory + configFiles[i]);
catch ( e)
System.out.println("I_00_001_2 File " + directory
+ configFiles[i] + " doesn't exist");
catch ( e)
.println("I_00_001_2 IOException while reading file "
+ directory + configFiles[i]);
* Move all elements of currently loaded properties to the complete
* set
String key = null;
for (Enumeration keys = newProps.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();)
key = (String) keys.nextElement();
* Detection of collisions
if (props.containsKey(key))
System.out.println("I_00_001_5 Key " + key
+ " has already been inserted");
props.put(key, newProps.get(key));
* Converts the key of the property suitable for the Configuration, i.e.
* removes separators from it and saves three elements in the vector.
* @param key the key of the properties (must consist of three parts
* separated be "_")
* @return Vector - vector with 3 elements: chapter,section,key
* @exception XException if any error occurs
private Vector splitKey(String key)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(key,
String token;
Vector tmp = new Vector();
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
token = st.nextToken();
if (tmp.size() != 3)
System.out.println("I_00_001_4 Wrong format of key " + key);
return tmp;
* Adds new entry to the hashtable.
* @param cache the old three-level hierarchie hashtable
* @param cacheKeys the vector with new elements (chapter,section,key)
* @param value the new value
* @return Hashtable - three-level hierarchie hashtable
* <p>
* <ol>
* <li>level consists of the chapters as the keys and the hashtable
* as value</li>
* <li>level consists of the names of sections as the keys and a
* hashtable as value</li>
* <li>level consists of the name of keys and their values as
* Strings</li>
* </ol>
private Hashtable putCache(Hashtable cache, Vector cacheKeys, String value)
Hashtable sectionTable = null;
boolean newChapter = false;
Hashtable keyTable = null;
boolean newSection = false;
String chapter = ((String) cacheKeys.elementAt(0));
String section = ((String) cacheKeys.elementAt(1));
String cacheKey = ((String) cacheKeys.elementAt(2));
sectionTable = (Hashtable) cache.get(chapter);
if (sectionTable == null)
sectionTable = new Hashtable();
newChapter = true;
keyTable = (Hashtable) sectionTable.get(section);
if (keyTable == null)
keyTable = new Hashtable();
newSection = true;
keyTable.put(cacheKey, value.trim());
if (newSection)
sectionTable.put(section, keyTable);
if (newChapter)
cache.put(chapter, sectionTable);
return cache;
* The internal class <code>PropertiesFilter</code> checks wether files
* are wanted Properties or not.
private class PropertiesFilter implements FilenameFilter
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see, java.lang.String)
public boolean accept(File dir, String filename)
if ((filename.startsWith(mPrefix)) && (filename.endsWith(POSTFIX)))
return true;
return false;