* @(#)$Id$
* Copyright 2006-2008 Makoto YUI
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Contributors:
* Makoto YUI - initial implementation
package xbird.xquery.dm.dtm;
import java.io.Externalizable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInput;
import java.io.ObjectOutput;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Set;
import xbird.config.Settings;
import xbird.storage.DbCollection;
import xbird.storage.DbException;
import xbird.storage.io.Segments;
import xbird.util.cache.ICacheEntry;
import xbird.util.cache.ILongCache;
import xbird.util.collections.longs.LongQueue;
import xbird.util.concurrent.cache.ConcurrentLongCache;
import xbird.util.lang.PrivilegedAccessor;
import xbird.util.nio.CloseableMappedByteBuffer;
import xbird.util.nio.IMemoryMappedFile;
import xbird.util.nio.MemoryMappedFile;
import xbird.util.nio.RemoteMemoryMappedFile;
import xbird.util.resource.PropertyMap;
import xbird.util.struct.LongRangeSet;
import xbird.xquery.dm.NodeKind;
import xbird.xquery.dm.coder.SerializationContext;
import xbird.xquery.dm.instance.DocumentTableModel;
import xbird.xquery.misc.IStringChunk;
import xbird.xquery.misc.PagedStringChunk2;
import xbird.xquery.misc.QNameTable;
* <DIV lang="en"></DIV> <DIV lang="ja"></DIV>
* @author Makoto YUI (yuin405+xbird@gmail.com)
public final class MemoryMappedDocumentTable extends AbstractDocumentTable
implements Externalizable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3874393492511022282L;
public static final String MMDTM_CLASS = MemoryMappedDocumentTable.class.getName();
private static final String PROP_NATIVE_BYTEORDER = "xbird.database.mmap.native_byteorder";
private static final String KEY_NATIVE_BYTEORDER = "nativeByteOrder";
// 64k mapping
private static final int PAGE_SHIFT = Integer.parseInt(Settings.get("xbird.database.mmap.pageshift", "16"));
private static final int PAGE_SIZE = 1 << PAGE_SHIFT;
private static final int LOGICAL_PAGE_LENGTH = 1 << (PAGE_SHIFT - 2);
private static final int LOGICAL_PAGE_MASK = LOGICAL_PAGE_LENGTH - 1;
// 32MB pool
public static final int CACHED_PAGES = Integer.parseInt(Settings.get("xbird.database.mmap.cachedpages", "512"));
private final boolean _readOnly;
private final IMemoryMappedFile _mmfile;
private/* final */boolean _nativeByteOrder;
* @see DocumentTableModel#readExternal(ObjectInput)
private transient/* final */ILongCache<int[]> _pool;
private final boolean _transfered;
private transient final DbCollection _coll;
public MemoryMappedDocumentTable() {//only for Externalizable
this._readOnly = true;
this._transfered = true;
this._mmfile = null; //dummy
this._coll = null;
public MemoryMappedDocumentTable(final DbCollection coll, final String docName, final PropertyMap docProps, final boolean readOnly) {
super(coll, docName, docProps);
this._coll = coll;
this._readOnly = readOnly;
this._transfered = false;
final boolean nativeByteOrder;
if(!readOnly) {
nativeByteOrder = Boolean.parseBoolean(Settings.get(PROP_NATIVE_BYTEORDER, "false"));
} else {
if(docProps == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
nativeByteOrder = Boolean.parseBoolean(docProps.getProperty(KEY_NATIVE_BYTEORDER
+ docName));
this._nativeByteOrder = nativeByteOrder;
final File segFile = new File(coll.getDirectory(), docName + DTM_SEGMENT_FILE_SUFFIX);
try {
this._mmfile = new MemoryMappedFile(segFile, PAGE_SHIFT, readOnly, nativeByteOrder);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("file not found: " + segFile.getAbsolutePath(), e);
this._pool = readOnly ? new ConcurrentLongCache<int[]>(CACHED_PAGES) : null;
public void close() throws IOException {
if(_refcount.decrementAndGet() == -1) {
if(_pool != null) {
if(!_readOnly) {
this._pool = null;
public void ensureOpen() {
if(_coll != null) {
protected synchronized void ensureOpen(final DbCollection coll) {
if(_pool == null) {
this._pool = new ConcurrentLongCache<int[]>(CACHED_PAGES);
public ILongCache<int[]> getBufferPool() {
return _pool;
public void setBufferPool(final ILongCache<int[]> pool) {
if(pool == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this._pool = pool;
public long dataAt(final long at) {
if(at > _blockPtr) {// not initialized
return 0;
return _readOnly ? dataAt_RO(at) : dataAt_RW(at);
private long dataAt_RO(final long at) {
final int offset = (int) (at & LOGICAL_PAGE_MASK);
final long pageId = toPageId(at);
final ICacheEntry<Long, int[]> cacheSlot = _pool.fixEntry(pageId);
final int[] cachedPage = cacheSlot.getValue();
if(cachedPage != null) {
return cachedPage[offset];
final long pageOffset = toPageOffset(pageId);
final int[] newPage;
if(_transfered) {
RemoteMemoryMappedFile remoteMM = (RemoteMemoryMappedFile) _mmfile;
newPage = remoteMM.transferBuffers(pageOffset, LOGICAL_PAGE_LENGTH, _pool);
} else {
newPage = _mmfile.transferBuffer(pageOffset, LOGICAL_PAGE_LENGTH);
return newPage[offset];
private long dataAt_RW(final long at) {
final long pageOffset = directToPageOffset(at);
final CloseableMappedByteBuffer buf = _mmfile.allocateBuffer(pageOffset);
final int offset = ((int) (at & LOGICAL_PAGE_MASK)) << 2;
final long res = buf.getBuffer().getInt(offset); // TODO getInt should be refined
return res;
protected void setData(final long at, final long value) {
assert (!_readOnly) : "update is not allowed for readOnly mode";
final long pageOffset = directToPageOffset(at);
final CloseableMappedByteBuffer buf = _mmfile.allocateBuffer(pageOffset);
final int offset = ((int) (at & LOGICAL_PAGE_MASK)) << 2;
buf.getBuffer().putInt(offset, (int) value);
protected void setFlag(final long at, final int flag) {
assert (!_readOnly) : "update is not allowed for readOnly mode";
final long pageOffset = directToPageOffset(at);
final CloseableMappedByteBuffer buf = _mmfile.allocateBuffer(pageOffset);
final int offset = ((int) (at & LOGICAL_PAGE_MASK)) << 2;
final ByteBuffer bufimpl = buf.getBuffer();
final int old = bufimpl.getInt(offset);
bufimpl.putInt(offset, old | flag);
public void flush(final DbCollection coll, final String docName) throws IOException,
DbException {
// #1 write properties
PropertyMap properties = coll.getCollectionProperties();
writeProperties(docName, properties);
// #2 write QName table
// #3 write str chunk
_strChunk.flush(coll, docName, properties);
private void writeProperties(final String docName, final PropertyMap properties)
throws IOException {
properties.setProperty(KEY_BLOCK_PTR + docName, String.valueOf(_blockPtr));
properties.setProperty(KEY_NATIVE_BYTEORDER + docName, String.valueOf(_nativeByteOrder));
long usedPages = _blockPtr / LOGICAL_PAGE_LENGTH;
if(_blockPtr % LOGICAL_PAGE_LENGTH != 0) {
usedPages += 1;
properties.setProperty(KEY_USED_PAGES + docName, String.valueOf(usedPages));
public Segments getPaged(final DbCollection coll, final String docName) {
throw new IllegalStateException("should not be called");
public PagingProfile getPagingProfile() {
return null; // TODO
private static long toPageId(final long logicalAddr) {
return (logicalAddr << 2) >>> PAGE_SHIFT;
private static long toPageOffset(final long pageId) {
return pageId << PAGE_SHIFT;
private static long directToPageOffset(final long logicalAddr) {
return ((logicalAddr << 2) >>> PAGE_SHIFT) << PAGE_SHIFT;
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
this._blockPtr = in.readLong();
// super members
this._nameTable = QNameTable.read(in);
this._strChunk = (IStringChunk) in.readObject();
// this members
RemoteMemoryMappedFile mmfile = RemoteMemoryMappedFile.read(in);
PrivilegedAccessor.unsafeSetField(this, MemoryMappedDocumentTable.class, "_mmfile", mmfile);
this._nativeByteOrder = in.readBoolean();
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
// super members
// this members
RemoteMemoryMappedFile remoteMMFile = _mmfile.externalize();
public long[] referredTextBlocks(final long curr, final long last, final SerializationContext serContext) {
final LongQueue textBlocks = new LongQueue();
final Set<Long> textBufferAddrs = serContext.textBufferAddresses();
for(long i = curr; i <= last; i += BLOCKS_PER_NODE) {
final byte kind = getNodeKindAt(i);
if(kind == NodeKind.TEXT || kind == NodeKind.ATTRIBUTE || kind == NodeKind.NAMESPACE
|| kind == NodeKind.COMMENT) {
long cid = dataAt(i + CONTENT_OFFSET);
long addr = _strChunk.getBufferAddress(cid);
if(textBufferAddrs.add(addr)) {
return textBlocks.toArray();
public void markReferredBlocks(final long cur, final long last, final long[] textBlocks, final SerializationContext serContext) {
long firstPage = directToPageOffset(cur);
long lastPage = directToPageOffset(last);
LongRangeSet ranges = serContext.ranges();
if(ranges.isEmpty()) {
ranges.addRange(firstPage, lastPage + PAGE_SIZE);
final Set<Long> textBufferAddrs = serContext.textBufferAddresses();
for(long tb : textBlocks) {
private void bindSerializationContext(final SerializationContext serContext) {
((RemoteMemoryMappedFile) _mmfile).setSerializationContext(serContext);
((PagedStringChunk2) _strChunk).setSerializationContext(serContext);
public String getDocumentIdentifer() {
if(!_transfered) {
return null;
RemoteMemoryMappedFile remoteMmFile = (RemoteMemoryMappedFile) _mmfile;
return remoteMmFile.getFileIdentifier();