* @(#)$Id$
* Copyright 2006-2008 Makoto YUI
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Contributors:
* Makoto YUI - initial implementation
package xbird.storage.index;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import xbird.config.Settings;
import xbird.storage.DbException;
import xbird.storage.index.FreeList.FreeSpace;
import xbird.storage.indexer.IndexQuery;
import xbird.util.collections.LRUMap;
import xbird.util.collections.longs.PurgeOptObservableLongLRUMap;
import xbird.util.collections.longs.LongHash.BucketEntry;
import xbird.util.collections.longs.LongHash.Cleaner;
import xbird.util.primitive.Primitives;
* <DIV lang="en"></DIV>
* <DIV lang="ja"></DIV>
* @author Makoto YUI (yuin405+xbird@gmail.com)
public class BIndexFile extends BTree {
private static final byte DATA_RECORD = 10;
public static final int DATA_CACHE_SIZE;
public static final int DATA_CACHE_PURGE_UNIT;
static {
DATA_CACHE_SIZE = Primitives.parseInt(Settings.get("xbird.storage.index.bfile.datacache_size"), 2048); // 4k * 2048 = 8m
DATA_CACHE_PURGE_UNIT = Primitives.parseInt(Settings.get("xbird.storage.index.bfile.datacache_purgeunit"), 16); // 4k * 16 = 64k
private final PurgeOptObservableLongLRUMap<DataPage> dataCache;
private final int numDataCaches;
private final Map<Value, Long> storeCache = new LRUMap<Value, Long>(64);
public BIndexFile(File file) {
this(file, true);
public BIndexFile(File file, boolean duplicateAllowed) {
this(file, DEFAULT_IN_MEMORY_NODES, duplicateAllowed);
public BIndexFile(File file, int idxPageCaches, boolean duplicateAllowed) {
this(file, DEFAULT_PAGESIZE, idxPageCaches, DATA_CACHE_SIZE, duplicateAllowed);
public BIndexFile(File file, int pageSize, int idxPageCaches, int dataPageCaches, boolean duplicateAllowed) {
super(file, pageSize, idxPageCaches, duplicateAllowed);
final Synchronizer sync = new Synchronizer();
this.dataCache = new PurgeOptObservableLongLRUMap<DataPage>(dataPageCaches, DATA_CACHE_PURGE_UNIT, sync);
this.numDataCaches = dataPageCaches;
public void setBulkloading(boolean enable, float nodeCachePurgePerc, float dataCachePurgePerc) {
setBulkloading(enable, nodeCachePurgePerc);
if(enable) {
if(dataCachePurgePerc <= 0 || dataCachePurgePerc > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("dataCachePurgePerc is illegal as percentage: "
+ nodeCachePurgePerc);
int units = Math.max((int) (numDataCaches * dataCachePurgePerc), numDataCaches);
} else {
protected BFileHeader createFileHeader(int pageSize) {
return new BFileHeader(pageSize);
protected BFileHeader getFileHeader() {
return (BFileHeader) super.getFileHeader();
protected BFilePageHeader createPageHeader() {
return new BFilePageHeader();
public final byte[] getValueBytes(long key) throws DbException {
return getValueBytes(new Value(key));
public synchronized byte[] getValueBytes(Value key) throws DbException {
final long ptr = findValue(key);
if(ptr == KEY_NOT_FOUND) {
return null;
return retrieveTuple(ptr);
protected synchronized final byte[] retrieveTuple(long ptr) throws DbException {
long pageNum = getPageNumFromPointer(ptr);
DataPage dataPage = getDataPage(pageNum);
int tidx = getTidFromPointer(ptr);
return dataPage.get(tidx);
public Value getValue(Value key) throws DbException {
final byte[] tuple = getValueBytes(key);
return new Value(tuple);
public final void search(IndexQuery query, CallbackHandler callback) throws DbException {
super.search(query, getHandler(callback));
protected CallbackHandler getHandler(CallbackHandler handler) {
return new BFileCallback(handler);
public final long addValue(long key, byte[] value) throws DbException {
return addValue(new Value(key), new Value(value));
public final long addValue(Value key, byte[] value) throws DbException {
return addValue(key, new Value(value));
public synchronized long addValue(Value key, Value value) throws DbException {
long ptr = findValue(key);
if(ptr != KEY_NOT_FOUND) {// key found
// update the page
if(!isDuplicateAllowed()) {
updateValue(ptr, value);
return ptr;
// insert a new key
ptr = storeValue(value);
addValue(key, ptr);
return ptr;
public final long putValue(Value key, byte[] value) throws DbException {
return putValue(key, new Value(value));
public synchronized long putValue(Value key, Value value) throws DbException {
long ptr = findValue(key);
if(ptr != KEY_NOT_FOUND) {
// update the page
updateValue(ptr, value);
return ptr;
} else {
// insert a new key
ptr = storeValue(value);
addValue(key, ptr);
return ptr;
protected final void updateValue(long ptr, Value value) throws DbException {
long pageNum = getPageNumFromPointer(ptr);
DataPage dataPage = getDataPage(pageNum);
int tidx = getTidFromPointer(ptr);
dataPage.set(tidx, value);
protected final long storeValue(Value value) throws DbException {
final Long cachedPtr = storeCache.get(value);
if(cachedPtr != null) {
return cachedPtr.longValue();
final BFileHeader fh = getFileHeader();
final FreeList freeList = fh.getFreeList();
final int requiredSize = value.getLength() + 4;
final DataPage dataPage;
FreeSpace free = freeList.retrieve(requiredSize);
if(free == null) {
DataPage newPage = createDataPage();
free = new FreeSpace(newPage.getPageNum(), fh.getWorkSize());
dataPage = newPage;
} else {
dataPage = getDataPage(free.getPage());
final long pageNum = dataPage.getPageNum();
final int tid = dataPage.add(value);
saveFreeList(freeList, free, dataPage);
long ptr = createPointer(pageNum, tid);
storeCache.put(value, ptr);
return ptr;
private void saveFreeList(FreeList freeList, FreeSpace free, DataPage dataPage) {
final BFileHeader fh = getFileHeader();
final int leftFree = fh.getWorkSize() - dataPage.getTotalDataLen();
if(free != null) {
if(leftFree < FreeSpace.MIN_LEFT_FREE) {
} else {
if(leftFree >= FreeSpace.MIN_LEFT_FREE) {
FreeSpace newFree = new FreeSpace(dataPage.getPageNum(), leftFree);
public synchronized byte[][] remove(Value key) throws DbException {
final List<byte[]> list = new ArrayList<byte[]>(4);
while(true) {
final long ptr = findValue(key);
if(ptr == KEY_NOT_FOUND) {// key found
final byte[] v = removeValue(ptr);
if(v != null) {
storeCache.remove(new Value(v));
super.removeValue(key, ptr);
if(list.isEmpty()) {
return null;
final byte[][] ary = new byte[list.size()][];
return list.toArray(ary);
protected final byte[] removeValue(long ptr) throws DbException {
long pageNum = getPageNumFromPointer(ptr);
DataPage dataPage = getDataPage(pageNum);
int tidx = getTidFromPointer(ptr);
final byte[] b = dataPage.remove(tidx);
// adjust the free-list
BFileHeader fh = getFileHeader();
FreeList freeList = fh.getFreeList();
FreeSpace free = freeList.find(pageNum);
saveFreeList(freeList, free, dataPage);
return b;
private DataPage createDataPage() throws DbException {
Page p = getFreePage();
DataPage dataPage = new DataPage(p);
dataCache.put(p.getPageNum(), dataPage);
return dataPage;
private DataPage getDataPage(long pageNum) throws DbException {
DataPage dataPage = dataCache.get(pageNum);
if(dataPage == null) {
Page p = getPage(pageNum);
dataPage = new DataPage(p);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DbException("failed to read page#" + pageNum, e);
dataCache.put(pageNum, dataPage);
return dataPage;
private final class DataPage implements Comparable<DataPage> {
private final Page page;
private final BFilePageHeader ph;
private final List<byte[]> tuples = new ArrayList<byte[]>(12);
private int totalDataLen = 0;
private boolean loaded = false;
private boolean dirty = false;
public DataPage(Page page) {
this.page = page;
ph = (BFilePageHeader) page.getPageHeader();
public long getPageNum() {
return page.getPageNum();
public int getTotalDataLen() {
return totalDataLen;
public int add(Value value) {
final int idx = tuples.size();
if(idx > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalStateException("blocks length exceeds limit: " + idx);
byte[] tuple = value.getData();
// update controls
totalDataLen += (tuple.length + 4);
return idx;
public void set(int tidx, Value value) {
if(tidx >= tuples.size()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal tid for DataPage#" + page.getPageNum()
+ ": " + tidx);
final byte[] tuple = value.getData();
final byte[] oldTuple = tuples.set(tidx, tuple);
if(oldTuple != null) {
int diff = tuple.length - oldTuple.length;
totalDataLen += diff;
public byte[] remove(int tidx) throws DbException {
final int size = tuples.size();
if(tidx >= size) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Index out of range: " + tidx);
final byte[] tuple = tuples.get(tidx); // TODO REVIEWME storeCache. remove effects other tids.
this.dirty = true;
if(ph.decrTupleCount() == 0) {
return tuple;
private void setDirty() {
this.dirty = true;
dataCache.put(page.getPageNum(), this);
public byte[] get(int tidx) {
if(tidx >= tuples.size()) {
return null; // REVIEWME
return tuples.get(tidx);
public void read() throws DbException, IOException {
if(loaded) {
return; // should never happens (just for debugging)
final int tupleCount = ph.getTupleCount();
if(tupleCount == 0) {
Value v = readValue(page);
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(v.getInputStream());
for(int i = 0; i < tupleCount; i++) {
int len = in.readInt();
byte[] tuple = new byte[len];
if(in.available() > 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(in.available() + " bytes left");
this.totalDataLen = v.getLength();
this.loaded = true;
public void write() throws DbException {
if(!dirty) {
if(totalDataLen == 0) {
final byte[] dest = new byte[totalDataLen];
int pos = 0;
for(byte[] tuple : tuples) {
assert (tuple != null);
final int len = tuple.length;
Primitives.putInt(dest, pos, len);
pos += 4;
System.arraycopy(tuple, 0, dest, pos, len);
pos += len;
if(pos != totalDataLen) {
throw new IllegalStateException("writes = " + pos + ", but totalDataLen = "
+ totalDataLen);
writeValue(page, new Value(dest));
this.dirty = false;
public int compareTo(DataPage other) {
return page.compareTo(other.page);
protected final class BFileHeader extends BTreeFileHeader {
private final FreeList freeList = new FreeList(128);
private boolean multiValue = false;
public BFileHeader(int pageSize) {
public FreeList getFreeList() {
return freeList;
public void setMultiValue(boolean multi) {
this.multiValue = multi;
public void read(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
this.multiValue = raf.readBoolean();
public void write(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
private final class BFilePageHeader extends BTreePageHeader {
private int tupleCount = 0;
public BFilePageHeader() {
public int getTupleCount() {
return tupleCount;
public int incrTupleCount() {
return tupleCount++;
public int decrTupleCount() {
return tupleCount--;
public void read(ByteBuffer buf) {
this.tupleCount = buf.getInt();
public void write(ByteBuffer buf) {
private final class BFileCallback implements CallbackHandler {
final CallbackHandler handler;
public BFileCallback(CallbackHandler handler) {
this.handler = handler;
public boolean indexInfo(Value key, long pointer) {
final byte[] tuple;
try {
tuple = retrieveTuple(pointer);
} catch (DbException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
return handler.indexInfo(key, tuple);
public boolean indexInfo(Value key, byte[] value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private static long createPointer(long pageNum, int tid) {
if(pageNum > 0x7fffffffffffL) {// over 6 bytes
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected pageNumber that exceeds system limit: "
+ pageNum);
if(tid > 0x7fff) {// over 4 bytes
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal idx that exceeds system limit: " + tid);
return tid | ((pageNum & 0xffffffffffffL) << 16);
private static long getPageNumFromPointer(long ptr) {
return ptr >>> 16;
private static int getTidFromPointer(long ptr) {
return (int) (ptr & 0xffffL);
private static final class Synchronizer implements Cleaner<DataPage> {
public Synchronizer() {}
public void cleanup(long key, DataPage dataPage) {
try {
} catch (DbException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
public synchronized void flush(boolean purge, boolean clear) throws DbException {
if(purge) {
for(BucketEntry<DataPage> e : dataCache) {
DataPage dataPage = e.getValue();
if(clear) {
super.flush(purge, clear);