* LockFreeHashSet.java
* Created on December 30, 2005, 12:48 AM
* From "Multiprocessor Synchronization and Concurrent Data Structures",
* by Maurice Herlihy and Nir Shavit.
* This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
* http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/3.0/us/88x31.png
package xbird.util.concurrent.collections.set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* @param <T> type
* @author Maurice Herlihy
public class LockFreeHashSet<T> {
protected BucketList<T>[] bucket;
protected AtomicInteger bucketSize;
protected AtomicInteger setSize;
private static final double THRESHOLD = 4.0;
* Constructor
* @param capacity max number of bucket
public LockFreeHashSet(int capacity) {
bucket = (BucketList<T>[]) new BucketList[capacity];
bucket[0] = new BucketList<T>();
bucketSize = new AtomicInteger(2);
setSize = new AtomicInteger(0);
* Add item to set
* @param x item to add
* @return <code>true</code> iff set changed.
public boolean add(T x) {
int myBucket = Math.abs(BucketList.hashCode(x) % bucketSize.get());
BucketList<T> b = getBucketList(myBucket);
return false;
int setSizeNow = setSize.getAndIncrement();
int bucketSizeNow = bucketSize.get();
if(setSizeNow / (double) bucketSizeNow > THRESHOLD)
bucketSize.compareAndSet(bucketSizeNow, 2 * bucketSizeNow);
return true;
* Remove item from set
* @param x item to remove
* @return <code>true</code> iff set changed.
public boolean remove(T x) {
int myBucket = Math.abs(BucketList.hashCode(x) % bucketSize.get());
BucketList<T> b = getBucketList(myBucket);
if(!b.remove(x)) {
return false; // she's not there
return true;
public boolean contains(T x) {
int myBucket = Math.abs(BucketList.hashCode(x) % bucketSize.get());
BucketList<T> b = getBucketList(myBucket);
return b.contains(x);
private BucketList<T> getBucketList(int myBucket) {
if(bucket[myBucket] == null)
return bucket[myBucket];
private void initializeBucket(int myBucket) {
int parent = getParent(myBucket);
if(bucket[parent] == null)
BucketList<T> b = bucket[parent].getSentinel(myBucket);
if(b != null)
bucket[myBucket] = b;
private int getParent(int myBucket) {
int parent = bucketSize.get();
do {
parent = parent >> 1;
} while(parent > myBucket);
parent = myBucket - parent;
return parent;