* @(#)$Id: LocalRequestManager.java 3619 2008-03-26 07:23:03Z yui $
* Copyright 2006-2008 Makoto YUI
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Contributors:
* Makoto YUI - initial implementation
package xbird.server;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import xbird.config.Settings;
import xbird.server.ServerConstants.ReturnType;
import xbird.server.backend.BackendProcessor;
import xbird.server.repository.IDocumentRepository;
import xbird.server.request.QueryRequest;
import xbird.server.sched.AbstractScheduler;
import xbird.server.sched.SchedulerFactory;
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* @author Makoto YUI (yuin405+xbird@gmail.com)
public class LocalRequestManager implements RequestManager {
private static final String _repositoryUrl = ServerConstants.GLOBAL_REGISTORY + '/'
+ Settings.get("xbird.rmi.repository.name");
private static final String _qpUrlPrefix = ServerConstants.GLOBAL_REGISTORY + '/'
+ Settings.get(ServerConstants.QP_NAME_PREFIX);
private transient IDocumentRepository _repository = null;
private transient AbstractScheduler _sched = null;
private int _numQueryProcessors = -1;
public LocalRequestManager(final Properties props) {
assert (props != null);
assert (_sched != null);
assert (_numQueryProcessors > 0);
private void setup(final Properties props) {
// #1 set query processors
final BackendProcessor[] procs;
try {
procs = prepareQueryProcessors(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed preparing query processors!", e);
this._numQueryProcessors = procs.length;
// #2 set document repository
final IDocumentRepository repos;
try {
repos = lookupRegistry(LocalRequestManager._repositoryUrl);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to lookup document registory: "
+ LocalRequestManager._repositoryUrl, e);
this._repository = repos;
// #3 set scheduler
this._sched = SchedulerFactory.createScheduler(procs, repos);
private static BackendProcessor[] prepareQueryProcessors(final Properties props)
throws RemoteException, MalformedURLException, NamingException, NotBoundException {
final List<String> procNames = new ArrayList<String>(4);
final String[] names = Naming.list(ServerConstants.GLOBAL_REGISTORY);
for(String n : names) {
if (n.startsWith(_qpUrlPrefix)) {
assert (!procNames.isEmpty()) : "QueryProcessor is not bouned at "
+ ServerConstants.GLOBAL_REGISTORY;
final int psize = procNames.size();
final BackendProcessor[] procs = new BackendProcessor[psize];
for(int i = 0; i < psize; i++) {
final String name = procNames.get(i);
BackendProcessor remote = lookupRegistry(name);
procs[i] = remote;
return procs;
private static <T extends Remote> T lookupRegistry(final String bindedUrl)
throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException, NotBoundException, NamingException {
assert (bindedUrl != null);
return (T) Naming.lookup(bindedUrl);
public int getNumberOfQueryProcessors() {
return _numQueryProcessors;
public AbstractScheduler getScheduler() {
return _sched;
public <T extends Serializable> T execute(Request request, ReturnType returnType) throws RemoteException {
assert (_sched != null);
final Serializable result;
final int sign = request.getSignature();
switch (sign) {
case QueryRequest.SIGNATURE:
final String query = ((QueryRequest) request).getQuery();
BackendProcessor proc = _sched.dispatchRequest(request);
result = proc.execute(query, this, returnType);
throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal return type: " + returnType);
return (T) result;