package org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.demo;
* Copyright (c) 1999, 2011 Tanuki Software, Ltd.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is the proprietary information of Tanuki Software.
* You shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
* license agreement you entered into with Tanuki Software.
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.WindowConstants;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument;
import org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager;
public class DemoAppMainFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener, WindowListener
* Serial Version UID.
private DemoApp m_this;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3847376282833547574L;
protected JEditorPane getlogTextArea()
return m_logTextArea;
protected JEditorPane getDescTextArea()
return jEditorPane2;
JScrollPane m_logPane;
protected JEditorPane m_logTextArea;
JScrollPane jScrollPane2;
JEditorPane jEditorPane2;
JTabbedPane jTabbedPane2;
DemoAppMainFrame( DemoApp m_this )
super( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Wrapper Demo Application" ) );
this.m_this = m_this;
setLocationRelativeTo( null );
// setSize( 450, 500 );
setResizable( true );
private void init()
JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
JMenu menu = new JMenu( "?" );
JMenuItem about = new JMenuItem( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "About.." ) );
// this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
about.setActionCommand( "about" );
about.addActionListener( this );
addWindowListener( this );
JMenu jMenu1 = new JMenu();
jMenu1.setText( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Test" ) );
JMenuItem jMenuItem1 = new JMenuItem();
jMenuItem1.setText( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Start Test" ) );
jMenuItem1.setEnabled( false );
jMenuItem1.setActionCommand( "start" );
jMenuItem1.addActionListener( this );
jMenu1.add( jMenuItem1 );
JMenuItem jMenuItem2 = new JMenuItem();
jMenuItem2.setText( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Stop Test" ) );
jMenuItem2.setActionCommand( "finish" );
jMenuItem2.addActionListener( this );
jMenu1.add( jMenuItem2 );
JMenuItem jMenuItem3 = new JMenuItem();
jMenuItem3.setAccelerator( javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_F4, java.awt.event.InputEvent.ALT_MASK ) );
jMenuItem3.setText( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Close" ) );
jMenuItem3.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
m_this.doAction( "finish" );
WrapperManager.stopAndReturn( 0 );
} );
jMenu1.add( jMenuItem3 );
this.setJMenuBar( menuBar );
menu.add( about );
menuBar.add( jMenu1 );
menuBar.add( menu );
this.setDefaultCloseOperation( WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE );
GridBagLayout gridBag1 = new GridBagLayout();
GridBagLayout gridBag2 = new GridBagLayout();
GridBagConstraints c1 = new GridBagConstraints();
GridBagConstraints c2 = new GridBagConstraints();
// this.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
// this.setLayout(layout);
JPanel panel1 = new JPanel();
// panel1.setBackground( new java.awt.Color( 235, 124, 25 ) );
panel1.setLayout( gridBag1 );
JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
// tabbedPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
tabbedPane.addTab( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Failure Detections" ), panel1 );
tabbedPane.setMnemonicAt( 0, KeyEvent.VK_1 );
buildCommand( panel1, gridBag1, c1, 1, DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Crash" ), "crash", DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Simulate a Application Crash" ) );
buildCommand( panel1, gridBag1, c1, 1, DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Out of Memory" ), "out_of_mem", DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Simulate a Out Of Memory Error" ) );
buildCommand( panel1, gridBag1, c1, 1, DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Frozen" ), "frozen", DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Simulate a Frozen JVM" ) );
buildCommand( panel1, gridBag1, c1, 2, DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Deadlock" ), "deadlock", DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Simulate a Thread Deadlock" ) );
JPanel panel2 = new JPanel();
panel2.setLayout( gridBag2 );
// panel2.setBackground( Color.yellow );
tabbedPane.addTab( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Feature Demo" ), panel2 );
tabbedPane.setMnemonicAt( 1, KeyEvent.VK_2 );
buildCommand( panel2, gridBag2, c2, 3, DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Email" ), "mail", DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Activates the email functionality" ) );
buildCommand( panel2, gridBag2, c2, 3, DemoApp.getRes().getString( "WrapperExec" ), "exec", DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Creates a managed Child Process" ) );
String os = System.getProperty( "" );
if ( os.indexOf( "Windows" ) >= 0 )
buildCommand( panel2, gridBag2, c2, 2, DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Customization" ), "customize", DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Creates a customized Binary of the wrapper" ) );
buildCommand( panel2, gridBag2, c2, 1, DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Service" ), "service", DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Installs and starts this app as Windows Service" ) );
buildCommand( panel2, gridBag2, c2, 1, DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Daemon" ), "daemon", DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Installs and starts this app as Daemon" ) );
m_logTextArea = new JEditorPane();
jEditorPane2 = new JEditorPane();
m_logTextArea.setContentType( "text/html;" );
jEditorPane2.setContentType( "text/html; charset=UTF-8" );
jEditorPane2.setEditable( false );
// Set CSS format rule
Font font = UIManager.getFont( "Label.font" );
String bodyRule = "body { font-family: " + font.getFamily() + "; " + "font-size: 14pt; }";
( ( HTMLDocument )jEditorPane2.getDocument() ).getStyleSheet().addRule( bodyRule );
m_logTextArea.setEditable( false );
//setMinimumSize( new java.awt.Dimension( 699, 300 ) );
jTabbedPane2 = new javax.swing.JTabbedPane();
m_logPane = new JScrollPane( m_logTextArea );
jScrollPane2 = new JScrollPane( jEditorPane2 );
//jTabbedPane2.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( this.getMinimumSize().width, 400 ) );
jTabbedPane2.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(800, 400));
jTabbedPane2.addTab( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Description" ), jScrollPane2 );
jTabbedPane2.addTab( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Wrapper Output" ), m_logPane );
getContentPane().setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
getContentPane().add( tabbedPane, java.awt.BorderLayout.PAGE_START );
getContentPane().add( jTabbedPane2, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER );
this.setVisible( true );
tabbedPane.setMaximumSize( new Dimension( tabbedPane.getMaximumSize().width, tabbedPane.getSize().height ) );
private void buildCommand( JComponent container, GridBagLayout gridBag, GridBagConstraints c, int level, String label, String command, Object description )
JButton button = new JButton( label );
button.setActionCommand( command );
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
c.gridwidth = 1;
c.gridx = 0;
c.insets = new Insets( 10, 10, 10, 10 );
gridBag.setConstraints( button, c );
container.add( button );
button.addActionListener( this );
// button.addMouseListener( this );
// Timer t = new Timer(10, this);
JButton buttonhelp = new JButton( "?" );
buttonhelp.setActionCommand( "help" + command );
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
c.gridwidth = 1;
c.gridx = 1;
c.insets = new Insets( 10, 10, 10, 10 );
gridBag.setConstraints( buttonhelp, c );
container.add( buttonhelp );
buttonhelp.addActionListener( this );
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
JComponent desc;
if ( description instanceof String )
desc = new JLabel( ( String )description );
else if ( description instanceof JComponent )
desc = ( JComponent )description;
desc = new JLabel( description.toString() );
c.gridx = 2;
c.insets = new Insets( 10, 10, 10, 10 );
gridBag.setConstraints( desc, c );
container.add( desc );
if ( level == 2 )
if ( !WrapperManager.isStandardEdition() )
button.setEnabled( false );
button.setToolTipText( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Requires the Standard Edition." ) );
else if ( level == 3 )
if ( !WrapperManager.isProfessionalEdition() )
button.setEnabled( false );
button.setToolTipText( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Requires the Professional Edition." ) );
String getHTMLDescription( String action )
String rsname = "html/" + action + "_" + Locale.getDefault().getLanguage() + ".html";
// System.out.println( Locale.getDefault().getLanguage() +
// " trying ot open " +rsname);
URL url = this.getClass().getResource( rsname );
Reader br;
br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( url.openStream(), "utf8" ) );
catch ( NullPointerException npe1 )
// String test = this.getClass().getResource( "html/" +
// action + "_en.html" ).getFile();
br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( this.getClass().getResource( "html/" + action + "_en.html" ).openStream(), "utf8" ) );
catch ( NullPointerException npe2 )
return "<html>" + DemoApp.getRes().getString( "No description for {0} found...", action ) + "</html>";
char[] buffer = new char[ 4096 ];
String t = "";
while ( buffer ) != -1 )
t = t.concat( new String( buffer ) );
return t;
catch ( IOException e )
return "<html>" + DemoApp.getRes().getString( "No description for {0} found...", action ) + "</html>";
* ActionListener Methods
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
String action = event.getActionCommand();
if ( !action.startsWith( "help" ) )
if ( action.equals( "start" ) )
this.getJMenuBar().getMenu( 0 ).getItem( 0 ).setEnabled( false );
this.getJMenuBar().getMenu( 0 ).getItem( 1 ).setEnabled( true );
m_this.doAction( action );
else if ( action.equals( "finish" ) )
this.getJMenuBar().getMenu( 0 ).getItem( 0 ).setEnabled( true );
this.getJMenuBar().getMenu( 0 ).getItem( 1 ).setEnabled( false );
m_this.doAction( action );
else if ( action.equals( "about" ) )
// Create the mask.
else if ( action.equals( "daemon" ) )
jEditorPane2.setText( getHTMLDescription( action ) );
jEditorPane2.setCaretPosition( 0 );
// Create the mask.
this.jTabbedPane2.setSelectedIndex( 1 );
m_this.doAction( action );
jEditorPane2.setText( getHTMLDescription( action ) );
jEditorPane2.setCaretPosition( 0 );
this.jTabbedPane2.setSelectedIndex( 1 );
m_this.doAction( action );
jEditorPane2.setText( getHTMLDescription( action.substring( 4 ) ) );
// System.out.println(getHTMLDescription( action.substring( 4 ) ));
jEditorPane2.setCaretPosition( 0 );
this.jTabbedPane2.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
private void createAboutScreen()
new AboutDialog( this ).setVisible( true );
* WindowListener Methods
public void windowOpened( WindowEvent e )
public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
if ( !m_this.isTestCaseRunning()
|| JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, DemoApp.getRes().getString( "A test case is still running.\nDo you really want to exit and stop this one??" ) ) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION )
System.out.println( DemoApp.getRes().getString( "Stopping..." ) );
m_this.doAction( "finish" );
WrapperManager.stopAndReturn( 0 );
public void windowClosed( WindowEvent e )
public void windowIconified( WindowEvent e )
public void windowDeiconified( WindowEvent e )
public void windowActivated( WindowEvent e )
public void windowDeactivated( WindowEvent e )