Package org.tanukisoftware.wrapper

Source Code of org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperJarApp

package org.tanukisoftware.wrapper;

* Copyright (c) 1999, 2011 Tanuki Software, Ltd.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is the proprietary information of Tanuki Software.
* You shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
* license agreement you entered into with Tanuki Software.

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;

* By default the WrapperJarApp will only wait for 2 seconds for the main
*  method of the start class to complete.  This was done because the main
*  methods of many applications never return.  It is possible to force the
*  class to wait for the startup main method to complete by defining the
*  following system property when launching the JVM (defaults to FALSE):
*  -Dorg.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperJarApp.waitForStartMain=TRUE
* <p>
* Using the waitForStartMain property will cause the startup to wait
*  indefinitely.  This is fine if the main method will always return
*  within a predefined period of time.  But if there is any chance that
*  it could hang, then the maxStartMainWait property may be a better
*  option.  It allows the 2 second wait time to be overridden. To wait
*  for up to 5 minutes for the startup main method to complete, set
*  the property to 300 as follows (defaults to 2 seconds):
*  -Dorg.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperJarApp.maxStartMainWait=300
* <p>
* By default, the WrapperJarApp will tell the Wrapper to exit with an
*  exit code of 1 if any uncaught exceptions are thrown in the configured
*  main method.  This is good in most cases, but is a little different than
*  the way Java works on its own.  Java will stay up and running if it has
*  launched any other non-daemon threads even if the main method ends because
*  of an uncaught exception.  To get this same behavior, it is possible to
*  specify the following system property when launching the JVM (defaults to
*  FALSE):
*  -Dorg.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperJarApp.ignoreMainExceptions=TRUE
* <p>
* It is possible to extend this class but make absolutely sure that any
*  overridden methods call their super method or the class will fail to
*  function correctly.  Most users will have no need to override this
*  class.  Remember that if overridden, the main method will also need to
*  be recreated in the child class to make sure that the correct instance
*  is created.
* <p>
* NOTE - The main methods of many applications are designed not to
*  return.  In these cases, you must either stick with the default 2 second
*  startup timeout or specify a slightly longer timeout, using the
*  maxStartMainWait property, to simulate the amount of time your application
*  takes to start up.
* <p>
* WARNING - If the waitForStartMain is specified for an application
*  whose start method never returns, the Wrapper will appear at first to be
*  functioning correctly.  However the Wrapper will never enter a running
*  state, this means that the Windows Service Manager and several of the
*  Wrapper's error recovery mechanisms will not function correctly.
* @author Leif Mortenson <>
public class WrapperJarApp
    implements WrapperListener, Runnable
    /** Info level log channel */
    private static WrapperPrintStream m_outInfo;
    /** Error level log channel */
    private static WrapperPrintStream m_outError;
    /** Debug level log channel */
    private static WrapperPrintStream m_outDebug;
     * Application's main method
    private Method m_mainMethod;
     * Command line arguments to be passed on to the application
    private String[] m_appArgs;
     * Gets set to true when the thread used to launch the application
     *  actuially starts.
    private boolean m_mainStarted;
     * Gets set to true when the thread used to launch the application
     *  completes.
    private boolean m_mainComplete;
     * Exit code to be returned if the application fails to start.
    private Integer m_mainExitCode;
     * True if uncaught exceptions in the user app's main method should be ignored.
    private boolean m_ignoreMainExceptions;
     * Flag used to signify that the start method has completed.
    private boolean m_startComplete;
     * Constructors
     * Creates an instance of a WrapperJarApp.
     * @param args The full list of arguments passed to the JVM.
    protected WrapperJarApp( String args[] )
        // Initialize the WrapperManager class on startup by referencing it.
        Class wmClass = WrapperManager.class;
        // Set up some log channels
        m_outInfo = new WrapperPrintStream( System.out, "WrapperJarApp: " );
        m_outError = new WrapperPrintStream( System.out, "WrapperJarApp Error: " );
        m_outDebug = new WrapperPrintStream( System.out, "WrapperJarApp Debug: " );
        // Get the class name of the application
        if ( args.length < 1 )
            WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
            return// Will not get here
        // Look for the specified jar file.
        File file = new File( args[0] );
        if ( !file.exists() )
            m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                    "Unable to locate the jar file {0}", args[0] ) );
            WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
            return// Will not get here
        File parent = file.getParentFile();

        JarFile jarFile;
            jarFile = new JarFile( file );
        catch ( IOException e )
            m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                    "Unable to open the jar file {0} : {1}", args[0], e ) );
            WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
            return// Will not get here
        Manifest manifest;
            manifest = jarFile.getManifest();
        catch ( IOException e )
            m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                    "Unable to access the jar''s manifest file {0} : {1}", args[0], e ) );
            WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
            return// Will not get here
        Attributes attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
        String mainClassName = attributes.getValue( "Main-Class" );
        String classPath = attributes.getValue( "Class-Path" );

        if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
            m_outDebug.println( "Jar Main-Class: " + mainClassName );
        URL[] classURLs;
        if ( ( classPath != null ) && ( !classPath.equals( "" ) ) )
            if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
                m_outDebug.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString("Jar Classpath: {0}", classPath ) );
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( classPath, " \n\r" );
            classURLs = new URL[st.countTokens() + 1];
            // Store the main jar in the classpath.
                classURLs[0] = new URL( "file:" + file.getAbsolutePath() );
            catch ( MalformedURLException e )
                m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                        "Unable to add jar to classpath: {0}", e ) );
                WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
                return// Will not get here
            if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
                m_outDebug.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString("    Classpath[0]=") + classURLs[0] );
            // Add any other jars in the manifest classpath relative to the location of the main jar.
            for ( int i = 1; st.hasMoreTokens(); i++ )
                String classEntry = st.nextToken();
                    classURLs[i] = new URL( "file:" + new File( parent, classEntry).getAbsolutePath() );
                catch ( MalformedURLException e )
                    m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                            "Malformed classpath in the jar''s manifest file {0} : {1}", args[0], e ) );
                    WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
                    return// Will not get here
                if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
                    m_outDebug.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString("    Classpath[{0}]=", new Integer( i ) ) + classURLs[i] );
            if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
                m_outDebug.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString("Jar Classpath: Not specified." ) );
            classURLs = new URL[1];
            // Store the main jar in the classpath.
                classURLs[0] = new URL( "file:" + file.getAbsolutePath() );
            catch ( MalformedURLException e )
                m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                        "Unable to add jar to classpath: {0}", e ) );
                WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
                return// Will not get here
            if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
                m_outDebug.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString( "    Classpath[0]=" ) + classURLs[0] );
        URLClassLoader cl = URLClassLoader.newInstance( classURLs, this.getClass().getClassLoader() );
        // Look for the specified class by name
        Class mainClass;
            mainClass = Class.forName( mainClassName, true, cl );
        catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
            m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                    "Unable to locate the class {0} : {1}", mainClassName, e ) );
            WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
            return// Will not get here
        catch ( ExceptionInInitializerError e )
            m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                    "Class {0} found but could not be initialized due to:", mainClassName ) );
            e.printStackTrace( m_outError );
            WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
            return// Will not get here
        catch ( LinkageError e )
            m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                    "Class {0} found but could not be initialized: {1}", mainClassName,  e ) );
            WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
            return// Will not get here
        // Look for the main method
            // getDeclaredMethod will return any method named main in the specified class,
            //  while getMethod will only return public methods, but it will search up the
            //  inheritance path.
            m_mainMethod = mainClass.getMethod( "main", new Class[] { String[].class } );
        catch ( NoSuchMethodException e )
            m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                "Unable to locate a public static main method in class {0} : {1}", args[0] , e ) );
            WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
            return// Will not get here
        catch ( SecurityException e )
            m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                "Unable to locate a public static main method in class {0} : {1}", args[0], e ) );
            WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
            return// Will not get here
        // Make sure that the method is public and static
        int modifiers = m_mainMethod.getModifiers();
        if ( !( Modifier.isPublic( modifiers ) && Modifier.isStatic( modifiers ) ) )
            m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                "The main method in class {0} must be declared public and static.", args[0] ) );
            WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
            return// Will not get here
        // Build the application args array
        String[] appArgs = new String[args.length - 1];
        System.arraycopy( args, 1, appArgs, 0, appArgs.length );
        // Start the application.  If the JVM was launched from the native
        //  Wrapper then the application will wait for the native Wrapper to
        //  call the application's start method.  Otherwise the start method
        //  will be called immediately.
        WrapperManager.start( this, appArgs );
        // This thread ends, the WrapperManager will start the application after the Wrapper has
        //  been properly initialized by calling the start method above.
     * Runnable Methods
     * Used to launch the application in a separate thread.
    public void run()
        // Notify the start method that the thread has been started by the JVM.
        synchronized( this )
            m_mainStarted = true;
        Throwable t = null;
            if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
                m_outDebug.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString("invoking main method" ) );
                m_mainMethod.invoke( null, new Object[] { m_appArgs } );
                // Make sure the rest of this thread does not fall behind the application.
                Thread.currentThread().setPriority( Thread.MAX_PRIORITY );
            if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
                m_outDebug.printlnWrapperManager.getRes().getString("main method completed" ) );
                // Let the start() method know that the main method returned, in case it is
                //  still waiting.
                m_mainComplete = true;
        catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
            t = e;
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
            t = e;
        catch ( InvocationTargetException e )
            t = e.getTargetException();
            if ( t == null )
                t = e;
        // If we get here, then an error was thrown.  If this happened quickly
        // enough, the start method should be allowed to shut things down.
        m_outError.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString( "Encountered an error running main:" ) );

        // We should print a stack trace here, because in the case of an
        // InvocationTargetException, the user needs to know what exception
        // their app threw.
        t.printStackTrace( m_outError );

        synchronized( this )
            if ( m_ignoreMainExceptions )
                if ( !m_startComplete )
                    // An exception was thrown, but we want to let the application continue.
                    m_mainComplete = true;
                if ( m_startComplete )
                    // Shut down here.
                    WrapperManager.stop( 1 );
                    return; // Will not get here.
                    // Let start method handle shutdown.
                    m_mainComplete = true;
                    m_mainExitCode = new Integer( 1 );
     * WrapperListener Methods
     * The start method is called when the WrapperManager is signalled by the
     * native wrapper code that it can start its application.  This
     * method call is expected to return, so a new thread should be launched
     * if necessary.
     * If there are any problems, then an Integer should be returned, set to
     * the desired exit code.  If the application should continue,
     * return null.
    public Integer start( String[] args )
        // Decide whether or not to wait for the start main method to complete before returning.
        boolean waitForStartMain = WrapperSystemPropertyUtil.getBooleanProperty(
            WrapperJarApp.class.getName() + ".waitForStartMain", false );
        m_ignoreMainExceptions = WrapperSystemPropertyUtil.getBooleanProperty(
            WrapperJarApp.class.getName() + ".ignoreMainExceptions", false );
        int maxStartMainWait = WrapperSystemPropertyUtil.getIntProperty(
            WrapperJarApp.class.getName() + ".maxStartMainWait", 2 );
        maxStartMainWait = Math.max( 1, maxStartMainWait );
        // Decide the maximum number of times to loop waiting for the main start method.
        int maxLoops;
        if ( waitForStartMain )
            maxLoops = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
                m_outDebug.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                    "start(args) Will wait indefinitely for the main method to complete." ) );
            maxLoops = maxStartMainWait; // 1s loops.
            if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
                m_outDebug.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                        "start(args) Will wait up to {0} seconds for the main method to complete.", new Integer( maxLoops ) ) );
        Thread mainThread = new Thread( this, "WrapperJarAppMain" );
            m_appArgs = args;
            // Make sure the rest of this thread does not fall behind the application.
            Thread.currentThread().setPriority( Thread.MAX_PRIORITY );
            // To avoid problems with the main thread starting slowly on heavily loaded systems,
            //  do not continue until the thread has actually started.
            while ( !m_mainStarted )
                    this.wait( 1000 );
                catch ( InterruptedException e )
                    // Continue.
            // Wait for startup main method to complete.
            int loops = 0;
            while ( ( loops < maxLoops ) && ( !m_mainComplete ) )
                    this.wait( 1000 );
                catch ( InterruptedException e )
                    // Continue.
                if ( !m_mainComplete )
                    // If maxLoops is large then this could take a while.  Notify the
                    //  WrapperManager that we are still starting so it doesn't give up.
                    WrapperManager.signalStarting( 5000 );
            // Always set the flag stating that the start method completed.  This is needed
            //  so the run method can decide whether or not it needs to be responsible for
            //  shutting down the JVM in the event of an exception thrown by the start main
            //  method.
            m_startComplete = true;
            // The main exit code will be null unless an error was thrown by the start
            //  main method.
            if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
                m_outDebug.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
                        "start(args) end.  Main Completed={0}, exitCode={1}",
                        new Boolean( m_mainComplete ),  m_mainExitCode ) );
            return m_mainExitCode;
     * Called when the application is shutting down.
    public int stop( int exitCode )
        if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
            m_outDebug.println( "stop(" + exitCode + ")" );
        // Normally an application will be asked to shutdown here.  Standard Java applications do
        //  not have shutdown hooks, so do nothing here.  It will be as if the user hit CTRL-C to
        //  kill the application.
        return exitCode;
     * Called whenever the native wrapper code traps a system control signal
     *  against the Java process.  It is up to the callback to take any actions
     *  necessary.  Possible values are: WrapperManager.WRAPPER_CTRL_C_EVENT,
    public void controlEvent( int event )
        if ( ( event == WrapperManager.WRAPPER_CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT )
            && ( WrapperManager.isLaunchedAsService() || WrapperManager.isIgnoreUserLogoffs() ) )
            // Ignore
            m_outInfo.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString("User logged out.  Ignored." ) );
            if ( WrapperManager.isDebugEnabled() )
                        "controlEvent({0}) Stopping", new Integer( event ) ) );
            WrapperManager.stop( 0 );
            // Will not get here.
     * Methods
     * Displays application usage
    protected void showUsage()
        // Show this output without headers.
        System.out.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
            "WrapperJarApp Usage:" ) );
        System.out.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
            "  java org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperJarApp {jar_file} [app_arguments]" ) );
        System.out.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
            "Where:" ) );
        System.out.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
            "  jar_file:       The jar file to run." ) );
        System.out.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
            "  app_arguments:  The arguments that would normally be passed to the" ) );
        System.out.println( WrapperManager.getRes().getString(
            "                  application." ) );
     * Main Method
     * Used to Wrapper enable a standard Java application.  This main
     *  expects the first argument to be the class name of the application
     *  to launch.  All remaining arguments will be wrapped into a new
     *  argument list and passed to the main method of the specified
     *  application.
     * @param args Arguments passed to the application.
    public static void main( String args[] )
        new WrapperJarApp( args );

Related Classes of org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperJarApp

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