package wstxtest.evt;
import java.util.*;
import org.codehaus.stax2.XMLEventReader2;
import org.codehaus.stax2.evt.NotationDeclaration2;
import com.ctc.wstx.api.WstxInputProperties;
import com.ctc.wstx.exc.*;
* Set of unit tests that verify that Woodstox implementation of
* {@link XMLEventReader} does obey additional constraints Woodstox
* guarantees. Specifically:
* <li>Event readers never read things in lazy manner: even if lazy parsing
* is enabled. (this restriction is added since lazy parsing does not
* significantly benefit Event API since there's no way to skip events,
* but it creates class of non-checked exceptions used to wrap real
* stream exceptions)
* </li>
* <li>Event readers always read the full text segment, instead of returning
* fragments (ie. min. segment length will be replace with MAX_INT). This
* is done for more convenient access, as well as since the overhead of
* multiple Event objects may outweigh potential benefits from returning
* shorter segments.
* </li>
public class TestEventReader
extends wstxtest.BaseWstxTest
public void testEventReaderNonLaziness()
throws XMLStreamException
/* We can test this by forcing coalescing to happen, and injecting
* an intentional error after first two segments. In lazy mode,
* coalescing is done not when event type is fetched, but only
* when getText() is called. In non-lazy mode, it's thrown right
* from next() method. Although the exact mechanism is hidden by
* the Event API, what we do see is the type of exception we get --
* that should be XMLStreamException, NOT a runtime wrapper instead
* of it.
final String XML =
"<root>Some text and & <![CDATA[also cdata]]> &error;</root>"
XMLEventReader er = getReader(XML, true);
XMLEvent evt = er.nextEvent(); // start document
// Ok, and now...
try {
evt = er.nextEvent();
// should NOT get this far...
fail("Expected an exception for invalid content: coalescing not workig?");
} catch (WstxParsingException wex) {
// This is correct... parsing exc for entity, hopefully
//System.err.println("GOOD: got "+wex.getClass()+": "+wex);
} catch (WstxException wex2) {
// Unexpected... not a catastrophe, but not right
fail("Should have gotten a non-lazy parsing exception; got non-lazy other wstx exception (why?): "+wex2);
} catch (WstxLazyException lex) {
// Not good...
fail("Should not get a lazy exception via (default) event reader; received: "+lex);
} catch (Throwable t) {
fail("Unexpected excpetion caught: "+t);
public void testEventReaderLongSegments()
throws XMLStreamException
/* Ok. And here we should just check that we do not get 2 adjacent
* separate Characters event. We can try to trigger this by long
* segment and a set of char entities...
final String XML =
"<root>Some text and & also "quoted" stuff..."
+" not sure If we\r\nreally need anything much more but"
+" let's still make this longer"
// Need to disable coalescing though for test to work:
XMLEventReader er = getReader(XML, false);
XMLEvent evt = er.nextEvent(); // start document
evt = er.nextEvent();
if (evt.isEndElement()) {
; // good
} else {
if (evt.isCharacters()) {
fail("Even in the absence of coalescing, event reader should not split CHARACTERS segments (Woodstox guarantee): did get 2 adjacent separate Characters events.");
} else { // hmmh. strange
fail("Unexpected event object type after CHARACTERS: "+evt.getClass());
* As of Stax 3.0 (Woodstox 4.0+), there is additional info for
* NotationDeclarations (base URI). Let's verify it gets properly
* populated.
public void testDtdNotations()
throws Exception
final String URI = "http://test";
/* Ok. And here we should just check that we do not get 2 adjacent
* separate Characters event. We can try to trigger this by long
* segment and a set of char entities...
final String XML = "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
+"<!DOCTYPE root [\n"
+"<!ELEMENT root EMPTY>\n"
+"<!NOTATION not PUBLIC 'some-public-id'>\n"
// Need to disable coalescing though for test to work:
XMLEventReader2 er = getReader(XML, false);
// Need to set Base URI; can do it for factory or instance
er.setProperty(WstxInputProperties.P_BASE_URL, new URL(URI));
XMLEvent evt = er.nextEvent(); // DTD
assertTokenType(DTD, evt.getEventType());
DTD dtd = (DTD) evt;
List<?> nots = dtd.getNotations();
assertEquals(1, nots.size());
NotationDeclaration2 notDecl = (NotationDeclaration2) nots.get(0);
assertEquals(URI, notDecl.getBaseURI());
// Internal methods
private XMLEventReader2 getReader(String contents, boolean coalescing)
throws XMLStreamException
XMLInputFactory f = getInputFactory();
setNamespaceAware(f, true);
setCoalescing(f, coalescing);
setLazyParsing(f, true); // shouldn't have effect for event readers!
setMinTextSegment(f, 8); // likewise
return constructEventReader(f, contents);