package wstxtest;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.codehaus.stax2.*;
import org.codehaus.stax2.evt.*;
import com.ctc.wstx.api.WstxInputProperties;
import com.ctc.wstx.api.WstxOutputProperties;
import com.ctc.wstx.cfg.XmlConsts;
import com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxEventFactory;
import com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxInputFactory;
import com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxOutputFactory;
import stax2.BaseStax2Test;
public abstract class BaseWstxTest
extends BaseStax2Test
implements XMLStreamConstants
final static HashMap<Integer,String> mTokenTypes = new HashMap<Integer,String>();
static {
mTokenTypes.put(new Integer(START_ELEMENT), "START_ELEMENT");
mTokenTypes.put(new Integer(END_ELEMENT), "END_ELEMENT");
mTokenTypes.put(new Integer(START_DOCUMENT), "START_DOCUMENT");
mTokenTypes.put(new Integer(END_DOCUMENT), "END_DOCUMENT");
mTokenTypes.put(new Integer(CHARACTERS), "CHARACTERS");
mTokenTypes.put(new Integer(CDATA), "CDATA");
mTokenTypes.put(new Integer(COMMENT), "COMMENT");
mTokenTypes.put(new Integer(DTD), "DTD");
mTokenTypes.put(new Integer(SPACE), "SPACE");
mTokenTypes.put(new Integer(ENTITY_REFERENCE), "ENTITY_REFERENCE");
* Switch that can be turned on to verify to display ALL exact Exceptions
* thrown when Exceptions are expected. This is sometimes necessary
* when debugging, since it's impossible to automatically verify
* that Exception is exactly the right one, since there is no
* strict Exception type hierarchy for StAX problems.
* Note: Not made 'final static', so that compiler won't inline
* it. Makes possible to do partial re-compilations.
* Note: Since it's only used as the default value, sub-classes
* can separately turn it off as necessary
//protected static boolean DEF_PRINT_EXP_EXCEPTION = true;
protected static boolean DEF_PRINT_EXP_EXCEPTION = false;
// Lazy-loaded thingies
XMLInputFactory2 mInputFactory = null;
XMLOutputFactory2 mOutputFactory = null;
XMLEventFactory2 mEventFactory = null;
// Factory methods
protected XMLInputFactory2 getInputFactory()
if (mInputFactory == null) {
mInputFactory = getNewInputFactory();
return mInputFactory;
protected XMLEventFactory2 getEventFactory()
if (mEventFactory == null) {
mEventFactory = new WstxEventFactory();
return mEventFactory;
protected WstxInputFactory getWstxInputFactory() {
return (WstxInputFactory) getInputFactory();
protected static XMLInputFactory2 getNewInputFactory()
return new WstxInputFactory();
protected XMLOutputFactory2 getOutputFactory()
if (mOutputFactory == null) {
mOutputFactory = getNewOutputFactory();
return mOutputFactory;
protected WstxOutputFactory getWstxOutputFactory() {
return (WstxOutputFactory) getOutputFactory();
protected static XMLOutputFactory2 getNewOutputFactory()
return new WstxOutputFactory();
protected static XMLStreamReader2 constructStreamReader(XMLInputFactory f, String content)
throws XMLStreamException
return (XMLStreamReader2) f.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(content));
protected static XMLStreamReader2 constructStreamReaderForFile(XMLInputFactory f, String filename)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException
File inf = new File(filename);
XMLStreamReader sr = f.createXMLStreamReader(inf.toURL().toString(),
new FileReader(inf));
assertEquals(sr.getEventType(), START_DOCUMENT);
return (XMLStreamReader2) sr;
protected static XMLEventReader2 constructEventReader(XMLInputFactory f, String content)
throws XMLStreamException
return (XMLEventReader2) f.createXMLEventReader(new StringReader(content));
protected XMLStreamReader2 constructNsStreamReader(String content, boolean coal)
throws XMLStreamException
XMLInputFactory f = getInputFactory();
setNamespaceAware(f, true);
setCoalescing(f, coal);
return (XMLStreamReader2) f.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(content));
protected XMLStreamReader2 constructNsStreamReader(InputStream in, boolean coal)
throws XMLStreamException
XMLInputFactory f = getInputFactory();
setNamespaceAware(f, true);
setCoalescing(f, coal);
return (XMLStreamReader2) f.createXMLStreamReader(in);
protected XMLStreamReader2 constructNonNsStreamReader(String content, boolean coal)
throws XMLStreamException
XMLInputFactory f = getInputFactory();
setNamespaceAware(f, false);
setCoalescing(f, coal);
return (XMLStreamReader2) f.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(content));
// Configuring input factory
protected static void setLazyParsing(XMLInputFactory f, boolean state)
throws XMLStreamException
state ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
protected static void setMinTextSegment(XMLInputFactory f, int len)
throws XMLStreamException
f.setProperty(WstxInputProperties.P_MIN_TEXT_SEGMENT, new Integer(len));
// Configuring output factory
protected static void setRepairing(XMLOutputFactory f, boolean state)
protected static void setValidateStructure(XMLOutputFactory f, boolean state)
protected static void setValidateContent(XMLOutputFactory f, boolean state)
protected static void setValidateNames(XMLOutputFactory f, boolean state)
protected static void setValidateAll(XMLOutputFactory f, boolean state)
setValidateStructure(f, state);
setValidateContent(f, state);
setValidateNames(f, state);
protected static void setFixContent(XMLOutputFactory f, boolean state)
// Higher-level test methods
* Method that will iterate through contents of an XML document
* using specified stream reader; will also access some of data
* to make sure reader reads most of lazy-loadable data.
* Method is usually called to try to get an exception for invalid
* content.
* @return Dummy value calculated on contents; used to make sure
* no dead code is eliminated
protected int streamThrough(XMLStreamReader sr)
throws XMLStreamException
int result = 0;
while (sr.hasNext()) {
int type =;
result += type;
if (sr.hasText()) {
/* will also do basic verification for text content, to
* see that all text accessor methods return same content
result += getAndVerifyText(sr).hashCode();
if (sr.hasName()) {
result += sr.getName().hashCode();
return result;
protected int streamThroughFailing(XMLInputFactory f, String contents,
String msg)
throws XMLStreamException
int result = 0;
try {
XMLStreamReader sr = constructStreamReader(f, contents);
result = streamThrough(sr);
} catch (XMLStreamException ex) { // good
System.out.println("Expected failure: '"+ex.getMessage()+"' "
+"(matching message: '"+msg+"')");
return 0;
} catch (RuntimeException ex2) { // ok
System.out.println("Expected failure: '"+ex2.getMessage()+"' "
+"(matching message: '"+msg+"')");
return 0;
} catch (Throwable t) { // not so good
fail("Expected an XMLStreamException or RuntimeException for "+msg
+", got: "+t);
fail("Expected an exception for "+msg);
return result; // never gets here
protected int streamThroughFailing(XMLStreamReader sr, String msg)
throws XMLStreamException
int result = 0;
try {
result = streamThrough(sr);
} catch (XMLStreamException ex) { // good
System.out.println("Expected failure: '"+ex.getMessage()+"' "
+"(matching message: '"+msg+"')");
return 0;
} catch (RuntimeException ex2) { // ok
System.out.println("Expected failure: '"+ex2.getMessage()+"' "
+"(matching message: '"+msg+"')");
return 0;
} catch (Throwable t) { // not so good
fail("Expected an XMLStreamException or RuntimeException for "+msg
+", got: "+t);
fail("Expected an exception for "+msg);
return result; // never gets here
// Assertions
protected static String tokenTypeDesc(int tt)
String desc = mTokenTypes.get(Integer.valueOf(tt));
return (desc == null) ? ("["+tt+"]") : desc;
protected static void assertTokenType(int expType, int actType)
if (expType != actType) {
String expStr = tokenTypeDesc(expType);
String actStr = tokenTypeDesc(actType);
if (expStr == null) {
expStr = ""+expType;
if (actStr == null) {
actStr = ""+actType;
fail("Expected token "+expStr+"; got "+actStr+".");
* Helper assertion that assert that the String is either null or
* empty ("").
protected static void assertNullOrEmpty(String str)
if (str != null && str.length() > 0) {
fail("Expected String to be empty or null; was '"+str+"' (length "
protected static void assertNotNullOrEmpty(String str)
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
fail("Expected String to be non-empty; got "
+((str == null) ? "NULL" : "\"\""));
* Method that can be used to verify that the current element
* pointed to by the stream reader has no prefix.
protected static void assertNoElemPrefix(XMLStreamReader sr)
throws XMLStreamException
String prefix = sr.getPrefix();
if (prefix != XmlConsts.ELEM_NO_PREFIX) {
fail("Element that does not have a prefix should be indicated with <"+XmlConsts.ELEM_NO_PREFIX+">, not <"+prefix+">");
* Helper method for ensuring that the given return value for
* attribute prefix accessor has returned a value that
* represents "no prefix" value.
* Current thinking (early 2008) is that empty string is the
* expected value here.
protected static void assertNoAttrPrefix(String attrPrefix)
throws XMLStreamException
if (attrPrefix != XmlConsts.ATTR_NO_PREFIX) {
fail("Attribute that does not have a prefix should be indicated with <"+XmlConsts.ATTR_NO_PREFIX+">, not <"+attrPrefix+">");
* Method that can be used to verify that the current element
* pointed to by the stream reader does not belong to a namespace.
protected static void assertElemNotInNamespace(XMLStreamReader sr)
throws XMLStreamException
String uri = sr.getNamespaceURI();
if (uri == null) {
fail("Excepted empty String to indicate \"no namespace\": got null");
} else if (uri.length() != 0) {
fail("Excepted no (null) namespace URI: got '"+uri+"'");
protected static void assertNoAttrNamespace(String attrNsURI)
throws XMLStreamException
if (attrNsURI == null) {
fail("Expected empty String to indicate \"no namespace\" (for attribute): got null");
} else if (attrNsURI.length() != 0) {
fail("Expected empty String to indicate \"no namespace\" (for attribute): got '"+attrNsURI+"'");
protected static void failStrings(String msg, String exp, String act)
// !!! TODO: Indicate position where Strings differ
fail(msg+": expected "+quotedPrintable(exp)+", got "
* Method that not only gets currently available text from the
* reader, but also checks that its consistenly accessible using
* different (basic) StAX methods.
protected static String getAndVerifyText(XMLStreamReader sr)
throws XMLStreamException
/* 05-Apr-2006, TSa: Although getText() is available for DTD
* and ENTITY_REFERENCE, getTextXxx() are not. Thus, can not
* do more checks for those types.
int type = sr.getEventType();
if (type == ENTITY_REFERENCE || type == DTD) {
return sr.getText();
int expLen = sr.getTextLength();
/* Hmmh. It's only ok to return empty text for DTD event... well,
* maybe also for CDATA, since empty CDATA blocks are legal?
/* !!! 01-Sep-2004, TSa:
* note: theoretically, in coalescing mode, it could be possible
* to have empty CDATA section(s) get converted to CHARACTERS,
* which would be empty... may need to enhance this to check that
* mode is not coalescing? Or something
if (type == CHARACTERS) {
assertTrue("Stream reader should never return empty Strings.", (expLen > 0));
String text = sr.getText();
assertNotNull("getText() should never return null.", text);
assertEquals("Expected text length of "+expLen+", got "+text.length(),
expLen, text.length());
char[] textChars = sr.getTextCharacters();
int start = sr.getTextStart();
String text2 = new String(textChars, start, expLen);
assertEquals(text, text2);
return text;
// Debug/output helpers
public static void warn(String msg)
System.err.println("WARN: "+msg);
public static String printable(char ch)
if (ch == '\n') {
return "\\n";
if (ch == '\r') {
return "\\r";
if (ch == '\t') {
return "\\t";
if (ch == ' ') {
return "_";
if (ch > 127 || ch < 32) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(6);
String hex = Integer.toHexString((int)ch);
for (int i = 0, len = 4 - hex.length(); i < len; i++) {
return sb.toString();
return null;
public static String printableWithSpaces(char ch)
if (ch == '\n') {
return "\\n";
if (ch == '\r') {
return "\\r";
if (ch == '\t') {
return "\\t";
if (ch > 127 || ch < 32) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(6);
String hex = Integer.toHexString((int)ch);
for (int i = 0, len = 4 - hex.length(); i < len; i++) {
return sb.toString();
return null;
public static String printable(String str)
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
return str;
int len = str.length();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(len + 64);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
char c = str.charAt(i);
String res = printable(c);
if (res == null) {
} else {
return sb.toString();
public static String printableWithSpaces(String str)
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
return str;
int len = str.length();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(len + 64);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
char c = str.charAt(i);
String res = printableWithSpaces(c);
if (res == null) {
} else {
return sb.toString();
protected static String quotedPrintable(String str)
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
return "[0]''";
return "[len: "+str.length()+"] '"+printable(str)+"'";