Package com.ctc.wstx.sw

Source Code of com.ctc.wstx.sw.SimpleOutputElement$AttrName

/* Woodstox XML processor
* Copyright (c) 2005 Tatu Saloranta,
* Licensed under the License specified in file LICENSE, included with
* the source code.
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package com.ctc.wstx.sw;

import java.util.*;

import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import com.ctc.wstx.compat.QNameCreator;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.BijectiveNsMap;

* Class that encapsulates information about a specific element in virtual
* output stack for namespace-aware writers.
* It provides support for URI-to-prefix mappings as well as namespace
* mapping generation.
* One noteworthy feature of the class is that it is designed to allow
* "short-term recycling", ie. instances can be reused within context
* of a simple document output. While reuse/recycling of such lightweight
* object is often useless or even counter productive, here it may
* be worth using, due to simplicity of the scheme (basically using
* a very simple free-elements linked list).
public final class SimpleOutputElement
    extends OutputElementBase
    // Information about element itself:

     * Reference to the parent element, element enclosing this element.
     * Null for root element.
     * Non-final only to allow temporary pooling
     * (on per-writer basis, to keep these short-lived).
    SimpleOutputElement mParent;

     * Prefix that is used for the element. Can not be final, since sometimes
     * it needs to be dynamically generated and bound after creating the
     * element instance.
    String mPrefix;

     * Local name of the element.
     * Non-final only to allow reuse.
    String mLocalName;

     * Namespace of the element, whatever {@link #mPrefix} maps to.
     * Non-final only to allow reuse.
    String mURI;

    // Attribute information

     * Map used to check for duplicate attribute declarations, if
     * feature is enabled.
    protected HashSet<AttrName> mAttrSet = null;

    // Life-cycle

     * Constructor for the virtual root element
    private SimpleOutputElement()
        mParent = null;
        mPrefix = null;
        mLocalName = "";
        mURI = null;

    private SimpleOutputElement(SimpleOutputElement parent,
                                String prefix, String localName, String uri,
                                BijectiveNsMap ns)
        super(parent, ns);
        mParent = parent;
        mPrefix = prefix;
        mLocalName = localName;
        mURI = uri;

     * Method called to reuse a pooled instance.
     * @return Chained pooled instance that should now be head of the
     *   reuse chain
    private void relink(SimpleOutputElement parent,
                        String prefix, String localName, String uri)
        mParent = parent;
        mPrefix = prefix;
        mLocalName = localName;
        mURI = uri;
        mNsMapping = parent.mNsMapping;
        mNsMapShared = (mNsMapping != null);
        mDefaultNsURI = parent.mDefaultNsURI;
        mRootNsContext = parent.mRootNsContext;

    public static SimpleOutputElement createRoot()
        return new SimpleOutputElement();

     * Simplest factory method, which gets called when a 1-argument
     * element output method is called. It is, then, assumed to
     * use the default namespce.
    protected SimpleOutputElement createChild(String localName)
        /* At this point we can also discard attribute Map; it is assumed
         * that when a child element has been opened, no more attributes
         * can be output.
        mAttrSet = null;
        return new SimpleOutputElement(this, null, localName,
                                       mDefaultNsURI, mNsMapping);

     * @return New head of the recycle pool
    protected SimpleOutputElement reuseAsChild(SimpleOutputElement parent,
                                               String localName)
        mAttrSet = null;
        SimpleOutputElement poolHead = mParent;
        relink(parent, null, localName, mDefaultNsURI);
        return poolHead;

    protected SimpleOutputElement reuseAsChild(SimpleOutputElement parent,
                                               String prefix, String localName,
                                               String uri)
        mAttrSet = null;
        SimpleOutputElement poolHead = mParent;
        relink(parent, prefix, localName, uri);
        return poolHead;

     * Full factory method, used for 'normal' namespace qualified output
     * methods.
    protected SimpleOutputElement createChild(String prefix, String localName,
                                              String uri)
        /* At this point we can also discard attribute Map; it is assumed
         * that when a child element has been opened, no more attributes
         * can be output.
        mAttrSet = null;
        return new SimpleOutputElement(this, prefix, localName, uri, mNsMapping);

     * Method called to temporarily link this instance to a pool, to
     * allow reusing of instances with the same reader.
    protected void addToPool(SimpleOutputElement poolHead)
        mParent = poolHead;

    // Public API, accessors

    public SimpleOutputElement getParent() {
        return mParent;

    public boolean isRoot() {
        // (Virtual) Root element has no parent...
        return (mParent == null);

     * @return String presentation of the fully-qualified name, in
     *   "prefix:localName" format (no URI). Useful for error and
     *   debugging messages.
    public String getNameDesc() {
        if (mPrefix != null && mPrefix.length() > 0) {
            return mPrefix + ":" +mLocalName;
        if (mLocalName != null && mLocalName.length() > 0) {
            return mLocalName;
        return "#error"; // unexpected case

    public String getPrefix() {
        return mPrefix;

    public String getLocalName() {
        return mLocalName;

    public String getNamespaceURI() {
        return mURI;

    public QName getName() {
        return QNameCreator.create(mURI, mLocalName, mPrefix);

    // Public API, ns binding, checking

    public void checkAttrWrite(String nsURI, String localName)
        throws XMLStreamException
        AttrName an = new AttrName(nsURI, localName);
        if (mAttrSet == null) {
            /* 13-Dec-2005, TSa: Should use a more efficient Set/Map value
             *   for this in future -- specifically one that could use
             *   ns/local-name pairs without intermediate objects
            mAttrSet = new HashSet<AttrName>();
        if (!mAttrSet.add(an)) {
            throw new XMLStreamException("Duplicate attribute write for attribute '"+an+"'");

    // Public API, mutators

    public void setPrefix(String prefix) {
        mPrefix = prefix;

    public void setDefaultNsUri(String uri) {
        mDefaultNsURI = uri;

     * Note: this method can and will only be called before outputting
     * the root element.
    protected final void setRootNsContext(NamespaceContext ctxt)
        mRootNsContext = ctxt;
        // Let's also figure out the default ns binding, if any:
        String defURI = ctxt.getNamespaceURI("");
        if (defURI != null && defURI.length() > 0) {
            mDefaultNsURI = defURI;

    // Helper classes:

     * Simple key class used to represent two-piece (attribute) names;
     * first part being optional (URI), and second non-optional (local name).
    final static class AttrName
        implements Comparable<AttrName>
        final String mNsURI;
        final String mLocalName;

         * Let's cache the hash code, since although hash calculation is
         * fast, hash code is needed a lot as this is always used as a
         * HashSet/TreeMap key.
        final int mHashCode;

        public AttrName(String nsURI, String localName) {
            mNsURI = (nsURI == null) ? "" : nsURI;
            mLocalName = localName;
            mHashCode = mNsURI.hashCode() * 31 ^ mLocalName.hashCode();

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (o == this) {
                return true;
            if (!(o instanceof AttrName)) {
                return false;
            AttrName other = (AttrName) o;
            String otherLN = other.mLocalName;
            // Local names are shorter, more varying:
            if (otherLN != mLocalName && !otherLN.equals(mLocalName)) {
                return false;
            String otherURI = other.mNsURI;
            return (otherURI == mNsURI || otherURI.equals(mNsURI));

        public String toString() {
            if (mNsURI.length() > 0) {
                return "{"+mNsURI + "} " +mLocalName;
            return mLocalName;

        public int hashCode() {
            return mHashCode;

        public int compareTo(AttrName other) {
            // Let's first order by namespace:
            int result = mNsURI.compareTo(other.mNsURI);
            if (result == 0) {
                result = mLocalName.compareTo(other.mLocalName);
            return result;

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