* Copyright 2003-2006 Rick Knowles <winstone-devel at lists sourceforge net>
* Distributed under the terms of either:
* - the common development and distribution license (CDDL), v1.0; or
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 or later
package winstone.testCase.load;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import winstone.Logger;
import winstone.WebAppConfiguration;
import winstone.WinstoneResourceBundle;
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebConversation;
* This class is an attempt to benchmark performance under load for winstone. It
* works by hitting a supplied URL with parallel threads (with keep-alives or
* without) at an escalating rate, and counting the no of failures.
* It uses HttpUnit's WebConversation class for the connection.
* @author <a href="mailto:rick_knowles@hotmail.com">Rick Knowles</a>
* @version $Id: LoadTest.java,v 1.2 2006/02/28 07:32:49 rickknowles Exp $
public class LoadTest {
private String url;
private boolean useKeepAlives;
private int startThreads;
private int endThreads;
private int stepSize;
private long stepPeriod;
private long gracePeriod;
private long successTimeTotal;
private int successCount;
private WinstoneResourceBundle resources;
private static String LOCAL_RESOURCE_FILE = "winstone.testCase.load.LocalStrings";
public LoadTest(WinstoneResourceBundle resources, String url,
boolean useKeepAlives, int startThreads, int endThreads,
int stepSize, long stepPeriod, long gracePeriod) {
this.resources = resources;
this.url = url;
this.useKeepAlives = useKeepAlives;
this.startThreads = startThreads;
this.endThreads = endThreads;
this.stepSize = stepSize;
this.stepPeriod = stepPeriod;
this.gracePeriod = gracePeriod;
Logger.log(Logger.INFO, resources, "LoadTest.Config", new String[] {
this.url, this.useKeepAlives + "", this.startThreads + "",
this.endThreads + "", this.stepSize + "", this.stepPeriod + "",
this.gracePeriod + "" });
public void test() throws InterruptedException {
WebConversation wc = null;
// Loop through in steps
for (int n = this.startThreads; n <= this.endThreads; n += this.stepSize) {
if (this.useKeepAlives)
wc = new WebConversation();
// Spawn the threads
int noOfSeconds = (int) this.stepPeriod / 1000;
List threads = new ArrayList();
for (int m = 0; m < n; m++)
threads.add(new LoadTestThread(this.url, this, this.resources,
wc, noOfSeconds - 1));
// Sleep for step period
Thread.sleep(this.stepPeriod + gracePeriod);
// int errorCount = (noOfSeconds * n) - this.successCount;
Long averageSuccessTime = this.successCount == 0 ? null : new Long(
this.successTimeTotal / this.successCount);
// Write out results
Logger.log(Logger.INFO, resources, "LoadTest.LineResult",
new String[] { n + "", this.successCount + "",
((noOfSeconds * n) - this.successCount) + "",
averageSuccessTime + "" });
// Close threads
for (Iterator i = threads.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
((LoadTestThread) i.next()).destroy();
this.successTimeTotal = 0;
this.successCount = 0;
public void incTimeTotal(long amount) {
this.successTimeTotal += amount;
public void incSuccessCount() {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
WinstoneResourceBundle resources = new WinstoneResourceBundle(
// Loop for args
Map options = new HashMap();
// String operation = "";
for (int n = 0; n < args.length; n++) {
String option = args[n];
if (option.startsWith("--")) {
int equalPos = option.indexOf('=');
String paramName = option.substring(2, equalPos == -1 ? option
.length() : equalPos);
String paramValue = (equalPos == -1 ? "true" : option
.substring(equalPos + 1));
options.put(paramName, paramValue);
if (options.size() == 0) {
.stringArg(options, "debug", "5")));
String url = WebAppConfiguration.stringArg(options, "url",
boolean keepAlive = WebAppConfiguration.booleanArg(options,
"keepAlive", true);
String startThreads = WebAppConfiguration.stringArg(options,
"startThreads", "20");
String endThreads = WebAppConfiguration.stringArg(options,
"endThreads", "1000");
String stepSize = WebAppConfiguration.stringArg(options, "stepSize",
String stepPeriod = WebAppConfiguration.stringArg(options,
"stepPeriod", "5000");
String gracePeriod = WebAppConfiguration.stringArg(options,
"gracePeriod", "5000");
LoadTest lt = new LoadTest(resources, url, keepAlive, Integer
.parseInt(startThreads), Integer.parseInt(endThreads), Integer
.parseInt(stepSize), Integer.parseInt(stepPeriod), Integer
* Displays the usage message
private static void printUsage(WinstoneResourceBundle resources)
throws IOException {