* Copyright 2003-2006 Rick Knowles <winstone-devel at lists sourceforge net>
* Distributed under the terms of either:
* - the common development and distribution license (CDDL), v1.0; or
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 or later
package winstone.auth;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import winstone.AuthenticationPrincipal;
import winstone.AuthenticationRealm;
import winstone.Logger;
import winstone.WinstoneRequest;
import winstone.WinstoneResourceBundle;
* Implements the MD5 digest version of authentication
* @author <a href="mailto:rick_knowles@hotmail.com">Rick Knowles</a>
* @version $Id: DigestAuthenticationHandler.java,v 1.3 2004/05/22 06:53:45
* rickknowles Exp $
public class DigestAuthenticationHandler extends BaseAuthenticationHandler {
private MessageDigest md5Digester;
public DigestAuthenticationHandler(Node loginConfigNode,
List constraintNodes, Set rolesAllowed,
AuthenticationRealm realm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
super(loginConfigNode, constraintNodes, rolesAllowed, realm);
this.md5Digester = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, AUTH_RESOURCES,
"DigestAuthenticationHandler.Initialised", realmName);
* Call this once we know that we need to authenticate
protected void requestAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, String pathRequested)
throws IOException {
// Generate the one time token
String oneTimeToken = "WinstoneToken:"
+ (new Random().nextDouble() * System.currentTimeMillis());
// Need to write the www-authenticate header
String authHeader = "Digest realm=\"" + this.realmName
+ "\", qop=\"auth\", " + "nonce=\"" + oneTimeToken
+ "\", opaque=\"" + md5Encode(oneTimeToken) + "\"";
response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authHeader);
// Return unauthorized
response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, AUTH_RESOURCES
* Handling the (possible) response
* @return True if the request should continue, or false if we have
* intercepted it
protected boolean validatePossibleAuthenticationResponse(
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
String pathRequested) throws IOException {
String authorization = request.getHeader("Authorization");
if (authorization == null)
return true;
// Logger.log(Logger.FULL_DEBUG, "Authorization: " + authorization);
if (!authorization.startsWith("Digest"))
return true;
// Extract tokens from auth string
String userName = null;
String realm = null;
String qop = null;
String algorithm = null;
String uri = null;
String nOnce = null;
String nc = null;
String cnOnce = null;
String clientResponseDigest = null;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(authorization.substring(6)
.trim(), ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = st.nextToken().trim();
int equalPos = token.indexOf('=');
String paramName = token.substring(0, equalPos);
if (paramName.equals("username"))
userName = WinstoneResourceBundle.globalReplace(token
.substring(equalPos + 1).trim(), "\"", "");
else if (paramName.equals("realm"))
realm = WinstoneResourceBundle.globalReplace(token.substring(
equalPos + 1).trim(), "\"", "");
else if (paramName.equals("qop"))
qop = WinstoneResourceBundle.globalReplace(token.substring(
equalPos + 1).trim(), "\"", "");
else if (paramName.equals("algorithm"))
algorithm = WinstoneResourceBundle.globalReplace(token
.substring(equalPos + 1).trim(), "\"", "");
else if (paramName.equals("uri"))
uri = WinstoneResourceBundle.globalReplace(token.substring(
equalPos + 1).trim(), "\"", "");
else if (paramName.equals("nonce"))
nOnce = WinstoneResourceBundle.globalReplace(token.substring(
equalPos + 1).trim(), "\"", "");
else if (paramName.equals("nc"))
nc = WinstoneResourceBundle.globalReplace(token.substring(
equalPos + 1).trim(), "\"", "");
else if (paramName.equals("cnonce"))
cnOnce = WinstoneResourceBundle.globalReplace(token.substring(
equalPos + 1).trim(), "\"", "");
else if (paramName.equals("response"))
clientResponseDigest = WinstoneResourceBundle.globalReplace(
token.substring(equalPos + 1).trim(), "\"", "");
// Throw out bad attempts
if ((userName == null) || (realm == null) || (qop == null)
|| (uri == null) || (nOnce == null) || (nc == null)
|| (cnOnce == null) || (clientResponseDigest == null))
return true;
else if ((algorithm != null) && !algorithm.equals("MD5"))
return true;
// Get a user matching the username
AuthenticationPrincipal principal = this.realm.retrieveUser(userName);
if (principal == null)
return true;
// Compute the 2 digests and compare
String userRealmPasswordDigest = md5Encode(userName + ":" + realm + ":"
+ principal.getPassword());
String methodURIDigest = md5Encode(request.getMethod() + ":" + uri);
String serverResponseDigest = md5Encode(userRealmPasswordDigest + ":"
+ nOnce + ":" + nc + ":" + cnOnce + ":" + qop + ":"
+ methodURIDigest);
if (serverResponseDigest.equals(clientResponseDigest)) {
if (request instanceof WinstoneRequest)
((WinstoneRequest) request).setRemoteUser(principal);
else if (request instanceof HttpServletRequestWrapper) {
HttpServletRequestWrapper wrapper = (HttpServletRequestWrapper) request;
if (wrapper.getRequest() instanceof WinstoneRequest)
((WinstoneRequest) wrapper.getRequest())
"DigestAuthenticationHandler.CantSetUser", wrapper
} else
"DigestAuthenticationHandler.CantSetUser", request
return true;
* Returns a hex encoded MD5 digested version of the input string
* @param input The string to encode
* @return MD5 digested, hex encoded version of the input
public String md5Encode(String input) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
// Digest
byte digestBytes[] = this.md5Digester.digest(input.getBytes("8859_1"));
// Write out in hex format
char outArray[] = new char[32];
for (int n = 0; n < digestBytes.length; n++) {
int hiNibble = (digestBytes[n] & 0xFF) >> 4;
int loNibble = (digestBytes[n] & 0xF);
outArray[2 * n] = (hiNibble > 9 ? (char) (hiNibble + 87)
: (char) (hiNibble + 48));
outArray[2 * n + 1] = (loNibble > 9 ? (char) (loNibble + 87)
: (char) (loNibble + 48));
return new String(outArray);