// Copyright (C) 2011 - Will Glozer. All rights reserved.
package com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol;
import com.lambdaworks.redis.RedisException;
import com.lambdaworks.redis.codec.RedisCodec;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* Abstract representation of the output of a redis command.
* @param <T> Output type.
* @author Will Glozer
public abstract class CommandOutput<T> {
protected RedisCodec<?, ?> codec;
protected String error;
* Initialize a new instance that encodes and decodes keys and
* values using the supplied codec.
* @param codec Codec used to encode/decode keys and values.
public CommandOutput(RedisCodec<?, ?> codec) {
this.codec = codec;
* Get the command output.
* @return The command output.
* @throws RedisException if the command failed.
public abstract T get() throws RedisException;
* Set the command output to a sequence of bytes, or null. Concrete
* {@link CommandOutput} implementations must override this method
* unless they only receive an integer value which cannot be null.
* @param bytes The command output, or null.
public void set(ByteBuffer bytes) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
* Set the command output to a 64-bit signed integer. Concrete
* {@link CommandOutput} implementations must override this method
* unless they only receive a byte array value.
* @param integer The command output.
public void set(long integer) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
* Check if the redis server returned an error and if so throw a
* {@link RedisException} containing the error message.
* @throws RedisException if the server returned an error.
protected void errorCheck() throws RedisException {
if (error != null) throw new RedisException(error);
* Set command output to an error message from the server.
* @param error Error message.
public void setError(ByteBuffer error) {
this.error = decodeAscii(error);
* Set command output to an error message from the client.
* @param error Error message.
public void setError(String error) {
this.error = error;
* Mark the command output complete.
* @param depth Remaining depth of output queue.
public void complete(int depth) {
// nothing to do by default
protected String decodeAscii(ByteBuffer bytes) {
char[] chars = new char[bytes.remaining()];
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
chars[i] = (char) bytes.get();
return new String(chars);