* This file is part of the WfMOpen project.
* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Danet GmbH (www.danet.de), GS-AN.
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* $Id: ToolInvocation.java 2326 2007-03-27 21:59:44Z mlipp $
* $Log$
* Revision 1.4 2006/10/13 13:58:32 drmlipp
* Adapted to new environment.
* Revision 1.3 2006/10/07 20:41:34 mlipp
* Merged J2EE 1.4 adaptions from test branch.
* Revision 1.2 2006/09/29 12:32:10 drmlipp
* Consistently using WfMOpen as projct name now.
* Revision 2004/08/18 15:18:47 drmlipp
* Update to 1.2
* Revision 1.18 2004/01/27 11:45:33 lipp
* Preserve newlines when reading process definitions.
* Revision 1.17 2003/10/21 21:00:45 lipp
* Moved EJBClientTest to new junit sub-package.
* Revision 1.16 2003/10/08 11:52:55 huaiyang
* make test weblogic compatible.
* Revision 1.15 2003/09/19 13:12:29 lipp
* Adapted to closed.completed having a substate.
* Revision 1.14 2003/06/27 09:44:13 lipp
* Fixed copyright/license information.
* Revision 1.13 2003/04/26 16:46:55 lipp
* Made unittests and systemtests coexist in eclipse.
* Revision 1.12 2003/04/17 13:28:41 lipp
* Modification for analysis fixed problem. Magic.
* Revision 1.11 2003/04/16 19:25:04 lipp
* Adapted to jdk 1.4
* Revision 1.10 2003/02/25 17:08:27 lipp
* Reorganized requester implementation.
* Revision 1.9 2003/02/24 10:46:41 lipp
* Removed usage of System.out and .err.
* Revision 1.8 2003/02/19 08:35:12 lipp
* Added delay.
* Revision 1.7 2003/02/05 15:57:06 lipp
* Replaced DummyRequester with DefaultRequester.
* Revision 1.6 2002/11/19 15:14:52 lipp
* New transition manager.
* Revision 1.5 2002/10/23 11:36:47 lipp
* Got them running again.
* Revision 1.4 2002/10/23 07:29:15 lipp
* Adapted to state handling changes.
* Revision 1.3 2002/10/22 17:19:01 lipp
* Still adapting to state handling changes.
* Revision 1.2 2002/09/24 15:54:08 lipp
* Removed not needed import.
* Revision 1.1 2002/09/23 12:57:40 huaiyang
* Check the datafield.
package process;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import common.UTLoginContext;
import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;
import de.danet.an.util.EJBUtil;
import de.danet.an.util.junit.EJBClientTest;
import de.danet.an.workflow.api.DefaultRequester;
import de.danet.an.workflow.api.FactoryConfigurationError;
import de.danet.an.workflow.api.ProcessDefinitionDirectory;
import de.danet.an.workflow.api.ProcessMgr;
import de.danet.an.workflow.api.WorkflowService;
import de.danet.an.workflow.api.WorkflowServiceFactory;
import de.danet.an.workflow.ejbs.admin.ProcessDefinitionDirectoryHome;
import de.danet.an.workflow.omgcore.ProcessData;
import de.danet.an.workflow.omgcore.WfActivity;
import de.danet.an.workflow.omgcore.WfProcess;
import de.danet.an.workflow.omgcore.WfRequester;
* Test the life cycle of different processes.
public class ToolInvocation extends TestCase {
private static UTLoginContext plc = null;
static {
try {
plc = new UTLoginContext();
} catch (LoginException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException (e.getMessage ());
* Constructor of this TestCase
public ToolInvocation(String name) {
super (name);
* Stellt diese TestSuite zusammen.
public static Test suite() {
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
suite.addTest(new ToolInvocation("importProcessDefinitions"));
suite.addTest(new ToolInvocation("processjutToolInvocation"));
return new EJBClientTest (plc, suite);
private static WorkflowService wfsCache = null;
private WorkflowService workflowService() {
if (wfsCache == null) {
try {
WorkflowServiceFactory wfsf
= WorkflowServiceFactory.newInstance ();
wfsCache = wfsf.newWorkflowService();
} catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) {
throw new IllegalStateException (e.getMessage());
return wfsCache;
* Import the process definitions from a XPDL file
* unsing the ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
public void importProcessDefinitions() throws Exception {
// Create process definition directory bean
ProcessDefinitionDirectory pdd
= workflowService().processDefinitionDirectory();
InputStream is = getClass()
assertTrue (is != null);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(is, "ISO-8859-1"));
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String st;
while ((st = br.readLine()) != null) {
sb.append(st + "\n");
Collection processDefinitions = pdd.processDefinitions();
assertTrue (processDefinitions.size() > 0);
private WfProcess createProcess
(String pkgId, String prcId, WfRequester req)
throws Exception {
ProcessDefinitionDirectory procDir = null;
try {
procDir = workflowService().processDefinitionDirectory();
ProcessMgr pmgr = procDir.processMgr(pkgId, prcId);
return pmgr.createProcess (req);
} finally {
workflowService().release (procDir);
public void processjutToolInvocation() throws Exception {
WfRequester req = new DefaultRequester(workflowService());
// create the process
WfProcess process
= createProcess("ut-process", "jut_tool_invocation", req);
// start the process
Thread.sleep (1000);
WfActivity act = actByName(process, "Account Antrag erstellen");
act = actByName(process, "Account Antrag bearbeiten");
Thread.sleep (1500);
assertTrue(actByName(process, "Account Antrag r�ckmelden").state()
private WfActivity actByName(WfProcess proc, String name) throws Exception {
WfActivity a = null;
for (Iterator it = proc.steps().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
WfActivity ai = (WfActivity)it.next();
if (ai.name().equals (name)) {
a = ai;
return a;
private boolean invoke(WfActivity a) throws Exception {
assertTrue(a.state() != null);
ProcessData processData = a.processContext();
// Check data field has been read correctly.
Thread.sleep (1000);
return true;