Package procdef

Source Code of procdef.ValidateProcDef

* This file is part of the WfMOpen project.
* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Danet GmbH (, GS-AN.
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
* $Id: 1930 2006-11-17 21:41:22Z mlipp $
* $Log$
* Revision 1.6  2006/10/13 13:58:32  drmlipp
* Adapted to new environment.
* Revision 1.5  2006/10/07 20:41:34  mlipp
* Merged J2EE 1.4 adaptions from test branch.
* Revision 1.4  2006/09/29 12:32:09  drmlipp
* Consistently using WfMOpen as projct name now.
* Revision 1.3  2006/03/08 14:46:43  drmlipp
* Synchronized with 1.3.3p5.
* Revision 1.2  2005/04/08 11:28:06  drmlipp
* Merged changes from 1.3 branch up to 1.3p6.
* Revision  2005/03/03 16:32:47  drmlipp
* Added test.
* Revision  2004/08/18 15:18:46  drmlipp
* Update to 1.2
* Revision 1.39  2004/03/18 12:53:01  lipp
* Support for XML as actual parameter.
* Revision 1.38  2004/01/27 11:45:33  lipp
* Preserve newlines when reading process definitions.
* Revision 1.37  2003/10/21 21:00:45  lipp
* Moved EJBClientTest to new junit sub-package.
* Revision 1.36  2003/10/07 15:55:57  lipp
* Made tests weblogic compatible.
* Revision 1.35  2003/07/11 10:49:26  huaiyang
* Fix the tip error with the error key.
* Revision 1.34  2003/07/11 10:30:24  huaiyang
* Error messages further improved.
* Revision 1.33  2003/07/10 12:44:17  huaiyang
* Fix the tip error of transition.
* Revision 1.32  2003/07/09 07:54:01  huaiyang
* compare the error message with its key.
* Revision 1.31  2003/06/27 09:44:13  lipp
* Fixed copyright/license information.
* Revision 1.30  2003/06/03 15:37:42  huaiyang
* add the tests of paramTypeMismatch.
* Revision 1.29  2003/05/31 18:30:57  lipp
* Fixed test case.
* Revision 1.28  2003/05/26 14:31:58  huaiyang
* add the check of loop activities.
* Revision 1.27  2003/05/26 12:43:22  huaiyang
* add the test of illegalScriptType and illegalScriptVersion.
* Revision 1.26  2003/05/13 08:38:40  huaiyang
* add the test for checking actual params in calling subflow.
* Revision 1.25  2003/05/12 09:14:26  huaiyang
* add the test of invalidPriority.
* Revision 1.24  2003/05/08 15:01:27  huaiyang
* add the test of emptyActivitySet.
* Revision 1.23  2003/04/26 16:46:55  lipp
* Made unittests and systemtests coexist in eclipse.
* Revision 1.22  2003/04/16 19:25:04  lipp
* Adapted to jdk 1.4
* Revision 1.21  2003/03/31 16:50:29  huaiyang
* Logging using common-logging.
* Revision 1.20  2003/03/28 12:15:28  huaiyang
* the error text of noprocdata modified.
* Revision 1.19  2003/03/07 14:11:51  huaiyang
* set the default locale as chinese, then restore it.
* Revision 1.18  2003/03/07 09:35:42  huaiyang
* Changed because of the new
* Revision 1.17  2003/03/07 08:03:48  huaiyang
* retrieve the error message for the Locale.ENGLISH.
* Revision 1.16  2003/03/04 13:43:09  huaiyang
* add the test of invalidBlockActivityId.
* Revision 1.15  2003/02/17 09:53:53  lipp
* Fixed typo in filename.
* Revision 1.14  2002/12/04 16:05:49  lipp
* Fixed minor compilation problem.
* Revision 1.13  2002/12/02 16:19:31  huaiyang
* ImportProcessDefinition throws now ImportException.
* Revision 1.12  2002/11/25 09:28:53  huaiyang
* New test of validApplicationId.
* Revision 1.11  2002/11/13 11:25:43  huaiyang
* NMTOKEN compatible.
* Revision 1.10  2002/11/12 14:16:11  huaiyang
* Add test for validating transition restrictions of activity.
* Revision 1.9  2002/11/06 12:15:51  huaiyang
* Add the test of invalidExtendedAttribute.
* Revision 1.8  2002/11/04 10:57:29  huaiyang
* Add tests for validating transition of activitySet.
* Revision 1.7  2002/11/01 12:22:21  huaiyang
* Add the tests of invalidActivitySetTransRefId and invalidActivityTransRefId
* Revision 1.6  2002/09/24 12:21:04  huaiyang
* Add test of checking match of formal and actual parameter.
* Revision 1.5  2002/09/23 12:04:34  huaiyang
* Remove the test of invalidTool.
* Revision 1.4  2002/09/18 14:32:54  huaiyang
* Add testing of participant.
* Revision 1.3  2002/09/16 15:31:28  huaiyang
* Add the correct application class.
* Revision 1.2  2002/08/30 13:37:05  lipp
* Using Workflow engine facade now.
* Revision 1.1  2002/08/15 15:03:19  huaiyang
* Initial.
package procdef;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import javax.naming.InitialContext;




import common.UTLoginContext;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

* test the functionality of the class
* <code></code>.
public class ValidateProcDef extends TestCase {
    /** logger of this class */
    static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger
  = org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(ValidateProcDef.class);

    private static UTLoginContext plc = null;
    static {
  try {
      plc = new UTLoginContext();
  } catch (LoginException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException (e.getMessage ());

     * constructor of this test case.
     * @param name name of this test case.
    public ValidateProcDef(String name) {
  super (name);

     * build this test suite.
     * @return the built test suite.
    public static Test suite() {
        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("doubleActivityId"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("doubleApplicationId"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("doubleProcessId"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("doubleTransitionId"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("doubleTransitionIdOfActivitySet"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("invalidRefActFromIdInTransition"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("invalidRefActToIdInTransition"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("invalidRefToolIdInActivity"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("invalidRefToolIdInActivitySet"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("invalidActivitySetTransRefId"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("invalidActivityTransRefId"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("invalidBlockActivityId"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("invalidExtendedAttribute"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("invalidTransitionRestriction"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("validApplicationId"));
        suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("incompleteApplicationDef"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("participantNotFound"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("doubleParticipantId"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("notMatchedFormalAndActualParams"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("noProcDataForActualParam"));
     suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("emptyActivitySet"));
  suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef("invalidPriority"));
  suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef
  suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef
  suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef
  suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef ("illegalScriptType"));
  suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef ("illegalScriptVersion"));
  suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef ("loopActivities"));
  suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef ("subFlowParamTypeMismatch"));
  suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef ("toolParamTypeMismatch"));
  suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef ("XMLParamsOK"));
  suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef ("XMLToolParamBuggy"));
  suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef ("XMLSubflowParamBuggy"));
        suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef ("invalidJavaType"));
        suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef ("illegalJavaType"));
        suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef ("incompatibleJavaType1"));
        suite.addTest(new ValidateProcDef ("incompatibleJavaType2"));
        return new EJBClientTest (plc, suite);
    private ProcessDefinitionDirectory pdd = null;

     * Simple test to check the jndi settings
    private void connect() throws Exception {
  InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
  assertTrue (ic != null);
  pdd = getProcessDefinitionDirectory();

    private ProcessDefinitionDirectory getProcessDefinitionDirectory()
  throws Exception {
        ProcessDefinitionDirectory pdd
            = WorkflowServiceFactory.newInstance()
  return pdd;

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file doubleActivityId.xml
     * using the ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void doubleActivityId() throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file doubleActivityId.xml
     * using the ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void doubleActivityIdOfActivitySet() throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * doubleApplicationId.xml using the ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void doubleApplicationId() throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * validApplicationId.xml using the ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void validApplicationId() throws Exception {
  validate("/procdef/validApplicationId.xml", null);

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * validApplicationId.xml using the ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void incompleteApplicationDef() throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * doubleProcessId.xml using the ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void doubleProcessId() throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * doubleTransitionId.xml using the ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void doubleTransitionId() throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * doubleTransitionIdOfActivitySet.xml using the ProcessDefinitionDirectory
     * bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void doubleTransitionIdOfActivitySet() throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * invalidRefActFromIdInTransition.xml using the
     * ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void invalidRefActFromIdInTransition() throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * invalidRefActFromIdInTransitionOfActivitySet.xml using the
     * ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void invalidRefActFromIdInTransitionOfActivitySet()
  throws Exception {
  validate ("/procdef/invalidRefActFromIdInTransitionOfActivitySet.xml",

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * invalidRefActToIdInTransition.xml using the
     * ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void invalidRefActToIdInTransition() throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * invalidRefActToIdInTransitionOfActivitySet.xml using the
     * ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void invalidRefActToIdInTransitionOfActivitySet()
  throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * invalidRefToolIdInActivity.xml using the
     * ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void invalidRefToolIdInActivity() throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * invalidRefToolIdInActivitySet.xml using the
     * ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void invalidRefToolIdInActivitySet() throws Exception {
     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * invalidActivitySetTransRefId.xml using the
     * ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void invalidActivitySetTransRefId() throws Exception {

     * Check if all the referenced BlockActivity are defined.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void invalidBlockActivityId() throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * invalidActivitySetTransRefId.xml using the
     * ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void invalidActivityTransRefId() throws Exception {

     * validate the process definitions from a XPDL file
     * invalidExtendedAttribute.xml using the ProcessDefinitionDirectory bean.
     * The extended attribute should have a value as AUTOMATIC or MANUAL,
     * otherwise error raised.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void invalidExtendedAttribute() throws Exception {

     * Check if all TransitionRestrictions are valid.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void invalidTransitionRestriction() throws Exception {

     * Check if all defined Participant are valid.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void participantNotFound() throws Exception {

     * Check if any duplicate Participant are defined.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void doubleParticipantId() throws Exception {

     * Check if ActualParameters and FormalParameters are matched.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void notMatchedFormalAndActualParams() throws Exception {


     * Check if all the defined ActualParameters have responding entries
     * in DataFields.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void noProcDataForActualParam() throws Exception {


     * Check if the process definition includes an empty activity set.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void emptyActivitySet() throws Exception {

     * Check if the process definition includes an invalid priority.
     * @throws Exception if any eror ocurred.
    public void invalidPriority() throws Exception {

     * Check if all the formal OUT- or INOUT- parameters of the called subflow
     * reference an existing actual parameter with an existing Datafield.
    public void noMatchedDataFieldInCallingSubFlow() throws Exception {

     * Check if all the formal OUT- or INOUT- parameters of the called subflow
     * reference an existing actual parameter with an existing Datafield.
    public void noMatchedActualParamTypeCallingSubFlow() throws Exception {

     * Check if all the formal OUT- or INOUT- parameters of the called subflow
     * reference an existing actual parameter.
    public void noMatchedActualParamsInCallingSubFlow() throws Exception {
     * Check if the defined script is supported.
    public void illegalScriptType() throws Exception {

     * Check if the defined script is supported.
    public void illegalScriptVersion() throws Exception {

     * Check if all the activities build a loop
    public void loopActivities() throws Exception {

     * Check if formal- and actualParameters match in calling SubFlow.
    public void subFlowParamTypeMismatch () throws Exception {

     * Check if formal- and actualParameters match in calling tools.
    public void toolParamTypeMismatch () throws Exception {

     * Check validity of actual parameters as XML string
    public void XMLParamsOK () throws Exception {
  validate("/procdef/xmlParamsOK.xml", null);

     * Check validity of actual parameters as XML string
    public void XMLToolParamBuggy () throws Exception {

     * Check validity of actual parameters as XML string
    public void XMLSubflowParamBuggy () throws Exception {

     * Check validity of actual parameters as XML string
    public void invalidJavaType () throws Exception {

     * Check validity of actual parameters as XML string
    public void illegalJavaType () throws Exception {

     * Check validity of actual parameters as XML string
    public void incompatibleJavaType1 () throws Exception {

     * Check validity of actual parameters as XML string
    public void incompatibleJavaType2 () throws Exception {

    private void validate(String file, String errorMessage)  
  throws Exception {
  boolean gotException = false;
  // Create process definition directory bean
  if (pdd == null) {
      pdd = getProcessDefinitionDirectory();

  InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(file);
  assertTrue (is != null);
  BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader
      (new InputStreamReader(is, "ISO-8859-1"));
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  String st;
  while ((st = br.readLine()) != null) {
      sb.append(st + "\n");
  List pms = null;
  try {
      pms = pdd.importProcessDefinitions(sb.toString());
      if (pms.size() == 0 && errorMessage != null) {
    fail("Failed to identify the errors in imported xpdl files")
  } catch (ImportException pe) {
      pms = pe.messages();
  List unmappedPms = new ArrayList();
  StringBuffer mb = new StringBuffer ();
  for (Iterator i = pms.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      PrioritizedMessage pm = (PrioritizedMessage);
      mb.append (" " + pm.unmappedMessage());
  if (errorMessage != null) {
      assertTrue("Expected " + errorMessage + ", got" + mb.toString(),

Related Classes of procdef.ValidateProcDef

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