package hirondelle.web4j.webmaster;
import static hirondelle.web4j.util.Consts.FILE_SEPARATOR;
import static hirondelle.web4j.util.Consts.NOT_FOUND;
import hirondelle.web4j.BuildImpl;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.AppException;
import hirondelle.web4j.readconfig.InitParam;
import hirondelle.web4j.util.TimeSource;
import hirondelle.web4j.util.Util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.DateTime;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.logging.FileHandler;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
Default implementation of {@link LoggingConfig}, to set up simple logging.
<P>This implementation uses JDK logging, and appends logging output to a single file,
with no size limit on the file. It uses two settings in <tt>web.xml</tt> :
<li><tt>LoggingDirectory</tt> - the absolute directory which will hold the logging
output file. This class will always use a file name using the system date/time, as
returned by {@link DateTime#now(TimeZone)} using the <tt>DefaultUserTimeZone</tt> setting in
<tt>web.xml</tt>, in the form <tt>2007_12_31_59_59.txt</tt>. If the directory does not exist, WEB4J will
attempt to create it upon startup. If set to the special value of <tt>'NONE'</tt>, then
this class will not configure JDK logging in any way.
<li><tt>LoggingLevels</tt> - a comma-separated list of logger names and their corresponding
levels. To verify operation, this class will emit test logging entries for each of these loggers,
at the stated logging levels.
public final class LoggingConfigImpl implements LoggingConfig {
/** See class comment. */
public void setup(ServletConfig aConfig) throws AppException {
fLogger.config("Fetching logging settings from web.xml");
if( isTurnedOff() ) {
logStdOut("Default logging config is turned off, since directory is set to " + Util.quote(NONE));
else {
logStdOut("Setting up logging config...");
fLogger.config("Logging to directory : " + Util.quote(fLoggingDir.getValue()));
DateTime now =;
fLogger.config("Current date-time: " + now.format("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fffffffff") + " (uses your TimeSource implementation and the DefaultUserTimeZone setting in web.xml)");
fLogger.config("Raw value of System.currentTimeMillis(): " + System.currentTimeMillis());
private static final int NO_SIZE_LIMIT = 0;
private static final int MAX_BYTES = NO_SIZE_LIMIT;
private static final int NUM_FILES = 1;
private static final boolean APPEND_TO_EXISTING = true;
private static final String NONE = "NONE";
private static final String SEPARATOR = "=";
private InitParam fLoggingDir = new InitParam("LoggingDirectory", NONE);
private InitParam fLoggingLevels = new InitParam("LoggingLevels", "hirondelle.web4j.level=CONFIG");
private InitParam fDefaultTimeZone = new InitParam("DefaultUserTimeZone", "GMT");
/** List of loggers. Each Logger stores its own Level as part of its state. */
private final List<Logger> fLoggers = new ArrayList<Logger>();
private FileHandler fHandler;
private static final Logger fLogger = Util.getLogger(LoggingConfigImpl.class);
private void fetchSettings(ServletConfig aConfig){
//InitParam objects are immutable
fLoggingDir = fLoggingDir.fetch(aConfig);
fLoggingLevels = fLoggingLevels.fetch(aConfig);
fDefaultTimeZone = fDefaultTimeZone.fetch(aConfig);
logStdOut("Logging directory from web.xml : " + Util.quote(fLoggingDir.getValue()));
logStdOut("Logging levels from web.xml : " + Util.quote(fLoggingLevels.getValue()));
private boolean isTurnedOff(){
return NONE.equalsIgnoreCase(fLoggingDir.getValue());
private void validateDirectorySetting() {
if( ! fLoggingDir.getValue().endsWith(FILE_SEPARATOR) ){
String message = "*** PROBLEM *** LoggingDirectory setting in web.xml does not end in with a directory separator : " + Util.quote(fLoggingDir.getValue());
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if( ! targetDirectoryExists() ){
String message = "LoggingDirectory setting in web.xml does not refer to an existing, writable directory. Will attempt to create directory : " + Util.quote(fLoggingDir.getValue());
File directory = new File(fLoggingDir.getValue());
boolean success = directory.mkdirs();
if (success) {
logStdOut("Directory created successfully");
else {
logStdOut("*** PROBLEM *** : Unable to create LoggingDirectory specified in web.xml! Permissions problem? Directory already exists, but not writable?");
private void parseLoggers(){
StringTokenizer parser = new StringTokenizer(fLoggingLevels.getValue(), ",");
while ( parser.hasMoreElements() ){
String rawItem = (String)parser.nextElement();
int separator = rawItem.indexOf(SEPARATOR);
String logger = rawItem.substring(0, separator).trim();
String level = rawItem.substring(separator + 1).trim();
addLogger(removeSuffix(logger), level);
private String removeSuffix(String aLogger){
int suffix = aLogger.indexOf(".level");
if ( suffix == NOT_FOUND ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("*** PROBLEM *** LoggingLevels setting in web.xml does not end with '.level'");
return aLogger.substring(0, suffix);
private void addLogger(String aLogger, String aLevel){
if( ! Util.textHasContent(aLogger) ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Logger name specified in web.xml has no content.");
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(aLogger); //creates Logger if does not yet exist
fLogger.config("Adding Logger " + Util.quote(logger.getName() ) + " with level " + Util.quote(logger.getLevel()) );
private void createFileHandler() throws AppException {
try {
fHandler = new FileHandler(getFileName(), MAX_BYTES, NUM_FILES, APPEND_TO_EXISTING);
fHandler.setFormatter(new TimeSensitiveFormatter());
catch (IOException ex){
throw new AppException("Cannot create FileHandler: " + ex.toString() , ex);
private void attachLoggersToFileHandler(){
for (Logger logger: fLoggers){
if( hasNoFileHandler(logger) ){
private boolean hasNoFileHandler(Logger aLogger){
boolean result = true;
Handler[] handlers = aLogger.getHandlers();
fLogger.config("Logger " + aLogger.getName() + " has this many existing handlers: " + handlers.length);
for (int idx = 0; idx < handlers.length; ++idx){
if ( FileHandler.class.isAssignableFrom(handlers[idx].getClass()) ){
fLogger.config("FileHandler already exists for Logger " + Util.quote(aLogger.getName()) + ". Will not add a new one.");
result = false;
return result;
/** Log a test message at each logger's configured level. */
private void tryTestMessages(){
logStdOut("Sending test messages to configured loggers. Please confirm output to above log file.");
for(Logger logger: fLoggers){
logger.log(logger.getLevel(), "This is a test message for Logger " + Util.quote(logger.getName()));
Return the complete name of the logging file.
Example file name : <tt>C:\log\fish_and_chips\2007_12_31_23_59.txt</tt>
private String getFileName(){
String result = null;
DateTime now =;
result = fLoggingDir.getValue() + now.format("YYYY|_|MM|_|DD|_|hh|_|mm");
result = result + ".txt";
logStdOut("Logging file name : " + Util.quote(result));
return result;
private boolean targetDirectoryExists(){
File directory = new File(fLoggingDir.getValue());
return directory.exists() && directory.isDirectory() && directory.canWrite();
private void logStdOut(Object aObject){
String message = String.valueOf(aObject);
private void showLoggerLevels() {
for(Logger logger : fLoggers){
fLogger.config("Logger " + logger.getName() + " has level " + logger.getLevel());
private static final class TimeSensitiveFormatter extends SimpleFormatter {
@Override public String format(LogRecord aLogRecord) {
return super.format(aLogRecord);
private TimeSource fTimeSource = BuildImpl.forTimeSource();
private TimeZone getTimeZone(){
return TimeZone.getTimeZone(fDefaultTimeZone.getValue());