package hirondelle.web4j.webmaster;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.AppException;
import hirondelle.web4j.readconfig.InitParam;
import hirondelle.web4j.util.Util;
import hirondelle.web4j.util.WebUtil;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.mail.Authenticator;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
Default implementation of {@link Emailer}.
<P>Uses these <tt>init-param</tt> settings in <tt>web.xml</tt> :
<li><tt>Webmaster</tt> : the email address of the webmaster.
<li><tt>MailServerConfig</tt> : configuration data to be passed to the mail server, as a list of name=value pairs.
Each name=value pair appears on a single line by itself. Used for <tt></tt> settings, and so on.
The special value <tt>NONE</tt> indicates that emails are suppressed, and will not be sent.
<li><tt>MailServerCredentials</tt> : user name and password for access to the outgoing mail server.
The user name is separated from the password by a pipe character '|'.
The special value <tt>NONE</tt> means that no credentials are needed (often the case when the wep app
and the outgoing mail server reside on the same network).
<li><tt>EmailInSeparateThread</tt> : indicates if the email should be sent on a separate worker thread, in order to
speed the response to the user.
<P>Example <tt>web.xml</tt> settings, using a Gmail account:
<PRE> <init-param>
public class EmailerImpl implements Emailer {
/** Called by the framework upon startup, to extract configuration info from <tt>web.xml</tt>. */
public static void init(ServletConfig aConfig) {
fLogger.fine("Configured Webmaster : " + WEBMASTER.getValue());
fLogger.fine("Configured MailServerConfig : " + MAIL_SERVER_CONFIG.getValue());
fLogger.fine("Configured EmailSeparateThread : " + EMAIL_SEPARATE_THREAD.getValue());
public void sendFromWebmaster(List<String> aToAddresses, String aSubject, String aBody) throws AppException {
if (isMailDisabled()) {
fLogger.fine("Mailing is disabled, since mail server is " + Util.quote(NONE));
else {
validateState(getWebmasterEmailAddress(), aToAddresses, aSubject, aBody);
if (isEmailSeparateThread()) {
fLogger.fine("Sending email on separate thread.");
TimerTask emailTask = new EmailTask(getWebmasterEmailAddress(), aToAddresses, aSubject, aBody);
Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(emailTask, IMMEDIATELY);
else {
fLogger.fine("Sending email using current thread.");
sendEmail(getWebmasterEmailAddress(), aToAddresses, aSubject, aBody);
When an init-param takes this value in web.xml, then the corresponding item is 'turned off'.
Turning off MAIL_SERVER_CONFIG will disable emailing entirely.
Turning off the MAIL_SERVER_CREDENTIALS means no credentials will be used.
private static final String NONE = "NONE";
private static InitParam WEBMASTER = new InitParam("Webmaster");
private static InitParam MAIL_SERVER_CREDENTIALS = new InitParam("MailServerCredentials", NONE);
private static InitParam MAIL_SERVER_CONFIG = new InitParam("MailServerConfig", NONE);
private static InitParam EMAIL_SEPARATE_THREAD = new InitParam("EmailInSeparateThread", "OFF");
private static final long IMMEDIATELY = 0;
private static final Logger fLogger = Util.getLogger(EmailerImpl.class);
private boolean isMailDisabled() {
return MAIL_SERVER_CONFIG.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(NONE);
private boolean areCredentialsEnabled() {
return ! MAIL_SERVER_CREDENTIALS.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(NONE);
/** Return the mail server config in the form of a Properties object. */
private Properties getMailServerConfigProperties() {
Properties result = new Properties();
String rawValue = MAIL_SERVER_CONFIG.getValue();
/* Example data: = */
List<String> lines = getAsLines(rawValue);
for(String line : lines){
int delimIdx = line.indexOf("=");
String name = line.substring(0,delimIdx);
String value = line.substring(delimIdx+1);
if(isMissing(name) || isMissing(value)){
throw new RuntimeException(
"This line for the " + MAIL_SERVER_CONFIG.getName() + " setting in web.xml does not have the expected form: " + Util.quote(line)
result.put(name.trim(), value.trim());
return result;
private List<String> getAsLines(String aRawValue){
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
StringTokenizer parser = new StringTokenizer(aRawValue, "\n\r");
while ( parser.hasMoreTokens() ) {
result.add( parser.nextToken().trim() );
return result;
private static boolean isMissing(String aText){
return ! Util.textHasContent(aText);
private String getWebmasterEmailAddress() {
return WEBMASTER.getValue();
private void validateState(String aFrom, List<String> aToAddresses, String aSubject, String aBody) throws AppException {
AppException ex = new AppException();
if (!WebUtil.isValidEmailAddress(aFrom)) {
ex.add("From-Address is not a valid email address.");
if (!Util.textHasContent(aSubject)) {
ex.add("Email subject has no content");
if (!Util.textHasContent(aBody)) {
ex.add("Email body has no content");
for(String email: aToAddresses){
if (!WebUtil.isValidEmailAddress(email)) {
ex.add("To-Address is not a valid email address: " + Util.quote(email));
if (ex.isNotEmpty()) {
fLogger.severe("Cannot send email : " + ex);
throw ex;
private final class EmailTask extends TimerTask {
EmailTask(String aFrom, List<String> aToAddresses, String aSubject, String aBody) {
fFrom = aFrom;
fToAddresses = aToAddresses;
fSubject = aSubject;
fBody = aBody;
public void run() {
try {
sendEmail(fFrom, fToAddresses, fSubject, fBody);
catch (AppException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot send email " + ex, ex);
private String fFrom;
private List<String> fToAddresses;
private String fSubject;
private String fBody;
private boolean isEmailSeparateThread() {
String value = EMAIL_SEPARATE_THREAD.getValue();
return Util.parseBoolean(value);
private void sendEmail(String aFrom, List<String> aToAddresses, String aSubject, String aBody) throws AppException {
fLogger.fine("Sending mail to " + Util.quote(aFrom));
try {
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(getMailServerConfigProperties(), getAuthenticator());
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(aFrom));
for(String toAddr: aToAddresses){
message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(toAddr));
Transport.send(message); // thread-safe?
catch (Throwable ex) {
fLogger.severe("CANNOT SEND EMAIL: " + ex);
throw new AppException("Cannot send email", ex);
fLogger.fine("Mail is sent.");
private Authenticator getAuthenticator(){
Authenticator result = null;
if( areCredentialsEnabled() ){
result = new SMTPAuthenticator();
return result;
private final class SMTPAuthenticator extends Authenticator {
public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
PasswordAuthentication result = null;
/** Format is pipe separated : bob|passwd. */
String rawValue = MAIL_SERVER_CREDENTIALS.getValue();
int delimIdx = rawValue.indexOf("|");
if(delimIdx != -1){
String userName = rawValue.substring(0,delimIdx);
String password = rawValue.substring(delimIdx+1);
result = new PasswordAuthentication(userName, password);
else {
throw new RuntimeException("Missing pipe separator between user name and password: " + rawValue);
return result;