package hirondelle.web4j.database;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.Id;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
Version of {@link Db} for use in a transaction.
<P>The {@link Db} class uses an internal connection to execute single operations.
If more than one operation needs to be performed as an atomic transaction, then
this class is used instead.
<P>This class is identical to {@link Db}, except that it uses a {@link Connection} passed
by the caller.
<h3><a name="Parameters"></a>SQL Parameters</h3>
The parameters for SQL statements used by this class have the same behavior as defined by
the <a href='Db.html#Parameters'>Db class</a>.
public final class DbTx {
<tt>SELECT</tt> operation which returns a single Model Object.
@param aConnection single connection shared by all operations in the transaction.
@param aClass class of the returned Model Object.
@param aSqlId identifies the underlying SQL statement.
@param aParams <a href="#Parameters">parameters</a> for the SQL statement.
public static <T> T fetch(Connection aConnection, Class<T> aClass, SqlId aSqlId, Object... aParams) throws DAOException {
SqlFetcher fetcher = SqlFetcher.forTx(aSqlId, aConnection, aParams);
ModelFromRow<T> builder = new ModelFromRow<T>(aClass);
return fetcher.fetchObject(builder);
<tt>SELECT</tt> operation which returns a single 'building block' value such as <tt>Integer</tt>, <tt>BigDecimal</tt>, and so on.
@param aConnection single connection shared by all operations in the transaction.
@param aSupportedTargetClass class supported by the configured
implementation of {@link ConvertColumn}.
@param aSqlId identifies the underlying SQL statement.
@param aParams <a href="#Parameters">parameters</a> for the SQL statement.
public static <T> T fetchValue(Connection aConnection, Class<T> aSupportedTargetClass, SqlId aSqlId, Object... aParams) throws DAOException {
SqlFetcher fetcher = SqlFetcher.forTx(aSqlId, aConnection, aParams);
ModelBuilder<T> builder = new ValueFromRow<T>(aSupportedTargetClass);
return fetcher.fetchObject(builder);
<tt>SELECT</tt> operation which returns <tt>0..N</tt> Model Objects, one per row.
@param aConnection single connection shared by all operations in the transaction.
@param aClass class of the returned Model Objects.
@param aSqlId identifies the underlying SQL statement.
@param aParams <a href="#Parameters">parameters</a> for the SQL statement.
@return an unmodifiable {@link List} of Model Objects. The list may be empty.
public static <T> List<T> list(Connection aConnection, Class<T> aClass, SqlId aSqlId, Object... aParams) throws DAOException {
List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
SqlFetcher fetcher = SqlFetcher.forTx(aSqlId, aConnection, aParams);
ModelBuilder<T> builder = new ModelFromRow<T>(aClass);
fetcher.fetchObjects(builder, result);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
<tt>SELECT</tt> operation which returns a <tt>List</tt> of 'building block' values such
as <tt>Integer</tt>, <tt>BigDecimal</tt>, and so on.
@param aConnection single connection shared by all operations in the transaction.
@param aSupportedTargetClass class supported by the configured
implementation of {@link ConvertColumn}.
@param aSqlId identifies the underlying SQL statement.
@param aParams <a href="#Parameters">parameters</a> for the SQL statement.
@return an unmodifiable {@link List} of building block objects. The list may be empty.
public static <T> List<T> listValues(Connection aConnection, Class<T> aSupportedTargetClass, SqlId aSqlId, Object... aParams) throws DAOException {
List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
SqlFetcher fetcher = SqlFetcher.forTx(aSqlId, aConnection, aParams);
ModelBuilder<T> builder = new ValueFromRow<T>(aSupportedTargetClass);
fetcher.fetchObjects(builder, result);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
<tt>SELECT</tt> operation that returns a <tt>List</tt> of Model Objects "subsetted" to
a particular range of rows.
<P>This method is intended for paging through long listings. When the underlying
<tt>SELECT</tt> returns many pages of items, the records can be "subsetted" by
calling this method.
<P>See {@link hirondelle.web4j.ui.tag.Pager}.
@param aConnection single connection shared by all operations in the transaction.
@param aClass class of the returned Model Objects.
@param aSqlId identifies the underlying SQL statement.
@param aStartIndex 1-based index indentifying the first row to be returned.
@param aPageSize number of records to be returned.
@param aParams <a href="#Parameters">parameters</a> for the SQL statement.
@return an unmodifiable {@link List} of Model Objects. The list may be empty.
public static <T> List<T> listRange(Connection aConnection, Class<T> aClass, SqlId aSqlId, Integer aStartIndex, Integer aPageSize, Object... aParams) throws DAOException {
List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
SqlFetcher fetcher = SqlFetcher.forTx(aSqlId, aConnection, aParams);
fetcher.limitRowsToRange(aStartIndex, aPageSize);
ModelBuilder<T> builder = new ModelFromRow<T>(aClass);
fetcher.fetchObjects(builder, result);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
<tt>INSERT</tt>, <tt>UPDATE</tt>, or <tt>DELETE</tt> operations which take parameters.
@param aConnection single connection shared by all operations in the transaction.
@param aSqlId identifies the underlying SQL statement.
@param aParams <a href="#Parameters">parameters</a> for the SQL statement.
@return the number of records affected by this edit operation.
public static int edit(Connection aConnection, SqlId aSqlId, Object... aParams) throws DAOException, DuplicateException {
SqlEditor change = SqlEditor.forTx(aSqlId, aConnection, aParams);
return change.editDatabase();
<tt>INSERT</tt> operation which returns the database identifier of the added record.
<P>This operation is not supported by all databases. See
{@link java.sql.Statement} for more information.
@param aConnection single connection shared by all operations in the transaction.
@param aSqlId identifies the underlying SQL statement.
@param aParams <a href="#Parameters">parameters</a> for the SQL statement.
public static Id add(Connection aConnection, SqlId aSqlId, Object... aParams) throws DAOException, DuplicateException {
SqlEditor add = SqlEditor.forTx(aSqlId, aConnection, aParams);
return new Id(add.addRecord());
<tt>DELETE</tt> operation which takes parameters.
@param aConnection single connection shared by all operations in the transaction.
@param aSqlId identifies the underlying SQL statement.
@param aParams identifies the item to be deleted. Often 1 or more {@link Id} objects.
@return the number of deleted records.
public static int delete(Connection aConnection, SqlId aSqlId, Object... aParams) throws DAOException {
SqlEditor delete = SqlEditor.forTx(aSqlId, aConnection, aParams);
return delete.editDatabase();
<tt>SELECT</tt> operation which typically returns a single item with a <tt>0..N</tt> relation.
<P>The <tt>ResultSet</tt> is parsed into a single parent Model Object having a <tt>List</tt> of
<tt>0..N</tt> child Model Objects.
See note on <a href="#CompundObjects">compound objects</a> for more information.
@param aConnection single connection shared by all operations in the transaction.
@param aClassParent class of the parent Model Object.
@param aClassChild class of the child Model Object.
@param aNumTrailingColsForChildList number of columns appearing at the end of the <tt>ResultSet</tt> which
are passed to the <em>child</em> constructor.
@param aSqlId identifies the underlying SQL statement.
@param aParams <a href="#Parameters">parameters</a> to the underlying SQL statement.
public static <T> T fetchCompound(Connection aConnection, Class<T> aClassParent, Class<?> aClassChild, int aNumTrailingColsForChildList, SqlId aSqlId, Object... aParams) throws DAOException {
SqlFetcher fetcher = SqlFetcher.forTx(aSqlId, aConnection, aParams);
ModelBuilder<T> builder = new ModelFromRow<T>(aClassParent, aClassChild, aNumTrailingColsForChildList);
return fetcher.fetchObject(builder);
<tt>SELECT</tt> operation which typically returns mutliple items item with a <tt>0..N</tt> relation.
<P>The <tt>ResultSet</tt> is parsed into a <tt>List</tt> of parent Model Objects, each having <tt>0..N</tt>
child Model Objects. See note on <a href="#CompundObjects">compound objects</a> for more information.
@param aConnection single connection shared by all operations in the transaction.
@param aClassParent class of the parent Model Object.
@param aClassChild class of the child Model Object.
@param aNumTrailingColsForChildList number of columns appearing at the end of the <tt>ResultSet</tt> which
are passed to the <em>child</em> constructor.
@param aSqlId identifies the underlying SQL statement.
@param aParams <a href="#Parameters">parameters</a> to the underlying SQL statement.
public static <T> List<T> listCompound(Connection aConnection, Class<T> aClassParent, Class<?> aClassChild, int aNumTrailingColsForChildList, SqlId aSqlId, Object... aParams) throws DAOException {
List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
SqlFetcher fetcher = SqlFetcher.forTx(aSqlId, aConnection, aParams);
ModelBuilder<T> builder = new ModelFromRow<T>(aClassParent, aClassChild, aNumTrailingColsForChildList);
fetcher.fetchObjects(builder, result);
return result;
private DbTx() {
//prevent construction by the caller