* Vosao CMS. Simple CMS for Google App Engine.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Vosao development team.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* email: vosao.dev@gmail.com
package org.vosao.entity;
import static org.vosao.utils.EntityUtil.getBooleanProperty;
import static org.vosao.utils.EntityUtil.getDateProperty;
import static org.vosao.utils.EntityUtil.getIntegerProperty;
import static org.vosao.utils.EntityUtil.getLongProperty;
import static org.vosao.utils.EntityUtil.getStringProperty;
import static org.vosao.utils.EntityUtil.getTextProperty;
import static org.vosao.utils.EntityUtil.setProperty;
import static org.vosao.utils.EntityUtil.setTextProperty;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.vosao.common.VosaoContext;
import org.vosao.entity.field.PageAttributesField;
import org.vosao.enums.PageState;
import org.vosao.enums.PageType;
import org.vosao.utils.DateUtil;
import org.vosao.utils.FolderUtil;
import org.vosao.utils.UrlUtil;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Entity;
* @author Alexander Oleynik
public class PageEntity extends BaseEntityImpl {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 9L;
* Titles are stored in string list. Content language stored in first two
* chars.
private String title;
private String friendlyURL;
private String parentUrl;
private Long template;
private Date publishDate;
private Date endPublishDate;
private boolean commentsEnabled;
private Integer version;
private String versionTitle;
private PageState state;
private PageType pageType;
private Long structureId;
private Long structureTemplateId;
private String keywords;
private String description;
private boolean searchable;
private Integer sortIndex;
private boolean velocityProcessing;
private boolean wikiProcessing;
private String headHtml;
private boolean skipPostProcessing;
private boolean cached;
private String contentType;
private boolean enableCkeditor;
private String attributes;
private boolean restful;
// not persisted
private Map<String, String> titles;
public PageEntity() {
publishDate = new Date();
state = PageState.EDIT;
version = 1;
versionTitle = "New page";
pageType = PageType.SIMPLE;
searchable = true;
sortIndex = 0;
velocityProcessing = false;
wikiProcessing = false;
skipPostProcessing = false;
cached = true;
enableCkeditor = true;
public void load(Entity entity) {
title = getTextProperty(entity, "title");
friendlyURL = getStringProperty(entity, "friendlyURL");
parentUrl = getStringProperty(entity, "parentUrl");
template = getLongProperty(entity, "template");
publishDate = getDateProperty(entity, "publishDate");
endPublishDate = getDateProperty(entity, "endPublishDate");
commentsEnabled = getBooleanProperty(entity, "commentsEnabled", false);
version = getIntegerProperty(entity, "version", 1);
versionTitle = getStringProperty(entity, "versionTitle");
state = PageState.valueOf(getStringProperty(entity, "state"));
pageType = PageType.valueOf(getStringProperty(entity, "pageType"));
structureId = getLongProperty(entity, "structureId");
structureTemplateId = getLongProperty(entity, "structureTemplateId");
keywords = getTextProperty(entity, "keywords");
description = getTextProperty(entity, "description");
searchable = getBooleanProperty(entity, "searchable", true);
sortIndex = getIntegerProperty(entity, "sortIndex", 0);
velocityProcessing = getBooleanProperty(entity, "velocityProcessing", false);
headHtml = getTextProperty(entity, "headHtml");
skipPostProcessing = getBooleanProperty(entity, "skipPostProcessing", false);
cached = getBooleanProperty(entity, "cached", true);
contentType = getStringProperty(entity, "contentType");
wikiProcessing = getBooleanProperty(entity, "wikiProcessing", false);
enableCkeditor = getBooleanProperty(entity, "enableCkeditor", true);
attributes = getStringProperty(entity, "attributes");
restful = getBooleanProperty(entity, "restful", false);
public void save(Entity entity) {
setTextProperty(entity, "title", title);
setProperty(entity, "friendlyURL", friendlyURL, true);
setProperty(entity, "parentUrl", parentUrl, true);
setProperty(entity, "template", template, true);
setProperty(entity, "publishDate", publishDate, true);
setProperty(entity, "endPublishDate", endPublishDate, true);
setProperty(entity, "commentsEnabled", commentsEnabled, false);
setProperty(entity, "version", version, true);
setProperty(entity, "versionTitle", versionTitle, false);
setProperty(entity, "state", state.name(), false);
setProperty(entity, "pageType", pageType.name(), false);
setProperty(entity, "structureId", structureId, true);
setProperty(entity, "structureTemplateId", structureTemplateId, true);
setTextProperty(entity, "keywords", keywords);
setTextProperty(entity, "description", description);
setProperty(entity, "searchable", searchable, false);
setProperty(entity, "sortIndex", sortIndex, false);
setProperty(entity, "velocityProcessing", velocityProcessing, false);
setTextProperty(entity, "headHtml", headHtml);
setProperty(entity, "skipPostProcessing", skipPostProcessing, false);
setProperty(entity, "cached", cached, false);
setProperty(entity, "contentType", contentType, false);
setProperty(entity, "wikiProcessing", wikiProcessing, false);
setProperty(entity, "enableCkeditor", enableCkeditor, false);
setProperty(entity, "attributes", attributes, false);
setProperty(entity, "restful", restful, false);
public PageEntity(String title, String friendlyURL,
Long aTemplate, Date publish) {
this(title, friendlyURL, aTemplate);
publishDate = publish;
public PageEntity(String title, String friendlyURL,
Long aTemplate) {
this(title, friendlyURL);
template = aTemplate;
public PageEntity(String aTitle, String aFriendlyURL) {
public String getFriendlyURL() {
return friendlyURL;
public void setFriendlyURL(String aFriendlyURL) {
friendlyURL = aFriendlyURL;
parentUrl = getParentFriendlyURL();
public Long getTemplate() {
return template;
public void setTemplate(Long template) {
this.template = template;
public String getParentFriendlyURL() {
return UrlUtil.getParentFriendlyURL(getFriendlyURL());
public void setParentFriendlyURL(final String url) {
if (getFriendlyURL() == null) {
else {
setFriendlyURL(url + "/" + getPageFriendlyURL());
public String getPageFriendlyURL() {
return UrlUtil.getNameFromFriendlyURL(getFriendlyURL());
public void setPageFriendlyURL(final String url) {
if (getFriendlyURL() == null) {
else {
if (parentUrl.equals("/")) {
friendlyURL = parentUrl + url;
else {
friendlyURL = parentUrl + "/" + url;
public Date getPublishDate() {
return publishDate;
public String getPublishDateString() {
return DateUtil.toString(publishDate);
public String getPublishTimeString() {
return DateUtil.timeToString(publishDate);
public String getEndPublishDateString() {
return DateUtil.toString(endPublishDate);
public String getEndPublishTimeString() {
return DateUtil.timeToString(endPublishDate);
public void setPublishDate(Date publishDate) {
this.publishDate = publishDate;
public boolean isCommentsEnabled() {
return commentsEnabled;
public void setCommentsEnabled(boolean commentsEnabled) {
this.commentsEnabled = commentsEnabled;
public boolean isRoot() {
return friendlyURL.equals("/");
public Integer getVersion() {
return version;
public void setVersion(Integer version) {
this.version = version;
public String getVersionTitle() {
return versionTitle;
public void setVersionTitle(String versionTitle) {
this.versionTitle = versionTitle;
public PageState getState() {
return state;
public String getStateString() {
return state.name();
public void setState(PageState aState) {
this.state = aState;
public boolean isApproved() {
return state.equals(PageState.APPROVED);
public String getParentUrl() {
return parentUrl;
public void setParentUrl(String parentUrl) {
this.parentUrl = parentUrl;
public PageType getPageType() {
return pageType;
public String getPageTypeString() {
return pageType.name();
public void setPageType(PageType pageType) {
this.pageType = pageType;
public Long getStructureId() {
return structureId;
public void setStructureId(Long structureId) {
this.structureId = structureId;
public Long getStructureTemplateId() {
return structureTemplateId;
public void setStructureTemplateId(Long structureTemplateId) {
this.structureTemplateId = structureTemplateId;
public boolean isSimple() {
if (pageType != null) {
return getPageType().equals(PageType.SIMPLE);
return true;
public boolean isStructured() {
if (pageType != null) {
return getPageType().equals(PageType.STRUCTURED);
return false;
public String getKeywords() {
return keywords;
public void setKeywords(String keywords) {
this.keywords = keywords;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public String getTitleValue() {
return title;
public void setTitleValue(String t) {
title = t;
public String getTitle() {
return getLocalTitle(VosaoContext.getInstance().getConfig()
public void setTitle(String title) {
setLocalTitle(title, VosaoContext.getInstance().getConfig()
public String getLocalTitle(String lang) {
if (!VosaoContext.getInstance().getConfig()
.getDefaultLanguage().equals(lang)) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(titles.get(lang))) {
return titles.get(VosaoContext.getInstance().getConfig()
return titles.get(lang);
public String getLocalTitle() {
return getLocalTitle(VosaoContext.getInstance().getLanguage());
public void setLocalTitle(String title, String lang) {
titles.put(lang, title);
private void parseTitle() {
titles = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (title != null) {
try {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(getTitleValue());
Iterator<String> it = obj.keys();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String key = it.next();
titles.put(key, obj.getString(key));
} catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
logger.error("Page title parsing problem: " + getTitleValue());
private void packTitle() {
if (titles != null) {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(titles);
public Map<String, String> getTitles() {
return titles;
public void setTitles(Map<String, String> titles) {
this.titles = titles;
public boolean isSearchable() {
return searchable;
public void setSearchable(boolean searchable) {
this.searchable = searchable;
public Integer getSortIndex() {
return sortIndex;
public void setSortIndex(Integer sortIndex) {
this.sortIndex = sortIndex;
public boolean isVelocityProcessing() {
return velocityProcessing;
public void setVelocityProcessing(boolean velocityProcessing) {
this.velocityProcessing = velocityProcessing;
public String getHeadHtml() {
return headHtml;
public void setHeadHtml(String headHtml) {
this.headHtml = headHtml;
public boolean isSkipPostProcessing() {
return skipPostProcessing;
public void setSkipPostProcessing(boolean skipPostProcessing) {
this.skipPostProcessing = skipPostProcessing;
public List<String> getAncestorsURL() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if (isRoot()) {
return result;
if (getParentUrl().equals("/")) {
return result;
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
for (String p : FolderUtil.getPathChain(getFriendlyURL())) {
return result;
public boolean isCached() {
return cached;
public void setCached(boolean cached) {
this.cached = cached;
public String getContentType() {
return contentType;
public void setContentType(String contentType) {
this.contentType = contentType;
public boolean isWikiProcessing() {
return wikiProcessing;
public void setWikiProcessing(boolean wikiProcessing) {
this.wikiProcessing = wikiProcessing;
public boolean isForInternalUse() {
if (getFriendlyURL() != null) {
return getFriendlyURL().endsWith("/_default");
return false;
public Date getEndPublishDate() {
return endPublishDate;
public void setEndPublishDate(Date endPublishDate) {
this.endPublishDate = endPublishDate;
public boolean isEnableCkeditor() {
return enableCkeditor;
public void setEnableCkeditor(boolean value) {
this.enableCkeditor = value;
public String getAttributes() {
return attributes;
public void setAttributes(String attributes) {
this.attributes = attributes;
private PageAttributesField attribute;
public PageAttributesField getAttribute() {
if (attribute == null) {
attribute = new PageAttributesField(getAttributes());
return attribute;
public void setAttribute(String name, String language, String value) {
getAttribute().set(name, language, value);
public boolean isRestful() {
return restful;
public void setRestful(boolean restful) {
this.restful = restful;
public boolean isPublished() {
return isPublished(new Date());
public boolean isPublished(Date date) {
if (getPublishDate() == null) {
return true;
if (getEndPublishDate() == null) {
return getPublishDate().before(date);
return getPublishDate().before(date) && getEndPublishDate().after(date);