* TV-Browser
* Copyright (C) 04-2003 Martin Oberhauser (martin_oat@yahoo.de)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* CVS information:
* $RCSfile$
* $Source$
* $Date: 2011-03-23 19:39:07 +0100 (Wed, 23 Mar 2011) $
* $Author: bananeweizen $
* $Revision: 6963 $
package util.ui;
import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Composite;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import tvbrowser.core.Settings;
import tvbrowser.core.plugin.PluginProxy;
import tvbrowser.core.plugin.PluginProxyManager;
import tvbrowser.core.plugin.PluginStateListener;
import tvbrowser.extras.common.InternalPluginProxyIf;
import tvbrowser.extras.common.InternalPluginProxyList;
import tvbrowser.extras.favoritesplugin.FavoritesPluginProxy;
import tvbrowser.extras.favoritesplugin.core.Favorite;
import tvbrowser.extras.favoritesplugin.dlgs.FavoriteTreeModel;
import util.io.IOUtilities;
import util.misc.StringPool;
import util.program.ProgramUtilities;
import util.settings.ProgramPanelSettings;
import devplugin.ContextMenuIf;
import devplugin.ImportanceValue;
import devplugin.Marker;
import devplugin.Plugin;
import devplugin.PluginAccess;
import devplugin.Program;
import devplugin.ProgramFieldType;
import devplugin.ProgramInfoHelper;
* A ProgramPanel is a JComponent representing a single program.
* @author Martin Oberhauser
* @author Til Schneider, www.murfman.de
public class ProgramPanel extends JComponent implements ChangeListener, PluginStateListener {
private static final Logger mLog = java.util.logging.Logger
private static final util.ui.Localizer mLocalizer = util.ui.Localizer
private static final boolean USE_FULL_HEIGHT = true;
private static final Composite NORMAL_COMPOSITE = AlphaComposite.SrcOver;
private static final Composite PALE_COMPOSITE = AlphaComposite.getInstance(
AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.5F);
/** The title font. */
private static Font mTitleFont;
/** The time font. */
private static Font mTimeFont;
/** The normal font */
private static Font mNormalFont;
* the font size offset for the currently selected dynamic font size
private static int fontSizeOffset = 0;
private static int columnWidthOffset = 0;
/** The width of the left part (the time). */
private static int WIDTH_LEFT = -1;
/** The width of the right part (the title and short info). */
private static int WIDTH_RIGHT = Settings.propColumnWidth.getInt() - WIDTH_LEFT;
/** The total width. */
private static int WIDTH_TOTAL = WIDTH_LEFT + WIDTH_RIGHT;
/** Formatter for the Time-String */
private static final TimeFormatter TIME_FORMATTER = new TimeFormatter();
* horizontal distance between format icons
private static final int ICON_DISTANCE_X = 2;
* vertical distance between format icons
private static final int ICON_DISTANCE_Y = 2;
/** The height. */
private int mHeight = 0;
* The preferred height.
* <p>
* It's the height the panel has with a maximum of 3 information rows.
private int mPreferredHeight = 0;
/** The start time as String. */
private String mProgramTimeAsString;
/** The icon used to render the title. */
private TextAreaIcon mTitleIcon;
/** The icon used to render the description. */
private TextAreaIcon mDescriptionIcon;
/** The icon used to paint the picture with */
private PictureAreaIcon mPictureAreaIcon;
/** The icons to show on the left side under the start time. */
private Icon[] mIconArr;
/** The program. */
private Program mProgram;
/** Color of the Text */
private Color mTextColor = Settings.propProgramPanelForegroundColor.getColor();
/** Panel under a Mouse ? */
private boolean mMouseOver = false;
private boolean mIsSelected = false;
* this panel has been changed by third party, needs update before painting
private boolean mHasChanged = false;
/** Orientation of progress bar */
private int mAxis = ProgramPanelSettings.Y_AXIS;
/** The vertical gap between the programs */
private static int V_GAP = 5;
private ProgramPanelSettings mSettings;
private boolean mPaintExpiredProgramsPale = true;
* rectangle of the format icon area, used for tooltip calculation
private Rectangle mInfoIconRect;
/** The importance of this program */
private byte mProgramImportance;
* Creates a new instance of ProgramPanel.
public ProgramPanel() {
this(new ProgramPanelSettings(Settings.propPictureType.getInt(), Settings.propPictureStartTime.getInt(), Settings.propPictureEndTime.getInt(), false, Settings.propIsPictureShowingDescription.getBoolean(), Settings.propPictureDuration.getInt(), Settings.propPicturePluginIds.getStringArray()));
* Creates a new instance of ProgramPanel.
* @param settings The settings for this program panel.
* @since 2.2.2
public ProgramPanel(ProgramPanelSettings settings) {
mSettings = settings;
mAxis = settings.getAxis();
if (mTitleFont == null) {
mTitleIcon = new TextAreaIcon(null, mTitleFont, WIDTH_RIGHT - 5);
mDescriptionIcon = new TextAreaIcon(null, mNormalFont, WIDTH_RIGHT - 5);
* Creates a new instance of ProgramPanel.
* @param prog
* The program to show in this panel.
public ProgramPanel(Program prog) {
* Creates a new instance of ProgramPanel.
* @param prog
* The program to show in this panel.
* @param settings The settings for this program panel.
* @since 2.2.2
public ProgramPanel(Program prog, ProgramPanelSettings settings) {
* Creates a new instance of ProgramPanel.
* @param prog
* The program to show in this panel.
* @param axis
* Orientation of ProgressBar (X_AXIS/Y_AXIS)
* @param settings The settings for this program panel.
* @since 2.2.2
public ProgramPanel(Program prog, int axis, ProgramPanelSettings settings) {
mAxis = axis;
private void calculateWidth() {
if (WIDTH_LEFT == -1) {
// distance between time and title shall match title font settings, but at
// most n pixels
int distance = getFontMetrics(mTitleFont).stringWidth("n");
if (distance > 7) {
distance = 7;
WIDTH_LEFT = getFontMetrics(mTimeFont).stringWidth(
TIME_FORMATTER.formatTime(23, 59))
+ distance;
WIDTH_RIGHT = Settings.propColumnWidth.getInt() + columnWidthOffset
* Reloads the font settings and sets a dynamic font size
* @param newOffset increase or decrease compared to standard font size
* @since 2.6
public static boolean updateFonts(int newOffset) {
Font oldTitleFont = mTitleFont;
Font oldTimeFont = mTimeFont;
Font oldNormalFont = mNormalFont;
boolean useDefaults = Settings.propUseDefaultFonts.getBoolean();
if (useDefaults) {
mTitleFont = Settings.propProgramTitleFont.getDefault();
mTimeFont = Settings.propProgramTimeFont.getDefault();
mNormalFont = Settings.propProgramInfoFont.getDefault();
} else {
mTitleFont = Settings.propProgramTitleFont.getFont();
mTimeFont = Settings.propProgramTimeFont.getFont();
mNormalFont = Settings.propProgramInfoFont.getFont();
if (newOffset == 0) {
fontSizeOffset = 0;
else {
fontSizeOffset += newOffset;
if (fontSizeOffset != 0) {
mTitleFont = getDynamicFontSize(mTitleFont, fontSizeOffset);
mTimeFont = getDynamicFontSize(mTimeFont, fontSizeOffset);
mNormalFont = getDynamicFontSize(mNormalFont, fontSizeOffset);
// if the font didn't change, avoid updates
if (mTitleFont.equals(oldTitleFont) && mTimeFont.equals(oldTimeFont) && mNormalFont.equals(oldNormalFont)) {
return false;
// reset width of the left part, will be recalculated during first forceRepaint
return true;
private static Font getDynamicFontSize(Font font, int offset) {
float size = font.getSize2D() + offset;
if (size < 4) {
size = 4;
return font.deriveFont(size);
* Reloads the font settings and sets the dynamic font size
* to standard font size again
public static void updateFonts() {
* Change the settings of this panel.
* @param settings The settings of this panel.
public void setProgramPanelSettings(ProgramPanelSettings settings) {
mSettings = settings;
* Repaints the complete panel.
public void forceRepaint() {
mTitleIcon = new TextAreaIcon(null, mTitleFont, WIDTH_RIGHT - 5);
mDescriptionIcon = new TextAreaIcon(null, mNormalFont, WIDTH_RIGHT - 5);
Program p = mProgram;
mProgram = null;
* (Re)Loads the column width settings.
public static void updateColumnWidth() {
public static int updateColumnWidth(int newOffset) {
if (newOffset == 0) {
columnWidthOffset = 0;
else {
columnWidthOffset += (20 * newOffset);
int columnWidth = Settings.propColumnWidth.getInt() + columnWidthOffset;
if (columnWidth < Settings.MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH) {
columnWidthOffset = Settings.MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH - Settings.propColumnWidth.getInt();
if (columnWidth > Settings.MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH) {
columnWidthOffset = Settings.MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH - Settings.propColumnWidth.getInt();
columnWidth = Settings.propColumnWidth.getInt() + columnWidthOffset;
return columnWidth;
* Gets the preferred height.
* <p>
* It's the height the panel has with a maximum of 3 information rows.
* @return The preferred height.
public int getPreferredHeight() {
return mPreferredHeight;
* Sets the height of this panel
* @param height
public void setHeight(int height) {
if (mHeight != height) {
setProgram(getProgram(), height);
mHeight = height;
public void setMaximumHeight() {
setProgram(getProgram(), 10000);
* Gets the height.
* @return The height.
public int getHeight() {
return mHeight;
* Sets the program this panel shows.
* @param program
* The program to show in this panel.
public void setProgram(Program program) {
setProgram(program, -1);
* Sets the program this panel shows.
* @param program
* The program to show in this panel.
* @param maxHeight
* The maximum height the program should have (in pixels).
public void setProgram(Program program, int maxHeight) {
Program oldProgram = mProgram;
mProgram = program;
if (Settings.propProgramTableCutTitle.getBoolean()) {
} else {
boolean programChanged = (oldProgram != program);
if (programChanged) {
// Get the start time, filter duplicate strings
mProgramTimeAsString = StringPool.getString(program.getTimeString());
// Set the new title
if(mProgram.getProgramState() == Program.IS_VALID_STATE) {
boolean dontShow = true;
if(mSettings.isShowingPictureForPlugins()) {
String[] pluginIds = mSettings.getPluginIds();
Marker[] markers = mProgram.getMarkerArr();
if(markers != null && pluginIds != null) {
for (Marker marker : markers) {
for (String pluginId : pluginIds) {
if(marker.getId().compareTo(pluginId) == 0) {
dontShow = false;
// Create the picture area icon
int length = program.getLength();
if (!mSettings.isShowingOnlyDateAndTitle()
&& mProgram.hasFieldValue(ProgramFieldType.PICTURE_TYPE)
&& (
mSettings.isShowingPictureEver() || !dontShow ||
(mSettings.isShowingPictureInTimeRange() &&
!ProgramUtilities.isNotInTimeRange(mSettings.getPictureTimeRangeStart(),mSettings.getPictureTimeRangeEnd(),program)) ||
.isShowingPictureForDuration() && mSettings.getDuration() <= length)
)) {
mPictureAreaIcon = new PictureAreaIcon(program,mNormalFont, WIDTH_RIGHT - 4, mSettings.isShowingPictureDescription(), true, false);
} else {
mPictureAreaIcon = new PictureAreaIcon();
// Calculate the maximum description lines
int titleHeight = mTitleIcon.getIconHeight();
int maxDescLines;
if (Settings.propProgramPanelShortDurationActive.getBoolean()
&& length >= 0
&& length <= Settings.propProgramPanelShortDurationMinutes.getInt()) {
maxDescLines = 0;
} else {
maxDescLines = Settings.propProgramPanelMaxLines.getInt();
int additionalHeight = Settings.propProgramPanelUsesExtraSpaceForMarkIcons.getBoolean() && program.getMarkerArr().length > 0 ? 16 : 0;
if (maxHeight != -1) {
maxDescLines = (maxHeight - titleHeight - mPictureAreaIcon.getIconHeight() - additionalHeight - V_GAP) / mNormalFont.getSize();
if (programChanged
|| (maxDescLines != mDescriptionIcon.getMaximumLineCount())) {
int descHeight = 0;
// (Re)set the description text
if (!mSettings.isShowingOnlyDateAndTitle() && maxDescLines > 0) {
ProgramFieldType[] infoFieldArr = Settings.propProgramInfoFields
Reader infoReader = new MultipleFieldReader(program, infoFieldArr);
try {
} catch (IOException exc) {
mLog.log(Level.WARNING, "Reading program info failed for " + program,
descHeight = mDescriptionIcon.getIconHeight();
} else {
descHeight = 0;
// Calculate the height
mHeight = titleHeight + descHeight + mPictureAreaIcon.getIconHeight() + additionalHeight + V_GAP;
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(WIDTH_TOTAL, mHeight));
// Calculate the preferred height
mPreferredHeight = titleHeight + (maxDescLines * mNormalFont.getSize()) + mPictureAreaIcon.getIconHeight() + additionalHeight + V_GAP;
if (mHeight < mPreferredHeight) {
mPreferredHeight = mHeight;
if (isShowing()) {
if (oldProgram != null) {
* Gets the plugin icons for a program to show them on the left below the start time.
* @param program
* The program to get the icons for.
* @return The icons for the program.
private Icon[] getPluginIcons(final Program program) {
String[] iconPluginArr = Settings.propProgramTableIconPlugins
if (program.getProgramState() != Program.IS_VALID_STATE || (iconPluginArr == null) || (iconPluginArr.length == 0)) {
return new Icon[0];
} else {
PluginProxyManager mng = PluginProxyManager.getInstance();
ArrayList<Icon> iconList = new ArrayList<Icon>();
int info = program.getInfo();
int[] infoBits = ProgramInfoHelper.getInfoBits();
Icon[] infoIcons = ProgramInfoHelper.getInfoIcons();
for (int pluginIdx = 0; pluginIdx < iconPluginArr.length; pluginIdx++) {
if (iconPluginArr[pluginIdx].equals(Settings.INFO_ID)) {
// old style format (with all icons)
if ((info != -1) && (info != 0)) {
for (int i = 0; i < infoBits.length; i++) {
if (ProgramInfoHelper.bitSet(info,
&& (infoIcons[i] != null)) {
} else if (iconPluginArr[pluginIdx].equals(Settings.PICTURE_ID)) {
// picture icon
if (mProgram.hasFieldValue(ProgramFieldType.PICTURE_TYPE)) {
iconList.add(new ImageIcon("imgs/Info_HasPicture.png"));
} else if (iconPluginArr[pluginIdx].startsWith("FORMAT")) {
// new style format (each icon separately)
if ((info != -1) && (info != 0)) {
int index = Integer.valueOf(iconPluginArr[pluginIdx].substring(7));
if (ProgramInfoHelper.bitSet(info,
&& (infoIcons[index] != null)) {
} else {
// plugin icons
PluginProxy plugin = mng.getPluginForId(iconPluginArr[pluginIdx]);
// Check whether this entry still uses the old class name
if (plugin == null) {
String asId = "java." + iconPluginArr[pluginIdx];
plugin = mng.getPluginForId(asId);
if (plugin != null) {
// It was the old class name, not an ID
// -> Change the class name to an ID and save it
iconPluginArr[pluginIdx] = asId;
// Now add the icons
if ((plugin != null) && plugin.isActivated()) {
Icon[] iconArr = plugin.getProgramTableIcons(program);
if (iconArr != null) {
// Add the icons
for (Icon icon : iconArr) {
// Convert the list to an array and return it
return iconList.toArray(new Icon[iconList.size()]);
private byte getProgramImportance(final Program program) {
if (program.getProgramState() == Program.IS_VALID_STATE &&
Settings.propProgramPanelAllowTransparency.getBoolean() &&
!mSettings.isIgnoringProgramImportance()) {
int count = 0;
int addValue = 0;
PluginProxy[] plugins = PluginProxyManager.getInstance().getActivatedPlugins();
for(PluginProxy plugin : plugins) {
ImportanceValue value = plugin.getImportanceValueForProgram(program);
if(value.getWeight() > 0 && value.getTotalImportance() >= Program.MIN_MARK_PRIORITY) {
count += value.getWeight();
addValue += value.getTotalImportance();
if(count > 0) {
return (byte)Math.max(addValue/count, Program.MIN_MARK_PRIORITY);
* Paints the component.
* @param g
* The graphics context to paint to.
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
// lazy update of plugin icons and layout
if (mHasChanged) {
mIconArr = getPluginIcons(mProgram);
mProgramImportance = getProgramImportance(mProgram);
mHasChanged = false;
/* Prevent accidentally set program importance to take effect */
if(mSettings.isIgnoringProgramImportance() || mProgram.getProgramState() == Program.WAS_DELETED_STATE) {
mProgramImportance = Program.MAX_PROGRAM_IMPORTANCE;
/* This is for debugging of the marking problem after an data update */
if(mProgram.getProgramState() == Program.WAS_DELETED_STATE) {
mTextColor = Color.red;
} else if(mProgram.getProgramState() == Program.WAS_UPDATED_STATE) {
mTextColor = Color.blue;
int width = getWidth();
if (getTextIconWidth(width) != mDescriptionIcon.getIconWidth()) {
int height = USE_FULL_HEIGHT ? getHeight() : mHeight;
Graphics2D grp = (Graphics2D) g;
// if program table is anti-aliased, then this program panel too
if (Settings.propEnableAntialiasing.getBoolean()) {
// Draw the background if this program is on air
if (mProgram.isOnAir()) {
int minutesAfterMidnight = IOUtilities.getMinutesAfterMidnight();
int progLength = mProgram.getLength();
int startTime = mProgram.getStartTime();
int elapsedMinutes = minutesAfterMidnight - startTime;
if (elapsedMinutes < 0) {
// The next day has begun -> we have to add 24 * 60 minutes
// Example: Start time was 23:50 = 1430 minutes after midnight
// now it is 0:03 = 3 minutes after midnight
// elapsedMinutes = (24 * 60) + 3 - 1430 = 13 minutes
elapsedMinutes += 24 * 60;
// elapsed minutes can not be larger than run time
if (progLength > 0) {
if (elapsedMinutes > progLength) {
mLog.severe("paint program panel: elapsed minutes to large; sT=" + startTime + " mAM=" + minutesAfterMidnight + " pL=" + progLength + " eM=" + elapsedMinutes);
elapsedMinutes = Math.min(elapsedMinutes, progLength);
int borderWidth = Settings.propProgramTableOnAirProgramsShowingBorder
.getBoolean() ? 1 : 0;
if (mAxis == ProgramPanelSettings.X_AXIS) {
// horizontal filling panel
int progressX = 0;
if (progLength > 0) {
progressX = elapsedMinutes * width / progLength;
Color c = Settings.propProgramTableColorOnAirDark.getColor();
grp.setColor(new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), (int)(c.getAlpha()*mProgramImportance/10.)));
int fillWidth = progressX - borderWidth;
if (fillWidth > 0) {
grp.fillRect(borderWidth, borderWidth, fillWidth, height - borderWidth);
c = Settings.propProgramTableColorOnAirLight.getColor();
grp.setColor(new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), (int)(c.getAlpha()*mProgramImportance/10.)));
fillWidth = width - progressX - borderWidth * 2;
if (fillWidth > 0) {
grp.fillRect(progressX, borderWidth, fillWidth, height - borderWidth);
} else {
// vertical filling panel
int progressY = 0;
if (progLength > 0) {
progressY = elapsedMinutes * height / progLength;
Color c = Settings.propProgramTableColorOnAirDark.getColor();
grp.setColor(new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), (int)(c.getAlpha()*mProgramImportance/10.)));
int fillHeight = progressY - borderWidth;
if (fillHeight > height) {
mLog.severe("paint program panel: fill height 1 to large");
fillHeight = height;
if (fillHeight > 0) {
grp.fillRect(borderWidth, borderWidth, width - borderWidth * 2, fillHeight);
c = Settings.propProgramTableColorOnAirLight.getColor();
grp.setColor(new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), (int)(c.getAlpha()*mProgramImportance/10.)));
fillHeight = height - progressY - borderWidth;
if (fillHeight > height) {
mLog.severe("paint program panel: fill height 2 to large");
fillHeight = height;
if (fillHeight > 0) {
grp.fillRect(borderWidth, progressY, width - borderWidth * 2, fillHeight);
if (Settings.propProgramTableOnAirProgramsShowingBorder.getBoolean()) {
grp.draw3DRect(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, true);
// If there are plugins that have marked the program -> paint the background
Marker[] markedByPluginArr = mProgram.getMarkerArr();
if (markedByPluginArr.length != 0) {
Color c = Plugin.getPluginManager().getTvBrowserSettings().getColorForMarkingPriority(mProgram.getMarkPriority());
if(c == null) {
c = Settings.propProgramPanelMarkedMinPriorityColor.getColor();
int alphaValue = (int)(c.getAlpha()*mProgramImportance/10.);
if(mProgram.isExpired()) {
grp.setColor(new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), (int)(alphaValue*6/10.)));
else {
grp.setColor(new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), alphaValue));
if(mProgram.getMarkPriority() > Program.NO_MARK_PRIORITY) {
if(Settings.propProgramPanelWithMarkingsShowingBoder.getBoolean()) {
grp.fill3DRect(0, 0, width, height, true);
else {
grp.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (mMouseOver || mIsSelected) {
Color test = Settings.propProgramTableMouseOverColor.getColor();
if (mIsSelected) {
test = Settings.propKeyboardSelectedColor.getColor();
grp.fillRect(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1);
Stroke str = grp.getStroke();
Color col = grp.getColor();
float[] dash = { 2.0f };
int lineWidth = 1;
BasicStroke dashed = new BasicStroke(lineWidth, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT,
BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f, dash, 0.0f);
grp.drawRect(lineWidth - 1, lineWidth - 1, width - lineWidth, height - lineWidth);
// Draw all the text
if (mPaintExpiredProgramsPale && mProgram.isExpired()) {
Color c = new Color(Color.gray.getRed(), Color.gray.getGreen(), Color.gray.getBlue(), (int)(Color.gray.getAlpha()*mProgramImportance/10.));
} else {
Color c = new Color(mTextColor.getRed(), mTextColor.getGreen(), mTextColor.getBlue(), (int)(mTextColor.getAlpha()*mProgramImportance/10.));
grp.drawString(mProgramTimeAsString, 1, mTimeFont.getSize());
mTitleIcon.paintIcon(this, grp, WIDTH_LEFT, 0);
if (!mSettings.isShowingOnlyDateAndTitle()) {
mPictureAreaIcon.paintIcon(this,grp, WIDTH_LEFT, mTitleIcon.getIconHeight());
if (mHeight >= mPreferredHeight) {
mDescriptionIcon.paintIcon(this, grp, WIDTH_LEFT, mTitleIcon
.getIconHeight() + mPictureAreaIcon.getIconHeight());
// Paint the icons pale if the program is expired
if (mPaintExpiredProgramsPale && mProgram.isExpired() && mProgramImportance == 10) {
else if (mProgramImportance != 10) {
AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, mProgramImportance/10F));
// paint the icons of the plugins that have marked the program (lower right corner)
int x = width - 1;
int y = mTitleIcon.getIconHeight() + mDescriptionIcon.getIconHeight()
+ mPictureAreaIcon.getIconHeight() + 18;
y = Math.min(y, height - 1);
for (Marker marker: markedByPluginArr) {
Icon[] icons = marker.getMarkIcons(mProgram);
if (icons != null) {
for(int i = icons.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
x -= icons[i].getIconWidth();
icons[i].paintIcon(this, grp, x, y - icons[i].getIconHeight());
// Paint the icons on the left side
if (mIconArr != null) {
y = mTimeFont.getSize() + 3;
Point iconsTopLeft = new Point(x, y);
// calculate height with double column layout
int sumHeights = -ICON_DISTANCE_Y;
int maxWidth = 0;
int rowWidth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mIconArr.length; i++) {
sumHeights += mIconArr[i].getIconHeight() + ICON_DISTANCE_Y;
if (i % 2 == 0) {
rowWidth = mIconArr[i].getIconWidth();
else {
rowWidth += mIconArr[i].getIconWidth();
if (rowWidth > maxWidth) {
maxWidth = rowWidth;
// single column of icons
int colCount = 1;
// layout icons in pairs
if ((y + sumHeights >= mHeight) && (maxWidth + 3 * ICON_DISTANCE_X < WIDTH_LEFT)) {
colCount = 2;
int iconHeight = 0;
int currentX = x;
for (int i = 0; i < mIconArr.length; i++) {
Icon icon = mIconArr[i];
boolean nextColumn = (colCount == 1) || (i % 2 == 0);
if (nextColumn) {
currentX = x;
iconHeight = icon.getIconHeight();
else {
iconHeight = Math.max(iconHeight, icon.getIconHeight());
if ((y + iconHeight) < mHeight) {
icon.paintIcon(this, grp, currentX, y);
if (nextColumn) {
currentX += icon.getIconWidth() + ICON_DISTANCE_X;
if (!nextColumn || (colCount == 1)) {
y += iconHeight + ICON_DISTANCE_Y;
// remember the size of this area for tooltip
if (colCount == 1) {
mInfoIconRect = new Rectangle(iconsTopLeft.x, iconsTopLeft.y, currentX
- iconsTopLeft.x, y - iconsTopLeft.y);
} else {
mInfoIconRect = new Rectangle(iconsTopLeft.x, iconsTopLeft.y, maxWidth,
y - iconsTopLeft.y + iconHeight);
// Reset the old composite
if (mPaintExpiredProgramsPale && mProgram.isExpired()) {
* Called when the panel is added to a container.
* <p>
* registers the panel as ChangeListener at the program.
public void addNotify() {
* Called when the panel is added to a container.
* <p>
* removes the panel as ChangeListener from the program.
public void removeNotify() {
* Gets the program object of this ProgramPanel.
* @return the program object of this ProgramPanel.
public Program getProgram() {
return mProgram;
* Adds a MouseListener that shows the plugin context menu when the user does
* a right click on the program panel.
* @param caller
* The ContextMenuIf to exclude from the context menu. When
* <code>null</code> no ContextMenuIf is excluded.
public void addPluginContextMenuMouseListener(final ContextMenuIf caller) {
addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
private Thread mLeftClickThread;
private boolean mPerformingSingleClick = false;
private Thread mMiddleSingleClickThread;
private boolean mPerformingMiddleSingleClick = false;
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
if (e.isPopupTrigger()) {
showPopup(e, caller);
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
if (e.isPopupTrigger()) {
showPopup(e, caller);
public void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent evt) {
if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(evt) && (evt.getClickCount() == 1) && (evt.getModifiersEx() == 0 || evt.getModifiersEx() == InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK)) {
mLeftClickThread = new Thread("Single click") {
private int modifiers;
public void run() {
modifiers = evt.getModifiersEx();
try {
mPerformingSingleClick = false;
mPerformingSingleClick = true;
if (modifiers == 0) {
Plugin.getPluginManager().handleProgramSingleClick(mProgram, caller);
else if (modifiers == InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK) {
Plugin.getPluginManager().handleProgramSingleCtrlClick(mProgram, caller);
mPerformingSingleClick = false;
} catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore
else if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(evt) && (evt.getClickCount() == 2) && evt.getModifiersEx() == 0) {
if(!mPerformingSingleClick && mLeftClickThread != null && mLeftClickThread.isAlive()) {
if(!mPerformingSingleClick) {
Plugin.getPluginManager().handleProgramDoubleClick(mProgram, caller);
else if (SwingUtilities.isMiddleMouseButton(evt) && (evt.getClickCount() == 1)) {
mMiddleSingleClickThread = new Thread("Single click") {
public void run() {
try {
mPerformingMiddleSingleClick = false;
mPerformingMiddleSingleClick = true;
Plugin.getPluginManager().handleProgramMiddleClick(mProgram, caller);
mPerformingMiddleSingleClick = false;
} catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore
else if (SwingUtilities.isMiddleMouseButton(evt) && (evt.getClickCount() == 2)) {
if(!mPerformingMiddleSingleClick && mMiddleSingleClickThread != null && mMiddleSingleClickThread.isAlive()) {
if(!mPerformingMiddleSingleClick) {
Plugin.getPluginManager().handleProgramMiddleDoubleClick(mProgram, caller);
* Shows the Popup
* @param evt
* Event for X/Y-Coordinates
* @param caller
* ContextMenuIf that called this
private void showPopup(MouseEvent evt, ContextMenuIf caller) {
if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(evt)) {
JPopupMenu menu = PluginProxyManager.createPluginContextMenu(mProgram,
menu.show(evt.getComponent(), evt.getX() - 15, evt.getY() - 15);
* Should be called, when the program has changed.
* <p>
* If you use this program panel directly (this is the case, when you have
* added it into a JPanel), you don't have to call this method. This is done
* automatically.
* <p>
* But if you use this panel just as renderer (e.g. for a list) you have to
* register at the programs as ChangeListener and call this method when
* {@link ChangeListener#stateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent)} was
* called.
* @see Program#addChangeListener(ChangeListener)
public void programHasChanged() {
// we need to remember changed state so we can update the plugin icons
// before painting
mHasChanged = true;
// implements ChangeListener
* Called when the state of the program has changed.
* <p>
* repaints the panel.
* @param evt
* The event describing the change.
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
if (mProgram.equals(evt.getSource())) {
* Sets the Color of the Text
* @param col
* Color of the Text
public void setTextColor(Color col) {
mTextColor = col;
* Returns the Color of the Text
* @return Color of the Text
public Color getTextColor() {
return mTextColor;
* Paints the ProgramPanel
* @param mouse
* under a Mouse and needs highlight?
* @param isSelected
* IsSelected program?
* @param g
* Graphics-Object
public void paint(boolean mouse, boolean isSelected, Graphics g) {
mMouseOver = mouse;
mIsSelected = isSelected;
* @return The smallest height possible.
public int getMinimumHeight() {
return mTitleIcon.getIconHeight() + mPictureAreaIcon.getIconHeight() + 3 + (Settings.propProgramPanelUsesExtraSpaceForMarkIcons.getBoolean() && mProgram.getMarkerArr().length > 0 ? 16 : 0);
* Sets if expired programs should be painted pale.
* <p>
* @param value <code>True</code> if expired programs should be painted pale,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @since 2.7
public void setPaintExpiredProgramsPale(boolean value) {
mPaintExpiredProgramsPale = value;
public void pluginActivated(PluginProxy plugin) {
if (plugin.getProgramTableIcons(Plugin.getPluginManager().getExampleProgram()) != null) {
public void pluginDeactivated(PluginProxy plugin) {
private void updatePrograms() {
public void pluginLoaded(PluginProxy plugin) {
// noop
public void pluginUnloaded(PluginProxy plugin) {
// noop
* get the tooltip text for the local mouse coordinates x and y
* @param x
* @param y
* @return tooltip text or null, if there is nothing "special" at the coordinates
public String getToolTipText(int x, int y) {
// tooltip for info icon area (on the left)
if (mInfoIconRect != null && mInfoIconRect.contains(x, y)) {
return getProgramInfoTooltip();
// tooltip for all marker icons
Marker[] markers = mProgram.getMarkerArr();
if (markers != null && markers.length > 0
&& x >= getWidth() - markers.length * 16 - 2) {
int markerY = mTitleIcon.getIconHeight()
+ mDescriptionIcon.getIconHeight() + mPictureAreaIcon.getIconHeight()
+ 2;
markerY = Math.min(markerY, getHeight() - 16);
if ((y >= markerY) && (y <= markerY + 16)) {
return getMarkedByTooltip();
// show full title if the title has been shortened
if (mTitleIcon.isTextCut()) {
return mProgram.getTitle();
return null;
private String getMarkedByTooltip() {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
Marker[] markers = mProgram.getMarkerArr();
for (int i = markers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Marker marker = markers[i];
String text = "";
PluginAccess plugin = Plugin.getPluginManager()
if (plugin != null) {
text = plugin.getInfo().getName();
} else {
InternalPluginProxyIf internalPlugin = InternalPluginProxyList
if (internalPlugin != null) {
text = internalPlugin.getName();
if (internalPlugin.equals(FavoritesPluginProxy.getInstance())) {
// if this is a favorite, add the names of the favorite
String favTitles = "";
for (Favorite favorite : FavoriteTreeModel.getInstance()
.getFavoritesContainingProgram(mProgram)) {
if (favTitles.length() > 0) {
favTitles += ", ";
favTitles += favorite.getName();
if (favTitles.length() > 0) {
text += " (" + favTitles + ')';
if (text.length() > 0) {
if (buffer.length() > 0) {
buffer.insert(0, "<html><b>" + mLocalizer.msg("markedBy", "Marked by")
+ "</b><br/>");
return buffer.toString();
return null;
private String getProgramInfoTooltip() {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("");
// program info icons
int info = mProgram.getInfo();
if (info > 0) {
int[] infoBitArr = ProgramInfoHelper.getInfoBits();
String[] infoIconFileName = ProgramInfoHelper.getInfoIconFilenames();
String[] infoMsgArr = ProgramInfoHelper.getInfoIconMessages();
for (int i = 0; i < infoBitArr.length; i++) {
if (ProgramInfoHelper.bitSet(info, infoBitArr[i])) {
if (infoIconFileName[i] != null) {
"<tr><td valign=\"middle\" align=\"center\"><img src=\"file:imgs/")
.append(infoIconFileName[i]).append("\"></td><td> ")
// plugin icons
for (PluginProxy proxy : PluginProxyManager.getInstance().getActivatedPlugins()) {
Icon[] pluginIcons = proxy.getProgramTableIcons(mProgram);
if (pluginIcons != null && pluginIcons.length > 0) {
"<tr><td valign=\"middle\" align=\"center\"> </td><td> ")
// HTML header and footer
if (buffer.length() > 0) {
buffer.insert(0, "<html><table cellpadding=\"1\">");
return buffer.toString();
return null;
* get the X offset of the title in pixels
* @return X offset of the title in pixels
public int getTitleX() {
return WIDTH_LEFT;
public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent event) {
return getToolTipText(event.getX(), event.getY());
public void setSize(Dimension d) {
public void setSize(int width, int height) {
super.setSize(width, height);
public void setWidth(int newWidth) {
int oldWidth = getWidth();
int textIconWidth = getTextIconWidth(newWidth);
if (oldWidth != newWidth && newWidth > 0 || (textIconWidth != mDescriptionIcon.getIconWidth() && textIconWidth > 0)) {
private int getTextIconWidth(final int fullWidth) {
return fullWidth - WIDTH_LEFT - 5;
* recreate the textual icons if the width of the program panel has changed
* @param newWidth
private void recreateTextIcons(int newWidth) {
int textIconWidth = getTextIconWidth(newWidth);
mTitleIcon = new TextAreaIcon(null, mTitleFont, textIconWidth);
mDescriptionIcon = new TextAreaIcon(null, mNormalFont, textIconWidth);
if (mProgram != null) {
Program p = mProgram;
mProgram = null;