* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package util.ui;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent;
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener;
import tvbrowser.ui.settings.MarkingsSettingsTab;
import tvbrowser.ui.settings.SettingsDialog;
import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints;
import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout;
import devplugin.SettingsItem;
* A class that is a panel that allows selection of the mark priority for programs.
* @author René Mach
* @since 2.5.3
public final class DefaultMarkingPrioritySelectionPanel extends JPanel {
* default serial version uid.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* the localizer for this class.
private static final Localizer LOCALIZER = Localizer.getLocalizerFor(DefaultMarkingPrioritySelectionPanel.class);
* the dropdowns for the mark priority selection.
private JComboBox[] mPrioritySelection;
* a comment/help text shown below the drop down for the
* mark prio selection.
private JEditorPane mHelpLabel;
* the seperator for the panel.
private JComponent mSeparator;
* the labels for the dropdowns.
private JComponent[] mLabel;
* @param priority which priority is selected in the drop down
* @param showTitle if true, show the title
* @param withDefaultDialogBorder if true, use the default border
private DefaultMarkingPrioritySelectionPanel(final int priority, final boolean showTitle, final boolean withDefaultDialogBorder) {
this(priority, LOCALIZER.msg("color", "Highlighting color"), showTitle, true, withDefaultDialogBorder);
* @param priority which priority is selected in the drop down
* @param label the label for the drop down
* @param showTitle if true, show the title
* @param showHelpLabel if true, show the help text
* @param withDefaultDialogBorder if true, use the default border
* @since 3.0
private DefaultMarkingPrioritySelectionPanel(final int priority, final String label, final boolean showTitle, final boolean showHelpLabel, final boolean withDefaultDialogBorder) {
this(new int[] {priority}, new String[] {label}, showTitle, showHelpLabel, withDefaultDialogBorder);
* the arrays for label and priority must have the same length. the index of
* both arrays must be in the range of an integer. both indexes must be > 0.
* @param priority which priority is selected in the dropdowns. must not be null.
* @param label the labels for the dropdowns. must not be null.
* @param showTitle if true, show the title
* @param showHelpLabel if true, show the help text
* @param withDefaultDialogBorder if true, use the default border
* @since 3.0
private DefaultMarkingPrioritySelectionPanel(final int[] priority, final String[] label, final boolean showTitle, final boolean showHelpLabel, final boolean withDefaultDialogBorder) {
CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints();
FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("5dlu,pref,5dlu,pref,0dlu:grow");
EnhancedPanelBuilder pb = new EnhancedPanelBuilder(layout,this);
//how many selectors do we have to draw?
int choosersToDraw = Math.min(priority.length, label.length);
if (withDefaultDialogBorder) {
//init the components
mLabel = new JComponent[choosersToDraw];
mPrioritySelection = new JComboBox[choosersToDraw];
//add all the sub components to this panel
if (showTitle) {
mSeparator = pb.addSeparator(getTitle(), cc.xyw(1, pb.getRowCount(), 5));
for (int i = 0; i < choosersToDraw; i++) {
mLabel[i] = pb.addLabel(label[i], cc.xy(2, pb.getRowCount()));
mPrioritySelection[i] = new JComboBox(getMarkingColorNames(true));
mPrioritySelection[i].setSelectedIndex(priority[i] + 1);
mPrioritySelection[i].setRenderer(new MarkPriorityComboBoxRenderer());
pb.add(mPrioritySelection[i], cc.xy(4, pb.getRowCount()));
if (showHelpLabel) {
mHelpLabel = UiUtilities.createHtmlHelpTextArea(LOCALIZER.msg("help", "The selected higlighting color is only shown if the program is higlighted by this plugin only or if the other higlightings have a lower or the same priority. The higlighting colors of the priorities can be changed in the <a href=\"#link\">higlighting settings</a>."), new HyperlinkListener() {
public void hyperlinkUpdate(final HyperlinkEvent e) {
if (e.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) {
pb.add(mHelpLabel, cc.xyw(2, pb.getRowCount(), 4));
* Creates an instance of this class.
* @param priority The current selected priority.
* @param showTitle If the title should be shown.
* @param withDefaultDialogBorder If the panel should show the default dialog border of FormLayouts PanelBuilder.
* @return The created instance of this class.
public static DefaultMarkingPrioritySelectionPanel createPanel(final int priority, final boolean showTitle, final boolean withDefaultDialogBorder) {
return new DefaultMarkingPrioritySelectionPanel(priority, showTitle, withDefaultDialogBorder);
* Creates an instance of this class.
* @param priority which priority is selected in the drop down
* @param label the label for the drop down
* @param showTitle if true, show the title
* @param showHelpLabel if true, show the help text
* @param withDefaultDialogBorder if true, use the default border
* @return The created instance of this class.
* @since 3.0
public static DefaultMarkingPrioritySelectionPanel createPanel(final int priority, final String label, final boolean showTitle, final boolean showHelpLabel, final boolean withDefaultDialogBorder) {
return new DefaultMarkingPrioritySelectionPanel(priority, label, showTitle, showHelpLabel, withDefaultDialogBorder);
* the arrays for label and priority must have the same length. the index of
* both arrays must be in the range of an integer. both indexes must be > 0.
* @param priority which priority is selected in the dropdowns. must not be null.
* @param label the labels for the dropdowns. must not be null.
* @param showTitle if true, show the title
* @param showHelpLabel if true, show the help text
* @param withDefaultDialogBorder if true, use the default border
* @return The created instance of this class.
* @since 3.0
public static DefaultMarkingPrioritySelectionPanel createPanel(final int[] priority, final String[] label, final boolean showTitle, final boolean showHelpLabel, final boolean withDefaultDialogBorder) {
return new DefaultMarkingPrioritySelectionPanel(priority, label, showTitle, showHelpLabel, withDefaultDialogBorder);
* @return The selected marking priority of the first dropdown
public int getSelectedPriority() {
return mPrioritySelection[0].getSelectedIndex() - 1;
* @param index the index of the dropdown
* @return The selected marking priority of the dropdown with the given index
public int getSelectedPriority(final int index) {
return mPrioritySelection[index].getSelectedIndex() - 1;
* @return The selected marking priorities of all dropdowns
public int[] getSelectedPriorities() {
int[] prios = new int[mPrioritySelection.length];
for (int i = 0; i < mPrioritySelection.length; i++)
prios[i] = getSelectedPriority(i);
return prios;
* Gets the title of this settings panel.
* @return The title of this settings panel.
public static String getTitle() {
return LOCALIZER.msg("title", "Highlighting");
* Gets the name of the marking colors in an array sorted from the lowest to the highest priority.
* <p>
* @param withNoMarkPriority If the array should contain the no mark priority name.
* @return The names of the marking colors in an array sorted from the lowest to the highest priority.
* @since 2.7
public static String[] getMarkingColorNames(final boolean withNoMarkPriority) {
if (withNoMarkPriority) {
return new String[] {MarkingsSettingsTab.mLocalizer.msg("color.noPriority", "Don't highlight"), MarkingsSettingsTab.mLocalizer.msg("color.minPriority", "1. Color (minimum priority)"), MarkingsSettingsTab.mLocalizer.msg("color.lowerMediumPriority", "2. Color (lower medium priority)"), MarkingsSettingsTab.mLocalizer.msg("color.mediumPriority", "3. Color (Medium priority)"), MarkingsSettingsTab.mLocalizer.msg("color.higherMediumPriority", "4. Color (higher medium priority)"), MarkingsSettingsTab.mLocalizer.msg("color.maxPriority", "5. Color (maximum priority)")};
else {
return new String[] {MarkingsSettingsTab.mLocalizer.msg("color.minPriority", "1. Color (minimum priority)"), MarkingsSettingsTab.mLocalizer.msg("color.lowerMediumPriority", "2. Color (lower medium priority)"), MarkingsSettingsTab.mLocalizer.msg("color.mediumPriority", "3. Color (Medium priority)"), MarkingsSettingsTab.mLocalizer.msg("color.higherMediumPriority", "4. Color (higher medium priority)"), MarkingsSettingsTab.mLocalizer.msg("color.maxPriority", "5. Color (maximum priority)")};
* this enables the panel and all its subcomponents.
* @param enabled true to enable this panel, false otherwise
* @see javax.swing.JComponent#setEnabled(boolean)
public void setEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
if (mSeparator != null) {
if (mHelpLabel != null)
for (int i = 0; i < mLabel.length; i++)