* TV-Browser
* Copyright (C) 04-2003 Martin Oberhauser (martin_oat@yahoo.de)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package tvraterplugin;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import tvbrowser.ui.pluginview.Node;
import util.io.IOUtilities;
import util.ui.ImageUtilities;
import util.ui.Localizer;
import devplugin.ActionMenu;
import devplugin.Channel;
import devplugin.Date;
import devplugin.Marker;
import devplugin.Plugin;
import devplugin.PluginInfo;
import devplugin.PluginTreeNode;
import devplugin.PluginsFilterComponent;
import devplugin.PluginsProgramFilter;
import devplugin.Program;
import devplugin.ProgramRatingIf;
import devplugin.SettingsTab;
import devplugin.Version;
* This Plugin gives the User the possibility to rate a Movie
* TODO: Get Personal Ratings from Server
* TODO: Send Original-Titles to Server
* @author Bodo Tasche
public class TVRaterPlugin extends devplugin.Plugin {
private static final Version mVersion = new Version(3,0);
protected final static int MINLENGTH = 15;
private TVRaterSettings mSettings;
* Root-Node for the Program-Tree
private PluginTreeNode mRootNode;
private static final Localizer mLocalizer = Localizer
* ID of the favorites plugin for recognition of unrated favorites
private static final String FAVORITES_PLUGIN_ID = "favoritesplugin.FavoritesPlugin";
private Database mTvraterDB = new Database();
/** Instance of this Plugin */
private static TVRaterPlugin _tvRaterInstance;
private PluginInfo mPluginInfo;
* flag indicating that the host program has started
private boolean mStartFinished;
* cache for large context menu icon
private ImageIcon mLargeIcon;
* cache for small context menu icon
private ImageIcon mSmallIcon;
public TVRaterPlugin() {
_tvRaterInstance = this;
public static Version getVersion() {
return mVersion;
public PluginInfo getInfo() {
if (mPluginInfo == null) {
final String name = mLocalizer.msg("pluginName", "TV Rater");
final String desc = mLocalizer
"Gives the User the possibility to rate a Show/Movie and get ratings from other Users");
final String author = "Bodo Tasche";
mPluginInfo = new PluginInfo(TVRaterPlugin.class, name, desc, author);
return mPluginInfo;
public ActionMenu getButtonAction() {
AbstractAction action = new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) {
action.putValue(Action.NAME, mLocalizer.msg("pluginName", "TV Rater"));
action.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, getSmallIcon());
action.putValue(BIG_ICON, getLargeIcon());
return new ActionMenu(action);
private ImageIcon getLargeIcon() {
if (mLargeIcon == null) {
mLargeIcon = new ImageIcon(ImageUtilities.createImageFromJar(
"tvraterplugin/imgs/tvrater22.png", TVRaterPlugin.class));
return mLargeIcon;
private ImageIcon getSmallIcon() {
if (mSmallIcon == null) {
mSmallIcon = new ImageIcon(ImageUtilities.createImageFromJar(
"tvraterplugin/imgs/tvrater.png", TVRaterPlugin.class));
return mSmallIcon;
* This method is invoked by the host-application if the user has chosen your
* plugin from the menu.
public void showDialog() {
if ((mSettings.getName().isEmpty())
|| (mSettings.getPassword().isEmpty())) {
} else {
final DialogOverview dlg = new DialogOverview(getParentFrame(), this);
layoutWindow("dialogOverview", dlg);
public ActionMenu getContextMenuActions(final Program program) {
AbstractAction action = new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) {
if (getRating(program) != null) {
action.putValue(Action.NAME, mLocalizer.msg("contextMenuText",
"View rating"));
} else {
action.putValue(Action.NAME, mLocalizer.msg("contextNoRating",
"Rate program"));
action.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, getSmallIcon());
return new ActionMenu(action);
public void showRatingDialog(final Program program) {
if ((mSettings.getName().isEmpty())
|| (mSettings.getPassword().isEmpty())) {
} else {
DialogRating dlg = new DialogRating(getParentFrame(), this, program);
layoutWindow("dialogRatin", dlg);
* Show a Information-Dialog if the Plugin was not configured yet
private void showNotConfigured() {
int ret = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(getParentFrame(), mLocalizer.msg(
"noUserText", "No user specified. Do you want to do this now?"),
mLocalizer.msg("noUserTitle", "No user specified"),
if (ret == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
public Properties storeSettings() {
return mSettings.storeSettings();
public void loadSettings(final Properties properties) {
this.mSettings = new TVRaterSettings(properties);
public SettingsTab getSettingsTab() {
return new TVRaterSettingsTab(mSettings);
public String getMarkIconName() {
return "tvraterplugin/imgs/missingrating.png";
* Gets the description text for the program table icons provided by this
* Plugin.
* <p>
* Return <code>null</code> if your plugin does not provide this feature.
* @return The description text for the program table icons.
* @see #getProgramTableIcons(Program)
public String getProgramTableIconText() {
return mLocalizer.msg("icon", "Rating");
* Gets the icons this Plugin provides for the given program. These icons
* will be shown in the program table under the start time.
* <p>
* Return <code>null</code> if your plugin does not provide this feature.
* @param program
* The programs to get the icons for.
* @return The icons for the given program or <code>null</code>.
* @see #getProgramTableIconText()
public Icon[] getProgramTableIcons(final Program program) {
if (program == getPluginManager().getExampleProgram()) {
return new Icon[] { RatingIconTextFactory.getImageIconForRating(3) };
final Rating rating = getRating(program);
if (rating != null) {
return new Icon[] { RatingIconTextFactory.getImageIconForRating(rating
.getOverallRating()) };
return new Icon[0];
* Returns the Rating for a program.
* This Function returns the personal rating if the settings say these ratings
* are preferred<br>
* synchronized because this method is exposed to other plugins via rating interface
* @param program Get rating for this program
* @return Rating
public synchronized Rating getRating(final Program program) {
if (mSettings.getPreferOwnRating()) {
Rating rating = getPersonalRating(program);
if (rating != null) {
return rating;
return mTvraterDB.getServerRating(program);
* Get the personal rating for the given program
* @param program
* @return personal rating or <code>null</code> if no personal rating is available
* @since 2.6
private Rating getPersonalRating(final Program program) {
return mTvraterDB.getPersonalRating(program);
* Returns the Database for the Ratings
* @return Rating-Database
public Database getDatabase() {
return mTvraterDB;
* Called by the host-application during start-up.
* @see #writeData(ObjectOutputStream)
public void readData(final ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException,
ClassNotFoundException {
* Counterpart to loadData. Called when the application shuts down.
* @see #readData(ObjectInputStream)
public void writeData(final ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
if (mRootNode != null && !mRootNode.isEmpty()) {
* Gets the parent frame.
* <p>
* The parent frame may be used for showing dialogs.
* @return The parent frame.
public java.awt.Frame getParentFrameForTVRater() {
return getParentFrame();
public void handleTvBrowserStartFinished() {
mStartFinished = true;
if (mSettings.getUpdateInterval() == UpdateInterval.OnStart) {
public void handleTvDataUpdateFinished() {
if (!((mSettings.getName().isEmpty()) || (mSettings
&& mStartFinished && IOUtilities.getMinutesAfterMidnight() > 1) {
if (mSettings.getUpdateInterval() != UpdateInterval.Manually) {
if (mRootNode != null) {
* Updates the Database
* @param showMessage
protected void runUpdate(final boolean showMessage, final Runnable afterUpdate) {
final TVRaterPlugin tvrater = this;
Thread updateThread = new Thread("TV Rater update") {
public void run() {
try {
sleep(getPluginManager().getTvBrowserSettings().getAutoDownloadWaitingTime() * 1000);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
Updater up = new Updater(tvrater, mSettings);
if (showMessage) {
if (up.wasSuccessfull()) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getParentFrameForTVRater(), mLocalizer.msg("updateSuccess",
"Update was successfull!"));
if (afterUpdate != null) {
private void updateDB() {
runUpdate(false, null);
* Returns an Instance of this Plugin
* @return Instance of this Plugin
public static TVRaterPlugin getInstance() {
return _tvRaterInstance;
* Returns true if Program is rateable (Length > MINLENGTH or last Program of Day)
* @param program Program to check
* @return true if program is rateable
public boolean isProgramRateable(final Program program) {
if ((program.getTitle() != null)
&& (program.getLength() >= TVRaterPlugin.MINLENGTH)) {
return true;
if ((program.getTitle() != null) && (program.getLength() <= 0)) {
Channel channel = program.getChannel();
if (channel == null) {
return false;
Date date = program.getDate();
if (date == null) {
return false;
Program last = null;
for (Iterator<Program> it = Plugin.getPluginManager().getChannelDayProgram(program.getDate(), channel); it.hasNext();) {
last = it.next();
if (program == last) {
return true;
return false;
public Class<? extends PluginsFilterComponent>[] getAvailableFilterComponentClasses() {
//manually cast to avoid unsafe compiler cast
return new Class[] { TVRaterFilter.class, TVRaterFilterAllCategories.class };
public PluginsProgramFilter[] getAvailableFilter() {
return new PluginsProgramFilter[] { new TVRaterProgramFilter(this) };
* Force an update of the currently shown programs in the program table
* where we need to add/update a TV rating.
* Internally called after a successful update of the TV ratings database.
* @since 2.6
public void updateCurrentDate() {
// dont update the UI if the rating updater runs on TV-Browser start
if (!mStartFinished) {
Date currentDate = getPluginManager().getCurrentDate();
final Channel[] channels = getPluginManager().getSubscribedChannels();
for (Channel channel : channels) {
for (Iterator<Program> iter = getPluginManager().getChannelDayProgram(currentDate, channel); iter.hasNext();) {
Program prog = iter.next();
if (getRating(prog) != null) {
public boolean canUseProgramTree() {
return true;
public PluginTreeNode getRootNode() {
if (mRootNode == null) {
mRootNode = new PluginTreeNode(this);
final Node mutableTreeNode = mRootNode.getMutableTreeNode();
new ImageIcon(ImageUtilities.createImageFromJar(
"tvraterplugin/imgs/missingrating.png", TVRaterPlugin.class)));
if (mRootNode.isEmpty()) {
return mRootNode;
protected void updateRootNode() {
* collect all expired favorites without rating for the plugin tree
* @since 2.6
private void updateRootNode(final boolean force) {
if (!mStartFinished) {
Collection<Rating> ratings = getDatabase().getServerRatings();
// do not recalculate the tree if we have no rating database
if (ratings.size() == 0) {
// sort ratings by title, so the nodes in the tree are sorted
Rating[] ratingsArr = new Rating[ratings.size()];
Arrays.sort(ratingsArr, new Comparator<Rating>() {
public int compare(Rating arg0, Rating arg1) {
return arg0.getTitle().compareTo(arg1.getTitle());
// add top ratings for each category
HashMap<String, HashSet<PluginTreeNode>> titles = new HashMap<String, HashSet<PluginTreeNode>>();
// find all ratings with high values
ArrayList<PluginTreeNode> listOverall = new ArrayList<PluginTreeNode>();
ArrayList<PluginTreeNode> listAction = new ArrayList<PluginTreeNode>();
ArrayList<PluginTreeNode> listFun = new ArrayList<PluginTreeNode>();
ArrayList<PluginTreeNode> listErotic = new ArrayList<PluginTreeNode>();
ArrayList<PluginTreeNode> listTension = new ArrayList<PluginTreeNode>();
ArrayList<PluginTreeNode> listEntitlement = new ArrayList<PluginTreeNode>();
for (Rating rating : ratingsArr) {
addTitle(titles, listOverall, rating, rating.getOverallRating());
addTitle(titles, listAction, rating, rating.getActionRating());
addTitle(titles, listFun, rating, rating.getFunRating());
addTitle(titles, listErotic, rating, rating.getEroticRating());
addTitle(titles, listTension, rating, rating.getTensionRating());
addTitle(titles, listEntitlement, rating, rating.getEntitlementRating());
// now find the programs which match the previously collected titles
Channel[] channels = Plugin.getPluginManager().getSubscribedChannels();
Date date = Date.getCurrentDate();
for (int d = 0; d < 31; d++) {
for (Channel channel : channels) {
for (Iterator<Program> it = Plugin.getPluginManager().getChannelDayProgram(date, channel); it.hasNext();) {
Program program = it.next();
if (program != null) {
String title = program.getTitle();
if (title != null) {
HashSet<PluginTreeNode> nodes = titles.get(title);
if (nodes != null) {
for (PluginTreeNode titleNode : nodes) {
date = date.addDays(1);
// now add the title nodes to the plugin tree
PluginTreeNode topOverall = mRootNode.addNode(mLocalizer.msg("topOverall", "Top programs"));
PluginTreeNode topAction = mRootNode.addNode(mLocalizer.msg("topAction", "Top action"));
PluginTreeNode topFun = mRootNode.addNode(mLocalizer.msg("topFun", "Top fun"));
PluginTreeNode topErotic = mRootNode.addNode(mLocalizer.msg("topErotic", "Top erotic"));
PluginTreeNode topTension = mRootNode.addNode(mLocalizer.msg("topTension", "Top tension"));
PluginTreeNode topEntitlement = mRootNode.addNode(mLocalizer.msg("topEntitlement", "Top entitlement"));
addList(topOverall, listOverall);
addList(topAction, listAction);
addList(topFun, listFun);
addList(topErotic, listErotic);
addList(topTension, listTension);
addList(topEntitlement, listEntitlement);
// add unrated favorites
PluginTreeNode favoritesNode = mRootNode.addNode(mLocalizer.msg(
"unratedFavorites", "Unrated favorites"));
Program[] programs = getPluginManager().getMarkedPrograms();
// search all unrated favorites
List<Program> unratedFavs = new ArrayList<Program>();
for (Program program : programs) {
if (program.isExpired()) {
Marker[] markers = program.getMarkerArr();
for (Marker marker : markers) {
if (marker.getId()
.equalsIgnoreCase(FAVORITES_PLUGIN_ID)) {
if (getPersonalRating(program) == null) {
private void addList(final PluginTreeNode topNode,
final ArrayList<PluginTreeNode> titleList) {
for (PluginTreeNode titleNode : titleList) {
if (!titleNode.isEmpty()) {
private void addTitle(final HashMap<String, HashSet<PluginTreeNode>> titles,
final ArrayList<PluginTreeNode> list, final Rating rating,
final int ratingValue) {
if (ratingValue >= 4) {
PluginTreeNode titleNode = new PluginTreeNode(rating.getTitle());
HashSet<PluginTreeNode> nodes = titles.get(rating.getTitle());
if (nodes == null) {
nodes = new HashSet<PluginTreeNode>();
titles.put(rating.getTitle(), nodes);
public void onActivation() {
// the root node will only be update after the start-finished event
if (mRootNode != null) {
public ProgramRatingIf[] getRatingInterfaces() {
return new ProgramRatingIf[] {new ProgramRatingIf() {
public String getName() {
return mLocalizer.msg("pluginName", "TV Addicted Rating");
public Icon getIcon() {
String iconName = "tvraterplugin/imgs/tvrater.png";
return ImageUtilities.createImageIconFromJar(iconName, getClass());
public int getRatingForProgram(final Program p) {
Rating rating = getRating(p);
if (rating != null) {
return rating.getOverallRating() * 20;
return -1;
public Icon getIconForProgram(final Program p) {
Rating rating = getRating(p);
if (rating != null) {
return RatingIconTextFactory.getImageIconForRating(rating.getOverallRating());
return null;
public boolean hasDetailsDialog() {
return true;
public void showDetailsFor(final Program p) {
protected UpdateInterval getUpdateInterval() {
return mSettings.getUpdateInterval();