* TV-Browser
* Copyright (C) 04-2003 Martin Oberhauser (darras@users.sourceforge.net)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* CVS information:
* $RCSfile$
* $Source$
* $Date: 2010-06-28 19:33:48 +0200 (Mon, 28 Jun 2010) $
* $Author: bananeweizen $
* $Revision: 6662 $
package tvbrowserdataservice.file;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
import util.exc.TvBrowserException;
import util.io.DownloadJob;
import util.io.FileFormatException;
import util.io.IOUtilities;
import devplugin.Date;
* @author Til Schneider, www.murfman.de
public class DayProgramFile extends AbstractFile {
private transient devplugin.Channel mChannel;
private transient devplugin.Date mDate;
/** The localizer for this class. */
private static final util.ui.Localizer mLocalizer
= util.ui.Localizer.getLocalizerFor(DayProgramFile.class);
private static final TvDataLevel[] LEVEL_ARR = new TvDataLevel[] {
new TvDataLevel("base", mLocalizer.msg("basicTVListings","Basic TV listings"),true),
new TvDataLevel("more00-16",mLocalizer.msg("more00-16","")),
new TvDataLevel("more16-00",mLocalizer.msg("more16-00","")),
new TvDataLevel("picture00-16", mLocalizer.msg("picture00-16","")),
new TvDataLevel("picture16-00", mLocalizer.msg("picture16-00","")),
private static final int FILE_VERSION = 1;
private static final int ADDITIONAL_FILE_VERSION = 1;
private int mVersion;
private ArrayList<ProgramFrame> mProgramFrameList;
public DayProgramFile() {
mVersion = 1;
mProgramFrameList = new ArrayList<ProgramFrame>();
public DayProgramFile(devplugin.Date date, devplugin.Channel channel) {
public devplugin.Date getDate() {
return mDate;
public devplugin.Channel getChannel() {
return mChannel;
public int getVersion() {
return mVersion;
* @param version
public void setVersion(int version) {
mVersion = version;
public int getProgramFrameCount() {
return mProgramFrameList.size();
public ProgramFrame getProgramFrameAt(int index) {
return mProgramFrameList.get(index);
public void removeProgramFrameAt(int index) {
public void removeAllProgramFrames() {
public void addProgramFrame(ProgramFrame frame) {
public int getProgramFrameIndexForId(int id) {
for (int i = 0; i < getProgramFrameCount(); i++) {
if (getProgramFrameAt(i).getId() == id) {
return i;
// Nothing found
return -1;
* Updates this complete file with an update file.
* @param updateFile The update to use to patch this day program file.
* @throws FileFormatException If the update file does not have a higher
* version as this file.
* @see #updateUpdateFile(DayProgramFile)
* @see #merge(DayProgramFile)
public void updateCompleteFile(DayProgramFile updateFile)
throws FileFormatException
// Go through all frames in the update file
merge(updateFile, false, true);
* Updates this update file with an update file.
* @param updateFile The update to use to patch this day program file.
* @throws FileFormatException If the update file does not have a higher
* version as this file.
* @see #updateCompleteFile(DayProgramFile)
* @see #merge(DayProgramFile)
public void updateUpdateFile(DayProgramFile updateFile)
throws FileFormatException
// Go through all frames in the update file
merge(updateFile, true, true);
* Merges the day program file with a day program file of another level.
* @param otherProg The day program file to merge with this file.
* @throws FileFormatException If merging failed.
* @see #updateCompleteFile(DayProgramFile)
* @see #updateUpdateFile(DayProgramFile)
public void merge(DayProgramFile otherProg) throws FileFormatException {
merge(otherProg, false, false);
* Merges two day program files.
* @param otherFile The day program file to merge with this one.
* @param thisIsUpdateFile Specifies whether this is an update file.
* When an update file is updated for each empty frame in the other
* file a empty frame in this frame is created.
* When a complete file is updated for each empty frame in the other
* file the frame in this file is deleted.
* @param otherIsUpdateFile Specifies whether the other file is an update
* file.
* If this file is updated, an empty frame in the other file causes a
* deletion of the frame (or the creation of an empty frame).
* If this file is merged with another complete file, an empty frame in
* the other file is ignored.
* @throws FileFormatException If the version of the update file is not higher
* than the version of this file
private void merge(DayProgramFile otherFile, boolean thisIsUpdateFile,
boolean otherIsUpdateFile)
throws FileFormatException
// Check the version
if (otherIsUpdateFile && (otherFile.getVersion() <= getVersion())) {
throw new FileFormatException("Update file must have a higher version ("
+ otherFile.getVersion() + " <= " + getVersion() + ")");
// Go through all frames in the merge the day programs
for (int frameNr = 0; frameNr < otherFile.getProgramFrameCount(); frameNr++) {
ProgramFrame frame = otherFile.getProgramFrameAt(frameNr);
// Check whether this frame is obsolete
// This is the case when the frame is empty (= has no fields)
if (frame.getProgramFieldCount() == 0) {
// Check whether this is an complete or an update file
if (thisIsUpdateFile) {
// The new update file says that this frame is obsolete
// -> Add an empty frame to this update file, too
// Remove an existing frame first
int index = getProgramFrameIndexForId(frame.getId());
if (index != -1) {
// Add the empty frame (to mark the frame as obsolete)
addProgramFrame(new ProgramFrame(frame.getId()));
} else {
if (otherIsUpdateFile) {
int index = getProgramFrameIndexForId(frame.getId());
if (index != -1) {
// The update says, that this frame is obsolete -> delete it
} else {
// The other file is a complete file too (maybe from another level)
// -> Ignore empty frames
} else {
// Insert or update the frame
// Check whether we already have such a frame
int index = getProgramFrameIndexForId(frame.getId());
ProgramFrame targetFrame;
if (index == -1) {
// This is an insert
targetFrame = new ProgramFrame(frame.getId());
} else {
// This is an update
targetFrame = getProgramFrameAt(index);
// Replace all fields the update file provides
for (int i = 0; i < frame.getProgramFieldCount(); i++) {
ProgramField field = frame.getProgramFieldAt(i);
// Remove the old field, if present
int fieldIdx = targetFrame.getProgramFieldIndexForTypeId(field.getTypeId());
if (fieldIdx != -1) {
// Check whether to update or delete the field
if (field.getBinaryData() == null && !thisIsUpdateFile) {
// This field should be deleted -> Ignore if this is no update file
} else {
/* This field should be updated or deleted in an update file ->
* Add a copy of the field
ProgramField copy = (ProgramField) field.clone();
/* If the frame now is empty we have to remove it to prevent
* it is misinterpreted as a to deleting program frame */
if(frame.getProgramFieldCount() == 0) {
index = getProgramFrameIndexForId(frame.getId());
if(index != -1) {
if (otherIsUpdateFile) {
// Upgrade to the new version
public void checkFormat() throws FileFormatException {
// Check whether there are duplicate program IDs
for (int i = 0; i < getProgramFrameCount(); i++) {
ProgramFrame frame = getProgramFrameAt(i);
// Check whether there is a program that has the same ID than this one
for (int j = i + 1; j < getProgramFrameCount(); j++) {
ProgramFrame cmp = getProgramFrameAt(j);
if (frame.getId() == cmp.getId()) {
throw new FileFormatException("Program #" + i + " and program #" + j
+ " have the same ID: " + frame.getId());
* Reads only the version from a stream.
* @param stream The stream to read from
* @return The version of the file
* @throws IOException If reading failed
* @throws FileFormatException If the file has a unknown file version
public static int readVersionFromStream(InputStream stream)
throws IOException, FileFormatException
InputStream gIn = IOUtilities.openSaveGZipInputStream(stream);
int fileVersion = gIn.read();
if (fileVersion > FILE_VERSION) {
throw new FileFormatException("Unknown file version: " + fileVersion);
int version = gIn.read();
return version;
public static int readVersionFromFile(File file)
throws IOException, FileFormatException
BufferedInputStream stream = null;
try {
stream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file), 0x4000);
return readVersionFromStream(stream);
finally {
if (stream != null) {
try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException exc) {}
public void readFromStream(InputStream stream, DownloadJob job)
throws IOException, FileFormatException
InputStream gIn = IOUtilities.openSaveGZipInputStream(stream);
int fileVersion = gIn.read();
if (fileVersion > FILE_VERSION) {
throw new FileFormatException("Unknown file version: " + fileVersion);
mVersion = gIn.read();
int programCount = gIn.read();
if(programCount == 254) {
try {
if(job.getServerUrl() != null) {
String url = job.getServerUrl() + (job.getServerUrl().endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + getAdditionalFileName(job.getFileName());
programCount = readProgCountFromStream(IOUtilities.getStream(new URL(url)));
} else {
programCount = readProgCountFromStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(getAdditionalFileName(job.getFileName())), 0x4000));
}catch(Exception e) {}
for (int i = 0; i < programCount; i++) {
ProgramFrame frame = new ProgramFrame();
private int readProgCountFromStream(InputStream stream) throws IOException, FileFormatException {
InputStream gIn = IOUtilities.openSaveGZipInputStream(stream);
gIn.read(); //version
int count = ((gIn.read() & 0xFF) << 8 ) | (gIn.read() & 0xFF);
return count;
private void writeProgCountToStream(OutputStream stream) throws IOException, FileFormatException {
GZIPOutputStream gOut = new GZIPOutputStream(stream);
int count = getProgramFrameCount();
gOut.write((byte) (count >> 8));
gOut.write((byte) (count & 0xFF));
public void writeToStream(OutputStream stream, File file)
throws IOException, FileFormatException
GZIPOutputStream gOut = new GZIPOutputStream(stream);
String fileName = getAdditionalFileName(file.toString());
if(new File(fileName).isFile()) {
new File(fileName).delete();
if(getProgramFrameCount() >= 254) {
if(file != null) {
FileOutputStream write = null;
try {
write = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
}catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();
try {
}catch(Exception e2) {}
(new File(fileName)).delete();
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < getProgramFrameCount(); i++) {
ProgramFrame frame = getProgramFrameAt(i);
private String getAdditionalFileName(String fileName) {
int index = fileName.indexOf("_update_");
if(index != -1) {
return fileName.substring(0,index) + fileName.substring(index+8,fileName.indexOf(".prog.gz")) + "_additional.prog.gz";
} else {
return fileName.substring(0,fileName.indexOf(".prog.gz")) + "_additional.prog.gz";
public String getProgramFileName() {
if (mChannel==null || mDate==null) {
return null;
return getProgramFileName(mDate,mChannel);
public static String getProgramFileName(Date date, devplugin.Channel channel) {
return getProgramFileName(date,channel.getCountry(),channel.getId());
public static String getProgramFileName(Date date, String country,
String channel)
return getProgramFileName(date, country, channel, "raw", -1);
public static String getProgramFileName(Date date, String country,
String channel, String level)
return getProgramFileName(date, country, channel, level, -1);
public static String getProgramFileName(Date date, String country,
String channel, String level, int updateVersion)
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(50);
buf.append(date.getMonth() < 10 ? "0" : "");
buf.append(date.getDayOfMonth() < 10 ? "0" : "");
if (updateVersion > 0) {
} else {
return buf.toString();
public static Date getDateFromFileName(String fileName)
throws TvBrowserException
try {
// E.g. '2003-10-04_de_premiere-1_base_update_15.prog.gz'
// or '2003-10-04_de_premiere-1_base_full.prog.gz'
int year = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(0, 4));
int month = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(5, 7));
int day = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(8, 10));
return new Date(year, month, day);
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new TvBrowserException(DayProgramFile.class, "error.1",
"Program file name has wrong syntax: {0}", fileName, exc);
public static String getCountryFromFileName(String fileName)
throws TvBrowserException
try {
// E.g. '2003-10-04_de_premiere-1_base_update_15.prog.gz'
// or '2003-10-04_de_premiere-1_base_full.prog.gz'
return fileName.substring(11, 13);
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new TvBrowserException(DayProgramFile.class, "error.1",
"Program file name has wrong syntax: {0}", fileName, exc);
public static String getChannelNameFromFileName(String fileName)
throws TvBrowserException
try {
// E.g. '2003-10-04_de_premiere-1_base_update_15.prog.gz'
// or '2003-10-04_de_premiere-1_base_full.prog.gz'
int channelEnd = fileName.indexOf('_', 14);
return fileName.substring(14, channelEnd);
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new TvBrowserException(DayProgramFile.class, "error.1",
"Program file name has wrong syntax: {0}", fileName, exc);
public static String getLevelFromFileName(String fileName)
throws TvBrowserException
try {
// E.g. '2003-10-04_de_premiere-1_base_update_15.prog.gz'
// or '2003-10-04_de_premiere-1_base_full.prog.gz'
int channelEnd = fileName.indexOf('_', 14);
int levelEnd = fileName.indexOf('_', channelEnd + 1);
return fileName.substring(channelEnd + 1, levelEnd);
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new TvBrowserException(DayProgramFile.class, "error.1",
"Program file name has wrong syntax: {0}", fileName, exc);
public static int getLevelIndexForId(String levelId) {
for (int i = 0; i < LEVEL_ARR.length; i++) {
if (levelId.equals(LEVEL_ARR[i].getId())) {
return i;
return -1;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof DayProgramFile) {
DayProgramFile file = (DayProgramFile) obj;
if (getProgramFrameCount() != file.getProgramFrameCount()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < getProgramFrameCount(); i++) {
ProgramFrame frame = getProgramFrameAt(i);
int index = file.getProgramFrameIndexForId(frame.getId());
if (index == -1) {
return false;
} else {
if (! frame.equals(file.getProgramFrameAt(index))) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static TvDataLevel[] getLevels() {
return LEVEL_ARR.clone();